throat pain, fever, rhinitis and cough were significantlylower in the  terjemahan - throat pain, fever, rhinitis and cough were significantlylower in the  Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

throat pain, fever, rhinitis and co

throat pain, fever, rhinitis and cough were significantly
lower in the tonsillectomy group than in
the control group (Table 3). Patients in both
groups graded most of their throat pain as mild
(Appendix 3, available at www .cmaj .ca /lookup
/suppl /doi :10 .1503 /cmaj .121852 / -/DC1). Pa -
tients in the tonsillectomy group also had significantly
fewer days absent from school or work
compared with patients in the control group.
According to the postoperative quality-of-life
questionnaire, patients in the tonsillectomy
group were pleased with their surgeries (Glasgow
Benefit Inventory overall score 27 ± 12,
general health subscore 23 ± 15, social subscore
3 ± 12 and physical subscores 68 ± 28; Appendix
4, available at www .cmaj .ca /lookup /suppl /doi :10
.1503 /cmaj .121852 / -/DC1).
The mean duration of postoperative throat
pain was 17 days. Details of the surgeries and
adverse effects are shown in Ap pendices 5, 6 and
7 (available at www .cmaj .ca /lookup /suppl /doi :10
.1503 /cmaj .121852 / -/DC1).
Dari: -
Ke: -
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
throat pain, fever, rhinitis and cough were significantlylower in the tonsillectomy group than inthe control group (Table 3). Patients in bothgroups graded most of their throat pain as mild(Appendix 3, available at www .cmaj .ca /lookup/suppl /doi :10 .1503 /cmaj .121852 / -/DC1). Pa -tients in the tonsillectomy group also had significantlyfewer days absent from school or workcompared with patients in the control group.According to the postoperative quality-of-lifequestionnaire, patients in the tonsillectomygroup were pleased with their surgeries (GlasgowBenefit Inventory overall score 27 ± 12,general health subscore 23 ± 15, social subscore3 ± 12 and physical subscores 68 ± 28; Appendix4, available at www .cmaj .ca /lookup /suppl /doi :10.1503 /cmaj .121852 / -/DC1).The mean duration of postoperative throatpain was 17 days. Details of the surgeries andadverse effects are shown in Ap pendices 5, 6 and7 (available at www .cmaj .ca /lookup /suppl /doi :10.1503 /cmaj .121852 / -/DC1).
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
tenggorokan sakit, demam, rhinitis dan batuk secara signifikan
lebih rendah pada kelompok tonsilektomi dibandingkan
kelompok kontrol (Tabel 3). Pasien pada kedua
kelompok dinilai sebagian besar nyeri tenggorokan mereka sebagai ringan
(Lampiran 3, tersedia di www .cmaj Ca / lookup
/ suppl / doi: 10 0,1503 / CMAJ 0,121852 / - / DC1). Pa -
pasien-dalam kelompok tonsilektomi juga memiliki signifikan
lebih sedikit hari tidak masuk sekolah atau bekerja
dibandingkan dengan pasien dalam kelompok kontrol.
Menurut pasca operasi kualitas-hidup
kuesioner, pasien dalam tonsilektomi
kelompok senang dengan operasi mereka (Glasgow
Manfaat Persediaan skor keseluruhan 27 ± 12,
subscore kesehatan umum 23 ± 15, subscore sosial
3 ± 12 dan subscores fisik 68 ± 28, Lampiran
4, tersedia di www .cmaj Ca / lookup / suppl / doi: 10
0,1503 / CMAJ 0,121852 / -. / DC1)
Durasi rata-rata tenggorokan pasca operasi
sakit adalah 17 hari. Rincian operasi dan
efek samping yang ditampilkan di Ap pendices 5, 6 dan
7 (tersedia di www .cmaj Ca / lookup / suppl / doi: 10
0,1503 / CMAJ 0,121852 / - / DC1).
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Bahasa lainnya
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