AppearanceThis is a creature resembling a woman with hair covering the terjemahan - AppearanceThis is a creature resembling a woman with hair covering the Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

AppearanceThis is a creature resemb


This is a creature resembling a woman with hair covering the face and parts of her body. The creature has six limbs, with two notably ending with long claw-like nails which she uses to attack the player. The creature is also able to manifest herself through corpses of the regular Haunted.


A creature born from the memory of Laura's tragic death and Ruvik's own vengefulness. The thing is nearly immune to bullets but reacts violently to open flame, a reference to the barn-house fire which Laura was injured in.


Laura moves quite slowly, however, she can teleport over short distances to keep up with Sebastian. In addition she can spawn out of any dead body left on the ground in the area. Sebastian encounters her at the end of Chapter 4, seemingly invulnerable to bullets, forcing the player to run away from her to avoid getting killed.

It is possible to defeat her in chapter 4. It is extremely tough and costly on ammo however. When defeated, she will flee into the ground. She leaves behind a pool of 8000 brain gel and the room she was in can be looted for another 1000 brain gel and some ammo. She can be fought in the room she appears in Chapter 4, but it is very hard here since every time you try to focus aim at her, she will teleport, making it nearly impossible to hit her. The way to avoid this is by not using focus aim but instead just pointing and shooting at her, hitting her with the shotgun seems to also stun her for a few seconds. This is also implied in the loading screen for this chapter where the loading screen says, that "the long haired enemy can be fought but it would be costly."

In Chapter 5, Laura is once again seen, this time you must fight her. After burning her in the incinerator three times (could also vary depending on difficulty or method of burning her) she screams once more before disappearing. Only fire (match, fuel, tanks) causes damage to her. Including explosive bolts from the Agony Crossbow.

Laura will be met later on in the game once again, in Chapter 10, after the Amalgam Alpha teleports Sebastian to a different zone. She is first seen crawling on a large wire tube, where she will eventually break through after Sebastian opens a door. The emphasis here is to once again run. She can be defeated, but she will take more damage to beat than in the first encounter, and its only recommended you do so on a second playthrough with the RPG. If not defeated, she will attack Sebastian in an elevator, however he triggers it, which causes it to sever two of her limbs.

In all confrontations with Laura, it is vital to keep your distance. If she gets too close, she will attempt a grab that will result in instant death if it connects.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
AppearanceThis is a creature resembling a woman with hair covering the face and parts of her body. The creature has six limbs, with two notably ending with long claw-like nails which she uses to attack the player. The creature is also able to manifest herself through corpses of the regular Haunted.SymbolismA creature born from the memory of Laura's tragic death and Ruvik's own vengefulness. The thing is nearly immune to bullets but reacts violently to open flame, a reference to the barn-house fire which Laura was injured in.GameplayLaura moves quite slowly, however, she can teleport over short distances to keep up with Sebastian. In addition she can spawn out of any dead body left on the ground in the area. Sebastian encounters her at the end of Chapter 4, seemingly invulnerable to bullets, forcing the player to run away from her to avoid getting killed.It is possible to defeat her in chapter 4. It is extremely tough and costly on ammo however. When defeated, she will flee into the ground. She leaves behind a pool of 8000 brain gel and the room she was in can be looted for another 1000 brain gel and some ammo. She can be fought in the room she appears in Chapter 4, but it is very hard here since every time you try to focus aim at her, she will teleport, making it nearly impossible to hit her. The way to avoid this is by not using focus aim but instead just pointing and shooting at her, hitting her with the shotgun seems to also stun her for a few seconds. This is also implied in the loading screen for this chapter where the loading screen says, that "the long haired enemy can be fought but it would be costly."In Chapter 5, Laura is once again seen, this time you must fight her. After burning her in the incinerator three times (could also vary depending on difficulty or method of burning her) she screams once more before disappearing. Only fire (match, fuel, tanks) causes damage to her. Including explosive bolts from the Agony Crossbow.Laura will be met later on in the game once again, in Chapter 10, after the Amalgam Alpha teleports Sebastian to a different zone. She is first seen crawling on a large wire tube, where she will eventually break through after Sebastian opens a door. The emphasis here is to once again run. She can be defeated, but she will take more damage to beat than in the first encounter, and its only recommended you do so on a second playthrough with the RPG. If not defeated, she will attack Sebastian in an elevator, however he triggers it, which causes it to sever two of her limbs.In all confrontations with Laura, it is vital to keep your distance. If she gets too close, she will attempt a grab that will result in instant death if it connects.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Penampilan ini merupakan makhluk yang menyerupai seorang wanita dengan rambut yang menutupi wajah dan bagian tubuhnya. Makhluk itu memiliki enam kaki, dengan dua terutama berakhir dengan cakar-seperti panjang kuku yang ia gunakan untuk menyerang pemain. Makhluk itu juga mampu mewujudkan dirinya melalui mayat biasa Haunted. Simbolisme Makhluk lahir dari memori kematian tragis Laura dan dendam Ruvik sendiri. Hal ini hampir kebal terhadap peluru tapi bereaksi hebat untuk membuka api, referensi ke api gudang-rumah yang Laura terluka dalam. Gameplay Laura bergerak cukup lambat, namun, dia bisa teleport jarak pendek untuk bersaing dengan Sebastian. Selain itu dia bisa menelurkan keluar dari setiap mayat yang tersisa di tanah di daerah. Sebastian bertemu dia di akhir Bab 4, tampaknya kebal terhadap peluru, memaksa pemain untuk lari dari dia untuk menghindari dibunuh. Hal ini dimungkinkan untuk mengalahkan dia dalam bab 4. Hal ini sangat sulit dan mahal pada amunisi namun. Ketika kalah, dia akan lari ke dalam tanah. Dia meninggalkan genangan 8000 gel otak dan ruang dia di dapat dijarah untuk 1000 gel otak lain dan beberapa amunisi. Dia bisa berjuang di ruang ia muncul di Bab 4, tapi sangat keras di sini karena setiap kali Anda mencoba untuk fokus tujuan padanya, dia akan teleport, sehingga hampir tidak mungkin untuk memukulnya. Cara untuk menghindari hal ini adalah dengan tidak menggunakan fokus tujuan melainkan hanya menunjuk dan menembak ke arahnya, memukul dia dengan senapan tampaknya juga setrum nya selama beberapa detik. Hal ini juga tersirat dalam layar loading untuk bab ini di mana layar loading mengatakan, bahwa "musuh berambut panjang dapat berjuang tapi akan mahal." Dalam Bab 5, Laura sekali lagi terlihat, kali ini Anda harus melawannya. Setelah membakar dirinya di insinerator tiga kali (juga bisa bervariasi tergantung pada kesulitan atau metode pembakaran nya) dia berteriak sekali lagi sebelum menghilang. Hanya api (pertandingan, bahan bakar, tangki) menyebabkan kerusakan padanya. Termasuk baut ledakan dari Penderitaan Crossbow. Laura akan bertemu nanti dalam permainan sekali lagi, dalam Bab 10, setelah Amalgam Alpha teleports Sebastian ke zona yang berbeda. Dia pertama kali terlihat merangkak di tabung kawat besar, di mana dia akhirnya akan menerobos setelah Sebastian membuka pintu. Penekanannya di sini adalah untuk sekali lagi menjalankan. Dia bisa dikalahkan, tapi dia akan mengambil lebih banyak kerusakan untuk mengalahkan daripada di pertemuan pertama, dan hanya disarankan Anda melakukannya pada Bermain kedua dengan RPG. Jika tidak kalah, dia akan menyerang Sebastian dalam lift, namun ia memicu itu, yang menyebabkan itu untuk memutuskan dua dari tubuhnya. Dalam semua konfrontasi dengan Laura, sangat penting untuk menjaga jarak. Jika dia terlalu dekat, dia akan berusaha ambil yang akan mengakibatkan kematian instan jika menghubungkan.

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