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Setiap pagi di seluruh Jawa, wanita membawa keranjang di punggung mereka penuh dengan botol berisi cairan campuran untuk menjual di jalan. Ini menarik cairan, yang perempuan mempersiapkan diri, yang dikenal sebagai jamu, dan obat-obatan herbal tradisional Indonesia. Tradisional Indonesia penyembuh menentukan kesehatan dalam hal keseimbangan antara polaritas panas dan dingin, dan kering dan basah. Jika tubuh manusia menjadi terlalu panas, seperti halnya selama demam, pendingin sayuran dan rempah-rempah yang diresepkan. Dalam nada yang sama, pilek diperlakukan dengan rempah-rempah, yang memanaskan badan.Penjual jamu mungkin tampak sederhana, tetapi banyak wanita-wanita ini berjalan, berbicara apotek. Di punggung mereka yang mungkin obat untuk hanya tentang segala sesuatu dari masalah kulit dan nyeri rematik untuk disfungsi seksual. Persiapan lainnya mengklaim untuk meningkatkan energi dan konsentrasi, mengurangi stres dan meningkatkan pemuda. Ada ramuan jamu bahkan yang mengaku memiliki efek kosmetik. Jamu adalah bisnis besar. Selain Penjual jamu individu ini, selusin industri produsen (di antara mereka Nyonya Meneer, Jago, Air Mancur, dan Jamu Iboe) menjual persiapan di toko-toko mereka sendiri, apotik dan kecil««http://www.insideindonesia.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=l87... 7/07/2015Kemenangan jamu - di dalam Indonesia Halaman 2 dari 6shops. There are now even exclusive jamu shops in upscale malls, targeting middle-class customers. The promotional material of the jamu industry often emphasises the ancient roots of Indonesian traditional herbal medicine and its historical links to the courts of Solo and Yogyakarta. Indeed, archaeological findings, including a number of relief carvings on the famous Borobudur temple in Central Java, indicate that herbs and spices have been used for medicinal purposes for thousands of years. Being located at the cross-roads of international trading routes, the Indonesian archipelago has a long history of contact with Chinese and Arab traders, who introduced plants, herbs and spices, and brought with them insights from Indian Ayurvedic traditions, traditional Chinese medicine, Arab healing practices and ancient Greek medicine. The abundant forests of Java provided healers with a great range of ingredients, including ginger, Javanese turmeric, galangal and cardamom, which are all still popular jamu ingredients. Even tree bark was used for intestinal complaints, despite being extremely bitter.Pada pertemuan kelima produsen jamu di tahun 2007, Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono memohon kepada perwakilan industri untuk meningkatkan ekspor mereka. Meningkatkan kesadaran obat-obatan alami dan obat-obatan alternatif dapat menyebabkan minat yang besar dalam apa yang Indonesia miliki untuk ditawarkan, tapi menjual jamu kepada dunia ini tidak mudah, dan hampir semua jamu yang diproduksi di Indonesia saat ini tidak dikonsumsi. Jamu tidak selalu menderita dari seperti kurangnya daya tarik internasional. Sebagai soal fakta, Eropa dokter yang sekali terpesona dengan obat Jawa. Tetapi dengan organisasi Kesehatan Dunia memperkirakan bahwa sampai dengan 70 persen dari penduduk Indonesia menggunakan secara teratur, jamu tidak akan di mana saja.Kebangkitan dan kejatuhan Eropa bungaPerdagangan rempah-rempah dan rempah-rempah, yang dimulai pada abad keenam belas, membuat diet Eropa much lebih lezat. Selain itu juga diberikan dokter dengan zat-zat yang dapat mereka gunakan dalam pengobatan penyakit. Pada kenyataannya, Renaisans Eropa obat dalam kurun yang ketujuh belas sebagian besar didasarkan pada bumbu dan rempah-rempah dan wawasan medis tradisional penyembuh dari India dan Kepulauan Indonesia.Over the periods of exploration and colonisation, physicians became intrigued by the ways in which disease and ailments were treated. In 1619, seven years after the Dutch United East Indies Company took control of the archipelago, Jacobus Bontius was appointed as Batavia's city physician. He was greatly impressed by the ability of local healers to cure a variety of conditions, in particular dysentery and other intestinal complaints and he investigated local medical lore. More than five decades later, Hermann Boerhaave, professor of botany and medicine at the University of Leyden, used the botanical garden, which grew Asian medicinal plants, to support his teaching. In combination with his clinical teaching methods, he propelled Leyden to the centre of medical education at the time.http://www.insideindonesia.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=l 87... 7/07/2015The triumph of jamu - Inside Indonesia Page 3 of 6Magic bottlesHans PolsIn the meantime, physicians in the Dutch East Indies started to explore indigenous remedies as well. A small number of physicians were hired to look after diseased soldiers when the Dutch state took over governance of the Indies after the Dutch United East Indies Company was declared bankrupt in 1798. Their training had not prepared them to treat the common medical complaints of the tropics, including various intestinal complaints, malaria and the tropical infection of skin, bones and joints known as yaws. At the same time, many of the medications they used to prescribe in Europe were not available in the colonies. If they were available, they were prohibitively expensive, spoilt on arrival or lacking any potency after the long voyage. What's more, new medical research from Paris and later Germany made many physicians doubt the efficacy of their interventions, which included bloodletting, leeching and the generous use of mercury compounds. It came as no surprise then that European doctors felt a keen sense of competition with local healers, who appeared to be successful in treating the most common tropical complaints.Some of them set out to learn more about the herbal medicine of the Indies to improve their own practice. For example, the German physician Carl Waitz used a number of straightforward methods to find out about indigenous herbal medicine. He went to the local market, where traders were eager to inform him of the medicinal properties of their wares.««http://www.insideindonesia.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=l87... 7/07/2015Kemenangan jamu - di dalam Indonesia Halaman 4 dari 6Dia juga meminta istrinya, seorang wanita Indo-Eropah dari Semarang dan iparnya tentang pengobatan rumah mereka digunakan, serta pasien apa jenis perawatan yang mereka biasanya menerima. Ia kemudian diuji herbal pada dirinya sendiri dan pasiennya untuk memastikan sifat obat mereka dan meminta lokal apoteker saham mereka jika mereka telah terbukti efektif. Pada 1829, Waitz menerbitkan buku kecil pendek berjudul praktis pengamatan pada nomor dari Jawa obat, yang menunjukkan bahwa sejumlah resep farmasi umum Eropa bisa diganti dengan tumbuh-tumbuhan Indonesia. Saran termasuk menggunakan daun sirih sebagai agen narkotika dan di infus sebagai obat melawan batuk terus-menerus. Ia juga merekomendasikan infus dibuat dari batang pohon suren gigih demam dan bahwa pohon sintok (Cinnamomum sintok Blume, Laurel Keluarga, yang juga mencakup kayu manis dan pohon yang menghasilkan daun) untuk masalah usus.Fascination with local remedies increased the longer the Dutch stayed in the East Indies. In 1850, a medicinal garden was established at the Weltevreden military hospital near Batavia (today's Rumah Sakit Gatot Subroto) by the chief of civilian health, Geerlof Wassink. He asked several physicians in the employ of the health service to experiment with herbal medications and published the results in the Medical Journal of the Dutch East Indies, of which he was the editor. Another publication which recorded Indonesian herbal medicine was Materia Indica, a 900-page book by prominent physician Cornelis L. van der Burg. Adolphe G. Vorderman visited local markets and had conversations with women who practiced herbal medicine. He also visited Chinese-run pharmacies, which stocked ingredients used by indigenous healers and Chinese physicians.The Renaissance of European medicine in the seventeenth century was mostly based on the herbs and spices and on the medical insights of traditional healers from the Indonesian archipelagoIn 1892, the pharmacist Willem Gerbrand Boorsma was appointed as director of the pharmacological laboratory at the botanical gardens in Buitenzorg (today's Kebun Raya in Bogor). Boorsma hoped that the scientific investigation of medicinal plants would reduce the distrust between the Indonesians and the Dutch, and would lead to the inclusion of indigenous healing into the sphere of rational medicine. Through pharmacological experimentation, he attempted to isolate the active ingredients in medicinal plants (these attempts had already been successful in the case of morphine, quinine and coca). To locate plants for his research, Boorsma was eager to find out which plants were used by indigenous healers. He also visited markets and pharmacists and read herbal medicine guides. Many of his articles appeared over the following years. After his retirement to the Netherlands, hehttp://www.insideindonesia.org/index.php?option=coni_content&view=article&id=l 87... 7/07/2015The triumph of jamu - Inside Indonesia Page 5 of 6realised that the search for active ingredients might not have been all that fruitful. Instead, he argued that the healing power of jamu preparations lay in the totality of ingredients instead of in a single ingredient and should be consumed together.However, the interest of European physicians and pharmacists in Indonesian herbal medicine decreased significantly after 1900, after several new discoveries and technological breakthroughs had been made, such as Pasteur's germ theory, a-septic surgery and the X-ray machine. When western medicine appeared to become successful, physicians no longer looked for alternatives. Instead, they wanted to spread western medical insights to the East.Jamu prevailsBefore 1940, Indonesians who wanted to become physicians attended the medical schools in Batavia and Su
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