If you're ONLY looking for FREE Music Promotion, please read this firs terjemahan - If you're ONLY looking for FREE Music Promotion, please read this firs Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

If you're ONLY looking for FREE Mus

If you're ONLY looking for FREE Music Promotion, please read this first.

Record Labels spend a fortune to get popular artists' new releases heard by the world, so you can imagine how much time and money we spend everyday to get fans to listen to emerging musicians, not to talk of buy their records. That's right, we sell records by artists on our roster instead of giving it away for FREE like many FREE music promotion websites because we believe artists who make good music should be rewarded for their work. Don't be fooled by the growing number of so-called FREE Music Promotion sites that have been designed to sell advertising on your music profile pages while you do all the hard work and get nothing in return.

There are usually thousands of songs in the audition queue at any one time hence there is an audition ticket to help to help us prioritize and run effective music promotion campaigns to gain maximun exposure for every single audition.

If you are looking for free promotion, please check out our FREE resources: The Indie Music Forum, The Indie Artist Directory, The Indie Music YouTube Directory and The Indie Music Box Office, where you can list your music and promote your music profiles for FREE to real Independent Music fans. You can also get 1 week FREE promotion for your new releases on The Indie Music BillBOARD and The Indie Video BillBOARD.

The Skunk Radio Live Auditions.

You've created a masterpiece, now it's time to let the world hear it.
Join thousands of Independent Musicians around the world auditioning now. Get your music heard by real Independent Music fans and start growing your fanbase today. Gain maximum exposure for your new releases and your website/social media pages.

With each audition ticket you get:

Unlimited auditions forever, giving you a lot of time to win the hearts of the review team and fans. Audition as many times as you like but please allow each 7 day audition period to complete before submitting again.
Your music cued for 7 days of unlimited Airplay on The Skunk Radio Live Auditions Show which has now reached over 7 million Independent Music fans worldwide
7 days FREE promotion of your website/social media page in the audition section
FREE promotion on Facebook and Twitter. We feature our favorite auditions on our Social Media pages and promote them for maximum exposure.
Unlimited promotion of your audition video on YouTube, if you submitted a video
FREE cover artwork for your next digital music release or your social media pages from The Indie Album Cover Store
7 days FREE listing of your latest release on The Indie Music BillBOARD
7 days FREE music video promotion on The Indie Video BillBOARD
FREE unlimited entries into the Skunk Radio Live #Skunkified Twitter competition for a chance to win FREE cash
FREE listing in The Indie Artist Directory
FREE listing in The Indie Music YouTube Directory

Get your audition ticket here now, or learn more below. You can also purchase your ticket after submitting your music.

All artists, bands, music producers, DJs, music composers, songwriters and instrumentalists are welcome to audition for the SRL Networks roster. We are open to all genres including instrumental music. During the audition process, your music will be listed in the audition section and also cued for airplay during our radio program, The Skunk Radio Live Auditions Show so that our listeners can listen and vote. Remember to also tell you family, friends and fans to vote by tweeting your artist/band name @SkunkRadioLive. The reviewers will also conduct their own review. To be accepted onto the roster, all you have to do is win the hearts of the reviewers and fans.

But there's a lot more to it...

The Skunk Radio Live Auditions is an intensive 1 week promotion package for Independent Musicians to use to get discovered by Independent Music fans around the world. We promote auditions along side artists on our roster through our online radio network which has now reached over 5 million listeners worldwide and our social media channels especially YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and LinkedIn where we promote to our followers and also potential followers through targeted advertisement campaigns. We also promote on other websites where Independent Music fans go to get their music like DatPiff, AOL, PureVolume, LastFM, NME, VH1, The Indie Artists Magazine, All Music, Discogs, Idolator and many other websites and blogs.

Successful candidates will continue to enjoy unlimited promotion and career development beyond the 7 day audition period, others are welcome to audition as many times as it takes to win the hearts of the reviewers and fans.

Selected successful candidates may also receive an advance.

How to submit music.

To begin the audition process, please send your best track(s) in mp3 format, a cover photo and a link to your website to playlists@SkunkRadioLive.com. You can also include a short recorded message in mp3 format to introduce yourself to Skunk Radio Live listeners. Alternatively, you can upload an audition video introducing yourself and performing your best track to YouTube and send us a link.

An audition ticket is required to cover the whole audition process. Audition tickets can be sponsored by fans and supporters or purchased by yourself. Once your music submission has been received, you will receive a direct link to purchase your ticket and also a link for you to direct potential sponsors, fans and supporters to. In addition to approaching your own fans/supporters, you can also attract potential sponsors by posting a link to your best track in the comments section of the sponsored auditions page.


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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
If you're ONLY looking for FREE Music Promotion, please read this first. Record Labels spend a fortune to get popular artists' new releases heard by the world, so you can imagine how much time and money we spend everyday to get fans to listen to emerging musicians, not to talk of buy their records. That's right, we sell records by artists on our roster instead of giving it away for FREE like many FREE music promotion websites because we believe artists who make good music should be rewarded for their work. Don't be fooled by the growing number of so-called FREE Music Promotion sites that have been designed to sell advertising on your music profile pages while you do all the hard work and get nothing in return. There are usually thousands of songs in the audition queue at any one time hence there is an audition ticket to help to help us prioritize and run effective music promotion campaigns to gain maximun exposure for every single audition. If you are looking for free promotion, please check out our FREE resources: The Indie Music Forum, The Indie Artist Directory, The Indie Music YouTube Directory and The Indie Music Box Office, where you can list your music and promote your music profiles for FREE to real Independent Music fans. You can also get 1 week FREE promotion for your new releases on The Indie Music BillBOARD and The Indie Video BillBOARD.The Skunk Radio Live Auditions.You've created a masterpiece, now it's time to let the world hear it.Join thousands of Independent Musicians around the world auditioning now. Get your music heard by real Independent Music fans and start growing your fanbase today. Gain maximum exposure for your new releases and your website/social media pages. With each audition ticket you get: Unlimited auditions forever, giving you a lot of time to win the hearts of the review team and fans. Audition as many times as you like but please allow each 7 day audition period to complete before submitting again. Your music cued for 7 days of unlimited Airplay on The Skunk Radio Live Auditions Show which has now reached over 7 million Independent Music fans worldwide 7 days FREE promotion of your website/social media page in the audition section FREE promotion on Facebook and Twitter. We feature our favorite auditions on our Social Media pages and promote them for maximum exposure. Unlimited promotion of your audition video on YouTube, if you submitted a video FREE cover artwork for your next digital music release or your social media pages from The Indie Album Cover Store 7 days FREE listing of your latest release on The Indie Music BillBOARD 7 days FREE music video promotion on The Indie Video BillBOARD FREE unlimited entries into the Skunk Radio Live #Skunkified Twitter competition for a chance to win FREE cash FREE listing in The Indie Artist Directory FREE listing in The Indie Music YouTube DirectoryGet your audition ticket here now, or learn more below. You can also purchase your ticket after submitting your music.All artists, bands, music producers, DJs, music composers, songwriters and instrumentalists are welcome to audition for the SRL Networks roster. We are open to all genres including instrumental music. During the audition process, your music will be listed in the audition section and also cued for airplay during our radio program, The Skunk Radio Live Auditions Show so that our listeners can listen and vote. Remember to also tell you family, friends and fans to vote by tweeting your artist/band name @SkunkRadioLive. The reviewers will also conduct their own review. To be accepted onto the roster, all you have to do is win the hearts of the reviewers and fans.But there's a lot more to it...The Skunk Radio Live Auditions is an intensive 1 week promotion package for Independent Musicians to use to get discovered by Independent Music fans around the world. We promote auditions along side artists on our roster through our online radio network which has now reached over 5 million listeners worldwide and our social media channels especially YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and LinkedIn where we promote to our followers and also potential followers through targeted advertisement campaigns. We also promote on other websites where Independent Music fans go to get their music like DatPiff, AOL, PureVolume, LastFM, NME, VH1, The Indie Artists Magazine, All Music, Discogs, Idolator and many other websites and blogs.Successful candidates will continue to enjoy unlimited promotion and career development beyond the 7 day audition period, others are welcome to audition as many times as it takes to win the hearts of the reviewers and fans. Selected successful candidates may also receive an advance.How to submit music.To begin the audition process, please send your best track(s) in mp3 format, a cover photo and a link to your website to playlists@SkunkRadioLive.com. You can also include a short recorded message in mp3 format to introduce yourself to Skunk Radio Live listeners. Alternatively, you can upload an audition video introducing yourself and performing your best track to YouTube and send us a link.An audition ticket is required to cover the whole audition process. Audition tickets can be sponsored by fans and supporters or purchased by yourself. Once your music submission has been received, you will receive a direct link to purchase your ticket and also a link for you to direct potential sponsors, fans and supporters to. In addition to approaching your own fans/supporters, you can also attract potential sponsors by posting a link to your best track in the comments section of the sponsored auditions page. [GET YOUR AUDITION TICKET][VISIT THE SPONSORED AUDITIONS PAGE][FIND OUT MORE ABOUT SKUNK RADIO LIVE][OPPORTUNITIES]
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]

Jika Anda hanya mencari GRATIS Musik Promosi, silahkan baca ini dulu. Record Label menghabiskan uang untuk mendapatkan rilis baru seniman populer 'didengar oleh dunia, sehingga Anda dapat membayangkan berapa banyak waktu dan uang yang kita habiskan setiap hari untuk mendapatkan penggemar untuk mendengarkan musisi yang muncul, tidak untuk berbicara dari membeli catatan mereka. Itu benar, kami menjual catatan oleh seniman di daftar kami bukannya memberikan diri secara GRATIS seperti banyak situs promosi musik gratis karena kami percaya seniman yang membuat musik yang bagus harus dihargai untuk pekerjaan mereka. Jangan tertipu oleh meningkatnya jumlah disebut situs Promosi GRATIS Musik yang telah dirancang untuk menjual iklan pada halaman profil musik Anda saat Anda melakukan semua kerja keras dan mendapatkan apa-apa. Biasanya ada ribuan lagu dalam audisi antrian pada satu waktu maka ada tiket audisi untuk membantu untuk membantu kami memprioritaskan dan menjalankan kampanye promosi musik yang efektif untuk mendapatkan eksposur maximun untuk setiap audisi tunggal. Jika Anda mencari promosi gratis, silahkan periksa sumber daya kami GRATIS: The Indie Musik Forum, The Indie Artist Directory, The Indie Music Direktori YouTube dan The Indie Music Box Office, di mana Anda bisa daftar musik dan mempromosikan profil musik Anda secara GRATIS untuk para penggemar musik yang nyata Independent. Anda juga bisa mendapatkan 1 minggu GRATIS promosi untuk rilis baru Anda pada The Indie Music Billboard dan The Indie Video Billboard. The Skunk Radio Hidup Audisi. Anda telah membuat sebuah karya, sekarang saatnya untuk membiarkan dunia mendengarnya. Bergabunglah ribuan Independen musisi di seluruh dunia audisi sekarang. Dapatkan musik Anda didengar oleh penggemar musik nyata Independen dan mulai tumbuh fanbase Anda hari ini. Mendapatkan eksposur maksimum untuk rilis baru Anda dan website / halaman media sosial Anda. Dengan setiap tiket audisi Anda mendapatkan: audisi terbatas selamanya, memberikan Anda banyak waktu untuk memenangkan hati tim review dan penggemar. Audisi sebanyak yang Anda suka tapi tolong memungkinkan setiap periode audisi 7 hari untuk menyelesaikan sebelum mengirimkan lagi. Musik Anda cued selama 7 hari dari Airplay terbatas pada The Skunk Radio Hidup Audisi Show yang kini telah mencapai lebih dari 7 juta penggemar Musik Independent di seluruh dunia 7 hari promosi GRATIS dari situs / laman sosial media di bagian audisi GRATIS promosi di Facebook dan Twitter. Kami memiliki audisi favorit kami di halaman Media Sosial dan mempromosikan mereka untuk eksposur yang maksimal. Promosi Unlimited audisi video di YouTube, jika Anda mengajukan video GRATIS penutup karya seni untuk rilis musik Anda berikutnya digital atau halaman media sosial Anda dari The Indie Album Cover toko 7 hari daftar GRATIS rilis terbaru Anda di The Indie Music Billboard 7 hari musik gratis promosi video di The Indie Video Billboard GRATIS entri terbatas ke dalam persaingan Skunk Radio Hidup #Skunkified Twitter untuk kesempatan untuk memenangkan uang tunai GRATIS GRATIS listing di The Indie Artist Direktori daftar GRATIS di The Indie Music direktori YouTube Dapatkan tiket audisi Anda di sini sekarang, atau mempelajari lebih lanjut di bawah ini. Anda juga dapat membeli tiket Anda setelah mengirimkan musik Anda. Semua artis, band, produser musik, DJ, komposer musik, penulis lagu dan instrumentalis dipersilahkan untuk audisi untuk Networks SRL daftar. Kami terbuka untuk semua genre termasuk musik instrumental. Selama proses audisi, musik Anda akan terdaftar di bagian audisi dan juga cued untuk diputar selama program radio kami, The Skunk Radio Hidup Audisi Tampilkan sehingga pendengar kita dapat mendengarkan dan memberikan suara. Ingatlah untuk juga memberitahu keluarga Anda, teman-teman dan penggemar untuk memilih dengan tweeting artis / nama band AndaSkunkRadioLive. Pengulas juga akan melakukan review mereka sendiri. Untuk dapat diterima ke daftar tersebut, yang harus Anda lakukan adalah memenangkan hati para pengulas dan penggemar. Tapi ada lebih banyak untuk itu ... The Skunk Radio Hidup Audisi adalah paket promosi 1 minggu intensif untuk Musisi Independen digunakan untuk mendapatkan ditemukan oleh penggemar Musik Independen di seluruh dunia. Kami mempromosikan audisi sepanjang sisi artis di daftar kami melalui jaringan radio online kami yang kini telah mencapai lebih dari 5 juta pendengar di seluruh dunia dan saluran media sosial kita terutama YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Google+ dan LinkedIn mana kami mempromosikan ke pengikut kami dan juga pengikut potensial melalui ditargetkan kampanye iklan. Kami juga mempromosikan di situs-situs lain di mana para fans Musik Independen pergi untuk mendapatkan musik mereka seperti DatPiff, AOL, PureVolume, LastFM, NME, VH1, The Indie Artists Magazine, All Music, Discogs, Idolator dan banyak situs lain dan blog. Sukses kandidat akan terus untuk menikmati promosi terbatas dan pengembangan karir di luar periode audisi 7 hari, lain dipersilakan untuk audisi sebanyak yang dibutuhkan untuk memenangkan hati para pengulas dan penggemar. kandidat yang berhasil terpilih mungkin juga menerima uang muka. Cara mengirimkan musik. Untuk mulai proses audisi, silakan kirim lagu terbaik (s) dalam format mp3, foto sampul dan link ke website Anda untuk playlists@SkunkRadioLive.com. Anda juga bisa memasukkan pesan singkat yang direkam dalam format mp3 untuk memperkenalkan diri kepada pendengar Skunk Radio Live. Atau, Anda dapat meng-upload video audisi memperkenalkan diri dan melakukan trek terbaik Anda ke YouTube dan mengirimkan link. Sebuah tiket audisi diperlukan untuk menutupi proses audisi seluruh. Tiket audisi dapat disponsori oleh fans dan pendukung atau dibeli sendiri. Setelah penyerahan musik Anda telah diterima, Anda akan menerima link langsung untuk membeli tiket Anda dan juga link bagi Anda untuk mengarahkan potensi sponsor, penggemar dan pendukung untuk. Selain mendekati Anda sendiri penggemar / pendukung, Anda juga dapat menarik sponsor potensial dengan posting link ke trek terbaik Anda di bagian komentar dari halaman audisi yang disponsori. [GET TIKET AUDITION ANDA] [KUNJUNGI SPONSORED Audisi HALAMAN] [CARI TAHU LEBIH TENTANG Skunk RADIO LANGSUNG] [PELUANG]

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