Hasil (
Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
Chemical Energy When you eat a meal, you are putting asource of energy inside your body. Food contains chemicalenergy that your body uses to provide energy for your brain, topower your movements, and to fuel your growth. As in Figure 5,food contains chemicals, such as sugar, which can be brokendown in your body. These chemicals are made of atoms that arebonded together, and energy is stored in the bonds betweenatoms. Chemical energy is the energy stored in chemical bonds.When chemicals are broken apart and new chemicals areformed, some of this energy is released. The flame of a candle isthe result of chemical energy stored in the wax. When the waxburns, chemical energy is transformed into thermal energy andlight energy.When is chemical energy released?Light Energy Light from the candle flame travels through theair at an incredibly fast speed of 300,000 km/s. This is fastenough to circle Earth almost eight times in 1 s. When lightstrikes something, it can be absorbed, transmitted, or reflected.When the light is absorbed by an object, the object can becomewarmer. The object absorbs energy from the light and thisenergy is transformed into thermal energy. Then energy carriedby light is called radiant energy. Figure 6 shows a coil of wirethat produces radiant energy when it is heated. To heat themetal, another type of energy can be used—electrical energy.Figure 5 Complex chemicals in food storechemical energy. During activity, the chemicalenergy transforms into kinetic energy.Figure 6 Electrical energy istransformed into thermal energy inthe metal heating coil. As themetal becomes hotter, it emitsmore radiant energy.
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