„An­chor­age he, with the Big Dip­per arrow!” I shouted to clear the w terjemahan - „An­chor­age he, with the Big Dip­per arrow!” I shouted to clear the w Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

„An­chor­age he, with the Big Dip­p

„An­chor­age he, with the Big Dip­per arrow!” I shouted to clear the way in a low voice, let dig up a grave ghost in the rush that on the city acted fully, our losses were not lit­tle.
Lin Xi­aowu, the gen­eral Lian Po Big Dip­per arrow, ac­tu­ally fell by MISS con­tin­u­ously, was pass­ing over gen­tly and swiftly in this time Yue Qing Qian form, the chisel strikes the skill dizzi­ness to be suc­cess­ful, the dou­ble dag­ger waves, „ka ka” cut away digs up a grave ghost big sec­tion of HP im­me­di­ately to retro­cede, the op­er­a­tion was mag­nif­i­cent, Lin Wan Er started the dou­ble knife-edge to com­bine and com­ple­ment one an­other from an­other side + sur­rounds and at­tacks the skill con­tin­u­ally, the long-dis­tance round salvo, this first mounted the dig­ging up a grave ghost of city to call out piti­fully im­me­di­ately drop­ping down, blew out a spirit Yu Qipi Ar­mour wris­ter.
More­over one side, Tang Xin, month plume, stars blade edge et al. with joint forces struck to mas­sacre an­other to dig up a grave the ghost, si­mul­ta­ne­ously lost 4 close com­bats is the player, with­out the means that was al­most killed by the sec­ond, dug up a grave the strik­ing power of ghost too to be re­ally high, the pre­sent stage [Zhan Long] close com­bat was the player are ac­tu­ally ma­jor­ity of is also 1 W-1.5 W HP, could not re­sist.
„Stands firm the po­si­tion , to con­tinue dig­ging up a grave the ghost at­tracts!”
My div­ing pos­ture ar­rives at the city edge, beck­ons with the hand to re­lease black dragon Lian Nu, the huge green Lian Nux­ian blade edge is fear­ful, the huge ju ling god pulls open the string blade edge vividly, „brushes” the arrow arrow shoots down, in climb­ing up city digs up a grave in the clever mon­ster group, and black dragon Lian Nu has cer­tain shak­ing to draw back the ef­fect, there­fore climbs up dig­ging up a grave ghost un­ceas­ing whin­ning on great crag, is al­most a trim was shot down, falls dead to con­tinue up­ward to crawl most prob­a­bly, we killed not to be dif­fi­cult again.
Point, Prague, at­tack­ing army has reached the city and other guilds are not silly, sim­i­larly has used the same tac­tic, the cold un­cul­ti­vated land Dragon’s den north­ern city wall in­stan­ta­neously once again was been im­me­di­ately in­car­na­dine by the blood, to de­fend the im­pe­r­ial this city, too many play­ers died in bat­tle, the blood tosses in the snowy area, caught crowded chilly beau­ti­ful plum blos­soms likely.
[Zhan Long], points and Prague three big po­si­tions stand erect not but ac­tu­ally, the ef­fec­tive strengths of three big guilds are sec­ond to none in Ba Huang City, but the other para­graphs of cold un­cul­ti­vated land Dragon’s den Be­icheng wall not nec­es­sar­ily had were so smooth, was more spe­cial the small guild, could not re­sist digs up a grave the at­tack of ghost, lost the speed to be as­ton­ish­ing, was less than a half hour, the guild that sev­eral about thou­sand peo­ple of en­ter­ing the war dug up a grave the ghost to kill a per­son not to re­main un­ex­pect­edly.
One crowd dug up a grave the ghost to step the city, the dance re­sort­ing to arms arm has killed peo­ple every­where.
In the ob­ser­va­tion post, Frost raises is cut­ting Hua Jian, is­sues an order, hun­dred Dragon’s den armed sol­diers held up the sword to clash, these were bit the spirit cav­alry sol­dier, the hip snow­ing wolf send out roar­ing sound killing in the mon­ster group, the knight bran­dished the long sword to kill reck­lessly, en­tire Dragon’s den as if can also con­tend with 1 level on these branch of the ser­vices di­rectly level of dif­fer­ent demon.
„Could not block!!”
The Sen­nin­dani po­si­tion di­rec­tion, Lu Dong­bin raises the law stick to retro­cede rapidly, on the face is hav­ing the color of anger: „This TMD what mas­ter line duty, the mon­ster so will be how fierce, how does this also make the human hit?! Re­treated, can­not block”
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Ke: -
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
„An­chor­age he, with the Big Dip­per arrow!” I shouted to clear the way in a low voice, let dig up a grave ghost in the rush that on the city acted fully, our losses were not lit­tle.Lin Xi­aowu, the gen­eral Lian Po Big Dip­per arrow, ac­tu­ally fell by MISS con­tin­u­ously, was pass­ing over gen­tly and swiftly in this time Yue Qing Qian form, the chisel strikes the skill dizzi­ness to be suc­cess­ful, the dou­ble dag­ger waves, „ka ka” cut away digs up a grave ghost big sec­tion of HP im­me­di­ately to retro­cede, the op­er­a­tion was mag­nif­i­cent, Lin Wan Er started the dou­ble knife-edge to com­bine and com­ple­ment one an­other from an­other side + sur­rounds and at­tacks the skill con­tin­u­ally, the long-dis­tance round salvo, this first mounted the dig­ging up a grave ghost of city to call out piti­fully im­me­di­ately drop­ping down, blew out a spirit Yu Qipi Ar­mour wris­ter.More­over one side, Tang Xin, month plume, stars blade edge et al. with joint forces struck to mas­sacre an­other to dig up a grave the ghost, si­mul­ta­ne­ously lost 4 close com­bats is the player, with­out the means that was al­most killed by the sec­ond, dug up a grave the strik­ing power of ghost too to be re­ally high, the pre­sent stage [Zhan Long] close com­bat was the player are ac­tu­ally ma­jor­ity of is also 1 W-1.5 W HP, could not re­sist.„Stands firm the po­si­tion , to con­tinue dig­ging up a grave the ghost at­tracts!”My div­ing pos­ture ar­rives at the city edge, beck­ons with the hand to re­lease black dragon Lian Nu, the huge green Lian Nux­ian blade edge is fear­ful, the huge ju ling god pulls open the string blade edge vividly, „brushes” the arrow arrow shoots down, in climb­ing up city digs up a grave in the clever mon­ster group, and black dragon Lian Nu has cer­tain shak­ing to draw back the ef­fect, there­fore climbs up dig­ging up a grave ghost un­ceas­ing whin­ning on great crag, is al­most a trim was shot down, falls dead to con­tinue up­ward to crawl most prob­a­bly, we killed not to be dif­fi­cult again.Point, Prague, at­tack­ing army has reached the city and other guilds are not silly, sim­i­larly has used the same tac­tic, the cold un­cul­ti­vated land Dragon’s den north­ern city wall in­stan­ta­neously once again was been im­me­di­ately in­car­na­dine by the blood, to de­fend the im­pe­r­ial this city, too many play­ers died in bat­tle, the blood tosses in the snowy area, caught crowded chilly beau­ti­ful plum blos­soms likely.[Zhan Long], points and Prague three big po­si­tions stand erect not but ac­tu­ally, the ef­fec­tive strengths of three big guilds are sec­ond to none in Ba Huang City, but the other para­graphs of cold un­cul­ti­vated land Dragon’s den Be­icheng wall not nec­es­sar­ily had were so smooth, was more spe­cial the small guild, could not re­sist digs up a grave the at­tack of ghost, lost the speed to be as­ton­ish­ing, was less than a half hour, the guild that sev­eral about thou­sand peo­ple of en­ter­ing the war dug up a grave the ghost to kill a per­son not to re­main un­ex­pect­edly.One crowd dug up a grave the ghost to step the city, the dance re­sort­ing to arms arm has killed peo­ple every­where.In the ob­ser­va­tion post, Frost raises is cut­ting Hua Jian, is­sues an order, hun­dred Dragon’s den armed sol­diers held up the sword to clash, these were bit the spirit cav­alry sol­dier, the hip snow­ing wolf send out roar­ing sound killing in the mon­ster group, the knight bran­dished the long sword to kill reck­lessly, en­tire Dragon’s den as if can also con­tend with 1 level on these branch of the ser­vices di­rectly level of dif­fer­ent demon.„Could not block!!”The Sen­nin­dani po­si­tion di­rec­tion, Lu Dong­bin raises the law stick to retro­cede rapidly, on the face is hav­ing the color of anger: „This TMD what mas­ter line duty, the mon­ster so will be how fierce, how does this also make the human hit?! Re­treated, can­not block”
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
"Anchorage dia, dengan Big Dipper panah!" Aku berteriak untuk membersihkan jalan dengan suara rendah, biarkan menggali hantu kuburan di terburu-buru yang di kota bertindak sepenuhnya, kerugian kami tidak sedikit.
Lin Xiaowu, yang Lian umum Po Big Dipper panah, benar-benar jatuh oleh LEWATKAN terus, melewati lebih lembut dan cepat saat ini bentuk Yue Qing Qian, pahat menyerang pusing keterampilan untuk menjadi sukses, gelombang belati ganda, "ka ka" memotong menggali kuburan hantu bagian besar dari HP segera untuk retrocede, operasi itu megah, Lin Wan Er mulai ganda pisau-tepi untuk menggabungkan dan melengkapi satu sama lain dari sisi lain + mengelilingi dan menyerang keterampilan terus, jarak jauh putaran salvo, ini pertama dipasang yang menggali hantu kuburan kota untuk memanggil menyedihkan segera jatuh ke bawah, meniup semangat Yu Qipi Armour wrister.
Apalagi satu sisi, Tang Xin, bulan membanggakan, dibintangi pisau tepi et al. dengan pasukan gabungan memukul ke pembantaian lain untuk menggali kuburan hantu, secara bersamaan kehilangan 4 dekat memerangi adalah pemain, tanpa sarana yang hampir dibunuh oleh kedua, menggali kuburan kekuatan mencolok dari hantu juga untuk benar-benar tinggi, tahap sekarang [Zhan panjang] pertempuran jarak dekat adalah pemain yang benar-benar mayoritas juga 1 W-1,5 W HP, tidak bisa menahan.
"Stand perusahaan posisi, untuk melanjutkan menggali kuburan hantu menarik!"
postur diving saya tiba di tepi kota, mengundang dengan tangan untuk melepaskan naga hitam Lian Nu, tepi pisau Lian Nuxian hijau besar yang takut, yang besar dewa ju ling menarik membuka tepi tali pisau jelas, "sikat" panah panah tembak jatuh, di panjat up kota menggali kuburan di kelompok rakasa pintar, dan naga hitam Lian Nu memiliki tertentu gemetar untuk menarik kembali efeknya, karena memanjat menggali hantu kuburan tak henti-hentinya whinning pada tebing besar, hampir trim ditembak jatuh, jatuh mati untuk terus ke atas merangkak paling mungkin, kami membunuh tidak sulit lagi.
Point, Praha, menyerang tentara telah mencapai kota dan serikat lain tidak konyol, sama telah menggunakan taktik yang sama, tanah digarap dingin den dinding utara kota Dragon seketika sekali lagi berkunjung langsung jambu oleh darah, untuk mempertahankan kekaisaran kota ini, terlalu banyak pemain tewas dalam pertempuran, lemparan-lemparan darah di daerah bersalju, tertangkap ramai dingin yang indah bunga plum kemungkinan.
[Zhan panjang], poin dan Praha tiga besar posisi berdiri tegak tidak tetapi sebenarnya, kekuatan efektif tiga serikat besar yang tidak ada duanya di Ba Huang City, tapi paragraf lain den Beicheng dinding tanah yang tidak digarap dingin Dragon tidak selalu memiliki yang begitu halus, itu lebih istimewa guild kecil, bisa tidak menolak menggali kuburan serangan hantu, kehilangan kecepatan menjadi menakjubkan, kurang dari setengah jam, serikat bahwa beberapa tentang ribu orang memasuki perang menggali kuburan hantu untuk membunuh seseorang untuk tidak tetap tak terduga .
satu orang menggali kuburan hantu untuk melangkah kota, tarian beralih ke lengan lengan telah membunuh orang di mana-mana.
Di pos pengamatan, Frost menimbulkan memotong Hua Jian, mengeluarkan perintah, seratus tentara bersenjata den Dragon mengangkat pedang berbenturan, ini sedikit semangat kavaleri tentara, serigala hip salju turun mengirimkan menderu pembunuhan suara dalam kelompok rakasa, ksatria mengacungkan pedang panjang untuk membunuh sembarangan, den seluruh Dragon seakan juga dapat bersaing dengan 1 tingkat di cabang tersebut . layanan tingkat langsung dari setan yang berbeda
"tidak bisa memblokir !!"
The Sennindani arah posisi, Lu Dongbin menimbulkan tongkat hukum untuk retrocede cepat, pada wajah adalah memiliki warna kemarahan: "TMD ini apa yang menguasai tugas line, rakasa tersebut sehingga akan bagaimana sengit, bagaimana ini juga membuat hit manusia ?! Mundur, tidak dapat memblokir "
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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