According to Rogers (1986b), the necessary climate that releases our f terjemahan - According to Rogers (1986b), the necessary climate that releases our f Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

According to Rogers (1986b), the ne

According to Rogers (1986b), the necessary climate that releases our formative,
or actualizing, tendency is characterized by three primary attitudes of the therapist:
genuineness (or congruence), unconditional positive regard (also called
nonpossessive warmth or acceptance), and empathy. As the facilitator models
these attitudes, an accepting and caring climate emerges. Given the establishment
of a favorable climate, the group members can be trusted to drop their
defenses, to make use of their inner resources, and to work toward personally
meaningful goals that will lead to signifi cant personal change. To function effectively
in a group, the facilitator must trust the abilities of the group members
to grow in a favorable direction. If this is not the case, the group leader
is likely to apply more control over the group process than is helpful (Page,
Weiss, & Lietaer, 2002).
When a group facilitator experiences genuineness, acceptance, and accurate
empathy for the members in their group and when members perceive these
conditions, therapeutic personality change and growth will occur (Cain, 2010).
Rogers’s original conviction was that these core conditions work together rather
than operating independently. The core conditions have been put to the test
in a wide variety of situations with very divergent groups, different cultures,
and different nations (Rogers, 1987d). Rogers stressed that the core conditions
are not only necessary for effective therapy but also suffi cient.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Menurut Rogers (1986b), iklim diperlukan bahwa rilis kami formatifatau aktualisasi, kecenderungan ditandai dengan tiga utama sikap terapis:keaslian (atau harmoni), hal positif tanpa syarat (juga disebutnonpossessive kehangatan atau penerimaan), dan empati. Sebagai model fasilitatorsikap ini, iklim yang menerima dan peduli muncul. Diberikan pendiriandari iklim yang menguntungkan, anggota grup yang dapat dipercaya untuk menjatuhkan merekaPertahanan, untuk membuat menggunakan sumber daya batin mereka, dan untuk bekerja ke arah pribaditujuan bermakna yang akan mengakibatkan ungkapan cant perubahan pribadi. Berfungsi secara efektifdalam kelompok, Fasilitator harus percaya kemampuan anggota gruptumbuh ke arah yang menguntungkan. Jika hal ini tidak terjadi, pemimpin kelompokkemungkinan untuk mengajukan lebih banyak kontrol atas proses kelompok daripada berguna (halaman,Weiss, & Lietaer, 2002).Ketika kelompok fasilitator pengalaman keaslian, penerimaan, dan akuratempati untuk anggota grup mereka dan ketika anggota melihat inikondisi, perubahan kepribadian terapeutik dan pertumbuhan akan terjadi (kain, 2010).Rogers asli keyakinannya adalah bahwa kondisi inti ini bekerja sama agakdaripada beroperasi secara independen. Kondisi inti telah dimasukkan untuk mengujidalam berbagai situasi dengan kelompok-kelompok yang sangat berbeda, budaya yang berbeda,dan berbagai negara (Rogers, 1987d). Rogers menekankan bahwa kondisi intiini tidak hanya diperlukan untuk terapi yang efektif, tetapi juga terkini.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
According to Rogers (1986b), the necessary climate that releases our formative,
or actualizing, tendency is characterized by three primary attitudes of the therapist:
genuineness (or congruence), unconditional positive regard (also called
nonpossessive warmth or acceptance), and empathy. As the facilitator models
these attitudes, an accepting and caring climate emerges. Given the establishment
of a favorable climate, the group members can be trusted to drop their
defenses, to make use of their inner resources, and to work toward personally
meaningful goals that will lead to signifi cant personal change. To function effectively
in a group, the facilitator must trust the abilities of the group members
to grow in a favorable direction. If this is not the case, the group leader
is likely to apply more control over the group process than is helpful (Page,
Weiss, & Lietaer, 2002).
When a group facilitator experiences genuineness, acceptance, and accurate
empathy for the members in their group and when members perceive these
conditions, therapeutic personality change and growth will occur (Cain, 2010).
Rogers’s original conviction was that these core conditions work together rather
than operating independently. The core conditions have been put to the test
in a wide variety of situations with very divergent groups, different cultures,
and different nations (Rogers, 1987d). Rogers stressed that the core conditions
are not only necessary for effective therapy but also suffi cient.
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