Hasil (
Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
00:00:00, 105--> 00:00:05, 00011900:10:37, 200--> 00:10:39, 190Ianya tidak bahkan nya tidak Allen ibu?12000:10:40, 400--> 00:10:43, 940-Seorang wanita tidak menggunakan hal-hal ini.-Kemudian itu mengenali itu?12100:10:44, 240--> 00:10:47, 150Aku tidak mengenalinya.Saya mengenali mereka sendiri apa.12200:10:48, 840--> 00:10:51, 400Ini adalah setengahtombol kepalan tangan manusia.12300:10:53, 440--> 00:10:55, 550Filter ini adalah dimanjakan.12400:10:58, 560--> 00:11:02, 430Kami menempatkan baru dan ia akan bekerjaseperti certinho jam.12500:11:02, 560--> 00:11:04, 270Hastings!12600:11:04, 600--> 00:11:05, 950Halo!12700:11:11, 640--> 00:11:14, 950-Apa yang dilakukannya, Hastings?-Beberapa pengaturan di dalam mobil.12800:11:16, 040--> 00:11:19, 430Anda harus mengajukan pertanyaan.Menyelidik pendapat lokal.12900:11:19, 600--> 00:11:21, 630-Oh, sudah saya melakukannya!-Freddie!13000:11:23, 120--> 00:11:26, 070Freddie adalah membantu sayadengan filter minyak.13100:11:26, 560--> 00:11:30, 230Ini akan menjaga memegang erat-eratuntuk memiliki sepotong Berita anilha.13200:11:30, 360--> 00:11:33, 390-Kanan. Ini adalah Anda. Poirot.-Bagaimana itu adalah, bos?13300:11:33, 560--> 00:11:36, 020Aku Fred Hogg.13400:11:37, 440--> 00:11:40, 430-Halo, Freddie.-Freddie memiliki berita.13500:11:41, 880--> 00:11:46, 590-Apakah Anda melihat sesuatu tadi malam?-Anda. Allen pergi ke mail ke enam.13600:11:47,240 --> 00:11:50,990But there to 21:30, a car appeared...A Standard Swallow.13700:11:51,120 --> 00:11:53,550It swims of special one,but it was looking good.13800:11:53,680 --> 00:11:58,670A man left, there of approximately 45...quite established, soldier's aspect.13900:11:58,960 --> 00:12:01,590- Had you already seen it?- Yes, sometimes.14000:12:01,720 --> 00:12:05,910Dark overcoat, moustache to the little brush.It was there more or one less hour.14100:12:06,120 --> 00:12:08,910- I saw them leaving joined.- Then did you see it?14200:12:09,040 --> 00:12:10,430It me does not escape very much, boss.14300:12:10,560 --> 00:12:12,830- You heard what they said, clearly.- Yes.14400:12:12,960 --> 00:12:15,520He said" Think well and then he speaks with me ".14500:12:15,680 --> 00:12:18,750Then she said any thingand he said " Up to abbreviation ".14600:12:18,880 --> 00:12:21,070And speaking, did they seem friendly?14700:12:21,320 --> 00:12:23,910One never knows with fine people,I am them that yes.14800:12:24,080 --> 00:12:26,030You did not hear what you said. Allen?14900:12:26,160 --> 00:12:28,540No, she was average behind the door.15000:12:29,400 --> 00:12:33,870Now he hears, boy, I want that you answerwith much taken care to this question.15100:12:34,000 --> 00:12:37,470If you will not know the answeror not to remind of you, he says. Combined?15200:12:37,680 --> 00:12:42,800- Ask the question.- Did which you erase close the door?15300:12:44,520 --> 00:12:47,430I think that it went to lady.No, link not! It was he!15400:12:47,840 --> 00:12:51,270He opened it a bit with strengthand it got involved in the car quickly.15500:12:52,800 --> 00:12:56,750It prays well. It seems to you to be a good informer.Here you have six pence.15600:12:57,560 --> 00:13:01,430Very much thank you, man.And does it manage to stretch them up to 1 shilling?15700:13:01,800 --> 00:13:03,510Go, go away!15800:13:38,360 --> 00:13:43,070- Inspector Chefe Japp and Mr. Poirot.- Good morning. What I owe this pleasure?15900:13:46,240 --> 00:13:49,230- It is not any pleasure, unfortunately.- To serious?16000:13:49,400 --> 00:13:52,470- We bring bad news.- Continue.16100:13:53,080 --> 00:13:55,710It is on you. Allen.You. Barbara Allen.16200:13:56,320 --> 00:13:58,950What is that it goes on?Say, man!16300:14:01,120 --> 00:14:02,750It died, man.16400:14:03,480 --> 00:14:05,190Did it die?16500:14:05,880 --> 00:14:08,310I do not believe. What happened?16600:14:09,160 --> 00:14:13,350Apparently, it was a suicide.Does he know if something was preoccupying it?16700:14:14,400 --> 00:14:16,830No, not even for shadows.We were going away to marry.16800:14:17,360 --> 00:14:19,070We knew already.16900:14:20,520 --> 00:14:22,710I do not believe. Killed?17000:14:24,920 --> 00:14:26,550How?17100:14:27,960 --> 00:14:29,550With a shot.17200:14:29,720 --> 00:14:33,950With a shot? Good Lord!Will it be that the newspapers know already of this?17300:14:35,240 --> 00:14:39,190I cannot say to him.It will be that I can ask about him...17400:14:41,480 --> 00:14:45,950Is it? Obliged...Yes, I wait.17500:14:46,400 --> 00:14:47,670He is the Prime minister.17600:14:47,840 --> 00:14:49,430I have some questions what...17700:14:49,560 --> 00:14:52,630Yes, make one's mark with my secretary.Yes, yes, I am.17800:14:52,760 --> 00:14:57,030Very well, man. We will do that.I lament to have brought so bad news.17900:15:02,520 --> 00:15:06,710Allow to me what it expressesmy condolences.18000:15:07,920 --> 00:15:12,390Yes. Thank you.Be necessary to maintain the composure, he knows already.18100:15:13,800 --> 00:15:15,270Magnify!18200:15:17,320 --> 00:15:19,670Already now ... you. was Allen left-handed?18300:15:20,000 --> 00:15:22,870Left-handed? No, it does not look to me.18400:15:24,000 --> 00:15:28,230I cannot say what ... no.She was skilful, I am sure.18500:15:30,080 --> 00:15:33,750Mr. Prime minister...Of all, Mr. Prime minister.18600:15:35,280 --> 00:15:38,630Yes, yes, it is completely ready.18700:15:44,000 --> 00:15:48,030What a peacock! No, a peacock not.A known fox.18800:15:48,600 --> 00:15:53,460It is how he says, Japp. More preoccupiedwith the newspapers what with the fiancee.18900:15:53,640 --> 00:15:55,990It is the Plenderleith that was certain.19000:15:56,120 --> 00:15:59,390Even so, well similar.It must be pleasing to some women.19100:15:59,520 --> 00:16:00,710Perhaps.19200:16:00,840 --> 00:16:03,790I find them to myself what would not see thiswith sense of mood.19300:16:04,720 --> 00:16:08,500What it matters the fact is that they all agreewhat you. Allen was skilful.19400:16:08,800 --> 00:16:13,920Yes. We do not owe them to meto draw hasty conclusions.19500:16:14,280 --> 00:16:17,900Do not be preoccupied by that.We are talking about a murder.19600:16:32,880 --> 00:16:35,310For the Laundry Bulldog Breed.19700:16:36,720 --> 00:16:39,180Expensive Sirs,19800:16:40,560 --> 00:16:43,020Again19900:16:43,560 --> 00:16:45,750I am obliged20000:16:47,560 --> 00:16:49,860communicating them20100:16:52,160 --> 00:16:54,750my dissatisfaction20200:16:55,920 --> 00:17:00,270in spite of pressing ofmy collars.20300:17:02,680 --> 00:17:06,350I refer to my educations20400:17:08,160 --> 00:17:10,540of 2 of March of 193520500:17:11,520 --> 00:17:13,790and subsequent letters of...20600:17:16,440 --> 00:17:18,670Look for them and enumerate them.20700:17:18,920 --> 00:17:21,380- All, Mr. Poirot?- All, Beauty queen Lemon.20800:17:21,520 --> 00:17:23,710The subject is becoming serious.20900:17:24,560 --> 00:17:27,950The problem, Mr. Poirot,the fact is that they do not realize the letters.21000:17:28,200 --> 00:17:30,870- For what not?- They are Chinese, Mr. Poirot.21100:17:33,000 --> 00:17:35,870- Is the laundry a Chinese?- It is, Mr. Poirot.21200:17:37,160 --> 00:17:40,510- Is it where that the world is going to stop?- I do not do idea.21300:17:40,640 --> 00:17:44,790But when the boy brings the clothes,it brings the letters in order that I explain them to him.21400:17:45,360 --> 00:17:47,470- And does it explain him?- No.21500:17:47,880 --> 00:17:50,750- Why?- I do not speak Chinese.21600:17:53,080 --> 00:17:56,830- Then what he says to him?- Well, I say to him...21700:17:56,960 --> 00:18:02,230" Collar erases badly pressed ".I catch the collars and show him.21800:18:08,160 --> 00:18:11,150You spent a few times in China,was not he Hastings?21900:18:11,280 --> 00:18:13,740It is true. Excellent types.22000:18:14,440 --> 00:18:16,820Did it have any problem with the laundry?22100:18:17,120 --> 00:18:20,510- By chance, I had.- And what he said to them?22200:18:21,280 --> 00:18:24,630Well ... he said..." collar erases badly pressed ".22300:18:25,280 --> 00:18:28,820Exactamente. I knew that the Captainit had been in the Orient and I asked.22400:18:28,960 --> 00:18:34,110- But the collars did not improve!- Thinking well ... mine also not.22500:18:44,280 --> 00:18:48,110Because it does not arrange other collars?Of what they are in use more.22600:18:49,120 --> 00:18:53,670Of what they are in use? Billet what Poirotdoes it use any thing?22700:18:54,240 --> 00:18:58,150- He is not that, Poirot...- A common collar22800:18:58,280 --> 00:19:00,840it is the first symptomof decadence of the grey mass.22900:19:00,960 --> 00:19:03,870- He is the Inspector Chief Japp.- Good, she is out.23000:19:07,480 --> 00:19:10,830- Good morning, Inspector Chief Japp.- So, well... Good morning.23100:19:13,440 --> 00:19:16,190- Who is out?- The Plenderleith.23200:19:16,640 --> 00:19:18,910It was playing bridge in the Essexeven to the midnight.23300:19:19,040 --> 00:19:22,190We will set aside the ideaof what she was wrapped.23400:19:22,960 --> 00:19:24,590What disillusionment.23500:19:27,920 --> 00:19:31,460It is still convincedwhat one treats as a murder?23600:19:33,400 --> 00:19:34,950I have no doubts.23700:19:37,560 --> 00:19:39,830It wanted to ask about him a thing.23800:19:40,520 --> 00:19:43,830Because it was walking smellingwhen we were in the room?23900:19:44,160 --> 00:19:47,470- Snif, snif. Is not it with a cold?- No.24000:19:47,600 --> 00:19:50,510I always thought that you
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