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Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
#1109: urutan perang terbuka! Bersama dengan jatuh buah Nirvana, menutup area Gunung sia-sia pada disipasi ray, tapi cahaya perasaan terdalam Meng Hao, adalah seperti sebelumnya intens, nya bernapas dalam-dalam, salah satu badan luar kekosongan menuju langkah Gunung berjalan. < ; =Seluruh orang sedang menginjak nihility, di atas udara atas, lolongan angin yang kuat, pukulan dari rambutnya, Mei benar-benar mampu membawa sedikit aura, seperti pada Meng Hao, memiliki milik cara nya mengesankan sendirian, adalah tidak angin bisa berjabat, tetapi getar dunia ini."Tiga dunia tanda, telah menjadi benar-benar jelas menyadari oleh saya, keinginan membuat buah-buah Nirvana sekering secara menyeluruh... Saya perlu, tanda-tanda lain!" meng Hao memaksakan cara meletus, berlimpah maksud pertempuran, visi adalah sama seperti petir, tubuh pergi jauh instan.Dia harus meninggalkan negara ini kesembilan, harus memasukkan di negara lain... Perkelahian Echelon, merenggut tanda!Dalam ini Ru Feng pesawat, memperoleh milik Nya... Nasib baik terbesar, pergi ke...Surga mahkota abadi!Masuk ke, Echelon pertama!Bang!Bang mengerikan, Meng Hao bentuk perubahan rainbow, pergi jauh langsung, ketika vanguard, yang kecil setengah-tongkat Dupa waktu, Kapan, menurunkan kepala tiba-tiba terlihat ke bumi.Di sini negara kesembilan, di tanah telah Teluk, di bawah ini, adalah bersembunyi Roh abadi jade arteri mengesankan, beralih yang pegunungan dan laut pesawat tiba, antara, dia bisa tidak melihat Meng Hao saat ini, Meng Hao benar-benar dapat melihatnya.He looks at demented and infatuated of this person, looks at these immortal jade, in innermost feelings regarding belongings ** appears flickers, immediately directly is ground by Meng Hao.„I, although is avaricious, may be always own master, the non- belongings control me!” When Meng Hao light to open mouth, as if has ground the invisible shackles, even has the sound of reverberation mind smashing, Meng Hao gains ground. Does not look at the earth slightly. Walks toward the distant place calmly.But before Meng Hao senses the world mark that final seven days. In this Ru Feng Plane, various countries' Echelon was blustery, had a series of astonishing changes.First country Echelon act, steps into the second country, makes war with second country Echelon, the second country Echelon rout, does not hesitate to extinguish soul one time, this runs away. But the world mark is actually not able to protect, had driven out entire country Fate Mountain by first country Echelon, takes directly.Afterward, is the fifth country makes war with sixth country Echelon, the wars of two big Echelon, shakes the heavens moves, making Vault of Heaven thunder, this war, is mutually wounded, when these two Echelon finally act. Echelon of first country's, that white clothing youth suddenly appears. Why he does not know, has not gone to Sanshan, but is the penetration, kills directly, by a person of person, fights two big Echelon.That war, shakes the world, making the fifth country nearly collapse, country Fate Mountain collapses, the final result, is fifth country's Echelon rout with the sixth country's, has robbed the world mark of fifth country's.Whether fifth country Echelon died, nobody knows, a war is missing, the sixth country Echelon doom becomes a fugitive, the severe wound returned to its country Fate Mountain to be.At once, entire Ru Feng Plane, had many changes, the first country Echelon that nearly in the invincible stance, sweeps away the world, making all person innermost feelings shock.But the nine world marks in Ru Feng Plane, first mountain Echelon and Meng Hao, occupy three respectively, other three, in the third country, in the sixth country and seventh country.The war, starts from the region of central temple, arrived at Echelon excessively, when this intense, Meng Hao stepped into the eighth country.He speeds away, has not stopped, such as the meteor cuts the expansive sky, howls in the sky of eighth country's, directly soars the seventh country to go, but his aura, condenses in this flight, is getting stronger and stronger.Shortly after time, Meng Hao in stepping into the seventh country's of instant, the pressure of entire seventh country's is suddenly huge, the equally intrepid aura, from country Fate Mountain of seventh country's, erupts together directly.Echelon Yuwen Jian negara ketujuh, yang sendiri ganas pengaruh pemuda yang sangat berat, ia berdiri di puncak saat ini, tangan kanan mengangkat Batal grasps, segera muncul tombak, satu menangkap olehnya ketika tangan, perolehan tanah, dia terlihat di langit."Wen tidak di sini adat yang menunggu untuk manusia untuk melawan!" Ketika cahaya-nya untuk membuka mulut, satu langkah langkah maju, tidak bergantung pada perlindungan negara nasib Gunung tiba-tiba, dalam arah yang aura Meng Hao, terbang langsung
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