Frost shakes the head: „Does not use, I can fly, does not need the big terjemahan - Frost shakes the head: „Does not use, I can fly, does not need the big Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Frost shakes the head: „Does not us

Frost shakes the head: „Does not use, I can fly, does not need the big dragon sad­dle horse, gave me too to waste, the crys­tal dragon nat­ural dis­po­si­tion was tem­per­ate, was good to the blue radish, she is the pre­sent dragon rides the team leader, the crys­tal dragon takes the sad­dle horse just to be joined to her sta­tus and dis­po­si­tion.”
I: „Um, lis­tens your! Right, did your sad­dle horse great dis­tance snow dis­card?”
„Yes, there­fore can only ride a horse with you”
„Has not re­lated, our pre­sent whole bod­ies are the blood, must a bit faster mix the awe state, can­not cause their sus­pi­cions, the city of awe state is also guard­ing many sword spirit cav­alry sol­diers, I do not want to bring to their at­ten­tion.”
„Um, walks quickly!”
About after 10 min­utes, ar­rives in the awe state, the token when I pull out came to ob­tain, al­lows to pass to enter the city, how­ever I and Frost whole body are own blood and Long Xue, the bat­tle dress also al­most soon by the big dragon tear­ing to pieces, es­pe­cially me, on the face the in­jury of by Jin­long being tossed about has not ren­o­vated, half face blood­stained, likely by pain flat later end mat­ter.
Ar­rives at Nan­men of awe em­pire city, we were safe across this iron gate.
How­ever, here, has re­lieved a gar­ri­son one crowd of new NPC, raises in the full beard top of the head of tom­a­hawk to reap­pear one line of phrases „town gate con­trol road wolf”, this Lu Lang shoul­ders the tom­a­hawk on the shoul­der, on the face full is stub­born, dis­tant stared at us, the cor­ners of the mouth raise, said: „Snort, that two peo­ple, halt to me!”
I re­strain the warhorse, hands over the token, said: „When this is I come the proof, ask­ing the Sir to allow to pass!”
Lu Lang is ac­tu­ally tak­ing a look at me and Frost ap­pear­ance, said: „Your whole body is the blood, said that vi­o­lated the law and com­mit crime in the awe state? If so, I will cer­tainly fol­low the com­mand edict of awe Luo Lin king, takes to in­fil­trate the day to be firm you!”
I shake the head: „No, in­vited the Sir bright mir­ror, we were just enter the wild dragon clan ter­ri­tory to hunt­ing and killing 1-2 low-or­der Long Clan, has not ac­tu­ally thought that hit these masi­akasauruses, fi­nally got so far as is so dis­tressed, there­fore”
Laugh­ing that one crowd of NPC can­not bear, Lu Lang is hav­ing the con­temp­tu­ous look, said: „De­pends on you also to go to Tu Long? Re­ally laughs, wild Long Clan these mon­ster we do not dare to bribe, let alone is the trash in your this type of hu­man­ity, go away, leave Tian Ling Em­pire to go, washes the clean neck, waited for that Luo Lin king leads the army to sweep away Tian Ling Em­pire!”
I nod re­sent­fully, progress to for­ward, ac­tu­ally at this time, gust passed over gen­tly and swiftly, be­hind the Frost cape blows di­rectly from the head me, im­me­di­ately a Frost beau­ti­ful cheek pre­sents in the peo­ple at pre­sent.
Lu Langmi the eye, an eye color is nar­row­ing the eyes is star­ing at Frost, said: „Which this young girl is comes, is re­ally your com­pan­ion? Snort, a man and a woman ride ride, do I take a look at your re­la­tional some not to be nor­mal? The boys, con­fessed to the fa­ther hon­estly that this young girl is you maid­ser­vant who plun­ders from the for­eign coun­try?”
My whole body trem­bles, slightly some spunks: „Sir, what did you say? She is she is my”
Frost grips to hide cut­ting Hua Jian the sword hilt one side of warhorse, the sat­is­fied wolf that at the same time shows a faint smile said: „Sir bright mir­ror, I am his wife, this ven­turer squad also only then both of us.”
Lu Lang a face does not be­lieve that said: „On you have the blood, was forced? If yes, you told Sir that Sir will cer­tainly up­hold the jus­tice for you, the beau­ti­ful woman you do not need to be wor­ried re­ally!”
„I re­ally am”
Dari: -
Ke: -
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Frost shakes the head: „Does not use, I can fly, does not need the big dragon sad­dle horse, gave me too to waste, the crys­tal dragon nat­ural dis­po­si­tion was tem­per­ate, was good to the blue radish, she is the pre­sent dragon rides the team leader, the crys­tal dragon takes the sad­dle horse just to be joined to her sta­tus and dis­po­si­tion.”I: „Um, lis­tens your! Right, did your sad­dle horse great dis­tance snow dis­card?”„Yes, there­fore can only ride a horse with you”„Has not re­lated, our pre­sent whole bod­ies are the blood, must a bit faster mix the awe state, can­not cause their sus­pi­cions, the city of awe state is also guard­ing many sword spirit cav­alry sol­diers, I do not want to bring to their at­ten­tion.”„Um, walks quickly!”About after 10 min­utes, ar­rives in the awe state, the token when I pull out came to ob­tain, al­lows to pass to enter the city, how­ever I and Frost whole body are own blood and Long Xue, the bat­tle dress also al­most soon by the big dragon tear­ing to pieces, es­pe­cially me, on the face the in­jury of by Jin­long being tossed about has not ren­o­vated, half face blood­stained, likely by pain flat later end mat­ter.Ar­rives at Nan­men of awe em­pire city, we were safe across this iron gate.How­ever, here, has re­lieved a gar­ri­son one crowd of new NPC, raises in the full beard top of the head of tom­a­hawk to reap­pear one line of phrases „town gate con­trol road wolf”, this Lu Lang shoul­ders the tom­a­hawk on the shoul­der, on the face full is stub­born, dis­tant stared at us, the cor­ners of the mouth raise, said: „Snort, that two peo­ple, halt to me!”I re­strain the warhorse, hands over the token, said: „When this is I come the proof, ask­ing the Sir to allow to pass!”Lu Lang is ac­tu­ally tak­ing a look at me and Frost ap­pear­ance, said: „Your whole body is the blood, said that vi­o­lated the law and com­mit crime in the awe state? If so, I will cer­tainly fol­low the com­mand edict of awe Luo Lin king, takes to in­fil­trate the day to be firm you!”I shake the head: „No, in­vited the Sir bright mir­ror, we were just enter the wild dragon clan ter­ri­tory to hunt­ing and killing 1-2 low-or­der Long Clan, has not ac­tu­ally thought that hit these masi­akasauruses, fi­nally got so far as is so dis­tressed, there­fore”Laugh­ing that one crowd of NPC can­not bear, Lu Lang is hav­ing the con­temp­tu­ous look, said: „De­pends on you also to go to Tu Long? Re­ally laughs, wild Long Clan these mon­ster we do not dare to bribe, let alone is the trash in your this type of hu­man­ity, go away, leave Tian Ling Em­pire to go, washes the clean neck, waited for that Luo Lin king leads the army to sweep away Tian Ling Em­pire!”I nod re­sent­fully, progress to for­ward, ac­tu­ally at this time, gust passed over gen­tly and swiftly, be­hind the Frost cape blows di­rectly from the head me, im­me­di­ately a Frost beau­ti­ful cheek pre­sents in the peo­ple at pre­sent.„Wait!”Lu Langmi the eye, an eye color is nar­row­ing the eyes is star­ing at Frost, said: „Which this young girl is comes, is re­ally your com­pan­ion? Snort, a man and a woman ride ride, do I take a look at your re­la­tional some not to be nor­mal? The boys, con­fessed to the fa­ther hon­estly that this young girl is you maid­ser­vant who plun­ders from the for­eign coun­try?”My whole body trem­bles, slightly some spunks: „Sir, what did you say? She is she is my”Frost grips to hide cut­ting Hua Jian the sword hilt one side of warhorse, the sat­is­fied wolf that at the same time shows a faint smile said: „Sir bright mir­ror, I am his wife, this ven­turer squad also only then both of us.”„Right?”Lu Lang a face does not be­lieve that said: „On you have the blood, was forced? If yes, you told Sir that Sir will cer­tainly up­hold the jus­tice for you, the beau­ti­ful woman you do not need to be wor­ried re­ally!”„I re­ally am”
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Frost getar kepala: "Apakah tidak menggunakan, saya bisa terbang, tidak perlu besar naga pelana kuda, memberi saya terlalu membuang-buang, naga kristal fitrah adalah sedang, baik untuk lobak biru, dia adalah hadir naga wahana pemimpin tim, naga kristal mengambil kuda pelana hanya untuk bersatu dengan statusnya dan disposisi ".
saya:" Um, mendengarkan Anda! Benar, memang pelana kuda besar salju jarak membuang Anda? "
" Ya, karena itu hanya bisa naik kuda dengan Anda "
" Apakah tidak berhubungan, seluruh tubuh kita saat ini adalah darah, harus sedikit lebih cepat mencampur negara kagum, tidak dapat menyebabkan kecurigaan mereka , kota negara kagum juga menjaga banyak tentara kavaleri semangat pedang, saya tidak ingin membawa ke perhatian mereka. "
" Um, berjalan cepat! "
Tentang setelah 10 menit, tiba di negara kagum, token ketika saya tarik keluar datang untuk mendapatkan, memungkinkan untuk lulus untuk masuk kota, namun saya dan Frost seluruh tubuh adalah darah sendiri dan Long Xue, gaun pertempuran juga hampir segera oleh naga besar merobek berkeping-keping, terutama aku, pada wajah cedera dari oleh Jinlong dilempar tentang belum direnovasi, setengah wajah berlumuran darah, kemungkinan nyeri datar kemudian peduli end.
Tiba di Nanmen kagum kota kerajaan, kami aman di gerbang besi ini.
Namun, di sini, telah lega garnisun satu kerumunan NPC baru, kenaikan gaji di jenggot atas penuh kepala tomahawk muncul kembali satu baris frase "kota gerbang kontrol jalan serigala", bahu Lu Lang ini tomahawk di bahu, di wajah penuh yang membandel, jauh menatap kami, sudut-sudut mulut kenaikan gaji, mengatakan: "Snort, bahwa dua orang, menghentikan saya!"
aku menahan kuda perang, menyerahkan token, mengatakan: "! Ketika ini saya datang buktinya, meminta Sir untuk memungkinkan untuk lulus"
Lu Lang adalah sebenarnya mengambil melihat saya dan penampilan Frost, mengatakan: "seluruh tubuh Anda adalah darah, mengatakan bahwa melanggar hukum dan melakukan kejahatan di negara kagum? Jika demikian, saya pasti akan mengikuti perintah perintah kagum Luo Lin raja, diperlukan untuk menyusup hari untuk bersikap tegas Anda "!
Aku menggelengkan kepala:" Tidak, mengundang Sir cermin terang, kami hanya memasuki wilayah klan naga liar untuk berburu dan membunuh 1-2 low-order panjang Clan, belum benar-benar berpikir yang melanda masiakasauruses ini, akhirnya mendapat sejauh begitu tertekan, karena itu "
Tertawa bahwa salah satu kerumunan NPC tidak tahan, Lu Lang adalah memiliki tampilan menghina, mengatakan: "Tergantung pada Anda juga untuk pergi ke Tu Long? Benar-benar tertawa, liar panjang Clan rakasa ini kita tidak berani menyuap, apalagi adalah sampah dalam jenis Anda kemanusiaan, pergi, meninggalkan Tian Ling Empire untuk pergi, mencuci leher bersih, menunggu untuk itu raja Luo Lin memimpin tentara untuk menyapu Tian Ling Empire! "
aku mengangguk kesal, kemajuan untuk meneruskan, sebenarnya saat ini, embusan melewati lembut dan cepat, di belakang Frost cape pukulan langsung dari kepala saya, segera pipi Frost indah hadir dalam orang-orang di . hadir
Lu Langmi mata, warna mata adalah penyempitan mata menatap Frost, mengatakan: "yang gadis muda ini datang, benar-benar teman Anda? Snort, seorang pria dan seorang wanita naik naik, saya lihat relasional Anda beberapa tidak normal? Anak-anak, mengaku ayah jujur ​​bahwa gadis muda ini adalah Anda pembantu yang merampas dari negara asing? "
Saya seluruh gemetar tubuh, sedikit beberapa spunks:" Sir, apa yang kau katakan? Dia adalah dia adalah saya "
Frost grip untuk menyembunyikan memotong Hua Jian pedang gagang satu sisi kuda perang, serigala puas bahwa pada saat yang sama menunjukkan senyum tipis mengatakan:" Sir cermin terang, saya istrinya, skuad venture ini juga hanya kemudian kami berdua ".
" Benar? "
Lu Lang wajah tidak percaya bahwa kata:" pada Anda memiliki darah, terpaksa? Jika ya, Anda mengatakan kepada Sir bahwa Sir pasti akan menegakkan keadilan untuk Anda, wanita cantik Anda tidak perlu khawatir benar-benar! "
" Aku benar-benar "
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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