formulated after a review of the literature (e.g.. Rossen &Knafl, 2003 terjemahan - formulated after a review of the literature (e.g.. Rossen &Knafl, 2003 Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

formulated after a review of the li

formulated after a review of the literature (e.g.. Rossen &
Knafl, 2003; van Manen, 1997), were designed to reveal
how participants' lived experiences of their surroundings
(i.e., space), body, time, and human relationships had been
affected by their transition. I attempted, through the questions,
to uncover protective factors and barriers that emerge
in a transition to assisted living. Examples of questions from
the interview protocol are as follows: (a) What has the move
to an ALF meant to you personally? (b) How has the move
had an impact on your social relationships? (c) How has the
move had an impact on your physical well-being? (d) What
factors helped you the most to adjust to your new living arrangements?
and (e) What has been the most difficult part of
moving to assisted living?
Data were collected through responses from one focus
group and 10 key informant interviews, and through my own
observations. Use of these three strategies can be considered
methodological triangulation, which strengthened the
trustworthiness of the findings (Patton, 2003). The focus
group, comprising three women and two men, was 1V2 hours
in duration and was used to gather initial information about
the transition experience. Conducting the preliminary focus
group also allowed me to screen for individuals who might
be able to give greater insight into the transition phenomenon
through an individual interview. One female focus
group participant later engaged in an individual interview
The key informant interviews, conducted after analysis of
the focus group, were each 1 to 2 hours in duration and
were used to investigate nuances in the rich information
participants shared in the focus group (van Manen, 1997).
AU interviews were audiotaped in their entirety with the
consent of the interviewees, and transcriptions from the
interviews, along with my notes and observations, served
as the primary sources of data. The entire process of data
collection spanned about 2 months.
Researcher as Instrument
In the practice of qualitative research, the investigator tries
to simultaneously enter into and observe the world of the
participants (van Manen, 1997). Through the method of close
observation, I became an instrument used to collect data
about the older adults' experiences. I made a sincere effort to
acknowledge the biases and passions (Finlay & Gough, 2003)
that I brought to this inquiry so that I could focus on the voices
of the participants. I approached the investigation as a White,
female, middle-class counselor and pastoral minister who had
a 7-year work history with older adults.
Analysis essentially consisted of three major tasks. First, I
transcribed all of the audiotapes verbatim and reflected on the
transcriptions, in conjunction with my observations and notes,
to identify recurring constructs, units of meaning (Kmger,
1979), and lived experiences (van Manen, 1997). The task of
transcribing the interviews and reflecting on the data began
after the first focus group interview and continued until
data collection was complete. Early analyses informed the
data collection process by reshaping the interview probes
I made after insights were gained through analysis. Thus,
analysis could be considered iterative and recursive (Huberman
& Miles, 1994). Second, I created an individual
narrative, or case analysis, of the focus group and of each
key informant interview (Patton, 2003). The process of
completing the case analyses involved reviewing the transcriptions
for patterns and constructs that seemed central to
the interview and that were reflected in other interviews or
in the literature. I generated a set of emergent themes and
subthemes for each individual case. Finally, I conducted
a cross-case comparison of the emerging themes and patterns
in the focus group and key informant interviews to
generate thick descriptions of the data (Denzin, 1989)
and to increase the validity of the results (Patton, 2003).
Cross-case analysis began after the individual analyses
were completed and involved a process of comparing and
contrasting themes, which added clarity to the themes and
units of meaning and refined the themes and subthemes.
When the cross-comparative analysis was complete, eight
major themes had emerged. Analysis of data continued until
no new themes emerged from the data and until the themes
that did emerge constituted an integrated description of the
residents' experiences (Patton, 2003).
To enhance the trustworthiness of the findings, two
independent researchers provided an audit of the data. The
first researcher, who had more than 20 years of experience
in conducting qualitative research, conferred with me about
emergent themes and provided critical insight into accomplishing
theoretical triangulation, that is, bringing relevant
literature (e.g., Bronfenbrenner, 2005; M. M. Gergen &
Gergen, 2003; Ryan & Deci, 2000,2006) to bear on the findings.
The second researcher reviewed the data independently
to provide a check on the accuracy of the major themes and
subthemes derived from participants' experiences. Finally,
I invited participants to contact me after the completion of
the interview if they wished to share further comments or
reflections. One participant contacted me by telephone, and
her input was added to the data.
As with all research inquiries, there are limitations that
must be acknowledged. First, socioeconomic information as
well as details about the length of time participants had lived
alone before relocation are not known. Second, the study is
limited by the distinct absence among the participants of
older adults with diverse racial/ethnic backgrounds. Achieving
racial, ethnic, and even gender diversity may have been
hindered in part because of gender differences in longevity
and cultural differences in living arrangements among older
adults (e.g., cultural groups that advocate individualism tend to
promote residential privacy among older adults, while groups
that adhere less strongly to individualism tend to encourage
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
formulated after a review of the literature (e.g.. Rossen &Knafl, 2003; van Manen, 1997), were designed to revealhow participants' lived experiences of their surroundings(i.e., space), body, time, and human relationships had beenaffected by their transition. I attempted, through the questions,to uncover protective factors and barriers that emergein a transition to assisted living. Examples of questions fromthe interview protocol are as follows: (a) What has the moveto an ALF meant to you personally? (b) How has the movehad an impact on your social relationships? (c) How has themove had an impact on your physical well-being? (d) Whatfactors helped you the most to adjust to your new living arrangements?and (e) What has been the most difficult part ofmoving to assisted living?Data were collected through responses from one focusgroup and 10 key informant interviews, and through my ownobservations. Use of these three strategies can be consideredmethodological triangulation, which strengthened thetrustworthiness of the findings (Patton, 2003). The focusgroup, comprising three women and two men, was 1V2 hoursin duration and was used to gather initial information aboutthe transition experience. Conducting the preliminary focusgroup also allowed me to screen for individuals who mightbe able to give greater insight into the transition phenomenonthrough an individual interview. One female focusgroup participant later engaged in an individual interviewThe key informant interviews, conducted after analysis ofthe focus group, were each 1 to 2 hours in duration andwere used to investigate nuances in the rich informationparticipants shared in the focus group (van Manen, 1997).AU interviews were audiotaped in their entirety with theconsent of the interviewees, and transcriptions from theinterviews, along with my notes and observations, servedas the primary sources of data. The entire process of datacollection spanned about 2 months.Researcher as InstrumentIn the practice of qualitative research, the investigator triesto simultaneously enter into and observe the world of theparticipants (van Manen, 1997). Through the method of closeobservation, I became an instrument used to collect dataabout the older adults' experiences. I made a sincere effort toacknowledge the biases and passions (Finlay & Gough, 2003)that I brought to this inquiry so that I could focus on the voicesof the participants. I approached the investigation as a White,female, middle-class counselor and pastoral minister who hada 7-year work history with older adults.AnalysisAnalysis essentially consisted of three major tasks. First, Itranscribed all of the audiotapes verbatim and reflected on thetranscriptions, in conjunction with my observations and notes,to identify recurring constructs, units of meaning (Kmger,1979), and lived experiences (van Manen, 1997). The task oftranscribing the interviews and reflecting on the data beganafter the first focus group interview and continued untildata collection was complete. Early analyses informed thedata collection process by reshaping the interview probesI made after insights were gained through analysis. Thus,analysis could be considered iterative and recursive (Huberman& Miles, 1994). Second, I created an individualnarrative, or case analysis, of the focus group and of eachkey informant interview (Patton, 2003). The process ofcompleting the case analyses involved reviewing the transcriptionsfor patterns and constructs that seemed central tothe interview and that were reflected in other interviews orin the literature. I generated a set of emergent themes andsubthemes for each individual case. Finally, I conducteda cross-case comparison of the emerging themes and patternsin the focus group and key informant interviews togenerate thick descriptions of the data (Denzin, 1989)and to increase the validity of the results (Patton, 2003).Cross-case analysis began after the individual analyseswere completed and involved a process of comparing andcontrasting themes, which added clarity to the themes andunits of meaning and refined the themes and subthemes.When the cross-comparative analysis was complete, eightmajor themes had emerged. Analysis of data continued untilno new themes emerged from the data and until the themesthat did emerge constituted an integrated description of theresidents' experiences (Patton, 2003).To enhance the trustworthiness of the findings, twoindependent researchers provided an audit of the data. Thefirst researcher, who had more than 20 years of experiencein conducting qualitative research, conferred with me aboutemergent themes and provided critical insight into accomplishingtheoretical triangulation, that is, bringing relevantliterature (e.g., Bronfenbrenner, 2005; M. M. Gergen &Gergen, 2003; Ryan & Deci, 2000,2006) to bear on the findings.The second researcher reviewed the data independentlyto provide a check on the accuracy of the major themes andsubthemes derived from participants' experiences. Finally,I invited participants to contact me after the completion ofthe interview if they wished to share further comments orreflections. One participant contacted me by telephone, andher input was added to the data.As with all research inquiries, there are limitations thatmust be acknowledged. First, socioeconomic information aswell as details about the length of time participants had livedalone before relocation are not known. Second, the study islimited by the distinct absence among the participants ofolder adults with diverse racial/ethnic backgrounds. Achievingracial, ethnic, and even gender diversity may have beenterhalang sebagian karena perbedaan gender panjang umurdan perbedaan budaya di pengaturan hidup antara remajaorang dewasa (misalnya, kelompok budaya yang menganjurkan individualisme cenderungmempromosikan privasi residential antara orang dewasa yang lebih tua, sementara kelompokyang mengikuti kurang kuat untuk individualisme cenderung untuk dapat mendorong
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
dirumuskan setelah tinjauan literatur (misalnya Rossen &.
Knafl, 2003; van Manen, 1997), yang dirancang untuk mengungkapkan
bagaimana pengalaman hidup peserta dari lingkungan mereka
(yaitu, ruang), tubuh, waktu, dan hubungan manusia telah
terpengaruh oleh transisi mereka. Aku berusaha, melalui pertanyaan,
untuk mengungkap faktor pelindung dan hambatan yang muncul
dalam transisi ke hidup dibantu. Contoh pertanyaan dari
protokol wawancara adalah sebagai berikut: (a) Apa yang memiliki langkah
ke ALF dimaksudkan untuk Anda secara pribadi? (b) Bagaimana langkah itu
berdampak pada hubungan sosial Anda? (c) Bagaimanakah
langkah berdampak pada kesejahteraan fisik Anda? (d) Apa
faktor membantu Anda yang paling untuk menyesuaikan diri dengan pengaturan hidup baru Anda?
dan (e) Apa yang telah menjadi bagian yang paling sulit dari
pindah ke hidup dibantu?
Data dikumpulkan melalui tanggapan dari salah satu fokus
kelompok dan 10 wawancara dengan informan kunci, dan melalui saya sendiri
pengamatan. Penggunaan tiga strategi ini dapat dianggap
triangulasi metodologis, yang memperkuat
kepercayaan dari temuan (Patton, 2003). Fokus
kelompok, yang terdiri dari tiga perempuan dan dua laki-laki, itu 1V2 jam
dalam durasi dan digunakan untuk mengumpulkan informasi awal tentang
pengalaman transisi. Melakukan fokus awal
kelompok juga memungkinkan saya untuk menyaring individu yang mungkin
dapat memberikan wawasan yang lebih besar fenomena transisi
melalui wawancara individu. Salah satu fokus perempuan
peserta kelompok kemudian terlibat dalam sebuah wawancara individu
Wawancara informan kunci, dilakukan setelah analisis dari
kelompok fokus, masing-masing 1 sampai 2 jam dalam durasi dan
digunakan untuk menyelidiki nuansa dalam informasi yang kaya
peserta dibagi dalam kelompok fokus (van Manen, 1997).
wawancara AU yang direkam secara utuh dengan
persetujuan dari diwawancarai, dan transkripsi dari
wawancara, bersama dengan catatan dan pengamatan saya, menjabat
sebagai sumber utama data. Seluruh proses data
koleksi membentang sekitar 2 bulan.
Peneliti sebagai instrumen
Dalam praktek penelitian kualitatif, peneliti mencoba
untuk secara bersamaan masuk ke dalam dan mengamati dunia dari
peserta (van Manen, 1997). Melalui metode dekat
observasi, saya menjadi instrumen yang digunakan untuk mengumpulkan data
tentang pengalaman orang-orang dewasa yang lebih tua '. Saya membuat upaya tulus untuk
mengakui bias dan nafsu (Finlay & Gough, 2003)
bahwa saya dibawa ke penyelidikan ini sehingga saya bisa fokus pada suara
dari para peserta. Aku mendekati penyelidikan sebagai Putih,
perempuan, konselor kelas menengah dan menteri pastoral yang memiliki
sejarah kerja 7 tahun dengan dewasa yang lebih tua.
Analisis dasarnya terdiri dari tiga tugas utama. Pertama, saya
ditranskripsi semua kaset verbatim dan tercermin pada
transkripsi, dalam hubungannya dengan pengamatan dan catatan saya,
untuk mengidentifikasi berulang konstruksi, unit makna (Kmger,
1979), dan pengalaman hidup (van Manen, 1997). Tugas
menyalin wawancara dan merefleksikan data mulai
setelah wawancara kelompok fokus pertama dan berlanjut sampai
pengumpulan data selesai. Awal analisis menginformasikan
proses pengumpulan data dengan membentuk kembali probe wawancara
saya dibuat setelah wawasan yang diperoleh melalui analisis. Dengan demikian,
analisis bisa dianggap berulang dan rekursif (Huberman
& Miles, 1994). Kedua, saya membuat seorang individu
narasi, atau analisis kasus, kelompok fokus dan setiap
wawancara informan kunci (Patton, 2003). Proses
menyelesaikan kasus analisis terlibat meninjau transkripsi
pola dan konstruksi yang tampaknya pusat untuk
wawancara dan yang tercermin dalam wawancara lain atau
dalam literatur. Saya dihasilkan satu set tema muncul dan
subtema untuk setiap kasus. Akhirnya, saya melakukan
perbandingan lintas-kasus tema yang muncul dan pola
dalam kelompok fokus dan wawancara informan kunci untuk
menghasilkan deskripsi tebal data (Denzin, 1989)
dan untuk meningkatkan validitas hasil (Patton, 2003).
Salib analisis -case dimulai setelah analisis individu
diselesaikan dan melibatkan proses membandingkan dan
kontras tema, yang ditambahkan kejelasan ke tema dan
unit makna dan halus tema dan subtema.
Ketika analisis lintas-perbandingan itu selesai, delapan
tema utama memiliki muncul. Analisis data dilanjutkan sampai
ada tema baru muncul dari data dan sampai tema
yang melakukan muncul merupakan deskripsi yang terintegrasi dari
pengalaman warga (Patton, 2003).
Untuk meningkatkan kepercayaan dari temuan, dua
peneliti independen memberikan audit Data. The
peneliti pertama, yang memiliki lebih dari 20 tahun pengalaman
dalam melakukan penelitian kualitatif, berunding dengan saya tentang
tema muncul dan memberikan wawasan penting dalam mencapai
triangulasi teori, yaitu, membawa relevan
sastra (misalnya, Bronfenbrenner, 2005; MM Gergen &
Gergen, 2003; Ryan & Deci, 2000,2006) untuk menanggung pada temuan.
Peneliti kedua Ulasan data secara independen
untuk memberikan cek pada keakuratan tema utama dan
subtema yang berasal dari pengalaman peserta. Akhirnya,
saya mengajak peserta untuk menghubungi saya setelah selesainya
wawancara jika mereka ingin berbagi komentar lebih lanjut atau
refleksi. Salah satu peserta menghubungi saya melalui telepon, dan
masukan nya ditambahkan ke data.
Seperti dengan semua pertanyaan penelitian, ada keterbatasan yang
harus diakui. Pertama, informasi sosial ekonomi sebagai
serta rincian tentang panjang peserta waktu hidup
sendirian sebelum relokasi tidak dikenal. Kedua, penelitian ini
dibatasi oleh ketiadaan berbeda antara peserta
dewasa yang lebih tua dengan latar belakang ras / etnis. Mencapai
ras, etnis, dan bahkan keragaman jenis kelamin mungkin telah
terhalang sebagian karena perbedaan gender dalam umur panjang
dan perbedaan budaya dalam pengaturan hidup di antara lebih tua
dewasa (misalnya, kelompok budaya yang mendukung individualisme cenderung
mempromosikan privasi perumahan antara orang dewasa yang lebih tua, sementara kelompok
yang mematuhi kurang kuat untuk individualisme cenderung untuk mendorong
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Bahasa lainnya
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