Sends under es­cort more than 5000 dragon Long Jun to cap­ture, enor­m terjemahan - Sends under es­cort more than 5000 dragon Long Jun to cap­ture, enor­m Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Sends under es­cort more than 5000

Sends under es­cort more than 5000 dragon Long Jun to cap­ture, enor­mous and pow­er­ful re­turn­ing Tian Ling Em­pire, one group of guards out­side city gate are dumb­struck, but in my pack­age is hold­ing Long Lin the head, lead­ing four Yorozuo long sub­or­di­nates to enter Wang Cheng, di­rectly soars the royal palace main hall, duty that here re­ceives, here should also hand over is right.
In the palace, the se­nior king is invit­ing the whole body of min­is­ters as be­fore, wears, Theodore , the player who sev­eral are as­sign­ing the duty, no­ticed that I come to watch the fun in the one side, opened the video sys­tem, looks like has not seen CBN to fight net first ten player, lacks prospects! Raises the sword to walk to go for­ward, my re­spect­ful to a king bow, was say­ing: „Your majesty, the palace guard ful­fills their mis­sion, ex­ter­mi­nated dragon Long Jun thor­oughly, the ban­dit chief­tain Long Lin head here . More­over, more than 5000 peo­ple of cap­tives out­side the city waited for that your majesty han­dled.”
A body­guard walked, in the hand is hold­ing a tray, I placed above the num­ber of peo­ple, the body­guard have won, Locker Great swept one, in the vi­sion was pass­ing a loathing, said: „Theodore, you have bat­tled with the dragon Long Jun's pi­rate, you should know whose this head be­longs?”
Theodore nods say­ing: „Fa­ther em­peror, was re­ally Long Lin the sev­ered head, palace guard Li Tongling truly has ex­ter­mi­nated dragon Long Jun!”
Locker Great pats the throne, stands up with a smile, said: „Can com­plete, Gen­eral Li Xiao Yao is re­ally the em­pire pil­lar of the state, ahem, this dragon Long Jun abuses power in the mil­i­tary god river bank, lets our Tian Ling Em­pire such as the fish­bone in the throat, now fi­nally this stinger cap­tur­ing, the palace guard has es­tab­lished the un­ri­valled dis­tin­guished merit, good, Li Xiao Yao has com­manded, what re­ward do you want?”
I lower the head say­ing: „What­ever your majesty re­wards!”
The se­nior king laughs, sys­tem ting of next quar­ter re­ward has re­ver­ber­ated in my ear, this se­nior king also re­ally not mean-spir­ited, not only has re­warded me, has re­warded the palace guard the army
Sys­tem sys­tem no­ti­fi­ca­tion: Con­grat­u­lates you, you have com­pleted the SSS level mas­ter line reg­i­ment task 【Ex­ter­mi­nates dragon Long Jun】, Ob­tains the re­ward: Level + 1, charm value + 50, mer­i­to­ri­ous ser­vice value + 400, gold coins sev­eral + 100000, palace guard army sol­diers Level + 3, ob­tain to grant the weapon: Long Jing ar­tillery × 50 and hot crag ar­tillery × 100 and cross­bow car­riage × 200 and gold coin × 2000000!
Dari: -
Ke: -
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Sends under es­cort more than 5000 dragon Long Jun to cap­ture, enor­mous and pow­er­ful re­turn­ing Tian Ling Em­pire, one group of guards out­side city gate are dumb­struck, but in my pack­age is hold­ing Long Lin the head, lead­ing four Yorozuo long sub­or­di­nates to enter Wang Cheng, di­rectly soars the royal palace main hall, duty that here re­ceives, here should also hand over is right.In the palace, the se­nior king is invit­ing the whole body of min­is­ters as be­fore, wears, Theodore , the player who sev­eral are as­sign­ing the duty, no­ticed that I come to watch the fun in the one side, opened the video sys­tem, looks like has not seen CBN to fight net first ten player, lacks prospects! Raises the sword to walk to go for­ward, my re­spect­ful to a king bow, was say­ing: „Your majesty, the palace guard ful­fills their mis­sion, ex­ter­mi­nated dragon Long Jun thor­oughly, the ban­dit chief­tain Long Lin head here . More­over, more than 5000 peo­ple of cap­tives out­side the city waited for that your majesty han­dled.”A body­guard walked, in the hand is hold­ing a tray, I placed above the num­ber of peo­ple, the body­guard have won, Locker Great swept one, in the vi­sion was pass­ing a loathing, said: „Theodore, you have bat­tled with the dragon Long Jun's pi­rate, you should know whose this head be­longs?”Theodore nods say­ing: „Fa­ther em­peror, was re­ally Long Lin the sev­ered head, palace guard Li Tongling truly has ex­ter­mi­nated dragon Long Jun!”Locker Great pats the throne, stands up with a smile, said: „Can com­plete, Gen­eral Li Xiao Yao is re­ally the em­pire pil­lar of the state, ahem, this dragon Long Jun abuses power in the mil­i­tary god river bank, lets our Tian Ling Em­pire such as the fish­bone in the throat, now fi­nally this stinger cap­tur­ing, the palace guard has es­tab­lished the un­ri­valled dis­tin­guished merit, good, Li Xiao Yao has com­manded, what re­ward do you want?”I lower the head say­ing: „What­ever your majesty re­wards!”„Good!”The se­nior king laughs, sys­tem ting of next quar­ter re­ward has re­ver­ber­ated in my ear, this se­nior king also re­ally not mean-spir­ited, not only has re­warded me, has re­warded the palace guard the army„Bites!”Sys­tem sys­tem no­ti­fi­ca­tion: Con­grat­u­lates you, you have com­pleted the SSS level mas­ter line reg­i­ment task 【Ex­ter­mi­nates dragon Long Jun】, Ob­tains the re­ward: Level + 1, charm value + 50, mer­i­to­ri­ous ser­vice value + 400, gold coins sev­eral + 100000, palace guard army sol­diers Level + 3, ob­tain to grant the weapon: Long Jing ar­tillery × 50 and hot crag ar­tillery × 100 and cross­bow car­riage × 200 and gold coin × 2000000!
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Mengirimkan bawah pengawalan lebih dari 5000 naga panjang Juni untuk menangkap, besar dan kuat kembali Tian Ling Empire, satu kelompok penjaga di luar pintu gerbang kota yang kaget, tapi dalam paket saya memegang Panjang Lin kepala, memimpin empat bawahan panjang Yorozuo memasukkan Wang Cheng , langsung melonjak istana kerajaan aula utama, tugas itu di sini menerima, di sini juga harus menyerahkan tepat.
Di istana, raja senior mengundang seluruh tubuh menteri seperti sebelumnya, memakai, Theodore, pemain yang beberapa yang menempatkan tugas, memperhatikan bahwa saya datang untuk menonton menyenangkan di satu sisi, membuka sistem video, terlihat seperti belum melihat CBN untuk melawan net sepuluh pertama player, tidak memiliki prospek! Mengangkat pedangnya untuk berjalan untuk maju, saya hormat kepada raja busur, berkata: "Yang Mulia, pengawal istana memenuhi misi mereka, dibasmi naga panjang Juni menyeluruh, bandit kepala suku Panjang Lin kepala di sini. Selain itu, lebih dari 5000 orang tawanan di luar kota menunggu untuk itu paduka ditangani. "
Seorang pengawal berjalan, di tangan memegang nampan, saya ditempatkan di atas jumlah orang, pengawal telah memenangkan, Locker besar menyapu satu, di visi itu lewat kebencian, kata: "Theodore, Anda telah berjuang dengan naga bajak laut panjang Jun, Anda harus tahu yang kepalanya ini milik?"
Theodore mengangguk mengatakan: "Ayah kaisar, benar-benar panjang Lin kepala terpenggal, pengawal istana Li ! Tongling benar-benar telah dibasmi naga panjang Juni "
Locker besar menepuk takhta, berdiri sambil tersenyum, mengatakan:" Bisa menyelesaikan, General Li Xiao Yao adalah benar-benar pilar kerajaan negara, ahem, naga ini Long Juni pelanggaran kekuasaan di Bank dewa sungai militer, memungkinkan Tian kami Ling Empire seperti tulang ikan di tenggorokan, sekarang akhirnya ini stinger menangkap, pengawal istana telah membentuk kebaikan yg tak tertandingi, baik, Li Xiao Yao telah memerintahkan, apa reward yang Anda inginkan? "
aku menurunkan kepala mengatakan: "! Apapun imbalan Mulia"
! "Baik"
raja senior tertawa, sistem ting berikutnya reward kuartal telah bergema di telingaku, raja senior yang ini juga benar-benar tidak berniat jahat, tidak hanya telah dihargai saya, memiliki dihargai istana menjaga tentara
pemberitahuan sistem sistem: mengucapkan selamat, Anda telah menyelesaikan SSS tingkat master online resimen tugas 【memusnahkan naga panjang Juni】, Memperoleh pahala: level + 1, nilai pesona + 50, berjasa nilai layanan + 400, koin emas beberapa + 100000, prajurit keraton penjaga tentara Tingkat + 3, memperoleh untuk memberikan senjata: Long Jing artileri × 50 dan karang artileri panas × 100 dan kereta panah × 200 dan koin emas × 2000000!
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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