Hasil (
Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
negative constructs have no place in scientific writing. After all,who can make any sense of writing that says Diet was not a riskfactor for asthma in adults but was not in children.The meanings of sentences often become clearer whennegative words are omitted. For example, writing that We didnot find a statistical interaction between the outcome and exposurevariables could suggest that you did not even look for one.Rather, it is clearer to write that There was no significantinteraction between the outcome and exposure variable (P = 0·91).The direct expression and the inclusion of the P value showsthat you tested for an interaction and found that it wasstatistically non-significant.Similarly, try not to use negative sentence constructions suchas We did not find that weight loss was related to age that suggestthat you may not have tested for a relation. It is much better tosay that There was no relation between age and weight loss, whichdescribes exactly what you mean. In the same vein, phrasessuch as We found no evidence that are often better rephrasedwith We did not find any evidence that. No one can find nothing,although you can demonstrate that something is not present.
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