Hasil (
Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
Ia percaya penghakiman-Nya, mungkin pada saat semua ini, memiliki tapi tidak ada alternatif untuk percaya.Penatua besar bernapas dalam-dalam, kedua tangan mengangkat tangan gelombang, tiba-tiba berteriak keras."Diundang pagoda leluhur, mengeluarkan buah Nirvana!"Kata-kata penatua besar, menara ini guruh, ketika antara ray seketika sepuluh ribu zhang (3,33 m), berseri ini hanya ke puncak, di Ta ini tinggi, kotak jade berangkat instan, tiba-tiba muncul di luar vortex, jatuh di tangan besar penatua.Sampai saat ini, lenyap Vault surga vortex perlahan-lahan menghilang, meliputi setelah pagoda sekali lagi, tidak melihat.Meng Hao sesak napas, menatap kotak jade itu keras kepala, ia tiba di saat ini, tidak dapat membayangkan partai yang berlawanan untuk memberikan kembali kepada diri Nirvana buah tiba-tiba.Dia berpikir bahwa hal itu sangat sulit, tiba-tiba itu selesai sederhana, membiarkan Meng Hao tidak bisa percaya.Penatua besar mengambil kotak jade, pembukaan yang tanpa ragu, memegang itu tinggi, memungkinkan seluruh anggota klan semua, melihat benar-benar.Meng Hao melihat segera, dalam kotak ini jade, mengesankan dua buah layu, penuh dibagi, akan menyerupai angin untuk meniup akan menghilang, mungkin melihat ini dua buah Nirvana instan, dalam garis tubuh Meng Hao, mengalir cepat tak terduga, perasaan yang memanggil, membuat Meng Hao segera menyadari bahwa ini memang, akan menjadi buah Nirvana."Nirvana buah!!"„In the past Hao'er Nirvana fruit, I have seen, this is the Nirvana fruit!” All around clansman, many direct descendant clansmen calls out in alarm immediately, particularly the Meng Hao 19 uncles, are excited.„That is the Nirvana fruit!”The Meng Hao breath shortness, is looking at Great Elder, suddenly both eyes dodge, in his mind reappeared a thought.„Is it possible that he gives me this fruit, is the goal to let the bystander robs?” Meng Hao believes eventually own judgment, he does not believe the opposite party, so easily will give oneself the Nirvana fruit.Great Elder has covered the jade box, flings directly, that this jade box shouted, flew to Meng Hao, when Meng Hao held this jade box instant, the bloodline of his within the body, seethed with excitement instantaneously.„Old man also has a few words, is in front of this place clansman, must confess clearly.” Great Elder both eyes reveal cold glow immediately, the vision has swept all around.„ This Nirvana fruit, belongs to Hao'er, now in his hands, may some people have evil intent, but entire Planet East Victory, Blood Orchid Church or Puppet God Sect, do not dare to rob my Fang Clan this most precious object, even if in the Hao'er hand, they do not dare to snatch!As for other people, does not dare, but the bystander, has Eastern Heavenly Gate, few can come, therefore, if the Hao'er Nirvana fruit lost, then dares to snatch only, has the Fang Clan clansman! ”„Therefore, do not blame the old man not to remind you, who snatches the Hao'er Nirvana fruit, does not take it ill the old man on the meaning of generation Patriarch, extinguished his Division clansman, Fang Heshan, your branch vein, must record this matter sincerely!” Great Elder both eyes cold brightness for the first time presently, fierce looks to the Fang Wei grandfather, the Fang Wei grandfather facial color is ugly, the lowering the head name is.„The custom of family, must observe, the old man distributes the pledge today, the Hao'er Nirvana fruit, who dares to snatch, the old man gets rid surely, if the old man had the private letter, the day extinguishes my soul!” Great Elder words, the world thunders, has the thunder of pledge, bang the reverberation, this indicated that he takes as the oath!All clansmen, complete reacted, even if has evil intent, at this moment also clean of instantaneous dissipation.Meng Hao mind intense reacted, present all. He is unable to believe. But the fact is placed in the front. Especially Great Elder there, distributes the pledge unexpectedly for this reason.„Perhaps, I made a mistake really ... But, even if now, I think Great Elder there as before, is very false ... Which is real, which is the vacation.” Meng Hao is silent. breathes deeply, after the Nirvana fruit receives, toward Great Elder, deeply does obeisance.Great Elder is looking at Meng Hao, the smiling face is even more gentle.„Hao'er, Seven Colored Immortality Pill, I have arranged, seven stoves were too indeed many, gives you five stoves!”„As for Immortal's cave, you momentarily may trade. No matter who arranges, the old man takes responsibility for you!” When Great Elder smiles to open mouth. All around clansman, mind reacted.When looks to Meng Hao, is out of the ordinary.„Dispersed, Hao'er, you came.” Great Elder waves, moves toward in the main hall, all around clansman as in an uproar, today this, in a short time, will spread over in the entire Fang Clan clansman surely.
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