they’ll be stealing the Gu Clan’s Patriarch seat one day. If that happ terjemahan - they’ll be stealing the Gu Clan’s Patriarch seat one day. If that happ Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

they’ll be stealing the Gu Clan’s P

they’ll be stealing the Gu Clan’s Patriarch seat one day. If that happens, then we’re all finished!” Gu Heng said with a solemn voice as he looked at everyone, with a ferocious look flashing through his eyes. “Some of my thoughts received support from a certain person. The Demon League won’t make it far; however, I’ll need the help of everyone gathered here!”

“Boss Gu Heng, pray tell!” The bosses all cupped their hands.

Although they didn’t know who Gu Heng was speaking of, the knew that that person definitely wasn’t a simple individual. After all, Gu Heng was treating them with such esteem.

“If we join forces, the number of people that we’ll be able to mobilise will be almost fifteen thousand. We can absolutely crush the Demon League with that. If we take the initiative before the Demon League has developed to a real threat, then we’ll be able to thoroughly destroy them while they’re still young!” Gu Heng’s face was smeared with a sinister smile.

All the bosses had hesitation on their faces.

“Boss Gu Heng, right now, Gu Bei is the first-in-line successor to the Gu Clan. We can understand your thoughts; however, we’re not like you, who has no worries. We don’t dare to offend the Gu Clan’s successor!”

Everyone gathered here was capable of commanding a faction in the outside world; that proved that they were smart people. They understood that Gu Heng wanted them to lend their strengths to deal with Gu Bei, so that Gu Bei couldn’t compete for the Gu Clan’s Patriarch seat anymore. However, Gu Heng was currently out of favor in the Gu Clan; the gathered faction bosses didn’t want to get dragged into the whirlpool either.

A trace of chilling light flashed through Gu Heng’s eyes. He understood that these people wouldn’t do anything without profit, so he said in a solemn voice, “This matter isn’t for my interest alone. If the Demon League continues to develop, none of you will have a good time in the future, either. Everyone present is one of us. As long as you aid me in removing the threat of the Demon League, I’ll make a copy of the [Dharani] technique for you!”

At Gu Heng’s words, the hearts of these bosses shook.

“Is Boss Gu Heng serious about this?”

“That’s right.” Gu Heng nodded, “Since I’ve said as much, not even four horses can drag it back!”

“Okay! I’ll do it!”

“Me too!” the bosses agreed.

The [Dharani] cultivation technique was a secret of the Gu Clan. Rumors said that only the truly talented younger generations were capable of learning it. Once the [Dharani] technique was leaked, the Gu Clan would definitely dispose of him. These bosses never imagined that Gu Heng would actually be willing to use it as a bargaining chip!

A chilling light flashed through Gu Heng’s eyes again. In order to make these people move for him, he had to use his trump card. As for the [Dharani] technique, what a joke! How could he, Gu Heng, possibly give out the genuine one? When the time comes, he’d just give them a fake one, since they wouldn’t be able to tell if it’s genuine or not.

Asking Gu Heng to fork out money was simply impossible. This method didn’t require him to hand over a single stone. At the same, he could accomplish his greatest goal.

“Boss Gu Heng, write a contract so we can have confidence in your words!” someone suggested.

“I can write a contract; however, I’ll seal it with an inscription pattern array. When the time comes, bring the sealed contract to me and we’ll unseal it together!” Gu Heng said after he thought a bit. Of course, he’d already made plans in his heart.

“Okay!” The bosses exchanged glances and nodded in agreement. As long as they held the contract, they could use it against Gu Heng. That way, they wouldn’t have anything to worry about.

In reality, they also understood that the Demon League was a great threat. Otherwise, they wouldn’t have gathered at Gu Heng’s place. After Murong Yu discussed the countermeasures, they all feigned indifference so that they could wheedle some benefits out of Gu Hen
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
they’ll be stealing the Gu Clan’s Patriarch seat one day. If that happens, then we’re all finished!” Gu Heng said with a solemn voice as he looked at everyone, with a ferocious look flashing through his eyes. “Some of my thoughts received support from a certain person. The Demon League won’t make it far; however, I’ll need the help of everyone gathered here!”“Boss Gu Heng, pray tell!” The bosses all cupped their hands.Although they didn’t know who Gu Heng was speaking of, the knew that that person definitely wasn’t a simple individual. After all, Gu Heng was treating them with such esteem.“If we join forces, the number of people that we’ll be able to mobilise will be almost fifteen thousand. We can absolutely crush the Demon League with that. If we take the initiative before the Demon League has developed to a real threat, then we’ll be able to thoroughly destroy them while they’re still young!” Gu Heng’s face was smeared with a sinister smile.All the bosses had hesitation on their faces.“Boss Gu Heng, right now, Gu Bei is the first-in-line successor to the Gu Clan. We can understand your thoughts; however, we’re not like you, who has no worries. We don’t dare to offend the Gu Clan’s successor!”Everyone gathered here was capable of commanding a faction in the outside world; that proved that they were smart people. They understood that Gu Heng wanted them to lend their strengths to deal with Gu Bei, so that Gu Bei couldn’t compete for the Gu Clan’s Patriarch seat anymore. However, Gu Heng was currently out of favor in the Gu Clan; the gathered faction bosses didn’t want to get dragged into the whirlpool either.
A trace of chilling light flashed through Gu Heng’s eyes. He understood that these people wouldn’t do anything without profit, so he said in a solemn voice, “This matter isn’t for my interest alone. If the Demon League continues to develop, none of you will have a good time in the future, either. Everyone present is one of us. As long as you aid me in removing the threat of the Demon League, I’ll make a copy of the [Dharani] technique for you!”

At Gu Heng’s words, the hearts of these bosses shook.

“Is Boss Gu Heng serious about this?”

“That’s right.” Gu Heng nodded, “Since I’ve said as much, not even four horses can drag it back!”

“Okay! I’ll do it!”

“Me too!” the bosses agreed.

The [Dharani] cultivation technique was a secret of the Gu Clan. Rumors said that only the truly talented younger generations were capable of learning it. Once the [Dharani] technique was leaked, the Gu Clan would definitely dispose of him. These bosses never imagined that Gu Heng would actually be willing to use it as a bargaining chip!

A chilling light flashed through Gu Heng’s eyes again. In order to make these people move for him, he had to use his trump card. As for the [Dharani] technique, what a joke! How could he, Gu Heng, possibly give out the genuine one? When the time comes, he’d just give them a fake one, since they wouldn’t be able to tell if it’s genuine or not.

Asking Gu Heng to fork out money was simply impossible. This method didn’t require him to hand over a single stone. At the same, he could accomplish his greatest goal.

“Boss Gu Heng, write a contract so we can have confidence in your words!” someone suggested.

“I can write a contract; however, I’ll seal it with an inscription pattern array. When the time comes, bring the sealed contract to me and we’ll unseal it together!” Gu Heng said after he thought a bit. Of course, he’d already made plans in his heart.

“Okay!” The bosses exchanged glances and nodded in agreement. As long as they held the contract, they could use it against Gu Heng. That way, they wouldn’t have anything to worry about.

In reality, they also understood that the Demon League was a great threat. Otherwise, they wouldn’t have gathered at Gu Heng’s place. After Murong Yu discussed the countermeasures, they all feigned indifference so that they could wheedle some benefits out of Gu Hen
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
mereka akan mencuri Gu Clan Patriarch kursi satu hari. Jika itu terjadi, maka kita semua selesai! "Gu Heng mengatakan dengan suara serius sambil menatap semua orang, dengan tampilan garang berkedip melalui matanya. "Beberapa pikiran saya mendapat dukungan dari orang tertentu. Demon Liga tidak akan membuatnya jauh; Namun, saya akan membutuhkan bantuan dari semua orang berkumpul di sini! " " Boss Gu Heng, berdoa mengatakan! "Para bos semua menangkupkan tangan mereka. Meskipun mereka tidak tahu siapa Gu Heng berbicara dari, yang tahu bahwa orang itu pasti wasn 't individu yang sederhana. Setelah semua, Gu Heng memperlakukan mereka dengan harga seperti itu. "Jika kita bergabung, jumlah orang yang kita akan dapat memobilisasi akan hampir lima belas ribu. Kami benar-benar dapat menghancurkan Liga Iblis dengan itu. Jika kita mengambil inisiatif sebelum Liga Iblis telah dikembangkan untuk ancaman nyata, maka kita akan dapat benar-benar menghancurkan mereka ketika mereka masih muda! "Wajah Gu Heng telah diolesi dengan senyum sinis. Semua bos memiliki ragu-ragu pada wajah mereka. "Boss Gu Heng, sekarang, Gu Bei adalah penerus pertama-in-line dengan Gu Clan. Kita bisa memahami pikiran Anda; Namun, kami tidak seperti Anda, yang tidak memiliki kekhawatiran. Kami tidak berani menyinggung penerus Gu Clan "! Semua orang berkumpul di sini adalah mampu memimpin faksi di dunia luar; yang membuktikan bahwa mereka adalah orang-orang pintar. Mereka mengerti bahwa Gu Heng ingin mereka untuk meminjamkan kekuatan mereka untuk menghadapi Gu Bei, sehingga Gu Bei tidak bisa bersaing untuk kursi Patriark Gu Clan lagi. Namun, Gu Heng adalah saat ini tidak disukai di Gu Clan; bos faksi berkumpul tidak ingin terseret ke dalam pusaran air baik. Sebuah jejak cahaya dingin melintas mata Gu Heng. Dia mengerti bahwa orang-orang ini tidak akan melakukan apa-apa tanpa keuntungan, sehingga ia berkata dengan suara serius, "Hal ini bukan untuk kepentingan saya sendiri. Jika Liga Iblis terus berkembang, tak satu pun dari Anda akan memiliki waktu yang baik di masa depan, baik. Semua orang yang hadir adalah salah satu dari kami. Selama Anda membantu saya dalam menghilangkan ancaman Liga Siluman, saya akan membuat salinan dari teknik [Dharani] untuk Anda! " Mendengar kata-kata Gu Heng, hati bos ini bergetar. " Apakah Boss Gu Heng serius ini? " " itu benar. "Gu Heng mengangguk," karena saya sudah mengatakan sebanyak, bahkan empat kuda bisa tarik kembali! " " Oke! Aku akan melakukannya! " " Aku juga! "Bos setuju. Teknik budidaya [Dharani] adalah rahasia dari Gu Clan. Rumor mengatakan bahwa hanya generasi muda yang benar-benar berbakat yang mampu belajar itu. Setelah teknik [Dharani] bocor, Gu Clan pasti akan menyingkirkannya. Bos ini tidak pernah membayangkan bahwa Gu Heng akan benar-benar bersedia untuk menggunakannya sebagai tawar-menawar! Lampu mengerikan melintas mata Gu Heng lagi. Dalam rangka untuk membuat orang-orang ini bergerak untuk dia, dia harus menggunakan kartu truf-nya. Adapun teknik [Dharani], apa lelucon! Bagaimana bisa dia, Gu Heng, mungkin memberikan yang asli? Ketika saatnya tiba, ia hanya akan memberi mereka satu palsu, karena mereka tidak akan mampu untuk mengetahui apakah itu asli atau tidak. Meminta Gu Heng untuk membayar uang itu tidak mungkin. Metode ini tidak memerlukan dia untuk menyerahkan satu batu. Pada saat yang sama, ia bisa mencapai tujuan yang terbesar. "Boss Gu Heng, menulis kontrak sehingga kita dapat memiliki keyakinan dalam kata-kata Anda!" Seseorang menyarankan. "Saya bisa menulis kontrak; Namun, saya akan menutup dengan array pola prasasti. Ketika saatnya tiba, membawa kontrak disegel dengan saya dan kami akan membuka segel bersama-sama! "Gu Heng mengatakan setelah ia pikir sedikit. Tentu saja, dia sudah membuat rencana dalam hatinya. "Oke!" Para bos saling bertukar pandang dan mengangguk setuju. Selama mereka mengadakan kontrak, mereka bisa menggunakannya untuk melawan Gu Heng. Dengan begitu, mereka tidak akan memiliki apa pun untuk khawatir tentang. Pada kenyataannya, mereka juga memahami bahwa Liga Iblis adalah ancaman besar. Jika tidak, mereka tidak akan berkumpul di tempat Gu Heng. Setelah Murong Yu membahas penanggulangan, mereka semua pura-pura ketidakpedulian sehingga mereka bisa memancing beberapa manfaat dari Gu Hen

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