Every book city drill ground, heavy cav­alry of one group of palace gu terjemahan - Every book city drill ground, heavy cav­alry of one group of palace gu Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Every book city drill ground, heavy

Every book city drill ground, heavy cav­alry of one group of palace guards is prac­tic­ing the eques­trian skill bay­o­net fight­ing, Han Yuan raises the steel knife to stand when the one side watches, on his armor even also has the blood­stain not to wipe out com­pletely, after ap­proach­ing, can smell the per­spi­ra­tion stink faintly, the dif­fer­ent demon de­cayed smell that per­haps after is slaugh­ters, leaves be­hind, but I was also used to it, this was the hero in war, ma­jor­ity of time will not be rid­ing the white horse and hand­some youth of out­stand­ing abil­ity, the guy but who was a Han Yuan this type of each food eats three jin (0.5 kg), pro­gressed to charge does not for­get to buckle the nose ex­cre­ment.
The South Ko­rean deep pool walks to go for­ward, says with a smile: „We re­cruited 20,000 peo­ple of re­cruits, is train­ing, they are the good seedlings of war in­sti­tute, in the school is the out­stand­ing stu­dent, trains to be also easy many, shortly af­ter­ward, we can have the heavy cav­al­ries of 30,000 au­di­ences again, will be more.”
I nod: „The sit­u­a­tion in bar­bar­ian step shield camp?”
The South Ko­rean deep pool said: „This fought the in­fantry bat­tal­ion to lose at least the 2 W + per­son, we were con­tinue re­cruit the bar­bar­ian brave war­rior to join the palace guard in the hot crys­tal basin, but was the bat­tle loss is too per­haps big, they quite had the com­plaint.”
I sighed: „Um, after all the bar­bar­ian did not have to re­gard own fam­ily Tian Ling Em­pire, im­pos­si­ble with heart and soul full fights for us, then re­cruits some human sol­diers, when crosses Cooldown again, the in­dig­na­tion sub­sides in the hot crys­tal basin that goes to the bar­bar­ian to oc­cupy to re­cruit the re­cruit again . More­over, en­cour­ag­ing the bar­bar­ian to give birth much, the de­vel­op­ment fer­tile farm­land makes us liveli­hood.”
The South Ko­rean deep pool nods, on the face brings to wipe the am­bigu­ous smil­ing face, said with a smile: „I have such done, pre­vi­ous time my re­duc­ing heat crys­tal basin time, these bar­bar­ians truly are not the cul­tured sav­age, under the field, tree, stone, every­where are their cop­u­la­tion scene, oh said that also re­ally lets the per­son blood­line ebul­li­tion!”
I shot a look at his one eyes, said: „Should you also find a wife?”
The South Ko­rean deep pool was star­tled being star­tled, in eye was pass­ing vi­cis­si­tudes, said: „Our these be­come a sol­dier, per­haps which day wants the hor­i­zon­tal corpse wilder­ness, where when the time comes buries does not know, what also raises to get mar­ried? Ok, do not dam­age the girls of oth­ers fam­ily, if I have the need, also will go to the em­pire tav­ern to spend sev­eral sil­ver coins to trade for night mer­rily with Xiao Li, dragon whet­stone sev­eral peo­ple.”
I smile: „Um, that is good.”
The South Ko­rean deep pool said: „Gen­eral, you come the bat­tal­ion to not to chat, what mat­ter has?”
In I took out have wrapped heart of pro­tec­tive charm Ichi­maino, said: „this is rides from the bar­baric wolf of ad­vance armed forces ob­tains, heart of pro­tec­tive charm this fond­ness of coun­try­side can stim­u­late the po­ten­tial of bar­bar­ian large scale, mak­ing them have a stronger strength, the might that the bar­baric wolf rides you also saw, there­fore helps me try to find the so­lu­tion, how to use heart of pro­tec­tive charms these fond­ness of coun­try­side.”
The South Ko­rean deep pool has taken the pro­tec­tive charm from my hand, took a look at the long time, said: „I am a care­less per­son, can­not un­der­stand, does my this ask the prophet mas­ter in every book city to have a look?”
Crossed was less than ten min­utes, Han Yuan went, but du­pli­cate, ex­cited said: „Gen­eral, the palace mas­ter said that so long as there is a charm to trig­ger, heart of pro­tec­tive charm this fond­ness of coun­try­side can fuse with a bar­bar­ian sol­dier, but this char
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Every book city drill ground, heavy cav­alry of one group of palace guards is prac­tic­ing the eques­trian skill bay­o­net fight­ing, Han Yuan raises the steel knife to stand when the one side watches, on his armor even also has the blood­stain not to wipe out com­pletely, after ap­proach­ing, can smell the per­spi­ra­tion stink faintly, the dif­fer­ent demon de­cayed smell that per­haps after is slaugh­ters, leaves be­hind, but I was also used to it, this was the hero in war, ma­jor­ity of time will not be rid­ing the white horse and hand­some youth of out­stand­ing abil­ity, the guy but who was a Han Yuan this type of each food eats three jin (0.5 kg), pro­gressed to charge does not for­get to buckle the nose ex­cre­ment.„Gen­eral!”The South Ko­rean deep pool walks to go for­ward, says with a smile: „We re­cruited 20,000 peo­ple of re­cruits, is train­ing, they are the good seedlings of war in­sti­tute, in the school is the out­stand­ing stu­dent, trains to be also easy many, shortly af­ter­ward, we can have the heavy cav­al­ries of 30,000 au­di­ences again, will be more.”I nod: „The sit­u­a­tion in bar­bar­ian step shield camp?”The South Ko­rean deep pool said: „This fought the in­fantry bat­tal­ion to lose at least the 2 W + per­son, we were con­tinue re­cruit the bar­bar­ian brave war­rior to join the palace guard in the hot crys­tal basin, but was the bat­tle loss is too per­haps big, they quite had the com­plaint.”I sighed: „Um, after all the bar­bar­ian did not have to re­gard own fam­ily Tian Ling Em­pire, im­pos­si­ble with heart and soul full fights for us, then re­cruits some human sol­diers, when crosses Cooldown again, the in­dig­na­tion sub­sides in the hot crys­tal basin that goes to the bar­bar­ian to oc­cupy to re­cruit the re­cruit again . More­over, en­cour­ag­ing the bar­bar­ian to give birth much, the de­vel­op­ment fer­tile farm­land makes us liveli­hood.”The South Ko­rean deep pool nods, on the face brings to wipe the am­bigu­ous smil­ing face, said with a smile: „I have such done, pre­vi­ous time my re­duc­ing heat crys­tal basin time, these bar­bar­ians truly are not the cul­tured sav­age, under the field, tree, stone, every­where are their cop­u­la­tion scene, oh said that also re­ally lets the per­son blood­line ebul­li­tion!”I shot a look at his one eyes, said: „Should you also find a wife?”The South Ko­rean deep pool was star­tled being star­tled, in eye was pass­ing vi­cis­si­tudes, said: „Our these be­come a sol­dier, per­haps which day wants the hor­i­zon­tal corpse wilder­ness, where when the time comes buries does not know, what also raises to get mar­ried? Ok, do not dam­age the girls of oth­ers fam­ily, if I have the need, also will go to the em­pire tav­ern to spend sev­eral sil­ver coins to trade for night mer­rily with Xiao Li, dragon whet­stone sev­eral peo­ple.”I smile: „Um, that is good.”The South Ko­rean deep pool said: „Gen­eral, you come the bat­tal­ion to not to chat, what mat­ter has?”In I took out have wrapped heart of pro­tec­tive charm Ichi­maino, said: „this is rides from the bar­baric wolf of ad­vance armed forces ob­tains, heart of pro­tec­tive charm this fond­ness of coun­try­side can stim­u­late the po­ten­tial of bar­bar­ian large scale, mak­ing them have a stronger strength, the might that the bar­baric wolf rides you also saw, there­fore helps me try to find the so­lu­tion, how to use heart of pro­tec­tive charms these fond­ness of coun­try­side.”„?”The South Ko­rean deep pool has taken the pro­tec­tive charm from my hand, took a look at the long time, said: „I am a care­less per­son, can­not un­der­stand, does my this ask the prophet mas­ter in every book city to have a look?”„Good!”Crossed was less than ten min­utes, Han Yuan went, but du­pli­cate, ex­cited said: „Gen­eral, the palace mas­ter said that so long as there is a charm to trig­ger, heart of pro­tec­tive charm this fond­ness of coun­try­side can fuse with a bar­bar­ian sol­dier, but this char
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Setiap kota buku bor tanah, kavaleri berat satu kelompok penjaga istana berlatih pertempuran keterampilan bayonet berkuda, Han Yuan mengangkat pisau baja untuk berdiri ketika jam tangan satu sisi, pada senjatanya pun memiliki noda darah tidak untuk menghapus sepenuhnya, setelah mendekati, dapat mencium bau keringat samar-samar, setan busuk bau yang berbeda yang mungkin setelah ini menyembelih, meninggalkan, tapi saya juga digunakan untuk itu, ini adalah pahlawan dalam perang, sebagian besar waktu tidak akan naik kuda putih dan pemuda tampan dari kemampuan luar biasa, orang tapi yang adalah seorang Han Yuan jenis ini setiap makanan makan tiga jin (0,5 kg), berlanjut ke biaya tidak lupa gesper kotoran hidung.
kolam renang yang mendalam Korea Selatan berjalan ke maju, sambil tersenyum: "Kami merekrut 20.000 orang rekrutan, adalah pelatihan, mereka adalah bibit yang baik dari lembaga perang, di sekolah adalah siswa yang luar biasa, melatih untuk menjadi juga mudah banyak, tak lama kemudian, kita dapat memiliki cavalries berat 30.000 penonton lagi, akan lebih ".
saya mengangguk:"? situasi di kamp langkah perisai barbar "
kolam renang yang mendalam Korea Selatan mengatakan:" ini berjuang batalyon infanteri kehilangan setidaknya 2 W + orang, kami terus merekrut pejuang pemberani barbar untuk bergabung pengawal istana di lembah kristal panas, tapi pertempuran kehilangan terlalu mungkin besar, mereka cukup punya keluhan ".
aku mendesah:" Um, setelah semua barbar tidak perlu menganggap sendiri keluarga Tian Ling Empire, mungkin dengan hati dan jiwa perkelahian penuh bagi kita, kemudian merekrut beberapa tentara manusia, ketika salib cooldown lagi, kemarahan reda di lembah kristal panas yang masuk ke barbar untuk menempati merekrut merekrut lagi. . Selain itu, mendorong barbar melahirkan banyak, pengembangan lahan pertanian yang subur membuat kita penghidupan "
The Korea Selatan dalam kolam mengangguk, pada wajah membawa untuk menyeka wajah tersenyum ambigu, berkata sambil tersenyum:" Saya memiliki seperti dilakukan, waktu sebelumnya mengurangi waktu panas kristal basin saya, barbar ini benar-benar bukan biadab berbudaya, di bawah lapangan, pohon, batu, di mana-mana adegan persetubuhan mereka, oh mengatakan yang juga benar-benar memungkinkan semangat yg meluap-luap orang keturunan! "
saya menembak lihat di salah satu matanya , mengatakan: "jika Anda juga menemukan seorang istri?"
kolam renang yang mendalam Korea Selatan terkejut sedang kaget, di mata lewat perubahan-perubahan, mengatakan: "ini kami menjadi tentara, mungkin yang hari ingin padang gurun mayat horisontal, di mana ketika waktu datang mengubur tidak tahu, apa yang juga menimbulkan untuk menikah? Ok, tidak merusak gadis-gadis dari keluarga lain, jika saya memiliki kebutuhan, juga akan pergi ke kedai kerajaan untuk menghabiskan beberapa koin perak untuk perdagangan untuk malam riang dengan Xiao Li, naga batu asah beberapa orang ".
Aku tersenyum:" Um, yang baik ".
kolam renang dalam Korea Selatan mengatakan:" Jenderal, Anda datang batalion untuk tidak chatting, apa materi memiliki "?
dalam kukeluarkan memiliki hati dibungkus pesona pelindung Ichimaino, mengatakan:" ini adalah wahana dari barbar serigala angkatan bersenjata muka memperoleh, jantung pesona pelindung kesukaan ini pedesaan dapat merangsang potensi skala besar barbar, membuat mereka memiliki kekuatan yang lebih kuat, keperkasaan bahwa serigala barbar naik Anda juga melihat, karena itu membantu saya mencoba untuk menemukan solusi ., bagaimana menggunakan jantung pesona pelindung kesukaan ini dari pedesaan "
"? "
kolam renang yang mendalam Korea Selatan telah mengambil pesona pelindung dari tangan saya, mengambil melihat waktu yang lama, mengatakan:" saya orang yang ceroboh, tidak bisa mengerti ?, apakah saya ini meminta master nabi di setiap kota buku untuk melihat-lihat "
" Bagus! "
Dilalui itu kurang dari sepuluh menit, Han Yuan pergi, tapi duplikat, gembira mengatakan:" Jenderal, kata master istana bahwa selama ada pesona untuk memicu, jantung pesona pelindung kesukaan ini pedesaan dapat sekering dengan tentara barbar, tapi arang ini
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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