“His potential is indeed very great. If we groom him properly, he migh terjemahan - “His potential is indeed very great. If we groom him properly, he migh Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

“His potential is indeed very great

“His potential is indeed very great. If we groom him properly, he might well be another strong person at the peak.” One gray-robed old man softly said, “We need not be too worried about the Misty Cloud Sect. With just one Dou Zong, they don’t have the courage to do anything to us, the Jia Nan Academy.”

“The Misty Cloud Sect is indeed nothing… but behind them…” The Deputy Headmaster furrowed his brows. He had just spoken half way when he suddenly became quiet. His expression was changing slightly. Finally, he did not reveal some of the more sensitive matters. He waved his hands and said, “We should secretly observe Xiao Yan a little. If there is really value in grooming him, we can give it a try.”

“Yes…” When they heard this, the other old men did not have any objections as they nodded their heads. They exchanged gazes with one another as they saw the Deputy Headmaster becoming silent. Their bodies swayed slightly and strangely disappeared from their chairs.


The late night was quiet as the faint moonlight scattered downward. That specially unique house appeared unusually quiet under the moonlight.

A white shadow suddenly flashed out from the quiet night. His feet gently pressed against a tree branch as his body elegantly drifted onto a small pile of rubbles not far from the house. His calm gaze shot directly toward a certain room of the house, and a faint silver-colored Dou Qi, that could be partially seen, seeped out from within his body.


After merely an instant after the Dou Qi within the white shadow surfaced, a black shadow shot out from within the house in a lightning-like manner. After leaping and sweeping past a couple of times, he steadily landed on a huge rock not far from the white shadow. He lifted his head slowly and indifferently eyed that white-clothed, handsome, straight and tall man.

The two pairs of pupils collided in the dark night. Some sparks shot out without any forewarning.

“Leave her.” The white-clothed man’s voice was ethereal as it wandered out slowly.

Xiao Yan laughed softly when he heard this. He raised his head slightly. That delicate and handsome face appearing extremely untame under the shine of the moonlight.

“You dare?”
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
“His potential is indeed very great. If we groom him properly, he might well be another strong person at the peak.” One gray-robed old man softly said, “We need not be too worried about the Misty Cloud Sect. With just one Dou Zong, they don’t have the courage to do anything to us, the Jia Nan Academy.”“The Misty Cloud Sect is indeed nothing… but behind them…” The Deputy Headmaster furrowed his brows. He had just spoken half way when he suddenly became quiet. His expression was changing slightly. Finally, he did not reveal some of the more sensitive matters. He waved his hands and said, “We should secretly observe Xiao Yan a little. If there is really value in grooming him, we can give it a try.”“Yes…” When they heard this, the other old men did not have any objections as they nodded their heads. They exchanged gazes with one another as they saw the Deputy Headmaster becoming silent. Their bodies swayed slightly and strangely disappeared from their chairs.……….The late night was quiet as the faint moonlight scattered downward. That specially unique house appeared unusually quiet under the moonlight.A white shadow suddenly flashed out from the quiet night. His feet gently pressed against a tree branch as his body elegantly drifted onto a small pile of rubbles not far from the house. His calm gaze shot directly toward a certain room of the house, and a faint silver-colored Dou Qi, that could be partially seen, seeped out from within his body.

After merely an instant after the Dou Qi within the white shadow surfaced, a black shadow shot out from within the house in a lightning-like manner. After leaping and sweeping past a couple of times, he steadily landed on a huge rock not far from the white shadow. He lifted his head slowly and indifferently eyed that white-clothed, handsome, straight and tall man.

The two pairs of pupils collided in the dark night. Some sparks shot out without any forewarning.

“Leave her.” The white-clothed man’s voice was ethereal as it wandered out slowly.

Xiao Yan laughed softly when he heard this. He raised his head slightly. That delicate and handsome face appearing extremely untame under the shine of the moonlight.

“You dare?”
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
"Potensinya memang sangat besar. Jika kita menata dengan baik, ia mungkin akan orang lain yang kuat di puncak. "Orang tua One abu-berjubah dengan lembut berkata," Kami tidak perlu terlalu khawatir tentang Misty Cloud Sect. Dengan hanya satu Dou Zong, mereka tidak memiliki keberanian untuk melakukan apa saja untuk kita, Jia Nan Academy. " " The Misty Cloud Sect memang ada ... tapi di belakang mereka ... "Wakil Kepala Sekolah berkerut alisnya. Dia baru saja berbicara setengah jalan ketika ia tiba-tiba menjadi tenang. Ekspresinya berubah sedikit. Akhirnya, ia tidak mengungkapkan beberapa hal yang lebih sensitif. Dia melambaikan tangannya dan berkata, "Kami diam-diam harus mengamati Xiao Yan sedikit. Jika ada benar-benar nilai dalam perawatan dia, kita bisa mencobanya. " " Ya ... "Ketika mereka mendengar hal itu, orang-orang tua lainnya tidak memiliki keberatan karena mereka mengangguk kepala mereka. Mereka bertukar tatapan satu sama lain karena mereka melihat Wakil Kepala Sekolah menjadi diam. Tubuh mereka bergoyang sedikit dan anehnya menghilang dari kursi mereka. .......... The larut malam itu tenang sebagai cahaya bulan samar tersebar ke bawah. Bahwa rumah khusus yang unik muncul luar biasa tenang di bawah sinar bulan. Sebuah bayangan putih tiba-tiba berkelebat keluar dari malam yang tenang. Kakinya menekan lembut terhadap cabang pohon saat tubuhnya elegan melayang ke tumpukan kecil reruntuhan tidak jauh dari rumah. Tatapan tenang tembakannya langsung menuju kamar tertentu dari rumah, dan samar berwarna perak Dou Qi, yang bisa secara parsial dilihat, merembes keluar dari dalam tubuhnya. "Xiu ..." Setelah hanya sekejap setelah Dou Qi dalam putih bayangan muncul, bayangan hitam melesat keluar dari dalam rumah dengan cara kilat seperti. Setelah melompat dan menyapu melewati beberapa kali, ia terus mendarat di sebuah batu besar tidak jauh dari bayangan putih. Dia mengangkat kepalanya perlahan dan acuh tak acuh memandang bahwa orang kulit putih berpakaian, tampan, lurus dan tinggi. Dua pasang murid bertabrakan di malam yang gelap. Beberapa bunga api menembak tanpa peringatan terlebih dahulu apapun. "Tinggalkan dia." Suara putih berpakaian pria itu ethereal seperti berjalan keluar perlahan-lahan. Xiao Yan tertawa pelan saat mendengar ini. Dia mengangkat kepalanya sedikit. Wajah halus dan tampan muncul sangat untame bawah bersinar sinar bulan. "Anda berani?"

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