„Don't you know? That is the per­son of dragon rest cham­ber of com­me terjemahan - „Don't you know? That is the per­son of dragon rest cham­ber of com­me Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

„Don't you know? That is the per­so

„Don't you know? That is the per­son of dragon rest cham­ber of com­merce, they have con­trolled en­tire slave trade more than 50% shares, that long face mid­dle-aged per­son is the vice-chair­man of dragon rest cham­ber of com­merce, the Heav­enly Pri­mor­dial Spirit Race clans­man wants to dis­cuss the price with them, that is the basic is im­pos­si­ble mat­ter. In these bor­der re­gion small towns, the av­er­age per­son is not will­ing to of­fend the dragon rest cham­ber of com­merce!”
The Nie Li smile in the ear, looks to­ward front. Sees only the mid­dle-aged per­son fa­cial ex­pres­sion to be ar­ro­gant, cross­ing the hands be­hind the back stands in be­hind, should be the dragon rest cham­ber of com­merce vice-chair­men who in other pop­u­la­tion said.
Has the op­por­tu­nity to pur­chase the Heav­enly Pri­mor­dial Spirit Race clans­man. Nie Li nat­u­rally can­not let up such op­por­tu­nity, the front that sev­eral Heav­enly Pri­mor­dial Spirit Race youth. Is Dao of Dragon Realm First Level, more­over tal­ent good ap­pear­ance.
Nie Li has crushed into the crowd.
„Pres­i­dent Lin, we just take a just price, these youth are the tal­ents of our tribe, if not our tribe is bogged down in dif­fi­cul­ties, we will be will not make them the slaves ab­solutely!” The Heav­enly Pri­mor­dial Spirit Race clans­man of that lead said re­sent­fully.
„Just price? The price that we give was very just! If some peo­ple bid high com­pared with us, you can sell to them greatly!” Nearby wears the mid­dle-aged mer­chant of sil­ver bro­cade robe to say.
Ap­pear­ance that Pres­i­dent Lin of that dragon rest cham­ber of com­merce had not spo­ken.
„Three ten thou­sand Spir­i­tual Stone, this is only the or­di­nary Dao of Dragon Realm First Level price!”
Dari: -
Ke: -
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
„Don't you know? That is the per­son of dragon rest cham­ber of com­merce, they have con­trolled en­tire slave trade more than 50% shares, that long face mid­dle-aged per­son is the vice-chair­man of dragon rest cham­ber of com­merce, the Heav­enly Pri­mor­dial Spirit Race clans­man wants to dis­cuss the price with them, that is the basic is im­pos­si­ble mat­ter. In these bor­der re­gion small towns, the av­er­age per­son is not will­ing to of­fend the dragon rest cham­ber of com­merce!”The Nie Li smile in the ear, looks to­ward front. Sees only the mid­dle-aged per­son fa­cial ex­pres­sion to be ar­ro­gant, cross­ing the hands be­hind the back stands in be­hind, should be the dragon rest cham­ber of com­merce vice-chair­men who in other pop­u­la­tion said.Has the op­por­tu­nity to pur­chase the Heav­enly Pri­mor­dial Spirit Race clans­man. Nie Li nat­u­rally can­not let up such op­por­tu­nity, the front that sev­eral Heav­enly Pri­mor­dial Spirit Race youth. Is Dao of Dragon Realm First Level, more­over tal­ent good ap­pear­ance.Nie Li has crushed into the crowd.„Pres­i­dent Lin, we just take a just price, these youth are the tal­ents of our tribe, if not our tribe is bogged down in dif­fi­cul­ties, we will be will not make them the slaves ab­solutely!” The Heav­enly Pri­mor­dial Spirit Race clans­man of that lead said re­sent­fully.„Just price? The price that we give was very just! If some peo­ple bid high com­pared with us, you can sell to them greatly!” Nearby wears the mid­dle-aged mer­chant of sil­ver bro­cade robe to say.
Ap­pear­ance that Pres­i­dent Lin of that dragon rest cham­ber of com­merce had not spo­ken.
„Three ten thou­sand Spir­i­tual Stone, this is only the or­di­nary Dao of Dragon Realm First Level price!”
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
"Apa kau tidak tahu? Itu adalah orang dari ruang naga sisa perdagangan, mereka telah menguasai seluruh perdagangan budak lebih dari 50% saham, wajah lama orang setengah baya adalah wakil ketua chamber naga sisa commerce, Heavenly Primordial Roh Balap klan ingin membahas harga dengan mereka, bahwa dasar adalah hal yang mustahil. Di kota-kota kecil wilayah perbatasan ini, rata-rata orang tidak bersedia menyinggung ruang naga sisa perdagangan! "
The Nie Li tersenyum di telinga, terlihat ke arah depan. Hanya melihat orang ekspresi wajah setengah baya menjadi sombong, menyeberangi tangan di belakang punggung berdiri di belakang, harus ruang naga sisa perdagangan wakil ketua yang dalam populasi lain mengatakan.
Memiliki kesempatan untuk membeli Race Heavenly Primordial Roh anggota sebuah suku. Nie Li secara alami tidak bisa membiarkan kesempatan tersebut, bagian depan bahwa beberapa pemuda Balap Roh Primordial Surgawi. Apakah Dao Dragon Realm Tingkat Pertama, apalagi bakat penampilan yang baik.
Nie Li telah hancur ke kerumunan.
"Presiden Lin, kami hanya mengambil harga hanya, pemuda ini adalah talenta suku kami, jika tidak suku kami adalah macet di kesulitan , kita akan tidak akan membuat mereka budak benar-benar! "The Heavenly Primordial Roh Balap klan timbal yang mengatakan kesal.
" harga saja? Harga yang kami berikan sangat hanya! Jika beberapa orang menawar tinggi dibandingkan dengan kami, Anda dapat menjual kepada mereka sangat! "Terdekat memakai pedagang setengah baya perak brokat jubah untuk mengatakan.
Penampilan bahwa Presiden Lin itu ruang naga sisa perdagangan tidak berbicara.
" Tiga sepuluh ribu spiritual Batu, ini hanya Dao biasa Dragon Realm Tingkat Pertama harga! "
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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