Lucian’s hands eased Scout back from his chest and sifted through her  terjemahan - Lucian’s hands eased Scout back from his chest and sifted through her  Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Lucian’s hands eased Scout back fro

Lucian’s hands eased Scout back from his chest and sifted through her hair until he found her face. Tipping up her chin, he asked, “You okay?”
She couldn’t look at him. “Why did you do that?”
“Did you not enjoy it?” His gaze moved over her face, taking in her upset. Softly, as if realizing how unprepared she had been for anything like that, he whispered, “I don’t know. I’m sorry, Evelyn. We haven’t reached that stage yet. I shouldn’t have put you in that position.”
Lucian Patras was not the kind of man who apologized easily. Somehow she knew that. She looked into his eyes and found nothing but sincerity. He was sorry. However, the part of his apology about not reaching that stage yet, disturbed her. She had grown up in places where people fulfilled their bodily urges with no regard to their audience. She expected more from the upper class.
Nevertheless, there was something erotic in the act, something that created that reaction in her body. This worried her, worried her about the effect he was already having on her. She had the urge to sever any emotional link that may have stimulated such an emotionally charged result, but she couldn’t pinpoint what it was. Did there have to be an essential connection for her body to react that way?
Lucian kissed her cheek and eased her off his lap. “I have to make some calls in the library. Why don’t you go freshen up and then join me there.” His words were confident, but she detected concern in his gaze. She nodded and went to use the bathroom.
Two hours later she was sitting on a cushioned chair, watching Lucian as he made phone call after phone call. He was like a fascinating storm she knew she should avoid, but couldn’t. He moved quickly and made fast finite decisions that changed the world around him.
She analyzed his appearance. His power made him seem older than he was. He seemed much older than her, but in reality, she’d be surprised if he was over thirty-five. She thought of Jamie. He looked like he was in his thirties. If they’d been friends since they were babies, then that made Lucian about the same. How did someone that age get so much power?
Just from hearing these men work today, she’d learned that Patras was more than a local commodity. There were also Patras hotels in Europe. And she now knew Lucian did more than own a chain of hotels. He developed properties and did things with the stock market and worked on a slew of committees.
He hung up the phone and the room was suddenly quiet. “I’m sorry this has taken so much of my time today. I didn’t expect to be held up here so long.”
Scout closed the garden magazine she had been looking at. “That’s okay. I didn’t have plans,” she teased.
He eased his leather chair away from his desk and lounged back, watching her. “What is it about you, Evelyn, that makes me want to go out of my way to make you smile? See, like that. When you smile you light up a room.”
Warmth spread in her chest. “I like when you smile too. You don’t do it enough.”
He breathed in a deep breath and let it out slowly. “Well . . . you’re certainly helping with that. Come on, let’s get out of here.”
When they returned to the limo, she grinned with delight. Lucian had one of the servants set up a chessboard for the ride home. Once they were on their way he said, “Okay, Ms. Keats, let’s see how fast I can get you naked.”
Scout returned his challenging glare with a smile. “You’re on, Mr. Patras.”
By the time they reached the city limits, she had lost her shirt, literally. She was still smiling, however, because she had managed to collect Lucian’s shoes and tie.
“Check,” he called as he cornered her king. Her only choice was to intervene and sacrifice her knight. She moved her piece, recognizing that the game would be over very soon.
“I’ll take that lovely bra, Ms. Keats.” A chill spread over her shoulders as she met his gaze. “Don’t even try it. Last time I let you get away with those puppy dog eyes, but not this time. You should’ve protected your king better.”
Moving her pawn she huffed. “Fine.”
Reaching around her back, she undid the clasp and slowly slid the straps down her arms. Her breasts pulled tight as the cooler air touched her flesh. Taking a deep breath, she sat up straight and faced Lucian.
He stared at her with unblinking eyes as his hand moved one of his pieces. She frowned at the board. His move was foolish, but she wasn’t going to give him the chance to take it back. Her bishop slid over and knocked out his rook.
He nodded in approval and without a word began unbuttoning his shirt. His eyes bored into her, and she suddenly realized what he was doing. Once his chest and arms were bare he moved his queen. “Check.”
He hadn’t even glanced at the board, but he was right. He had her in check again. She examined the board, curling her shoulders in and trying to hide under her hair. She was very self-conscious of him watching her. Her lips pursed. “If I move my queen you’ll only take it. I refuse to give you my panties.”
“There’s always a consequence,” he rasped, shifting as if he were uncomfortable in the tight space.
His abs formed a neat little stack of ridges, and his belly button was perhaps the most perfect belly button to ever exist. Wiry, dark hair traveled from his navel and disappeared somewhere beneath his pants. Oddly, she found his body exquisite and mesmerizing, where she found her own reflection lacking and flawed. She liked seeing him partially dressed, something she hadn’t expected to enjoy.
“This isn’t fair. You’ve had way more practice,” she whined, crossing her arms over her breasts.
“You were quite aware of the rules when we started.”
His fingers closed over her wrist and pulled her arms away, exposing her breasts once again. She watched as his drowsy eyes stared at her chest. Why did men have such obsessions with boobs? His fingers twitched and she scooted back an inch.
He looked at her then, stared into her eyes, warning her not to move again. Her chest filled with quick breaths as his hand slowly rose and cupped her breast. Warm heat engulfed her, and her lashes lowered. Her eyes opened as his fingers closed over the nipple of her other breast. She gazed down at his hands touching her body and found the image very erotic.
His palms slid to her sides, thumbs teasing the turgid tips, and suddenly she was being lifted over his lap. Her knees pressed into the soft leather seating on either side of his hips as he settled her thighs over his.
Hands squeezed over her hips and slowly traveled up her bare back. Lucian pulled her to him as his mouth crashed over hers. His tongue seared into her mouth, hot and wet. His hands gripped her to him, and she found her own hands holding the thick flesh of his shoulders tight. She didn’t want him to let go.
Their heads tilted as they took from each other. Lucian growled as she tried getting a little creative and lost their rhythm a bit. Taking hold of her neck, he took back his control and showed her what it was to be kissed soundly.
Her thighs squeezed down on him. It was difficult to stay still. Scout pressed up on her knees, wanting to get closer. He directed her hips back down only to help them rise again. Guiding her motions, he remained in complete control. When she drew up on her knees another time, he ripped his mouth from hers and latched onto her breast.
Her head tipped back and she moaned. “Oh my God, Lucian!” Sensation burst inside of her.
He wasn’t delicate with her. He sucked her flesh hard, bruising the tender tips, but it felt too good to ask him to be gentle. His mouth moved from one breast to the other and then back to her lips. It was a cycle she never wanted to end.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Lucian di tangan mereda Pramuka kembali dari dadanya dan diayak melalui rambut sampai dia menemukan wajahnya. Tip up dagunya, ia bertanya, "Anda Oke?"Dia tidak bisa melihatnya. "Mengapa Anda melakukan itu?""Apakah Anda tidak menikmati itu?" Tatapan pindah wajahnya, mengambil dalam marah nya. Lembut, seolah-olah menyadari bagaimana siap dia telah untuk apa pun seperti itu, ia berbisik, "saya tidak tahu. Saya minta maaf, Evelyn. Kita belum mencapai tahap itu belum. Saya seharusnya tidak memiliki menempatkan Anda dalam posisi itu."Lucian Patras bukanlah jenis manusia yang meminta maaf dengan mudah. Entah bagaimana dia tahu bahwa. Dia melihat ke matanya dan menemukan apa-apa tapi ketulusan. Dia adalah Maaf. Namun, Bagian dari apology-nya tentang tidak mencapai tahap itu namun, terganggu padanya. Dia dibesarkan di tempat mana orang digenapi mendesak mereka tubuh tanpa memperhitungkan audiens mereka. Dia mengharapkan lebih dari kelas atas.Namun demikian, ada sesuatu yang erotis dalam tindakan, sesuatu yang menciptakan reaksi dalam tubuhnya. Ini khawatir dia, khawatir efek ia sudah mengalami pada dirinya. Ia memiliki dorongan untuk memutuskan link emosional yang mungkin telah merangsang hasil tersebut emosional, tapi dia tidak bisa menentukan apa itu. Apakah harus ada koneksi penting untuk tubuhnya bereaksi seperti itu?Lucian mencium pipi nya dan berkurang dia off pangkuannya. "Aku harus membuat beberapa panggilan di Perpustakaan. Mengapa tidak Anda pergi menyegarkan dan kemudian bergabung dengan saya ada." Kata-kata yang yakin, tapi dia terdeteksi kekhawatiran dalam pandangan nya. Dia mengangguk dan pergi untuk menggunakan kamar mandi.Two hours later she was sitting on a cushioned chair, watching Lucian as he made phone call after phone call. He was like a fascinating storm she knew she should avoid, but couldn’t. He moved quickly and made fast finite decisions that changed the world around him.She analyzed his appearance. His power made him seem older than he was. He seemed much older than her, but in reality, she’d be surprised if he was over thirty-five. She thought of Jamie. He looked like he was in his thirties. If they’d been friends since they were babies, then that made Lucian about the same. How did someone that age get so much power?Just from hearing these men work today, she’d learned that Patras was more than a local commodity. There were also Patras hotels in Europe. And she now knew Lucian did more than own a chain of hotels. He developed properties and did things with the stock market and worked on a slew of committees.He hung up the phone and the room was suddenly quiet. “I’m sorry this has taken so much of my time today. I didn’t expect to be held up here so long.”Scout closed the garden magazine she had been looking at. “That’s okay. I didn’t have plans,” she teased.He eased his leather chair away from his desk and lounged back, watching her. “What is it about you, Evelyn, that makes me want to go out of my way to make you smile? See, like that. When you smile you light up a room.”Warmth spread in her chest. “I like when you smile too. You don’t do it enough.”He breathed in a deep breath and let it out slowly. “Well . . . you’re certainly helping with that. Come on, let’s get out of here.”When they returned to the limo, she grinned with delight. Lucian had one of the servants set up a chessboard for the ride home. Once they were on their way he said, “Okay, Ms. Keats, let’s see how fast I can get you naked.”Scout returned his challenging glare with a smile. “You’re on, Mr. Patras.”By the time they reached the city limits, she had lost her shirt, literally. She was still smiling, however, because she had managed to collect Lucian’s shoes and tie.“Check,” he called as he cornered her king. Her only choice was to intervene and sacrifice her knight. She moved her piece, recognizing that the game would be over very soon.“I’ll take that lovely bra, Ms. Keats.” A chill spread over her shoulders as she met his gaze. “Don’t even try it. Last time I let you get away with those puppy dog eyes, but not this time. You should’ve protected your king better.”Moving her pawn she huffed. “Fine.”Reaching around her back, she undid the clasp and slowly slid the straps down her arms. Her breasts pulled tight as the cooler air touched her flesh. Taking a deep breath, she sat up straight and faced Lucian.He stared at her with unblinking eyes as his hand moved one of his pieces. She frowned at the board. His move was foolish, but she wasn’t going to give him the chance to take it back. Her bishop slid over and knocked out his rook.He nodded in approval and without a word began unbuttoning his shirt. His eyes bored into her, and she suddenly realized what he was doing. Once his chest and arms were bare he moved his queen. “Check.”He hadn’t even glanced at the board, but he was right. He had her in check again. She examined the board, curling her shoulders in and trying to hide under her hair. She was very self-conscious of him watching her. Her lips pursed. “If I move my queen you’ll only take it. I refuse to give you my panties.”“There’s always a consequence,” he rasped, shifting as if he were uncomfortable in the tight space.His abs formed a neat little stack of ridges, and his belly button was perhaps the most perfect belly button to ever exist. Wiry, dark hair traveled from his navel and disappeared somewhere beneath his pants. Oddly, she found his body exquisite and mesmerizing, where she found her own reflection lacking and flawed. She liked seeing him partially dressed, something she hadn’t expected to enjoy.“This isn’t fair. You’ve had way more practice,” she whined, crossing her arms over her breasts.“You were quite aware of the rules when we started.”His fingers closed over her wrist and pulled her arms away, exposing her breasts once again. She watched as his drowsy eyes stared at her chest. Why did men have such obsessions with boobs? His fingers twitched and she scooted back an inch.He looked at her then, stared into her eyes, warning her not to move again. Her chest filled with quick breaths as his hand slowly rose and cupped her breast. Warm heat engulfed her, and her lashes lowered. Her eyes opened as his fingers closed over the nipple of her other breast. She gazed down at his hands touching her body and found the image very erotic.His palms slid to her sides, thumbs teasing the turgid tips, and suddenly she was being lifted over his lap. Her knees pressed into the soft leather seating on either side of his hips as he settled her thighs over his.Hands squeezed over her hips and slowly traveled up her bare back. Lucian pulled her to him as his mouth crashed over hers. His tongue seared into her mouth, hot and wet. His hands gripped her to him, and she found her own hands holding the thick flesh of his shoulders tight. She didn’t want him to let go.Their heads tilted as they took from each other. Lucian growled as she tried getting a little creative and lost their rhythm a bit. Taking hold of her neck, he took back his control and showed her what it was to be kissed soundly.Her thighs squeezed down on him. It was difficult to stay still. Scout pressed up on her knees, wanting to get closer. He directed her hips back down only to help them rise again. Guiding her motions, he remained in complete control. When she drew up on her knees another time, he ripped his mouth from hers and latched onto her breast.Her head tipped back and she moaned. “Oh my God, Lucian!” Sensation burst inside of her.
He wasn’t delicate with her. He sucked her flesh hard, bruising the tender tips, but it felt too good to ask him to be gentle. His mouth moved from one breast to the other and then back to her lips. It was a cycle she never wanted to end.
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