I did not fear ac­tu­ally that grasps the dou­ble five-star mag­i­cal  terjemahan - I did not fear ac­tu­ally that grasps the dou­ble five-star mag­i­cal  Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

I did not fear ac­tu­ally that gras

I did not fear ac­tu­ally that grasps the dou­ble five-star mag­i­cal in­stru­ment, more­over my de­fen­sive power and HP are not gen­eral high, basic on the mon­ster of fear­less this non- BOSS level, lifts the hand to hold doing that the ma­neu­ver comes the sword, boldly thrusts for­ward to print out the but­ter­fly rides to work as the thou­sand th Lian Zhao gloss, dou­ble sword „flip-flop” con­tin­u­a­tion punc­tures thor­oughly the stature of dou­ble headed black ink sheep, ex­ceeds the quota the in­jury fig­ure to jump madly
Fi­nally struck leaves 4 times of but­ter­fly to in­jure un­ex­pect­edly, was re­ally the ter­ror, in ad­di­tion mur­dered the spe­cial ef­fect of god armor, in­jured to the mon­ster pro­motes 100% ef­fects, per­haps my this killed the strange speed is Fang Geque, Sim­ple, ad­mires Xuan these top mas­ters to see that also will think blushed with shame?
Lin Xi­aowu digs small mouth: „Faint, strive to excel in­jury!”
Lin Wan Er is rais­ing the dag­ger in the dou­ble headed black ink sheep an­other side at­tack, said with a smile lightly: „The in­jury that two five-star mag­i­cal in­stru­ments erupt is not or­di­nary, it is es­ti­mated that the pig first 6 sec­onds can kill a high-level 7 lev­els of dif­fer­ent demon.”
I to my out­put nat­u­rally am con­fi­dent, but the dou­ble headed black ink sheep is not too high to my in­jury, the flame im­pact and in­cor­rupt­ible im­pact fall on one after an­other mur­der­ing the god armor, how­ever my body sur­face reap­pears the wall of ef­fect mump­ing, the in­ten­sity of wall of mump­ing is tak­ing my strik­ing power as the stan­dard, the de­fense ef­fect of wall of mump­ing can be imag­ined at this mo­ment, the dou­ble headed black ink chimera is 201 lev­els of 7 step dif­fer­ent evil spir­its, the in­jury of hit­ting is or­di­nary
The re­sult swims the baby to let go, but said with a smile: „Good, only de­pended on guild­mas­ter at­tack Drain to make up the vi­tal­ity, my this prac­tic­ing med­i­cine looked like more than many!”
I com­fort say­ing: „Meets BOSS time needed you, at this time added the at­tack con­di­tion and com­mu­nity to every­body cures is good.”
Solves this dou­ble headed black ink sheep with ease, blew out dou­ble headed black ink Yang Ka, un­ex­pect­edly is a card of magic de­part­ment , to pro­mote 40% ice fire spirit tech­nique at­tack ef­fects, has used to the Dong Cheng month, the flame sud­denly stone, the flame beast long-range raid and roar­ing flame Stroke wall Dong Cheng month and other skills are the flame de­part­ments, but in­digo sea arrow and ici­cle group peak and other skills are the in­cor­rupt­ible at­trib­utes, this card came just well, can the max­i­mum de­gree out­put.
Treads the corpse of dou­ble headed black ink sheep to con­tinue to think that in the moun­tain val­ley marches for­ward, the front jun­gle al­ready was scar­let, looked like the en­tire moun­tain range the plague toxin was or­di­nary, how­ever in fact was ac­tu­ally here plant as be­fore lux­u­ri­ant growth of leaves and branches, in the moun­tain val­ley as be­fore every­where was the dou­ble headed black ink sheep of graz­ing, we cleaned up the past.
After one hour, the dou­ble headed black ink sheep grad­u­ally be­came scarce, then gen­er­a­tion was 7 lev­els of dif­fer­ent demon bar­baric wolves rides, was this also Seurre's mil­i­tary strength?
The bar­baric wolf rode is the old match, but now is 202 lev­els of dif­fer­ent evil spir­its, after the edi­tion ren­o­vated the at­tribute be­came stronger re­gard­ing our squads is not any­thing, Wan Er has counted, on our five peo­ple of squads a mag­i­cal in­stru­ment and equip­ment of mag­i­cal in­stru­ment rank put to­gether al­to­gether 37, but on me had 11, such equip­ment lineup, jumped over 10-20 lev­els to kill strangely ab­solutely is the small gift.
Also has spent for nearly one hour, en­tered the scar­let moun­tain rang
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Ke: -
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
I did not fear ac­tu­ally that grasps the dou­ble five-star mag­i­cal in­stru­ment, more­over my de­fen­sive power and HP are not gen­eral high, basic on the mon­ster of fear­less this non- BOSS level, lifts the hand to hold doing that the ma­neu­ver comes the sword, boldly thrusts for­ward to print out the but­ter­fly rides to work as the thou­sand th Lian Zhao gloss, dou­ble sword „flip-flop” con­tin­u­a­tion punc­tures thor­oughly the stature of dou­ble headed black ink sheep, ex­ceeds the quota the in­jury fig­ure to jump madly„142636!”„162272!”„371628!”„192744!”„964908!”Fi­nally struck leaves 4 times of but­ter­fly to in­jure un­ex­pect­edly, was re­ally the ter­ror, in ad­di­tion mur­dered the spe­cial ef­fect of god armor, in­jured to the mon­ster pro­motes 100% ef­fects, per­haps my this killed the strange speed is Fang Geque, Sim­ple, ad­mires Xuan these top mas­ters to see that also will think blushed with shame?Lin Xi­aowu digs small mouth: „Faint, strive to excel in­jury!”Lin Wan Er is rais­ing the dag­ger in the dou­ble headed black ink sheep an­other side at­tack, said with a smile lightly: „The in­jury that two five-star mag­i­cal in­stru­ments erupt is not or­di­nary, it is es­ti­mated that the pig first 6 sec­onds can kill a high-level 7 lev­els of dif­fer­ent demon.”I to my out­put nat­u­rally am con­fi­dent, but the dou­ble headed black ink sheep is not too high to my in­jury, the flame im­pact and in­cor­rupt­ible im­pact fall on one after an­other mur­der­ing the god armor, how­ever my body sur­face reap­pears the wall of ef­fect mump­ing, the in­ten­sity of wall of mump­ing is tak­ing my strik­ing power as the stan­dard, the de­fense ef­fect of wall of mump­ing can be imag­ined at this mo­ment, the dou­ble headed black ink chimera is 201 lev­els of 7 step dif­fer­ent evil spir­its, the in­jury of hit­ting is or­di­nary
The re­sult swims the baby to let go, but said with a smile: „Good, only de­pended on guild­mas­ter at­tack Drain to make up the vi­tal­ity, my this prac­tic­ing med­i­cine looked like more than many!”
I com­fort say­ing: „Meets BOSS time needed you, at this time added the at­tack con­di­tion and com­mu­nity to every­body cures is good.”
Solves this dou­ble headed black ink sheep with ease, blew out dou­ble headed black ink Yang Ka, un­ex­pect­edly is a card of magic de­part­ment , to pro­mote 40% ice fire spirit tech­nique at­tack ef­fects, has used to the Dong Cheng month, the flame sud­denly stone, the flame beast long-range raid and roar­ing flame Stroke wall Dong Cheng month and other skills are the flame de­part­ments, but in­digo sea arrow and ici­cle group peak and other skills are the in­cor­rupt­ible at­trib­utes, this card came just well, can the max­i­mum de­gree out­put.
Treads the corpse of dou­ble headed black ink sheep to con­tinue to think that in the moun­tain val­ley marches for­ward, the front jun­gle al­ready was scar­let, looked like the en­tire moun­tain range the plague toxin was or­di­nary, how­ever in fact was ac­tu­ally here plant as be­fore lux­u­ri­ant growth of leaves and branches, in the moun­tain val­ley as be­fore every­where was the dou­ble headed black ink sheep of graz­ing, we cleaned up the past.
After one hour, the dou­ble headed black ink sheep grad­u­ally be­came scarce, then gen­er­a­tion was 7 lev­els of dif­fer­ent demon bar­baric wolves rides, was this also Seurre's mil­i­tary strength?
The bar­baric wolf rode is the old match, but now is 202 lev­els of dif­fer­ent evil spir­its, after the edi­tion ren­o­vated the at­tribute be­came stronger re­gard­ing our squads is not any­thing, Wan Er has counted, on our five peo­ple of squads a mag­i­cal in­stru­ment and equip­ment of mag­i­cal in­stru­ment rank put to­gether al­to­gether 37, but on me had 11, such equip­ment lineup, jumped over 10-20 lev­els to kill strangely ab­solutely is the small gift.
Also has spent for nearly one hour, en­tered the scar­let moun­tain rang
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Aku tidak takut sebenarnya yang menggenggam instrumen magis bintang lima ganda, apalagi kekuatan pertahanan dan HP tidak umum yang tinggi, dasar pada rakasa dari takut tingkat BOSS non ini, mengangkat tangan untuk memegang melakukan manuver datang pedang , berani menyodorkan ke depan untuk mencetak kupu-kupu naik untuk bekerja sebagai ribu th Lian Zhao gloss, ganda pedang "flip-flop" tusukan kelanjutan menyeluruh figur ganda berkepala domba tinta hitam, melebihi kuota angka cedera untuk melompat liar
"142636 ! "
" 162272 "
" 371628 "
" 192744 "
" 964908! "
Akhirnya memukul daun 4 kali dari kupu-kupu untuk melukai tiba-tiba, benar-benar teror, selain dibunuh efek khusus dari dewa armor, terluka untuk rakasa mempromosikan 100 ? efek%, mungkin ini saya membunuh kecepatan yang aneh Fang Geque, Simple, mengagumi Xuan ini master atas untuk melihat yang juga akan berpikir tersipu malu
Lin Xiaowu menggali mulut kecil: "Faint, berusaha untuk unggul cedera!"
Lin Wan Er adalah meningkatkan belati di ganda berkepala tinta hitam domba serangan sisi lain, berkata sambil tersenyum ringan: "cedera bahwa dua instrumen magis bintang lima meletus tidak biasa, diperkirakan bahwa babi pertama 6 detik dapat membunuh tingkat tinggi 7 tingkat iblis yang berbeda. "
saya ke output saya alami yakin, tapi ganda berkepala tinta hitam domba tidak terlalu tinggi untuk cedera saya, dampak api dan tidak fana dampak jatuh pada satu demi satu membunuh armor dewa, namun permukaan tubuh saya muncul kembali dinding efek mumping, intensitas dinding mumping mengambil kekuasaan mencolok saya sebagai standar, efek pertahanan dinding mumping bisa dibayangkan pada saat ini, ganda berkepala hitam tinta chimera adalah 201 tingkat dari 7 langkah yang berbeda jahat roh, cedera dari memukul adalah biasa
hasilnya berenang bayi untuk membiarkan pergi, tapi berkata sambil tersenyum: "Baik, hanya bergantung pada Guildmaster serangan Tiriskan untuk membuat vitalitas, saya obat berlatih ini tampak seperti lebih dari banyak "!
saya kenyamanan berkata:". Memenuhi waktu BOSS dibutuhkan Anda, saat ini menambahkan kondisi serangan dan masyarakat untuk semua orang menyembuhkan baik "
" Oh "
memecahkan ganda berkepala domba tinta hitam ini dengan mudah, meniup ganda menuju tinta hitam yang Ka, tiba-tiba adalah kartu departemen sihir, untuk mempromosikan 40% efek teknik semangat es api serangan, telah digunakan untuk Dong Cheng bulan, api tiba-tiba batu, api binatang jarak serangan dan mengaum api Stroke dinding Dong Cheng bulan dan keterampilan lainnya adalah departemen api, tapi indigo laut panah dan puncak grup es dan keterampilan lainnya adalah atribut yang tidak fana, kartu ini datang hanya baik, dapat output tingkat maksimum.
tapak mayat ganda berkepala domba tinta hitam untuk terus berpikir bahwa di lembah gunung pawai maju, hutan depan sudah sangat merah, tampak seperti seluruh pegunungan wabah racun adalah biasa, namun pada kenyataannya sebenarnya di sini tanaman seperti sebelumnya pertumbuhan lebat daun dan cabang, di lembah gunung seperti sebelumnya di mana-mana adalah ganda berkepala domba tinta hitam dari penggembalaan, kita dibersihkan masa lalu.
Setelah satu jam, ganda berkepala tinta hitam domba secara bertahap menjadi langka, maka generasi adalah 7 tingkat iblis yang berbeda barbar serigala naik, itu ini juga militer Seurre ini kekuatan?
serigala berkuda barbar adalah pertandingan tua, tapi sekarang adalah 202 tingkat roh-roh jahat yang berbeda, setelah edisi direnovasi atribut menjadi kuat mengenai regu kami tidak apa-apa, Wan Er telah dihitung, pada lima orang kami regu instrumen magis dan peralatan instrumen peringkat magis disatukan sama sekali 37, tetapi pada saya punya 11, peralatan lineup tersebut, melompati 10-20 tingkat membunuh aneh benar-benar adalah hadiah kecil.
Juga telah menghabiskan selama hampir satu jam, memasuki berdering gunung merah
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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