II. E xplanatory Note by the UNCITRALSecretariaton the United Nations  terjemahan - II. E xplanatory Note by the UNCITRALSecretariaton the United Nations  Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

II. E xplanatory Note by the UNCITR

II. E xplanatory Note by the UNCITRAL
on the United Nations Convention
on Contracts for the International
Sale of Goods
This note has been prepared by the Secretariat of the United Nations
on International Trade Law for informational purposes; it is
not an official commentary on the Convention.
1. The United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International
Sale of Goods provides a uniform text of law for international sales of
goods. The Convention was prepared by the United Nations Commission
on International
Trade Law (UNCITRAL) and adopted by a diplomatic
on 11 April 1980.
2. Preparation of a uniform law for the international sale of goods began
in 1930 at the International Institute for the Unification of Private Law
UNIDROIT) in Rome. After a long interruption in the work as a result of
the Second World War, the draft was submitted to a diplomatic conference
in The Hague in 1964, which adopted two conventions, one on the international
sale of goods and the other on the formation of contracts for the international
sale of goods.
3. Almost immediately upon the adoption of the two conventions there
was widespread criticism of their provisions as reflecting primarily the legal
traditions and economic realities of continental Western Europe, which was
the region that had most actively contributed to their preparation. As a result,
one of the first tasks undertaken by UNCITRAL on its organization in 1968
was to enquire of States whether or not they intended to adhere to those
conventions and the reasons for their positions. In the light of the responses
received, UNCITRAL decided to study the two conventions to ascertain
which modifications might render them capable of wider acceptance by
countries of different legal, social and economic systems. The result of this
study was the adoption by diplomatic conference on 11 April 1980 of the
34 United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods
United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods,
which combines the subject matter of the two prior conventions.
4. UNCITRAL’s success in preparing a Convention with wider acceptability
is evidenced by the fact that the original eleven States for which the
came into force on 1 January 1988 included States from every
geographical region, every stage of economic development and every major
legal, social and economic system. The original eleven States were: Argentina,
China, Egypt, France, Hungary, Italy, Lesotho, Syria, United States, Yugoslavia
and Zambia.
5. As of 1 September 2010, 76 States are parties to the Convention. The
current updated status of the Convention is available on the UNCITRAL
website.1 Authoritative information on the status of the Convention, as well
as on related declarations, including with respect to territorial application
succession of States, may be found on the United Nations Treaty Collection
on the Internet.2
6. The Convention is divided into four parts. Part One deals with the scope
of application of the Convention and the general provisions. Part Two
the rules governing the formation of contracts for the international
sale of goods. Part Three deals with the substantive rights and obligations
of buyer and seller arising from the contract. Part Four contains the final
clauses of the Convention concerning such matters as how and when it
comes into force, the reservations and declarations that are permitted and
the application of the Convention to international sales where both States
concerned have the same or similar law on the subject.
Part O ne. Scope of application and general provisions
A. Scope of application
7. The articles on scope of application indicate both what is covered by
the Convention and what is not covered. The Convention applies to contracts
of sale of goods between parties whose places of business are in different
States and either both of those States are Contracting States or the rules of
private international law lead to the law of a Contracting State. A few States
have availed themselves of the authorization in article 95 to declare that
they would apply the Convention only in the former and not in the latter of
these two situations. As the Convention becomes more widely adopted, the
1 www.uncitral.org/uncitral/en/uncitral_texts/sale_goods/1980CISG_status.html.
2 http://treaties.un.org/.
II. Explanatory Note 35
practical significance of such a declaration will diminish. Finally, the
may also apply as the law applicable to the contract if so chosen
by the parties. In that case, the operation of the Convention will be subject
to any limits on contractual stipulations set by the otherwise applicable law.
8. The final clauses make two additional restrictions on the territorial scope
of application that will be relevant to a few States. One applies only if a
State is a party to another international agreement that contains provisions
concerning matters governed by this Convention; the other permits States that
have the same or similar domestic law of sales to declare that the Convention
does not apply between them.
9. Contracts of sale are distinguished from contracts for services in two
respects by article 3. A contract for the supply of goods to be manufactured
or produced is considered to be a sale unless the party who orders the goods
undertakes to supply a substantial part of the materials necessary for their
manufacture or production. When the preponderant part of the obligations
of the party who furnishes the goods consists in the supply of labour or
other services, the Convention does not apply.
10. The Convention contains a list of types of sales that are excluded from
the Convention, either because of the purpose of the sale (goods bought for
personal, family or household use), the nature of the sale (sale by auction,
on execution or otherwise by law) or the nature of the goods (stocks, shares,
investment securities, negotiable instruments, money, ships, vessels, hovercraft,
aircraft or electricity). In many States some or all of such sales are governed
by special rules reflecting their special nature.
11. Several articles make clear that the subject matter of the Convention is
restricted to formation of the contract and the rights and duties of the buyer
and seller arising from such a contract. In particular, the Convention is not
concerned with the validity of the contract, the effect which the contract
may have on the property in the goods sold or the liability of the seller for
death or personal injury caused by the goods to any person.
B. Party autonomy
12. The basic principle of contractual freedom in the international sale of
goods is recognized by the provision that permits the parties to exclude the
application of this Convention or derogate from or vary the effect of any of
its provisions. This exclusion will occur, for example, if parties choose the
law of a non-contracting State or the substantive domestic law of a contracting
State as the law applicable to the contract. Derogation from the Convention
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
II. E xplanatory Note by the UNCITRALSecretariaton the United Nations Conventionon Contracts for the InternationalSale of GoodsThis note has been prepared by the Secretariat of the United NationsCommissionon International Trade Law for informational purposes; it isnot an official commentary on the Convention.Introduction1. The United Nations Convention on Contracts for the InternationalSale of Goods provides a uniform text of law for international sales ofgoods. The Convention was prepared by the United Nations Commissionon InternationalTrade Law (UNCITRAL) and adopted by a diplomaticconferenceon 11 April 1980.2. Preparation of a uniform law for the international sale of goods beganin 1930 at the International Institute for the Unification of Private Law(UNIDROIT) in Rome. After a long interruption in the work as a result ofthe Second World War, the draft was submitted to a diplomatic conferencein The Hague in 1964, which adopted two conventions, one on the internationalsale of goods and the other on the formation of contracts for the internationalsale of goods.3. Almost immediately upon the adoption of the two conventions therewas widespread criticism of their provisions as reflecting primarily the legaltraditions and economic realities of continental Western Europe, which wasthe region that had most actively contributed to their preparation. As a result,one of the first tasks undertaken by UNCITRAL on its organization in 1968was to enquire of States whether or not they intended to adhere to thoseconventions and the reasons for their positions. In the light of the responsesreceived, UNCITRAL decided to study the two conventions to ascertainwhich modifications might render them capable of wider acceptance bycountries of different legal, social and economic systems. The result of thisstudy was the adoption by diplomatic conference on 11 April 1980 of the34 United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of GoodsUnited Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods,which combines the subject matter of the two prior conventions.4. UNCITRAL’s success in preparing a Convention with wider acceptabilityis evidenced by the fact that the original eleven States for which theConventioncame into force on 1 January 1988 included States from everygeographical region, every stage of economic development and every majorlegal, social and economic system. The original eleven States were: Argentina,China, Egypt, France, Hungary, Italy, Lesotho, Syria, United States, Yugoslaviaand Zambia.5. As of 1 September 2010, 76 States are parties to the Convention. Thecurrent updated status of the Convention is available on the UNCITRALwebsite.1 Authoritative information on the status of the Convention, as wellas on related declarations, including with respect to territorial applicationandsuccession of States, may be found on the United Nations Treaty Collectionon the Internet.26. The Convention is divided into four parts. Part One deals with the scopeof application of the Convention and the general provisions. Part Twocontainsthe rules governing the formation of contracts for the internationalsale of goods. Part Three deals with the substantive rights and obligationsof buyer and seller arising from the contract. Part Four contains the finalclauses of the Convention concerning such matters as how and when itcomes into force, the reservations and declarations that are permitted andthe application of the Convention to international sales where both Statesconcerned have the same or similar law on the subject.Part O ne. Scope of application and general provisionsA. Scope of application7. The articles on scope of application indicate both what is covered bythe Convention and what is not covered. The Convention applies to contractsof sale of goods between parties whose places of business are in differentStates and either both of those States are Contracting States or the rules ofprivate international law lead to the law of a Contracting State. A few Stateshave availed themselves of the authorization in article 95 to declare thatthey would apply the Convention only in the former and not in the latter ofthese two situations. As the Convention becomes more widely adopted, the1 www.uncitral.org/uncitral/en/uncitral_texts/sale_goods/1980CISG_status.html.2 http://treaties.un.org/.II. Explanatory Note 35practical significance of such a declaration will diminish. Finally, theConventionmay also apply as the law applicable to the contract if so chosenby the parties. In that case, the operation of the Convention will be subjectto any limits on contractual stipulations set by the otherwise applicable law.8. The final clauses make two additional restrictions on the territorial scopeof application that will be relevant to a few States. One applies only if aState is a party to another international agreement that contains provisionsconcerning matters governed by this Convention; the other permits States thathave the same or similar domestic law of sales to declare that the Conventiondoes not apply between them.9. Contracts of sale are distinguished from contracts for services in tworespects by article 3. A contract for the supply of goods to be manufacturedor produced is considered to be a sale unless the party who orders the goodsundertakes to supply a substantial part of the materials necessary for theirmanufacture or production. When the preponderant part of the obligationsof the party who furnishes the goods consists in the supply of labour orother services, the Convention does not apply.10. The Convention contains a list of types of sales that are excluded fromthe Convention, either because of the purpose of the sale (goods bought forpersonal, family or household use), the nature of the sale (sale by auction,on execution or otherwise by law) or the nature of the goods (stocks, shares,investment securities, negotiable instruments, money, ships, vessels, hovercraft,aircraft or electricity). In many States some or all of such sales are governedby special rules reflecting their special nature.11. Several articles make clear that the subject matter of the Convention isrestricted to formation of the contract and the rights and duties of the buyerand seller arising from such a contract. In particular, the Convention is notconcerned with the validity of the contract, the effect which the contractmay have on the property in the goods sold or the liability of the seller fordeath or personal injury caused by the goods to any person.B. Party autonomy12. The basic principle of contractual freedom in the international sale ofgoods is recognized by the provision that permits the parties to exclude theapplication of this Convention or derogate from or vary the effect of any ofits provisions. This exclusion will occur, for example, if parties choose thelaw of a non-contracting State or the substantive domestic law of a contractingState as the law applicable to the contract. Derogation from the Convention
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
II. E xplanatory Catatan oleh UNCITRAL
pada Konvensi PBB
tentang Kontrak Internasional
Penjualan Barang
catatan ini disusun oleh Sekretariat PBB
Hukum Perdagangan Internasional untuk tujuan informasi; itu
bukan sebuah komentar resmi pada Konvensi.
1. Konvensi PBB tentang Kontrak Internasional
Penjualan Barang menyediakan teks seragam hukum untuk penjualan internasional
barang. Konvensi disiapkan oleh Komisi PBB
tentang International
Hukum Perdagangan (UNCITRAL) dan diadopsi oleh diplomatik
pada 11 April 1980.
2. Persiapan hukum yang seragam untuk perdagangan barang internasional dimulai
pada tahun 1930 di Institut Internasional untuk Unifikasi Hukum Perdata
(UNIDROIT) di Roma.
Setelah interupsi lama dalam pekerjaan sebagai akibat dari
Perang Dunia Kedua, draft diserahkan kepada sebuah konferensi diplomatik
di Den Haag pada tahun 1964, yang mengadopsi dua konvensi, satu di internasional
penjualan barang dan yang lainnya pada pembentukan kontrak untuk internasional
penjualan barang.
3. Hampir segera setelah adopsi dari dua konvensi ada
adalah kritik luas dari ketentuan mereka sebagai mencerminkan terutama hukum
tradisi dan realitas ekonomi dari benua Eropa Barat, yang
wilayah yang paling aktif memberikan kontribusi untuk persiapan mereka. Akibatnya,
salah satu tugas pertama yang dilakukan oleh UNCITRAL pada organisasi pada tahun 1968
adalah untuk menanyakan Negara apakah mereka dimaksudkan untuk mematuhi mereka
konvensi dan alasan untuk posisi mereka. Dalam terang tanggapan
diterima, UNCITRAL memutuskan untuk mempelajari dua konvensi untuk memastikan
yang modifikasi mungkin membuat mereka mampu penerimaan yang lebih luas oleh
negara-negara dari sistem hukum, sosial dan ekonomi yang berbeda. Hasil ini
penelitian adalah adopsi oleh konferensi diplomatik pada tanggal 11 April 1980 yang
Konvensi 34 PBB tentang Kontrak untuk Penjualan Barang Internasional
Konvensi PBB tentang Kontrak untuk Penjualan Barang Internasional,
yang menggabungkan subyek dua sebelum konvensi.
4. Keberhasilan UNCITRAL dalam mempersiapkan Konvensi dengan penerimaan yang lebih luas
ini dibuktikan oleh fakta bahwa sebelas Amerika dimana
mulai berlaku pada 1 Januari 1988 termasuk Amerika dari setiap
wilayah geografis, setiap tahap pembangunan ekonomi dan setiap utama
hukum, sosial dan ekonomi sistem. Asli sebelas Serikat adalah: Argentina,
China, Mesir, Perancis, Hungaria, Italia, Lesotho, Suriah, Amerika Serikat, Yugoslavia
dan Zambia.
5. Pada tanggal 1 September 2010, 76 Negara yang menjadi pihak pada Konvensi. The
sekarang status terbaru dari Konvensi tersedia pada UNCITRAL
website.1 informasi Resmi tentang status Konvensi, serta
seperti pada deklarasi terkait, termasuk yang berkaitan dengan aplikasi teritorial
suksesi Negara, dapat ditemukan pada Perjanjian PBB Koleksi
di Internet.2
6. Konvensi ini dibagi menjadi empat bagian. Bagian Satu penawaran dengan ruang lingkup
penerapan Konvensi dan ketentuan umum. Bagian Kedua
peraturan yang mengatur pembentukan kontrak untuk internasional
penjualan barang. Bagian Tiga penawaran dengan hak dan kewajiban substantif
dari pembeli dan penjual yang timbul dari kontrak. Bagian Keempat berisi final
pasal Konvensi mengenai hal-hal seperti bagaimana dan kapan itu
mulai berlaku, pemesanan dan deklarasi yang diperkenankan dan
penerapan Konvensi untuk penjualan internasional di mana kedua Negara
yang bersangkutan memiliki hukum yang sama atau serupa pada subjek .
Bagian O ne. Lingkup aplikasi dan ketentuan umum
A. Lingkup aplikasi
7. Artikel pada lingkup aplikasi menunjukkan kedua apa yang dibahas oleh
Konvensi dan apa yang tidak tercakup. Konvensi berlaku untuk kontrak
penjualan barang antara pihak yang memiliki tempat usaha yang berbeda di
Amerika dan salah baik dari orang Amerika yang Amerika atau aturan Persetujuan
memimpin hukum perdata internasional dengan hukum dari Negara pihak. Beberapa Negara
telah dicairkan diri dari otorisasi dalam artikel 95 untuk menyatakan bahwa
mereka akan menerapkan Konvensi hanya di bekas dan tidak di kedua
dua situasi tersebut. Sebagai Konvensi menjadi lebih luas diadopsi,
1 www.uncitral.org/uncitral/en/uncitral_texts/sale_goods/1980CISG_status.html.
2 http://treaties.un.org/.
II. Penjelasan Catatan 35
signifikansi praktis dari pernyataan tersebut akan berkurang. Akhirnya,
juga mungkin berlaku sebagai hukum yang berlaku untuk kontrak jika demikian yang dipilih
oleh para pihak. Dalam hal ini, operasi Konvensi akan dikenakan
untuk setiap batas ketentuan kontrak yang ditetapkan oleh hukum dinyatakan berlaku.
8. Klausul akhir membuat dua pembatasan tambahan pada lingkup teritorial
dari aplikasi yang akan relevan untuk beberapa Negara. Satu hanya berlaku jika
Negara adalah pihak perjanjian internasional lain yang memuat ketentuan
tentang hal-hal yang diatur dalam Konvensi ini; izin lainnya Negara yang
memiliki hukum domestik yang sama atau serupa dari penjualan untuk menyatakan bahwa Konvensi
tidak berlaku di antara mereka.
9. Kontrak penjualan dibedakan dari kontrak untuk layanan di dua
hal dalam pasal 3. Sebuah kontrak untuk penyediaan barang yang akan diproduksi
atau diproduksi dianggap penjualan kecuali pihak yang memerintahkan barang
menyanggupi untuk memasok bagian penting dari bahan diperlukan untuk mereka
pembuatan atau produksi. Ketika bagian lebih besar dari kewajiban
dari pihak yang melengkapi barang terdiri dalam penyediaan tenaga kerja atau
layanan lain, Konvensi tidak berlaku.
10. Konvensi berisi daftar jenis penjualan yang dikecualikan dari
Konvensi, baik karena tujuan penjualan (barang yang dibeli untuk
pribadi, keluarga atau keperluan rumah tangga), sifat penjualan (penjualan melalui lelang,
eksekusi atau oleh hukum) atau sifat barang (saham, saham,
investasi sekuritas, surat berharga, uang, kapal, kapal, hovercraft,
pesawat atau listrik). Di banyak Negara beberapa atau semua penjualan tersebut diatur
oleh peraturan khusus yang mencerminkan sifat khusus mereka.
11. Beberapa artikel membuat jelas bahwa subyek Konvensi ini
dibatasi untuk pembentukan kontrak dan hak-hak dan kewajiban pembeli
dan penjual yang timbul dari kontrak tersebut. Secara khusus, Konvensi tersebut tidak
berkaitan dengan keabsahan kontrak, efek yang kontrak
mungkin memiliki pada properti di barang yang dijual atau kewajiban penjual untuk
kematian atau cedera pribadi yang disebabkan oleh barang untuk setiap orang.
B. Otonomi partai
12. Prinsip dasar dari kebebasan kontrak dalam penjualan internasional
barang diakui oleh ketentuan yang memungkinkan para pihak untuk mengecualikan
penerapan Konvensi ini atau menyimpang dari atau bervariasi efek dari setiap
ketentuannya. Pengecualian ini akan terjadi, misalnya, jika pihak memilih
hukum Negara non-kontrak atau hukum domestik substantif dari kontraktor
Negara sebagai hukum yang berlaku pada kontrak. Pengurangan dari Konvensi
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