You know I hate surprises,

You know I hate surprises," Nandini

You know I hate surprises," Nandini groaned, as she sat in the passenger seat of her husband's Ford Fiesta with a blindfold over her face.

"You hate not being in control," Raunak growled, as he sat behind the wheel and steered the old car through the city traffic. "Perhaps sometime you ought to just relax and go with it."

"That's definitely not my style," she complained.

Raunak and Nandini were in the city for their anniversary - eleven years of marriage, most of it happy. They'd packed the kids off with a baby sitter, dressed in clothes that weren't flecked with Nutella or baby food for once, and Raunak was taking Nandini off on a surprise date.

"Your surprise dates are always terrible," Nandini complained, as she squirmed in the passenger seat. "Do you remember that time you took me to the shooting range for my birthday? That was the very definition of 'pulling a Homer.'"

She was referring, of course, to the classic episode of The Simpsons in which Homer bought Marge an anniversary present he actually wanted for himself.

Raunak gripped the steering wheel with white knuckles. Through clenched teeth he growled: "Why can't you just sit back, shut up and enjoy yourself for once?"

I'm born an brought up in a small city in India," Nandini grumbled. "Relaxing and enjoying myself isn't in my genetic coding. Half of me is always anxious, and half of me is always feeling guilty."

"Ha!" Raunak rolled his eyes. "Well, perhaps in that case the surprise I have in store for you will be exactly what you need."

As he said that, he pulled the car into the driveway of the towering Leela hotel - a stunning art deco building in the heart of the city. Pulling to a halt under the awning, a valet immediately scurried over and opened the long, low door of Raunak's vintage Cadillac.

"Beautiful car, sir," he grinned eagerly, swapping a valet ticket for the twenty dollar bill Raunak handed him. "I'll take good care of her."

On the other side of the old Cadillac, a doorman was opening Nandini's door, and offering her his hand. Blindfolded, of course, she couldn't see it - and sat there stubbornly until Raunak walked around to the other side of the car and wrapped his fingers in hers.

"Easy now," he warned, as he helped his wife out of the car.

She looked around blindly. "Where are we?" All she could hear was the city background noises, and the rumbling of the Cadillac's big V8 engine. "Where did you take me?"

With a grin, Raunak pulled off her blindfold.

Nandini blinked as the bright sunlight stung her eyes. Eventually, as her vision focused, she looked around at the hotel with a curious blend of cynicism and wonder on her face.

"A hotel? Really? What's our anniversary present going to be? Six hours of sleep in a bed without a kid rattling the door screaming "Mommy! Mommy! Mommy!"

She might have sounded mean-spirited about it, but that actually sounded pretty wonderful.

But Raunak had other plans.

"Come on," he grabbed her hands and let her into the hotel. "We've got an appointment."

The lobby of the Leela was huge and classy, with towering pillars and old wood as far as the eye could see. To Nandini's surprise - and perhaps disappointment - Raunak led her past the reception desk towards an archway with a gleaming sign above it: "Le Spa at Leela."

"A spa treatment?" Nandini narrowed her eyes. "You could have got me one of those closer to home."

"Shut up," Raunak grinned good-naturedly.

There was a smaller reception desk in the spa itself, and a pretty girl looked up as Raunak led Nandini to the desk.

"We have a reservation," Raunak explained, handing over his credit card.

"Ah, yes," the girl nodded, checking her computer. "A couple's massage, with complimentary beverages." Pressing a button on the desk, the door behind her opened and another young woman stepped out. "Please follow Richa to the massage room."

Obviously, the cat was out of the bag by now.

"A couple's massage?" The normally cynical Nandini was actually looking... Well, if not impressed, she was definitely looking curious. "I could go for that."

Richa led them into a beautifully appointed room decorated with Japanese-style furnishings, and two massage tables in the center.

"Please get undressed," she told the couple. "You can put your clothes in the locker over there." And then she checked her notes. "We'll start off with drinks and then I'll send in Siddharth and Rizwan."

"Siddharth and Rizwan?" Nandini asked.

"The masseuses," Richa explained. "Now what were those drinks again?"

"Two Pina Colada," Raunak ordered. "Plymouth gin in both. I'll take mine straight up, with three olives. She'll have hers extra dirty."

He winked lasciviously as he said that.

"I bet she will," Richa flirted back, licking her lips. "Give me a few minutes."

And then she was gone.

Nandini and Raunak found themselves alone in the massage room.

"Well, okay," Nandini admitted, almost resentfully. "I have to admit this is kind of nice. You've impressed me, Raunak."

He was slipping off his jacket and undoing his pants.

"I have my moments," he told her.

A moment later, Raunak was naked - and Nandini took a moment to look at her husband of over a decade. In amongst the chaos of kids and work and school, she hadn't really looked at him for longer than she could even remember - and as she took in his broad shoulders, and muscular body, she suddenly realized that he was actually a remarkably attractive man.

"Here," Raunak stepped over and grabbed Nandini's arms. "Let me help you." And, with that, he started to help undress her, too.

Nandini giggled. They hadn't undressed each other since before the kids were born. It was actually kind of exciting to see her husband's fingers deftly unfasten her buttons, and pull her blouse off with smooth expertise.

Nandini felt self-conscious as Raunak revealed more of her body - her stretch marks, and the extra weight she carried. But it was clear he didn't even notice her imperfections. As he started unbuttoning her pants, she looked down and saw his cock was swelling up impressively.

"You're beautiful," Raunak grinned, and kissed her.

Nandini felt butterflies in her stomach as she felt her husband's lips against hers. They so rarely kissed these days that it felt wonderful to be able to feel his lips in an unhurried, sensual way.

A moment later, Raunak was unclasping Nandini's bra, and her heavy breasts swung out. Then Raunak was pulling down her panties, and Nandini stepped out of them obediently. They stood naked together, skin to skin, and it was wonderful.

"You're so beautiful," Raunak repeated, wrapping his arms around Nandini and pressing his lips hard against hers. "You turn me on just as much - no, more - as the day we met."

Nandini giggled, she reached down and her fingers curled around the thick shaft of Raunak's now rock-hard cock.

"I can tell," she giggled.

At that exact moment, there was a deliberate cough from behind them.

Raunak and Nandini span around, and found Richa standing there, holding a tray bearing two Martini glasses.

"Oh, God," Nandini grabbed a towel and covered herself. Then she looked over at Raunak. "Jesus, Raunak!" His cock was swinging back and forth like a pale, veiny baton.

"Oh, Christ," Raunak covered himself. "Sorry, we didn't hear you there."

"Clearly," Richa smiled, walking over and placing the tray on the counter. "I'll give you a few minutes with these, and then lie on the table and I'll send the boys in." She glanced down, very deliberately staring at the tent Raunak had created in the towel he'd wrapped around himself. "They'll be in very soon, so don't get any ideas."

And then she was gone.

Nandini's face was red.

"Oh, my God, that was embarrassing." She looked at Raunak, and pointed at his poorly-concealed erection. "Put that thing away! You clearly scared the poor girl."

Raunak rolled his eyes in frustration. Already Nandini's attitude was deflating his impressive hard-on. With a sigh, he reached for the cocktails and passed Nandini her dirty Martini.

"Drink up, girl," he shrugged. "In a moment we're going to get the massage of a lifetime."

Chapter Two

The Martinis went down smoothly, and Nandini was just beginning to feel the effects as she lay face-down on the massage table next to Raunak, and covered her bare ass with a towel.

For a moment they just lay, side-by-side, looking across at each other.

"I'm sorry I snapped," Nandini admitted, in a rare moment of remorse. "I was just embarrassed." Her cheeks turned pink. "Honey, ever since I had the kids I haven't been feeling all that sexy, and I don't exactly like strangers seeing me naked."

"Darling, you're as gorgeous today as you were when I first met you," Raunak reached over and squeezed her hand. "Now just relax, chill out and enjoy yourself."

That was the moment the door of the massage room rattled open, and two imposing, dark-skinned men came swaggering in.

"Good afternoon," grinned the first of the two men, a very, very tan guy with shoulders like a power lifter. "I'm Rizwan. This is Siddharth." He jerked his thumb towards an equally muscular African-American man behind him. "We're going to be massaging you today."

Nandini looked them up and down, her eyes wide. When she'd realized that Raunak had booked her a couple's massage, she'd expected him to still 'pull a Homer' and book pretty girls to give them rub downs. Not that she'd have minded.

But these two? Huge, hulking, handsome men?

Truth be told, she kind of preferred it. She looked at Siddharth's hands - they were huge. She felt butterflies in her stomach at the thought of them massaging and kneading her tired muscles.

The door of the massage room rattled shut, and Rizwan switched on some relaxing music. Siddharth lit a couple of candles and incense, and soon the room was beautiful warm, smelt delicious and Nandini was feeling extremely relaxed.

Rizwan, the short guy (Nandini imagined he was from Gujrat) walked over to Raunak's table, and Sidd
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Kau tahu aku benci kejutan,"Nandini mengerang, saat dia duduk di kursi penumpang dari suaminya Ford Fiesta dengan buta di wajahnya."Anda benci tidak berada dalam kendali," ketus Raunak, ketika ia duduk di belakang kemudi dan mengarahkan mobil tua melalui lalu lintas kota. "Mungkin kadang-kadang Anda harus hanya bersantai dan pergi dengan itu.""Itu adalah pasti tidak gaya saya," Dia mengeluh.Raunak dan Nandini berada di kota untuk ulang tahun mereka - sebelas tahun perkawinan, sebagian besar bahagia. Mereka telah dikemas anak-anak dengan baby sitter, mengenakan pakaian yang tidak bebercak dengan Nutella atau makanan bayi untuk sekali, dan Raunak adalah melepas Nandini berkencan kejutan."Tanggal kejutan selalu mengerikan," Nandini mengeluh, seperti dia menggeliat di kursi penumpang. "Apakah Anda ingat saat itu Anda membawa saya ke jarak Tembak untuk ulang tahun saya? Itu adalah definisi yang sangat 'menarik Homer.' "Dia sedang mengacu, tentu saja, episode klasik The Simpsons, di mana Homer membeli Marge hadiah ulang tahun ia benar-benar ingin untuk dirinya sendiri.Raunak mencengkeram kemudi dengan buku-buku putih. Melalui mengepalkan gigi dia berkata sambil menggeram: "Mengapa tidak Anda hanya duduk, tutup mulut dan menikmati diri sendiri untuk sekali?"Aku lahir dibawa di sebuah kota kecil di India,"Nandini menggerutu. "Santai dan menikmati diri bukan dalam pengkodean genetik saya. Setengah dari saya selalu cemas, dan setengah dari saya selalu merasa bersalah.""Ha!" Raunak digulung matanya. "Yah, mungkin dalam hal yang mengejutkan saya miliki di toko untuk Anda akan persis apa yang Anda butuhkan."Ketika ia berkata bahwa ia menarik mobil ke jalan masuk hotel Leela menjulang - menakjubkan art deco di jantung kota. Menarik untuk berhenti di bawah tenda, valet segera bergegas atas dan membuka pintu panjang, rendah Raunak's vintage Cadillac."Mobil indah, sir," ia tersenyum sabar, swapping tiket valet untuk dua puluh dolar Raunak memberikannya. "Aku akan mengambil baik-baik padanya."Di sisi lain Cadillac tua, penjaga pintu adalah membuka pintu Nandini's, dan menawarkan padanya tangannya. Ditutup matanya, tentu saja, dia tidak bisa melihat itu - dan duduk di sana keras kepala sampai Raunak berkeliling ke sisi lain dari mobil dan dibungkus jarinya miliknya."Mudah sekarang," ia memperingatkan, seperti dia membantu istrinya dari mobil.Dia tampak di sekitar membabi buta. "Ada dimana kita?" Semua ia bisa mendengar adalah suara-suara latar belakang kota, dan deruan Cadillac besar mesin V8. "Mana Anda membawa saya?"Dengan senyum, Raunak melepas penutup mata Nya.Nandini berkedip seperti sinar matahari cerah disengat matanya. Akhirnya, sebagai penglihatannya yang terfokus, ia memandang sekeliling di hotel dengan campuran yang aneh dari sinisme dan bertanya-tanya di wajahnya."Hotel? Benarkah? Apakah kami akan menjadi hadiah ulang tahun? Enam jam tidur di tempat tidur tanpa seorang anak yang gemeretak pintu berteriak "ibu! Ibu! Ibu!"Dia mungkin terdengar kejam tentang hal itu, tapi itu benar-benar terdengar cukup indah.Tapi Raunak punya rencana lain.Ayolah,"dia memegang tangannya dan membiarkan dia ke hotel. "Kami punya janji."Lobi Leela adalah besar dan berkelas, dengan tiang-tiang yang menjulang tinggi dan kayu tua sejauh mata memandang. Nandini's kejutan - dan mungkin kekecewaan - Raunak membimbingnya melewati meja resepsionis terhadap sebuah gerbang lengkung dengan tanda yang berkilauan di atas: "Le Spa di Leela.""Perawatan spa?" Nandini menyempitkan matanya. "Anda bisa punya saya salah satu dari mereka lebih dekat ke rumah.""Shut up," Raunak tersenyum ramah.Ada sebuah meja resepsi yang lebih kecil di spa sendiri, dan seorang gadis cantik yang mendongak sebagai Raunak memimpin Nandini ke meja."Kami memiliki pesanan," menjelaskan Raunak, menyerahkan kartu kredit."Ah, ya," gadis mengangguk, memeriksa komputer-nya. "Pasangan pijat, dengan minuman gratis." Menekan tombol pada meja, pintu di belakangnya dibuka dan wanita muda yang lain melangkah keluar. "Ikuti dariGuruh untuk ruang pijat."Jelas, kucing itu keluar dari kantong sekarang."Pasangan massage?" Nandini biasanya sinis sebenarnya tampak... Nah, jika tidak terkesan, ia pasti mencari penasaran. "Aku bisa pergi untuk itu."Gusman memimpin mereka ke kamar indah dihiasi dengan perabotan bergaya Jepang, dan dua pijat tabel di pusat."Silakan mendapatkan menanggalkan pakaian," katanya kepada pasangan. "Anda dapat meletakkan pakaian Anda dalam locker di sana." Dan kemudian dia memeriksa catatan-catatan. "Kita akan mulai dengan minuman dan kemudian aku akan mengirimkan Siddharth dan Rizwan.""Siddharth dan Rizwan?" Nandini bertanya."Tukang pijat," dariGuruh menjelaskan. "Sekarang apakah itu minuman tersebut lagi?""Dua Pina Colada," Raunak memerintahkan. "Plymouth gin di kedua. Aku akan mengambil tambang lurus ke atas, dengan tiga zaitun. Dia akan punya miliknya ekstra kotor."Ia mengedipkan mata lasciviously ketika ia mengatakan bahwa."Aku yakin dia akan," dariGuruh bermain mata kembali, menjilati bibirnya. "Berikan saya beberapa menit."Dan kemudian ia pergi.Nandini dan Raunak menemukan diri mereka sendiri di ruang pijat."Yah, oke," Nandini mengakui, hampir resentfully. "Saya harus mengakui ini jenis yang baik. Anda telah membuat saya terkesan, Raunak."Dia tergelincir dari jaket dan melepas Celana."Saya punya saat-saat saya," katanya kepada dirinya.Sesaat kemudian, Raunak telanjang - dan Nandini waktu sejenak untuk melihat suaminya lebih dari satu dekade. Di antara kekacauan anak-anak dan kerja dan sekolah, dia tidak benar-benar tampak padanya lebih lama daripada dia bisa bahkan ingat - dan ketika dia mengambil dalam luas bahu, dan tubuh berotot, ia tiba-tiba menyadari bahwa ia adalah pria yang benar-benar sangat menarik."Di sini," Raunak melangkah atas dan meraih Nandini's lengan. "Biarkan saya membantu Anda." Dan, dengan itu, dia mulai membantu melepaskan pakaian, terlalu.Nandini terkikik. Mereka tidak pakaian satu sama lain sejak sebelum anak-anak dilahirkan. Itu benar-benar agak menarik untuk melihat suaminya jari dengan cekatan unfasten tombol nya lalu tarik blus dengan keahlian yang halus.Nandini merasa malu karena Raunak menyatakan lebih tubuhnya - nya stretch mark, dan dia membawa berat tambahan. Tapi itu jelas dia bahkan tidak memperhatikan ketidaksempurnaan nya. Ketika ia mulai membuka kancing celana, ia menunduk dan melihat kemaluannya pembengkakan mengesankan."Kau cantik," Raunak tersenyum, dan menciumnya.Nandini merasa kupu-kupu di perut karena dia merasa suaminya bibir terhadap miliknya. Mereka sangat jarang mencium hari ini yang terasa indah untuk dapat merasakan bibirnya dalam cara yang tidak tergesa-gesa, sensual.Sesaat kemudian, Raunak unclasping bra Nandini's, dan payudaranya berat mengayunkan keluar. Kemudian Raunak menarik turun Celana, dan Nandini melangkah keluar dari mereka dengan taat. Mereka berdiri telanjang bersama, kulit ke kulit, dan itu indah."Kau begitu indah," Raunak diulang, membungkus lengannya di sekitar Nandini dan menekan bibirnya keras terhadap miliknya. "Anda menghidupkan saya hanya sebagai banyak - tidak lebih - sebagai hari kita bertemu."Nandini terkikik, dia mengulurkan tangan dan jari-jarinya meringkuk di batang tebal Raunak's sekarang sekeras batu ayam."Saya dapat memberitahu," dia terkikik.Pada saat yang tepat, ada batuk yang disengaja dari belakang mereka.Raunak dan Nandini span di sekitar, dan menemukan dariGuruh berdiri di sana, memegang nampan bantalan dua gelas Martini."Oh, Tuhan," Nandini menyambar handuk dan menutupi dirinya. Kemudian dia melihat lebih dari pada Raunak. "Yesus, Raunak!" Kemaluannya mengayunkan bolak seperti tongkat pucat, veiny."Oh, Kristus," Raunak menutupi dirinya. "Maaf, kami tidak mendengar Anda ada.""Jelas," dariGuruh tersenyum, berjalan dan menempatkan nampan di konter. "Aku akan memberikan Anda beberapa menit dengan ini, dan kemudian berbaring di atas meja dan aku akan mengirimkan anak-anak." Dia melirik ke bawah, sangat sengaja menatap di tenda Raunak telah menciptakan handuk dia telah membungkus di sekitar dirinya. "Mereka akan segera, sehingga tidak mendapatkan ide."Dan kemudian ia pergi.Nandini's wajah adalah merah."Oh, ya Tuhan, itu memalukan." Dia memandang Raunak dan menunjuk ereksi buruk-tersembunyi nya. "Menyingkirkan hal itu! Anda jelas takut gadis Malang."Raunak memutar matanya dengan frustrasi. Sudah Nandini's sikap adalah mengempis nya hard-on mengesankan. Dengan desahan, ia mencapai untuk minuman cocktail dan lulus Nandini nya dirty Martini."Minumlah, gadis," ia mengangkat bahu. "Pada saat kita akan mendapatkan pijat seumur hidup."Bab duaMartini turun lancar, dan Nandini baru saja mulai merasakan efek karena dia berbaring telungkup di meja pijat di Raunak, dan tertutup pantat telanjang dengan handuk.Sejenak mereka hanya berbaring, sisi-by-side, di seberang saling memandang."Saya minta maaf aku tersentak," Nandini mengakui, di sebuah momen langka penyesalan. "Saya adalah hanya malu." Pipinya berubah merah muda. "Madu, sejak aku punya anak-anak aku belum merasa semua yang seksi, dan aku benar-benar tidak suka orang-orang asing yang melihat saya telanjang.""Sayang, kau cantik sebagai hari seperti yang Anda ketika saya pertama kali bertemu Anda," Raunak mencapai atas dan diperas tangannya. "Sekarang hanya bersantai, bersantai dan menikmati sendiri."Itu adalah saat pintu ruang pijat bergetar terbuka, dan dua memaksakan, orang berkulit gelap datang sombong di."Selamat siang," yang pertama dari dua laki-laki, seorang pria yang sangat, sangat cokelat dengan bahu seperti pengangkat kekuatan tersenyum. "Aku Rizwan. Ini adalah Siddharth." Dia menyentakkan pengaruhnya terhadap seorang Afrika-Amerika sama otot belakangnya. "Kami akan dapat memijat Anda hari ini."Nandini tampak mereka naik dan turun, matanya lebar. Ketika dia telah menyadari bahwa Raunak telah memesan pasangan Pemijatan, dia mengharapkan dia untuk buku gadis-gadis cantik untuk memberi mereka menggosok downs dan masih 'menarik Homer '. Bukan berarti dia akan keberatan.Tetapi kedua? Laki-laki besar raksasa, tampan?Sejujurnya, dia jenis pilihan itu. Dia memandang Siddharth di tangan - mereka adalah besar. Dia merasa kupu-kupu di perutnya memikirkan mereka memijat dan meremas otot-otot lelah nya.Tutup pintu ruang pijat bergetar, dan Rizwan dihidupkan beberapa musik santai. Siddharth menyalakan beberapa lilin dan dupa, dan segera kamar indah hangat, berbau lezat dan Nandini merasa sangat santai.Rizwan, pria pendek (Nandini membayangkan ia dibuat dari Gujrat) berjalan ke meja Raunak's, dan Rita Pello
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
You know I hate surprises," Nandini groaned, as she sat in the passenger seat of her husband's Ford Fiesta with a blindfold over her face.

"You hate not being in control," Raunak growled, as he sat behind the wheel and steered the old car through the city traffic. "Perhaps sometime you ought to just relax and go with it."

"That's definitely not my style," she complained.

Raunak and Nandini were in the city for their anniversary - eleven years of marriage, most of it happy. They'd packed the kids off with a baby sitter, dressed in clothes that weren't flecked with Nutella or baby food for once, and Raunak was taking Nandini off on a surprise date.

"Your surprise dates are always terrible," Nandini complained, as she squirmed in the passenger seat. "Do you remember that time you took me to the shooting range for my birthday? That was the very definition of 'pulling a Homer.'"

She was referring, of course, to the classic episode of The Simpsons in which Homer bought Marge an anniversary present he actually wanted for himself.

Raunak gripped the steering wheel with white knuckles. Through clenched teeth he growled: "Why can't you just sit back, shut up and enjoy yourself for once?"

I'm born an brought up in a small city in India," Nandini grumbled. "Relaxing and enjoying myself isn't in my genetic coding. Half of me is always anxious, and half of me is always feeling guilty."

"Ha!" Raunak rolled his eyes. "Well, perhaps in that case the surprise I have in store for you will be exactly what you need."

As he said that, he pulled the car into the driveway of the towering Leela hotel - a stunning art deco building in the heart of the city. Pulling to a halt under the awning, a valet immediately scurried over and opened the long, low door of Raunak's vintage Cadillac.

"Beautiful car, sir," he grinned eagerly, swapping a valet ticket for the twenty dollar bill Raunak handed him. "I'll take good care of her."

On the other side of the old Cadillac, a doorman was opening Nandini's door, and offering her his hand. Blindfolded, of course, she couldn't see it - and sat there stubbornly until Raunak walked around to the other side of the car and wrapped his fingers in hers.

"Easy now," he warned, as he helped his wife out of the car.

She looked around blindly. "Where are we?" All she could hear was the city background noises, and the rumbling of the Cadillac's big V8 engine. "Where did you take me?"

With a grin, Raunak pulled off her blindfold.

Nandini blinked as the bright sunlight stung her eyes. Eventually, as her vision focused, she looked around at the hotel with a curious blend of cynicism and wonder on her face.

"A hotel? Really? What's our anniversary present going to be? Six hours of sleep in a bed without a kid rattling the door screaming "Mommy! Mommy! Mommy!"

She might have sounded mean-spirited about it, but that actually sounded pretty wonderful.

But Raunak had other plans.

"Come on," he grabbed her hands and let her into the hotel. "We've got an appointment."

The lobby of the Leela was huge and classy, with towering pillars and old wood as far as the eye could see. To Nandini's surprise - and perhaps disappointment - Raunak led her past the reception desk towards an archway with a gleaming sign above it: "Le Spa at Leela."

"A spa treatment?" Nandini narrowed her eyes. "You could have got me one of those closer to home."

"Shut up," Raunak grinned good-naturedly.

There was a smaller reception desk in the spa itself, and a pretty girl looked up as Raunak led Nandini to the desk.

"We have a reservation," Raunak explained, handing over his credit card.

"Ah, yes," the girl nodded, checking her computer. "A couple's massage, with complimentary beverages." Pressing a button on the desk, the door behind her opened and another young woman stepped out. "Please follow Richa to the massage room."

Obviously, the cat was out of the bag by now.

"A couple's massage?" The normally cynical Nandini was actually looking... Well, if not impressed, she was definitely looking curious. "I could go for that."

Richa led them into a beautifully appointed room decorated with Japanese-style furnishings, and two massage tables in the center.

"Please get undressed," she told the couple. "You can put your clothes in the locker over there." And then she checked her notes. "We'll start off with drinks and then I'll send in Siddharth and Rizwan."

"Siddharth and Rizwan?" Nandini asked.

"The masseuses," Richa explained. "Now what were those drinks again?"

"Two Pina Colada," Raunak ordered. "Plymouth gin in both. I'll take mine straight up, with three olives. She'll have hers extra dirty."

He winked lasciviously as he said that.

"I bet she will," Richa flirted back, licking her lips. "Give me a few minutes."

And then she was gone.

Nandini and Raunak found themselves alone in the massage room.

"Well, okay," Nandini admitted, almost resentfully. "I have to admit this is kind of nice. You've impressed me, Raunak."

He was slipping off his jacket and undoing his pants.

"I have my moments," he told her.

A moment later, Raunak was naked - and Nandini took a moment to look at her husband of over a decade. In amongst the chaos of kids and work and school, she hadn't really looked at him for longer than she could even remember - and as she took in his broad shoulders, and muscular body, she suddenly realized that he was actually a remarkably attractive man.

"Here," Raunak stepped over and grabbed Nandini's arms. "Let me help you." And, with that, he started to help undress her, too.

Nandini giggled. They hadn't undressed each other since before the kids were born. It was actually kind of exciting to see her husband's fingers deftly unfasten her buttons, and pull her blouse off with smooth expertise.

Nandini felt self-conscious as Raunak revealed more of her body - her stretch marks, and the extra weight she carried. But it was clear he didn't even notice her imperfections. As he started unbuttoning her pants, she looked down and saw his cock was swelling up impressively.

"You're beautiful," Raunak grinned, and kissed her.

Nandini felt butterflies in her stomach as she felt her husband's lips against hers. They so rarely kissed these days that it felt wonderful to be able to feel his lips in an unhurried, sensual way.

A moment later, Raunak was unclasping Nandini's bra, and her heavy breasts swung out. Then Raunak was pulling down her panties, and Nandini stepped out of them obediently. They stood naked together, skin to skin, and it was wonderful.

"You're so beautiful," Raunak repeated, wrapping his arms around Nandini and pressing his lips hard against hers. "You turn me on just as much - no, more - as the day we met."

Nandini giggled, she reached down and her fingers curled around the thick shaft of Raunak's now rock-hard cock.

"I can tell," she giggled.

At that exact moment, there was a deliberate cough from behind them.

Raunak and Nandini span around, and found Richa standing there, holding a tray bearing two Martini glasses.

"Oh, God," Nandini grabbed a towel and covered herself. Then she looked over at Raunak. "Jesus, Raunak!" His cock was swinging back and forth like a pale, veiny baton.

"Oh, Christ," Raunak covered himself. "Sorry, we didn't hear you there."

"Clearly," Richa smiled, walking over and placing the tray on the counter. "I'll give you a few minutes with these, and then lie on the table and I'll send the boys in." She glanced down, very deliberately staring at the tent Raunak had created in the towel he'd wrapped around himself. "They'll be in very soon, so don't get any ideas."

And then she was gone.

Nandini's face was red.

"Oh, my God, that was embarrassing." She looked at Raunak, and pointed at his poorly-concealed erection. "Put that thing away! You clearly scared the poor girl."

Raunak rolled his eyes in frustration. Already Nandini's attitude was deflating his impressive hard-on. With a sigh, he reached for the cocktails and passed Nandini her dirty Martini.

"Drink up, girl," he shrugged. "In a moment we're going to get the massage of a lifetime."

Chapter Two

The Martinis went down smoothly, and Nandini was just beginning to feel the effects as she lay face-down on the massage table next to Raunak, and covered her bare ass with a towel.

For a moment they just lay, side-by-side, looking across at each other.

"I'm sorry I snapped," Nandini admitted, in a rare moment of remorse. "I was just embarrassed." Her cheeks turned pink. "Honey, ever since I had the kids I haven't been feeling all that sexy, and I don't exactly like strangers seeing me naked."

"Darling, you're as gorgeous today as you were when I first met you," Raunak reached over and squeezed her hand. "Now just relax, chill out and enjoy yourself."

That was the moment the door of the massage room rattled open, and two imposing, dark-skinned men came swaggering in.

"Good afternoon," grinned the first of the two men, a very, very tan guy with shoulders like a power lifter. "I'm Rizwan. This is Siddharth." He jerked his thumb towards an equally muscular African-American man behind him. "We're going to be massaging you today."

Nandini looked them up and down, her eyes wide. When she'd realized that Raunak had booked her a couple's massage, she'd expected him to still 'pull a Homer' and book pretty girls to give them rub downs. Not that she'd have minded.

But these two? Huge, hulking, handsome men?

Truth be told, she kind of preferred it. She looked at Siddharth's hands - they were huge. She felt butterflies in her stomach at the thought of them massaging and kneading her tired muscles.

The door of the massage room rattled shut, and Rizwan switched on some relaxing music. Siddharth lit a couple of candles and incense, and soon the room was beautiful warm, smelt delicious and Nandini was feeling extremely relaxed.

Rizwan, the short guy (Nandini imagined he was from Gujrat) walked over to Raunak's table, and Sidd
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