increasingly driven by price.26 When the legendary Italian designer la terjemahan - increasingly driven by price.26 When the legendary Italian designer la Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

increasingly driven by price.26 Whe

increasingly driven by price.26 When the legendary Italian designer label Gucci found its image
severely tarnished by overexposure from licensing and discount stores, it decided to end contracts
with third-party suppliers, control its distribution, and open its own stores to bring back some of
the luster.27
Selective distribution relies on only some of
the intermediaries willing to carry a particular
product. Whether established or new, the company
does not need to worry about having too
many outlets; it can gain adequate market coverage
with more control and less cost than intensive
distribution. STIHL is a good example of selective
STIHL STIHL manufactures handheld
outdoor power equipment. All its
products are branded under one name and
it does not make private labels for other
companies. Best known for chain saws, it
has expanded into string trimmers, blowers, hedge
trimmers, and cut-off machines. It sells exclusively to
six independent U.S. distributors and six STIHL-owned
marketing and distribution centers, which sell to a nationwide
network of more than 8,000 servicing retail
dealers. The company is also a worldwide exporter of
U.S. manufactured STIHL products to 80 countries.
STIHL is one of the few outdoor-power-equipment
companies that do not sell through mass merchants,
catalogs, or the Internet.28
Intensive distribution places the goods or services
in as many outlets as possible. This strategy
serves well for snack foods, soft drinks, newspapers,
candies, and gum—products consumers buy frequently
or in a variety of locations. Convenience
stores such as 7-Eleven, Circle K, and gas-stationlinked
stores such as ExxonMobil’s On the Run
have survived by selling items that provide just
that—location and time convenience.
Manufacturers are constantly tempted to move
from exclusive or selective distribution to more intensive
distribution to increase coverage and sales.
This strategy may help in the short term, but if not
done properly, it can hurt long-term performance
by encouraging retailers to compete aggressively.
Price wars can then erode profitability, dampening
retailer interest and harming brand equity. Some
firms do not want to be sold everywhere. After
Sears acquired discount chain Kmart, Nike pulled
all its products from Sears to make sure Kmart
could not carry the brand

must be treated respectfully and given the opportunity to be profitable. The main elements in the
“trade-relations mix” are price policies, conditions of sale, territorial rights, and specific services to
be performed by each party.
• Price policy calls for the producer to establish a price list and schedule of discounts and
allowances that intermediaries see as equitable and sufficient.
• Conditions of sale refers to payment terms and producer guarantees.Most producers grant
cash discounts to distributors for early payment. They might also offer a guarantee against
defective merchandise or price declines, creating an incentive to buy larger quantities.
• Distributors’ territorial rights define the distributors’ territories and the terms under which
the producer will enfranchise other distributors. Distributors normally expect to receive full
credit for all sales in their territory, whether or not they did the selling.
• Mutual services and responsibilities must be carefully spelled out, especially in franchised and
exclusive-agency channels.McDonald’s provides franchisees with a building, promotional support,
a record-keeping system, training, and general administrative and technical assistance. In turn,
franchisees are expected to satisfy company standards for the physical facilities, cooperate with new
promotional programs, furnish requested information, and buy supplies from specified vendors.
Evaluating Major Channel Alternatives
Each channel alternative needs to be evaluated against economic, control, and adaptive criteria.
ECONOMIC CRITERIA Each channel alternative will produce a different level of sales and
costs. Figure 15.4 shows how six different sales channels stack up in terms of the value added
per sale and the cost per transaction. For example, in the sale of industrial products costing
between $2,000 and $5,000, the cost per transaction has been estimated at $500 (field sales),
$200 (distributors), $50 (telesales), and $10 (Internet). A Booz Allen Hamilton study showed that
the average transaction at a full-service branch costs the bank $4.07, a phone transaction costs
$.54, and an ATM transaction costs $.27, but a typical Web-based transaction costs only $.01.30
Firms will try to align customers and channels to maximize demand at the lowest overall cost.
Clearly, sellers try to replace high-cost channels with low-cost channels as long as the value added
per sale is sufficient. Consider the following situation:
A North Carolina furniture manufacturer wants to sell its line to retailers on the West
Coast. One alternative is to hire 10 new sales representatives to operate out of a sales office
in San Francisco and receive a base salary plus commissions. The other alternative is to
use a San Francisco manufacturer’s sales agency that has extensive contacts with retailers.
Its 30 sales representatives would receive a commission based on their sales.
The first step is to estimate how many sales each alternative will likely generate. A company
sales force will concentrate on the company’s products, be better trained to sell them, be more
aggressive because each rep’s future depends on the company’s success, and be more successful
because many customers prefer to deal directly with the company. The sales agency however has
30 representatives, not just 10; it may be just as aggressive, depending on the commission level;
customers may appreciate its independence; and it may have extensive contacts and market
knowledge. The marketer needs to evaluate all these factors in formulating a demand function
for the two different channels.
The next step is to estimate the costs of selling different volumes through each channel. The cost
schedules are shown in Figure 15.5. Engaging a sales agency is less expensive than establishing a new company sales office, but costs rise faster through an agency because sales agents get larger commissions.

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Ke: -
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
increasingly driven by price.26 When the legendary Italian designer label Gucci found its imageseverely tarnished by overexposure from licensing and discount stores, it decided to end contractswith third-party suppliers, control its distribution, and open its own stores to bring back some ofthe luster.27Selective distribution relies on only some ofthe intermediaries willing to carry a particularproduct. Whether established or new, the companydoes not need to worry about having toomany outlets; it can gain adequate market coveragewith more control and less cost than intensivedistribution. STIHL is a good example of selectivedistribution.STIHL STIHL manufactures handheldoutdoor power equipment. All itsproducts are branded under one name andit does not make private labels for othercompanies. Best known for chain saws, ithas expanded into string trimmers, blowers, hedgetrimmers, and cut-off machines. It sells exclusively tosix independent U.S. distributors and six STIHL-ownedmarketing and distribution centers, which sell to a nationwidenetwork of more than 8,000 servicing retaildealers. The company is also a worldwide exporter ofU.S. manufactured STIHL products to 80 countries.STIHL is one of the few outdoor-power-equipmentcompanies that do not sell through mass merchants,catalogs, or the Internet.28Intensive distribution places the goods or servicesin as many outlets as possible. This strategyserves well for snack foods, soft drinks, newspapers,candies, and gum—products consumers buy frequentlyor in a variety of locations. Conveniencestores such as 7-Eleven, Circle K, and gas-stationlinkedstores such as ExxonMobil’s On the Runhave survived by selling items that provide justthat—location and time convenience.Manufacturers are constantly tempted to movefrom exclusive or selective distribution to more intensivedistribution to increase coverage and sales.This strategy may help in the short term, but if notdone properly, it can hurt long-term performanceby encouraging retailers to compete aggressively.Price wars can then erode profitability, dampeningretailer interest and harming brand equity. Somefirms do not want to be sold everywhere. AfterSears acquired discount chain Kmart, Nike pulledall its products from Sears to make sure Kmartcould not carry the brandTERMS AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF CHANNEL MEMBERS Each channel membermust be treated respectfully and given the opportunity to be profitable. The main elements in the“trade-relations mix” are price policies, conditions of sale, territorial rights, and specific services tobe performed by each party.• Price policy calls for the producer to establish a price list and schedule of discounts andallowances that intermediaries see as equitable and sufficient.• Conditions of sale refers to payment terms and producer guarantees.Most producers grantcash discounts to distributors for early payment. They might also offer a guarantee againstdefective merchandise or price declines, creating an incentive to buy larger quantities.• Distributors’ territorial rights define the distributors’ territories and the terms under whichthe producer will enfranchise other distributors. Distributors normally expect to receive fullcredit for all sales in their territory, whether or not they did the selling.• Mutual services and responsibilities must be carefully spelled out, especially in franchised andexclusive-agency channels.McDonald’s provides franchisees with a building, promotional support,a record-keeping system, training, and general administrative and technical assistance. In turn,franchisees are expected to satisfy company standards for the physical facilities, cooperate with newpromotional programs, furnish requested information, and buy supplies from specified vendors.Evaluating Major Channel AlternativesEach channel alternative needs to be evaluated against economic, control, and adaptive criteria.ECONOMIC CRITERIA Each channel alternative will produce a different level of sales andcosts. Figure 15.4 shows how six different sales channels stack up in terms of the value addedper sale and the cost per transaction. For example, in the sale of industrial products costingbetween $2,000 and $5,000, the cost per transaction has been estimated at $500 (field sales),$200 (distributors), $50 (telesales), and $10 (Internet). A Booz Allen Hamilton study showed thatthe average transaction at a full-service branch costs the bank $4.07, a phone transaction costs$.54, and an ATM transaction costs $.27, but a typical Web-based transaction costs only $.01.30Firms will try to align customers and channels to maximize demand at the lowest overall cost.Clearly, sellers try to replace high-cost channels with low-cost channels as long as the value addedper sale is sufficient. Consider the following situation:A North Carolina furniture manufacturer wants to sell its line to retailers on the WestCoast. One alternative is to hire 10 new sales representatives to operate out of a sales officein San Francisco and receive a base salary plus commissions. The other alternative is touse a San Francisco manufacturer’s sales agency that has extensive contacts with retailers.Its 30 sales representatives would receive a commission based on their sales.DESIGNING AND MANAGING INTEGRATED MARKETING CHANNELS | CHAPTER 15 427The first step is to estimate how many sales each alternative will likely generate. A companysales force will concentrate on the company’s products, be better trained to sell them, be moreaggressive because each rep’s future depends on the company’s success, and be more successfulbecause many customers prefer to deal directly with the company. The sales agency however has30 representatives, not just 10; it may be just as aggressive, depending on the commission level;
customers may appreciate its independence; and it may have extensive contacts and market
knowledge. The marketer needs to evaluate all these factors in formulating a demand function
for the two different channels.
The next step is to estimate the costs of selling different volumes through each channel. The cost
schedules are shown in Figure 15.5. Engaging a sales agency is less expensive than establishing a new company sales office, but costs rise faster through an agency because sales agents get larger commissions.

Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
semakin didorong oleh price.26 Ketika label desainer legendaris Italia Gucci menemukan citranya
sangat ternoda oleh overexposure dari perizinan dan toko diskon, itu memutuskan untuk mengakhiri kontrak
dengan pemasok pihak ketiga, mengontrol distribusi, dan membuka toko sendiri untuk membawa kembali beberapa dari
yang luster.27
distribusi Selektif mengandalkan hanya beberapa
perantara bersedia untuk membawa tertentu
produk. Apakah didirikan atau baru, perusahaan
tidak perlu khawatir tentang memiliki terlalu
banyak outlet; dapat memperoleh cakupan pasar yang memadai
dengan lebih banyak kontrol dan biaya kurang dari intensif
distribusi. STIHL adalah contoh yang baik dari selektif
STIHL STIHL memproduksi genggam
peralatan listrik luar ruangan. Semua yang
produk bermerek di bawah satu nama dan
itu tidak membuat label pribadi untuk lainnya
perusahaan. Terbaik dikenal untuk gergaji rantai, itu
telah berkembang menjadi pemangkas string yang, blower, hedge
pemangkas, dan mesin cut-off. Menjual secara eksklusif untuk
enam distributor US independen dan enam STIHL dimiliki
pemasaran dan pusat distribusi, yang menjual ke nasional
jaringan lebih dari 8.000 melayani retail
dealer. Perusahaan ini juga eksportir di seluruh dunia
AS diproduksi produk STIHL ke 80 negara.
STIHL adalah salah satu dari beberapa luar-power-peralatan
perusahaan yang tidak menjual melalui pedagang massa,
katalog, atau Internet.28
distribusi Intensif menempatkan barang atau jasa
di banyak outlet mungkin. Strategi ini
berfungsi dengan baik untuk makanan ringan, minuman ringan, surat kabar,
permen, dan permen-produk konsumen membeli sering
atau di berbagai lokasi. Kenyamanan
toko seperti 7-Eleven, Circle K, dan gas-stationlinked
toko seperti ExxonMobil Di Run
selamat dengan menjual barang-barang yang menyediakan hanya
itu-lokasi dan kenyamanan waktu.
Produsen terus tergoda untuk pindah
dari distribusi eksklusif atau selektif untuk lebih intensif
distribusi untuk meningkatkan cakupan dan penjualan.
Strategi ini dapat membantu dalam jangka pendek, tetapi jika tidak
dilakukan dengan benar, dapat melukai kinerja jangka panjang
dengan mendorong pengecer untuk bersaing secara agresif.
perang Harga kemudian dapat mengikis profitabilitas, peredam
bunga pengecer dan merugikan merek ekuitas. Beberapa
perusahaan tidak ingin dijual di mana-mana. Setelah
Sears mengakuisisi rantai diskon Kmart, Nike menarik
semua produknya dari Sears memastikan Kmart
tidak bisa membawa merek SYARAT DAN TANGGUNG JAWAB ANGGOTA CHANNEL Setiap anggota saluran harus diperlakukan dengan hormat dan diberi kesempatan untuk menjadi menguntungkan. Unsur-unsur utama dalam "mix trade-hubungan" adalah kebijakan harga, kondisi penjualan, hak teritorial, dan jasa untuk dilakukan oleh masing-masing pihak. • panggilan Kebijakan Harga untuk produsen untuk menetapkan daftar harga dan jadwal diskon dan tunjangan bahwa perantara lihat sebagai adil dan memadai. • Kondisi penjualan mengacu pada syarat pembayaran dan produser produsen guarantees.Most memberikan diskon tunai kepada distributor untuk pembayaran awal. Mereka mungkin juga menawarkan jaminan terhadap barang rusak atau penurunan harga, menciptakan insentif untuk membeli jumlah yang lebih besar. • Distributor 'hak teritorial menentukan distributor wilayah dan syarat-syarat yang produsen akan membebaskan distributor lain. Distributor biasanya mengharapkan untuk menerima penuh kredit untuk semua penjualan di wilayah mereka, apakah mereka melakukan penjualan. • layanan dan tanggung jawab Reksa harus hati-hati dibilang, terutama di waralaba dan eksklusif-lembaga channels.McDonald menyediakan franchisee dengan bangunan, promosi dukungan, sistem pencatatan, pelatihan, dan bantuan administratif dan teknis umum. Pada gilirannya, franchisee diharapkan untuk memenuhi standar perusahaan untuk fasilitas fisik, bekerja sama dengan baru program promosi, memberikan informasi yang diminta, dan membeli perlengkapan dari vendor tertentu. Mengevaluasi Mayor Saluran Alternatif Setiap alternatif saluran perlu dievaluasi terhadap ekonomi, pengendalian, dan adaptif kriteria. KRITERIA EKONOMI Setiap alternatif saluran akan menghasilkan tingkat yang berbeda dari penjualan dan biaya. Gambar 15.4 menunjukkan bagaimana enam saluran penjualan yang berbeda menumpuk dalam hal nilai tambah per penjualan dan biaya per transaksi. Misalnya, dalam penjualan produk industri biaya antara $ 2.000 dan $ 5.000, biaya per transaksi telah diperkirakan $ 500 (penjualan lapangan), $ 200 (distributor), $ 50 (telesales), dan $ 10 (Internet). Sebuah studi Booz Allen Hamilton menunjukkan bahwa rata-rata transaksi di cabang layanan lengkap biaya bank $ 4,07, transaksi telepon biaya $ 0,54, dan transaksi ATM biaya $ 0,27, tetapi transaksi berbasis Web yang khas biaya hanya $ .01.30 Perusahaan akan mencoba untuk menyelaraskan pelanggan dan saluran untuk memaksimalkan permintaan pada biaya terendah secara keseluruhan. Jelas, penjual mencoba untuk mengganti saluran-biaya tinggi dengan saluran penerbangan murah asalkan nilai tambah per penjualan cukup. Pertimbangkan situasi berikut: Sebuah pabrik furniture North Carolina ingin menjual lini ke pengecer di Barat Coast. Salah satu alternatif adalah dengan menyewa 10 perwakilan penjualan baru untuk beroperasi dari kantor penjualan di San Francisco dan menerima gaji pokok ditambah komisi. Alternatif lain adalah dengan menggunakan produsen San Francisco agen penjualan yang memiliki kontak yang luas dengan pengecer. Its perwakilan 30 penjualan akan menerima komisi berdasarkan penjualan mereka. RANCANG MENGELOLA PEMASARAN TERPADU SALURAN | BAB 15 427 Langkah pertama adalah untuk memperkirakan berapa banyak penjualan setiap alternatif kemungkinan akan menghasilkan. Sebuah perusahaan tenaga penjualan akan berkonsentrasi pada produk perusahaan, menjadi lebih terlatih untuk menjual mereka, lebih agresif karena masa depan masing-masing rep tergantung pada kesuksesan perusahaan, dan lebih sukses karena banyak pelanggan lebih memilih untuk berhubungan langsung dengan perusahaan. Agen penjualan namun memiliki 30 perwakilan, bukan hanya 10; itu mungkin hanya sebagai agresif, tergantung pada tingkat komisi; pelanggan dapat menghargai kemerdekaan; dan mungkin memiliki kontak yang luas dan pasar pengetahuan. Pemasar perlu mengevaluasi semua faktor ini dalam merumuskan fungsi permintaan untuk dua saluran yang berbeda. Langkah berikutnya adalah untuk memperkirakan biaya penjualan volume yang berbeda melalui setiap saluran. Biaya jadwal ditunjukkan pada Gambar 15.5. Melibatkan agen penjualan lebih murah daripada mendirikan kantor penjualan perusahaan baru, tetapi biaya naik lebih cepat melalui agen karena agen penjualan mendapatkan komisi lebih besar.

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