When the song is over, the crowd is silent for several beats. No one m terjemahan - When the song is over, the crowd is silent for several beats. No one m Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

When the song is over, the crowd is

When the song is over, the crowd is silent for several beats. No one moves, including me. The emotion Mason put into that song was raw and beautiful.
I’ve never seen him so vulnerable.
I’ve never loved him so much.
The applause that comes next startles me. I can’t clap. It isn’t enough for what he’s just done. All I can do is watch him. Wait for him.
He stands and searches for me through the crowd. He lifts his hand against the lights, then jumps down off the stage and heads straight for me.
The crowd on the dance-floor parts as he walks through even though the band is starting back up and the dancing has returned to normal.
My feet move on their own. I’m pulled toward him like a magnet and no one around us matters or exists.
I follow the railing around to where it opens and he meets me there.
We connect through our eyes, our souls, our hearts. And when he touches me, an electricity passes between us.
I fall into his arms and his mouth descends on mine.
And this first kiss of true love is different from any other we’ve shared. It’s not all fire and lust and urgency. There’s only strength and trust and total, glorious surrender.
When we part, the connection is still there. It binds us to each other.
He takes my hand and leads me onto the dance floor.
“I don’t know how to dance like this,” I say.
“I’ll lead you.”
He pulls me into his arms and guides me around the circle. I’m awkward at first, my feet unsure. But he’s surprisingly good at this.
On the slow dances, he holds me close. We barely speak, but I don’t need him to say a word. I just need him to never let me go.
We dance several dances, but then he slowly pulls me off to the side and kisses me again. He puts his cheek to mine and whispers, “There’s something I want you to know,” he says. “The reason I chose that song was because I wanted you to understand. You’re every woman to me. All this time we’ve been together, there’s been no one else, Penny. Only you.”
I touch his hand. “I know,” I say. “I trust you.”
He smiles and shakes his head. “No, I’m not talking about this trip,” he says. “I’m talking about all the time since that first night on the boat a year ago. The night we first got drunk and made love. You have no idea how hard I’d been trying to resist you. How long I wanted you before that night.”
I stop, pulling away to study his face in the dim lights of the bar. “What? What are you saying?”
I hear him, but he’s not making any sense.
“I’m saying there’s been no one else. Not since that night,” he says. “There’s only been you.”
Tears well up in my eyes. “But I saw you with those other girls,” I say. “I watched you flirt and tease and date and touch them. I saw you.”
“I never brought a single one of those girls into my bed. I swear it.”
I breathe in, still not believing this could be true. “Then why would you let me think you had?” I ask. “Why would you torture me like that?”
He leans down and presses his forehead to mine. “I’m so sorry,” he says. His voice is so soft, I can barely hear him over the music. “I never meant for any of this to happen between us. I wanted to keep my distance from you, because I knew that if I let myself love you—if I admitted that to myself or to you—it would change my whole world. I thought that if I allowed myself to love you, I would lose you. The way I lost Rachel.”
Tears fall silently down my cheeks. I don’t know what to say. I don’t know how this can be true.
“I tried to keep that first night from happening, but after it did, I couldn’t stay away from you,” he says. “It was all I could do to make you think I didn’t care for you. I pushed you away so that you would hate me, but you never gave up on me. Then, after your accident, I knew I had to get away from you. I was so scared that I was the cause of everything bad in your life, and I couldn’t face that.”
He pulls me close so that my head is resting against his chest and his arms are tight around me.
“But when you showed up that morning with your tiny little bag and that look of hope in your eyes, I knew I was a goner,” he says. “I knew I couldn’t resist you anymore. And all I could do was hope that once we got away from Fairhope, I wouldn’t be such poison to you.”
“You’ve never been poison to me,” I say, looking up into his eyes. “All those stupid things I did? I did them because I was crazy at the thought of losing you forever. If I had known you felt the same way about me, everything would have been different.”
“I realize that now,” he says. “It just took me a long time to understand that I’d rather have you now and lose you than to never know what it feels like to be in your arms.”
I lift up on my toes and kiss him, my lips soft against his. “You aren’t going to lose me,” I say.
He stiffens and looks away. “I hope not, Penny,” he says. “But there’s something you need to know. Something I haven’t been able to tell you about. It could change everything between us.”
I place my hand on his lips. “Not tonight,” I say. “Tonight, let’s just be together. Let’s just let these walls down and love each other. Tomorrow, we can share any secrets we have left.”
I think about the baby and how I’m not quite ready to tell him. I’ll tell him tomorrow.
He nods. “Okay,” he says. “Let’s go back to the room. I want to make love to you so bad I can’t stand here one more minute.”
We walk hand-in-hand off the dance floor and out the front door. The ride from the bar to the hotel lasts an eternity. I ride snuggled close to him, my head resting on his shoulder, his free hand entwined with mine.
There’s a buzz between us. It’s nothing anyone could see by looking at us. It’s just something new that vibrates there between us. Something like hope.
In the parking lot, he lifts me into his arms and carries me through the lobby and down the hall to our room. When we’re inside, he lowers my feet to the floor.
I lift up to kiss him, but he puts a finger to my lips, stopping me. He slips his hands around my face and stares into my eyes.
“I love you, Penny,” he says, his eyes shining. “I know it took me a long time to get here, and I know I’ve hurt you in the past. I’m sure I don’t deserve you, but I promise I’m going to love you with all that I am for the rest of my life.”
“You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to hear those words from you,” I say. I lift my hands to his and hold them tight in my own. “I love you, too, Mason. I’ve always loved you.”
I lift up on my toes, pulling him down into my kiss.
He takes his time, exploring my mouth with his. There’s no sense of urgency, but the passion is still there. It smolders between us like hot coals.
He undresses me one small piece at a time, letting his fingers trail a thousand paths across my skin. I shiver and moan under his touch as he explores me. When I’m naked beside him, I start to reach for the buttons on his shirt, but he moves my hand back to my side, a sly smile on his lips.
He bends down, tracing the same paths of his fingers, but this time with his lips. He moves with such tenderness, it takes my breath away. He kisses my neck, then travels down my chest to the peaks of my breast. He teases them with his tongue and I lift up, wanting more.
Below, his hands run like rivers down the valley between my legs. He slips his fingers inside of me. I moan and beg as he teases and kisses and moves above me, igniting a need so raw and deep that I ache for him.
His mouth weaves a trail of wet kisses downward and he places himself between my thighs, spreading me open. He lifts me up and my breath hitches in my chest as his mouth descends on me, his tongue teasing each fold and peak. I move against his mouth, my hands clutching the sheets as he brings me higher, then pulls away, and then goes back for more.
I bury one hand in his hair as he closes his mouth over me, dragging me to the edge of desire. I cry out as pleasure floods through me. My body bucks and trembles against him. He pulls away and kisses the inside of my thigh, his fingertips dragging across the skin on my legs. I lay there, breathless, my chest rising and falling and my heart pounding against my ribs.
When my breath has slowed and my body has melted into a pool of tingling warmth, he rises up and takes off his shirt. I come up on my knees and help him, one button at a time. He surrenders the job to me and I push the shirt from his shoulders and toss it to the floor. I lift his white undershirt up and over his head, then run my hands down along each ridge of his abs.
I slide my fingers around the edge of his waistband and look up into his eyes, wanting him to see just how much I want him. His lips are parted and I can feel his heart beating in time with my own.
I unbutton his jeans and push them down, then lay him back so I can pull them from his body. I crawl on top of him, leaving his boxers on so I can tease him the way he teased me. I straddle him, my heat centered above the length of him. He tries to lift his head and touch me, but a smile plays at my lips as I push his back flat against the bed.
I lower more of my weight onto him and he makes a low sounds deep in his throat and throws his head back against the pillow. I take my time, running my fingertips along every inch of his arms and neck and chest. I use the lightest, feather-soft touch I can and his body trembles beneath me.
When my hands reach the waist of his boxers, his eyes fly open and he grabs my hips, lifting himself up so I can feel his hard length grinding against me.
I lick my lips and move to the side, slowly pulling that final barrier away from him so that we are fully naked together.
I run my hand up and down his legs, across his waist, making a circle around him. His breath is coming faster now and I know I’ve teased him long enough.
I watch his face as I finally close my hand around him, moving up and down slowly.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
When the song is over, the crowd is silent for several beats. No one moves, including me. The emotion Mason put into that song was raw and beautiful.I’ve never seen him so vulnerable.I’ve never loved him so much.The applause that comes next startles me. I can’t clap. It isn’t enough for what he’s just done. All I can do is watch him. Wait for him.He stands and searches for me through the crowd. He lifts his hand against the lights, then jumps down off the stage and heads straight for me.The crowd on the dance-floor parts as he walks through even though the band is starting back up and the dancing has returned to normal.My feet move on their own. I’m pulled toward him like a magnet and no one around us matters or exists.I follow the railing around to where it opens and he meets me there.We connect through our eyes, our souls, our hearts. And when he touches me, an electricity passes between us.I fall into his arms and his mouth descends on mine.And this first kiss of true love is different from any other we’ve shared. It’s not all fire and lust and urgency. There’s only strength and trust and total, glorious surrender.When we part, the connection is still there. It binds us to each other.He takes my hand and leads me onto the dance floor.“I don’t know how to dance like this,” I say.“I’ll lead you.”He pulls me into his arms and guides me around the circle. I’m awkward at first, my feet unsure. But he’s surprisingly good at this.On the slow dances, he holds me close. We barely speak, but I don’t need him to say a word. I just need him to never let me go.We dance several dances, but then he slowly pulls me off to the side and kisses me again. He puts his cheek to mine and whispers, “There’s something I want you to know,” he says. “The reason I chose that song was because I wanted you to understand. You’re every woman to me. All this time we’ve been together, there’s been no one else, Penny. Only you.”I touch his hand. “I know,” I say. “I trust you.”He smiles and shakes his head. “No, I’m not talking about this trip,” he says. “I’m talking about all the time since that first night on the boat a year ago. The night we first got drunk and made love. You have no idea how hard I’d been trying to resist you. How long I wanted you before that night.”I stop, pulling away to study his face in the dim lights of the bar. “What? What are you saying?”I hear him, but he’s not making any sense.“I’m saying there’s been no one else. Not since that night,” he says. “There’s only been you.”Tears well up in my eyes. “But I saw you with those other girls,” I say. “I watched you flirt and tease and date and touch them. I saw you.”“I never brought a single one of those girls into my bed. I swear it.”I breathe in, still not believing this could be true. “Then why would you let me think you had?” I ask. “Why would you torture me like that?”He leans down and presses his forehead to mine. “I’m so sorry,” he says. His voice is so soft, I can barely hear him over the music. “I never meant for any of this to happen between us. I wanted to keep my distance from you, because I knew that if I let myself love you—if I admitted that to myself or to you—it would change my whole world. I thought that if I allowed myself to love you, I would lose you. The way I lost Rachel.”Tears fall silently down my cheeks. I don’t know what to say. I don’t know how this can be true.“I tried to keep that first night from happening, but after it did, I couldn’t stay away from you,” he says. “It was all I could do to make you think I didn’t care for you. I pushed you away so that you would hate me, but you never gave up on me. Then, after your accident, I knew I had to get away from you. I was so scared that I was the cause of everything bad in your life, and I couldn’t face that.”He pulls me close so that my head is resting against his chest and his arms are tight around me.“But when you showed up that morning with your tiny little bag and that look of hope in your eyes, I knew I was a goner,” he says. “I knew I couldn’t resist you anymore. And all I could do was hope that once we got away from Fairhope, I wouldn’t be such poison to you.”"Anda belum pernah racun untuk saya," kataku, menatap matanya. "Semua hal-hal bodoh saya lakukan? Aku mereka karena aku gila memikirkan kehilangan Anda selamanya. Jika aku tahu Anda merasakan hal yang sama tentang aku, semuanya pasti berbeda.""Saya menyadari bahwa sekarang," katanya. "Aku hanya butuh waktu lama untuk memahami bahwa saya agak akan memiliki Anda sekarang dan kehilangan Anda daripada tidak pernah mengetahui apa rasanya berada di tangan Anda."Aku mengangkat pada jari kaki saya dan menciumnya, bibir saya lembut terhadap Nya. "Anda tidak akan kehilangan saya," kataku.Dia menegang dan terlihat jauh. "Saya harap tidak, Penny," katanya. "Tapi ada sesuatu yang perlu Anda ketahui. Sesuatu yang saya belum mampu memberitahu Anda tentang. Itu bisa mengubah segalanya antara kami."Aku mencucukkan tanganku pada bibirnya. "Tidak malam ini," kataku. "Malam ini, mari kita hanya akan bersama-sama. Mari kita hanya membiarkan dinding ini turun dan mencintai satu sama lain. Besok, kita dapat berbagi rahasia apa pun yang tersisa."Saya berpikir tentang bayi dan bagaimana aku tidak cukup siap untuk mengatakan kepadanya. Saya akan memberitahu dia besok.Dia mengangguk. "Oke," katanya. "Mari kita pergi kembali ke kamar. Saya ingin membuat cinta untuk Anda begitu buruk aku tidak bisa berdiri di sini lebih satu menit. "Kami berjalan di tangan-tangan dari lantai dansa dan keluar dari pintu depan. Perjalanan dari bar hotel berlangsung selamanya. Saya naik snuggled dekat dengannya, kepalaku bertumpu pada bahunya, tangannya bebas yang terjalin dengan saya.Ada buzz antara kami. Itu ada yang siapa pun bisa melihat dengan melihat kita. Hanya saja sesuatu baru yang bergetar tidak antara kami. Sesuatu seperti harapan.In the parking lot, he lifts me into his arms and carries me through the lobby and down the hall to our room. When we’re inside, he lowers my feet to the floor.I lift up to kiss him, but he puts a finger to my lips, stopping me. He slips his hands around my face and stares into my eyes.“I love you, Penny,” he says, his eyes shining. “I know it took me a long time to get here, and I know I’ve hurt you in the past. I’m sure I don’t deserve you, but I promise I’m going to love you with all that I am for the rest of my life.”“You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to hear those words from you,” I say. I lift my hands to his and hold them tight in my own. “I love you, too, Mason. I’ve always loved you.”I lift up on my toes, pulling him down into my kiss.He takes his time, exploring my mouth with his. There’s no sense of urgency, but the passion is still there. It smolders between us like hot coals.He undresses me one small piece at a time, letting his fingers trail a thousand paths across my skin. I shiver and moan under his touch as he explores me. When I’m naked beside him, I start to reach for the buttons on his shirt, but he moves my hand back to my side, a sly smile on his lips.He bends down, tracing the same paths of his fingers, but this time with his lips. He moves with such tenderness, it takes my breath away. He kisses my neck, then travels down my chest to the peaks of my breast. He teases them with his tongue and I lift up, wanting more.Below, his hands run like rivers down the valley between my legs. He slips his fingers inside of me. I moan and beg as he teases and kisses and moves above me, igniting a need so raw and deep that I ache for him.
His mouth weaves a trail of wet kisses downward and he places himself between my thighs, spreading me open. He lifts me up and my breath hitches in my chest as his mouth descends on me, his tongue teasing each fold and peak. I move against his mouth, my hands clutching the sheets as he brings me higher, then pulls away, and then goes back for more.
I bury one hand in his hair as he closes his mouth over me, dragging me to the edge of desire. I cry out as pleasure floods through me. My body bucks and trembles against him. He pulls away and kisses the inside of my thigh, his fingertips dragging across the skin on my legs. I lay there, breathless, my chest rising and falling and my heart pounding against my ribs.
When my breath has slowed and my body has melted into a pool of tingling warmth, he rises up and takes off his shirt. I come up on my knees and help him, one button at a time. He surrenders the job to me and I push the shirt from his shoulders and toss it to the floor. I lift his white undershirt up and over his head, then run my hands down along each ridge of his abs.
I slide my fingers around the edge of his waistband and look up into his eyes, wanting him to see just how much I want him. His lips are parted and I can feel his heart beating in time with my own.
I unbutton his jeans and push them down, then lay him back so I can pull them from his body. I crawl on top of him, leaving his boxers on so I can tease him the way he teased me. I straddle him, my heat centered above the length of him. He tries to lift his head and touch me, but a smile plays at my lips as I push his back flat against the bed.
I lower more of my weight onto him and he makes a low sounds deep in his throat and throws his head back against the pillow. I take my time, running my fingertips along every inch of his arms and neck and chest. I use the lightest, feather-soft touch I can and his body trembles beneath me.
When my hands reach the waist of his boxers, his eyes fly open and he grabs my hips, lifting himself up so I can feel his hard length grinding against me.
I lick my lips and move to the side, slowly pulling that final barrier away from him so that we are fully naked together.
I run my hand up and down his legs, across his waist, making a circle around him. His breath is coming faster now and I know I’ve teased him long enough.
I watch his face as I finally close my hand around him, moving up and down slowly.
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