“It’s my good deed for today. I’ll see you around.” He turns on his he terjemahan - “It’s my good deed for today. I’ll see you around.” He turns on his he Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

“It’s my good deed for today. I’ll

“It’s my good deed for today. I’ll see you around.” He turns on his heel and walks up the street.
I stare after him for a moment, then tuck my toolbox into the trunk of my car and get behind the wheel. I sit there for a minute, turning Daniel’s words over in my head. I lean my head against the seat and remember Caleb’s expression tonight. It looked like someone had slammed him in the face with something. Did he get in a fight? Did he get in a fight with Daniel? Is that why Daniel’s telling me that I should talk to Caleb?
In the rearview mirror, I watch the other students scurry out into the rain, their umbrellas blossoming beneath the silvery drops. Headlights wink on and pull away from the curb. The street is empty within a few minutes. Did Caleb leave already, or is he still in there? If I showed up at his studio stall again, would he be glad to see me, or would it be a huge mistake?
Should I try, even if he pushes me away? Does he deserve that?
“Of course he does,” I hiss at myself. He’s never been anything but nice to me. He didn’t owe me anything, even after what happened between us. I never even gave him the chance to be a jerk; I was so focused on myself. On what I wanted. “You’re acting like a selfish bitch, Romy.”
I throw my car door open, and someone who had been jogging along the sidewalk crashes against it and stumbles backward, cursing. “Oh my God, I’m so sorry!” I yelp. I leap out of my car and see Caleb straightening up, clutching at his middle.
“I didn’t see you coming,” I say, walking toward him. I don’t know how to understand what I’m feeling. Relief and protectiveness and giddiness all at once. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah,” he says quietly, rubbing at his ribs. “Fine.” He’s staring at the pavement. “I’ll see you next week.” He steps around me.
“Where are you going?” I ask.
He looks down at me, rain dripping from the hood of his coat. “Home.”
“Is it far?”
He shrugs. “Less than a mile.”
“Want a ride?”
For the first time in two weeks, our eyes meet, and there’s this odd, swooping feeling in my chest. “You don’t have to,” he says.
“I know.”
The corner of his mouth lifts for a fraction of a second. “You sure?”
“Come on.” I gesture toward my car and he walks around to get in on the passenger side. My heart is racing as he opens the door and sits next to me. It’s so strange, being in this tiny space with him. His coat smells like turpentine.
He fastens his seatbelt. “It’s the Academy Hills complex on the south end of campus.”
“I live about five blocks from you,” I say with a laugh.
A shadow of a smile crosses his face. “I’m glad it’s not far out of your way.”
“I take it your truck is still in the shop?” Has he really been walking back and forth for the past two weeks? He’s wrong about the distance—it’s actually almost two miles away.
Caleb gives me the strangest look as I pull onto the street. “How did you know I have a truck, let alone that it’s in the shop?”
Oh. Oops. “I … heard some of the other students talking about it.”
He lets out a huff of dry laughter and pushes his hood away from his angular face. “Let me guess. Claudia?”
There’s no point in lying. “I heard her mention it, yeah.”
“She mention anything else?” he asks, an edge creeping into his voice.
“Caleb, I’m not sure what’s going on with you, but we don’t have to play games. It sounds like that’s the last thing you need tonight.”
“What does that mean?” he asks quietly.
I touch his arm. “It means you don’t have to worry about what I heard. It doesn’t matter right now.”
I stop at a red light and look over to see him staring at my fingers on the sleeve of his coat. “You haven’t even looked at me for two weeks. I thought you …” He rubs both his hands over his face, pulling the elastic out of his hair. He tugs it loose and jams it in his pocket. “I don’t know what I thought.”
“I didn’t know what to say to you,” I murmur, glad for the distraction of the road, the need to keep my eyes on traffic as I steer through downtown, past the movie theater, past the turn off to Lake Park.
“I get that. I didn’t know what to say to you, either.” He shifts in his seat. “I wanted to say something, though.”
My fingers tighten on the wheel. “Do you want to say it now?”
“I don’t know yet.” He’s leaning against the window, staring at the side of my face.
“Fair enough,” I breathe, turning into his complex. “Here we are.”
“It’s C block,” he says, pointing to a building at the far edge of the lot.
I maneuver over there and park in a spot closest to the front walk. Then I pull the key from the ignition and turn to him. “What happened to you today?”
“Just a bad day.” He laughs, humorless, hopeless. “But I’ll be all right.” He glances at the building. Some of the windows are lit, some dark. It doesn’t seem like he’s looking forward to going in there.
“Are you sure?” I ask, and then, because it feels right, I brush the backs of my fingers gently against his cheek, along the edge of the spot that’s red and a little swollen. It’s hot to the touch.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
"Itu adalah perbuatan baik saya untuk hari ini. Aku akan melihat Anda di sekitar." Ia berpaling tumit-nya dan berjalan di jalan.Aku menatap setelah dia sejenak, kemudian Selipkan kotak peralatan saya ke Bagasi mobil saya dan mendapatkan di belakang kemudi. Aku duduk di sana selama satu menit, membalik kata-kata Daniel di dalam kepalaku. Aku bersandar di kursi kepalaku dan ingat Caleb ekspresi malam ini. Itu tampak seperti orang telah membanting dia di wajah dengan sesuatu. Ia mendapatkan dalam perkelahian? Apakah ia mendapatkan dalam pertarungan dengan Daniel? Adalah bahwa mengapa Daniel yang memberitahu saya bahwa saya harus berbicara kepada Kaleb?Di kaca spion, saya menonton siswa-siswa lain yang bergegas keluar ke hujan, payung mereka mekar di bawah keperakan tetes. Lampu mengedipkan mata pada dan menarik diri dari pinggir jalan. Jalan ini kosong dalam beberapa menit. Itu Kaleb meninggalkan sudah, atau apakah dia masih di sana? Jika saya muncul di kios studio nya lagi, ia akan senang melihat saya, atau itu akan menjadi kesalahan besar?Haruskah saya mencoba, bahkan jika ia selalu mendorong saya pergi? Apakah dia layak?"Tentu saja dia melakukannya," saya mendesis pada diriku sendiri. Dia tidak pernah menjadi apa-apa tapi baik padaku. Ia tidak berutang apa-apa, bahkan setelah apa yang terjadi antara kami. Aku bahkan tidak pernah memberinya kesempatan untuk menjadi brengsek; Aku begitu terfokus pada diriku sendiri. Pada apa yang saya inginkan. "Anda sedang bertindak seperti yang egois jalang, Romy."Aku melemparkan pintu mobil terbuka, dan seseorang yang telah telah joging sepanjang trotoar crash melawan itu dan tersandung mundur, mengutuk. "Oh Tuhan, aku sangat menyesal!" Saya menyalak. Aku melompat keluar dari mobil dan melihat Kaleb penertiban, mencengkeram di tengahnya."Saya tidak melihat Anda datang," kataku, berjalan ke arahnya. Aku tidak tahu bagaimana untuk memahami apa yang aku rasakan. Bantuan dan melindungi dan pusing sekaligus. "Apakah Anda baik-baik saja?""Ya," katanya dengan tenang, menggosok di rusuk. "Baik." Ia menatap trotoar. "Aku akan melihat minggu depan." Dia langkah-langkah di sekitar saya."Mana Anda akan?" Saya bertanya.Dia tampak arahku, hujan menetes dari kap nya mantel. "Home.""Apakah itu jauh?"Ia mengangkat bahu. "Kurang dari satu mil.""Ingin tumpangan?"Untuk pertama kalinya dalam dua minggu, mata kami bertemu, dan ada aneh ini, menukik perasaan dalam dadaku. "Anda tidak perlu," katanya."Aku tahu."Sudut mulutnya mengangkat untuk sepersekian detik. "Anda yakin?""Ayo." Saya sikap terhadap mobil saya dan ia berjalan di sekitar untuk mendapatkan di sisi penumpang. Hatiku adalah balap ketika ia membuka pintu dan duduk di sebelah saya. Hal ini sangat aneh, berada di ruang kecil ini dengannya. Nya mantel bau seperti terpentin.Ia mengikatkan sabuk pengaman. "Itu adalah kompleks di ujung selatan kampus Akademi perbukitan.""Aku tinggal sekitar 5 blok dari Anda," kataku dengan tertawa.Bayangan senyum melintasi wajahnya. "Saya senang itu adalah tidak jauh dari jalan.""Aku mengambil truk Anda adalah masih dalam?" Dia benar-benar telah berjalan bolak-balik selama dua minggu? Dialah salah tentang jarak — sebenarnya hampir dua mil jauhnya.Kaleb memberikan saya terlihat aneh karena saya menarik ke jalan. "Bagaimana Apakah Anda tahu saya punya sebuah truk, apalagi bahwa itu adalah dalam?"Oh. Oops. “I … heard some of the other students talking about it.”He lets out a huff of dry laughter and pushes his hood away from his angular face. “Let me guess. Claudia?”There’s no point in lying. “I heard her mention it, yeah.”“She mention anything else?” he asks, an edge creeping into his voice.“Caleb, I’m not sure what’s going on with you, but we don’t have to play games. It sounds like that’s the last thing you need tonight.”“What does that mean?” he asks quietly.I touch his arm. “It means you don’t have to worry about what I heard. It doesn’t matter right now.”I stop at a red light and look over to see him staring at my fingers on the sleeve of his coat. “You haven’t even looked at me for two weeks. I thought you …” He rubs both his hands over his face, pulling the elastic out of his hair. He tugs it loose and jams it in his pocket. “I don’t know what I thought.”“I didn’t know what to say to you,” I murmur, glad for the distraction of the road, the need to keep my eyes on traffic as I steer through downtown, past the movie theater, past the turn off to Lake Park.“I get that. I didn’t know what to say to you, either.” He shifts in his seat. “I wanted to say something, though.”My fingers tighten on the wheel. “Do you want to say it now?”“I don’t know yet.” He’s leaning against the window, staring at the side of my face.“Fair enough,” I breathe, turning into his complex. “Here we are.”“It’s C block,” he says, pointing to a building at the far edge of the lot.I maneuver over there and park in a spot closest to the front walk. Then I pull the key from the ignition and turn to him. “What happened to you today?”“Just a bad day.” He laughs, humorless, hopeless. “But I’ll be all right.” He glances at the building. Some of the windows are lit, some dark. It doesn’t seem like he’s looking forward to going in there.“Are you sure?” I ask, and then, because it feels right, I brush the backs of my fingers gently against his cheek, along the edge of the spot that’s red and a little swollen. It’s hot to the touch.
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