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How do I delete my clash of clans village and start over? [duplicate]up vote3down votefavoriteThis question already has an answer here:Restarting with new account 7 answersI started a few days ago but after reading around a few forums, I realize I could have done much better on my village.So, how do I delete my clash of clans village and start over? There does not appear to be any option in-game.I have not linked it to any game center account if that helps. I did see a warning somewhere saying you should link it to game center to avoid the risk of accidentally losing your data. This could be quite useful considering that I do want to lose my data right now.clash-of-clansshareimprove this questionasked Jun 4 at 3:39JK01129116marked as duplicate by Jutschge, Jeffrey Lin, Michel, kotekzot, Billy Mailman Aug 7 at 15:09This question has been asked before and already has an answer. If those answers do not fully address your question, please ask a new question. @JK01 what device are you using? I.e. Android or iOs – DMK Jun 4 at 8:13add a comment6 Answersactiveoldestvotesup vote2down voteDelete your Game And reinstall, if you however want to keep it as backup, I think you can add that account to another with a link device feature but I'm not certainshareimprove this answeranswered Jun 4 at 16:25DaveTheGamer6221212add a commentup vote0down voteThere isn't a way to reset your village but this is what you could do: 1. Log out of Game Center and Log in using another account 2. Reinstall CoC Then you should be starting with a new village Hope I helped.shareimprove this answeranswered Jun 4 at 12:44JasonSPQR688add a commentup vote0down voteTo me, there would never be any reason to completely delete your village. You can really only improve your village through putting builder time into it, and you would lose all the time you spent so far if you were to delete your village.Instead, just start focusing on the buildings that you want to improve, and the troops you want to level up. There really is no benefit to destroying your current village.shareimprove this answeranswered Jun 30 at 17:10Zack T.1013add a commentup vote0down voteOne of the answers isn't correct. Deleting just the game and reinstalling the game won't do anything as it will still bring back your old game. Even logging out of game center and logging back on won't help.The only way to do this is to do a factory restore and set up as a "NEW" device. Unless your have a jailbroken idevice then it may be possible if there is an app that let's you clear data within the system file for Coc. But i wouldn't risk it.shareimprove this answeranswered Jul 25 at 14:18user83189112add a commentup vote0down voteOk hopefully this works so delete the game then you will have to change your Game Center to another account log out of the one that you are currently in and log into another or create a new one then reinstall clash of clans hopefully this helps you!!
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