A corporation, he said, “is an artificial person, invisible, intangibl terjemahan - A corporation, he said, “is an artificial person, invisible, intangibl Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

A corporation, he said, “is an arti

A corporation, he said, “is an artificial person, invisible, intangible,
and existing only in contemplation of the law.” In other words, a
corporation (sometimes referred to as a regular or C-corporation)
is an artificial person created by law, with most of the legal rights
of a real person. These include:
●● The right to start and operate a business
●● The right to buy or sell property
●● The right to borrow money
●● The right to sue or be sued
●● The right to enter into binding contracts
Unlike a real person, however, a corporation exists only on
paper. There are approximately 6 million corporations in the United
States. They comprise about 19 percent of all businesses, but they
account for 81 percent of sales revenues (see Figures 4.1 and 4.2).
Corporate Ownership
The shares of ownership of a corporation are called stock. The
people who own a corporation’s stock—and thus own part of the
corporation—are called stockholders. Once a corporation has
been formed, it may sell its stock to individuals or other companies
that want to invest in the corporation. It also may issue stock as
a reward to key employees in return for certain services or as a return to investors in
place of cash payments.
A closed corporation is a corporation whose stock is owned by relatively few
people and is not sold to the general public. As an example, Mars—the company
famous for M&Ms, Snickers, Dove, Milky Way, Twix, and other chocolate candy—is
a privately held, family-owned, closed corporation. Although many people think that
a closed corporation is a small company, there are exceptions. Mars, for example, has
annual sales of more than $30 billion, employs more than 65,000 associates worldwide,
and operates in 70 different countries.6
An open corporation is one whose stock can be bought and sold by any individual.
Examples of open corporations include General Electric, Microsoft, Apple, and
Forming a Corporation
Although you may think that incorporating a business guarantees success, it does not.
There is no special magic about placing the word Incorporated or the abbreviation Inc.
after the name of a business. Unfortunately, like sole proprietorships or partnerships,
corporations can go broke. The decision to incorporate a business therefore should be
made only after carefully considering whether the corporate form of ownership suits
your needs better than the sole proprietorship or partnership forms.
If you decide that the corporate form is the best form of organization for you, most
experts recommend that you begin the incorporation process by consulting a lawyer to
be sure that all legal requirements are met. While it may be possible to incorporate a
business without legal help, it is well to keep in mind the old saying, “A man who acts
as his own attorney has a fool for a client.” Table 4.1 lists some aspects of starting and
running a business that may require legal help.
Where to Incorporate A business is allowed to incorporate in any state that it
chooses. Most small- and medium-sized businesses are incorporated in the state where
they do the most business. The founders of larger corporations or of those that will
do business nationwide often compare the benefits that various states provide to corporations.
The decision on where to incorporate usually is based on two factors: (1)
the cost of incorporating in one state compared with the cost in another state and

Ten Aspects of Business That May Require Legal Help
1. C hoosing either the sole proprietorship, partnership, corporate, or some special
form of ownership
2. C onstructing a partnership agreement
3. I ncorporating a business
4. R egistering a corporation’s stock
5. O btaining a trademark, patent, or copyright
6. Filing for licenses or permits at the local, state, and federal levels
7. Purchasing an existing business or real estate
8. C reating valid contracts
9. H iring employees and independent contractors
10. E xtending credit and collecting debts
(2) the advantages and disadvantages of each state’s corporate laws and tax structure.
Some states are more hospitable than others, and some offer fewer restrictions, lower
taxes, and other benefits to attract new firms. Delaware, Nevada, and Wyoming are
often chosen by corporations that do business in more than one state because of their
corporation-friendly laws and pro-business climate.7
An incorporated business is called a domestic corporation in the state in which it is
incorporated. In all other states where it does business, it is called a foreign corporation.
Sears Holdings Corporation, the parent company of Sears and Kmart, is incorporated
in Delaware, where it is a domestic corporation. In the remaining 49 states, Sears
is a foreign corporation. Sears must register in all states where it does business and
also pay taxes and annual fees to each state. A corporation chartered by a foreign
government and conducting business in the United States is an alien corporation.
Volkswagen AG, Sony Corporation, and the Royal Dutch/Shell Group are examples of
alien corporations.
The Corporate Charter Once a home state has been chosen, the incorporator(s)
submits articles of incorporation to the secretary of state. When the articles of incorporation
are approved, they become a contract between a corporation and the state in
which the state recognizes the formation of the artificial person that is the corporation.
Usually, the articles of incorporation include the following information:
●● The firm’s name and address
●● The incorporators’ names and addresses
●● The purpose of the corporation
●● The maximum amount of stock and types of stock to be issued
●● The rights and privileges of stockholders
●● The length of time the corporation is to exist
To help you to decide if the corporate form of organization is the right choice, you
may want to visit the library for more information on the incorporation process. You
can also use an Internet search engine and enter the term “business incorporation” for
useful Web sites. In addition, before making a decision to organize your business as a
corporation, you may want to consider two additional areas: stockholders’ rights and
the importance of the organizational meeting.
Stockholders’ Rights There are two basic types of stock. Owners of common
stock may vote on corporate matters. Generally, an owner of common stock has one
vote for each share owned. However, any claims of common-stock owners on profits,
dividends, and assets of the corporation are paid after the claims of others. The owners
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Sebuah perusahaan, ia berkata, "adalah buatan orang, terlihat, tidak berwujud,dan ada hanya dalam perenungan hukum." Dengan kata lain,Corporation (kadang-kadang disebut sebagai biasa atau C-corporation)orang buatan yang diciptakan oleh undang-undang, dengan sebagian besar hak hukumdari seseorang yang nyata. Ini termasuk:●● hak untuk memulai dan menjalankan bisnis●● hak untuk membeli atau menjual properti●● hak untuk meminjam uang●● hak untuk menuntut atau dituntut●● hak untuk memasuki mengikat kontrakTidak seperti orang yang nyata, namun, sebuah perusahaan ada hanya padakertas. Ada sekitar 6 juta perusahaan di InggrisNegara. Mereka terdiri dari sekitar 19 persen dari semua bisnis, tetapi merekaaccount untuk 81 persen pendapatan penjualan (Lihat angka-angka 4.1 dan 4.2).Kepemilikan perusahaanSaham kepemilikan perusahaan disebut saham. Theorang yang memiliki saham perusahaan — dan dengan itu sendiri bagian dariCorporation-disebut pemegang saham. Setelah sebuah perusahaan memilikitelah dibentuk, itu mungkin menjual sahamnya kepada perorangan atau perusahaan lainyang ingin berinvestasi di perusahaan. Itu juga dapat mengeluarkan saham sebagaihadiah kepada karyawan kunci untuk layanan tertentu atau sebagai kembali ke investor ditempat pembayaran tunai.Tertutup corporation adalah sebuah perusahaan saham yang dimiliki oleh relatif sedikitorang-orang dan tidak dijual kepada umum. Sebagai contoh, Mars-perusahaanterkenal untuk M & Ms, Snickers, Merpati, Bima Sakti, Twix dan permen cokelat lain — adalaha privately held, family-owned, closed corporation. Although many people think thata closed corporation is a small company, there are exceptions. Mars, for example, hasannual sales of more than $30 billion, employs more than 65,000 associates worldwide,and operates in 70 different countries.6An open corporation is one whose stock can be bought and sold by any individual.Examples of open corporations include General Electric, Microsoft, Apple, andSony.Forming a CorporationAlthough you may think that incorporating a business guarantees success, it does not.There is no special magic about placing the word Incorporated or the abbreviation Inc.after the name of a business. Unfortunately, like sole proprietorships or partnerships,corporations can go broke. The decision to incorporate a business therefore should bemade only after carefully considering whether the corporate form of ownership suitsyour needs better than the sole proprietorship or partnership forms.If you decide that the corporate form is the best form of organization for you, mostexperts recommend that you begin the incorporation process by consulting a lawyer tobe sure that all legal requirements are met. While it may be possible to incorporate abusiness without legal help, it is well to keep in mind the old saying, “A man who actsas his own attorney has a fool for a client.” Table 4.1 lists some aspects of starting andmenjalankan bisnis yang mungkin memerlukan bantuan hukum.Mana untuk memasukkan bisnis diperbolehkan untuk memasukkan di negara mana pun itumemilih. Kebanyakan bisnis berukuran kecil dan sedang didirikan di negara manamereka melakukan bisnis yang paling. Para pendiri dari perusahaan yang lebih besar atau yang akanmelakukan bisnis Nasional sering membandingkan manfaat yang menyediakan berbagai negara ke perusahaan.Keputusan di mana untuk memasukkan biasanya didasarkan pada dua faktor: (1)biaya menggabungkan di satu negara dibandingkan dengan biaya di negara bagian lain dan115Sepuluh aspek bisnis yang mungkin memerlukan bantuan hukum1. C hoosing baik perorangan sole, kemitraan, perusahaan, atau beberapa Spesialbentuk kepemilikan2. C onstructing perjanjian kemitraan3. aku ncorporating bisnis4. R egistering sebuah perusahaan saham5. O btaining merek dagang, paten, atau hak cipta6. pengajuan untuk lisensi atau izin di tingkat lokal, negara bagian, dan federal tingkat7. membeli bisnis yang ada atau real estat8. C reating berlaku kontrak9. H iring karyawan dan kontraktor independen10. E xtending kredit dan mengumpulkan utang(2) keuntungan dan kerugian dari setiap negara hukum perusahaan dan struktur pajak.Beberapa negara lebih ramah daripada yang lain, dan beberapa menawarkan pembatasan lebih sedikit, lebih rendahpajak, dan manfaat lainnya untuk menarik perusahaan-perusahaan baru. Delaware, Nevada, dan Wyomingsering dipilih oleh perusahaan-perusahaan yang melakukan bisnis di lebih dari satu negara karena merekaundang-undang perusahaan-ramah dan climate.7 Pro-BisnisSebuah bisnis dimasukkan disebut sebuah perusahaan domestik di negara di manadimasukkan. Di semua negara lain dimana itu melakukan bisnis, itu disebut perusahaan asing.Sears Holdings Corporation, perusahaan induk Sears dan Kmart, dimasukkandi Delaware, tempat itu adalah sebuah perusahaan domestik. Di sisa Serikat 49, Searsadalah sebuah perusahaan asing. Sears harus mendaftar di semua negara dimana itu melakukan bisnis danjuga membayar pajak dan biaya tahunan untuk setiap negara. Sebuah perusahaan yang disewa oleh Asingpemerintah dan melakukan bisnis di Amerika Serikat adalah sebuah perusahaan asing.Volkswagen AG, Sony Corporation dan Royal Belanda/Shell Group adalah contohperusahaan-perusahaan asing.Piagam Perusahaan sekali keadaan rumah telah dipilih, incorporator(s)mengirimkan artikel pendirian untuk Sekretaris Negara. Ketika artikel pendirianyang disetujui, mereka menjadi kontrak antara corporation dan negara diyang negara mengakui pembentukan buatan orang yang adalah perusahaan.Biasanya, artikel pendirian mencakup informasi berikut:●● nama dan alamat perusahaan●● incorporators' nama dan alamat●● Tujuan Korporasi●● jumlah maksimum saham dan jenis saham yang akan dikeluarkan●● hak-hak dan hak-hak pemegang saham●● jangka waktu corporation adalah adaUntuk membantu Anda untuk memutuskan apakah bentuk perusahaan organisasi adalah pilihan yang tepat, Andamungkin ingin mengunjungi perpustakaan untuk informasi lebih lanjut pada proses penggabungan. Andadapat juga menggunakan mesin pencarian Internet dan masukkan istilah "bisnis penggabungan" untuksitus Web yang berguna. Selain itu, sebelum membuat keputusan untuk mengatur bisnis Anda sebagaiperusahaan, Anda mungkin ingin mempertimbangkan dua bidang tambahan: hak-hak pemegang saham danpentingnya pertemuan organisasi.Pemegang saham hak ada dua tipe dasar saham. Pemilik Umumsaham dapat memberikan suara pada masalah perusahaan. Umumnya, pemilik saham biasa memiliki satumemilih untuk setiap saham yang dimiliki. Namun, setiap klaim pemilik saham umum pada keuntungan,dividen, dan aset Corporation dibayar setelah klaim dari orang lain. Pemilik116
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