She stepped out of her room and went to the kitchen to find Taeyeon in terjemahan - She stepped out of her room and went to the kitchen to find Taeyeon in Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

She stepped out of her room and wen

She stepped out of her room and went to the kitchen to find Taeyeon in front of the stove, quietly cooking breakfast.

She smiled to herself and wanted nothing but run to hug the girl but managed to stop herself. She clenched her fists.

Sensing another presence inside the room, Taeyeon turned around and smiled at Tiffany. “Hey, good morning.”

Tiffany returned the greeting, albeit weakly. “Morning.”

Taeyeon frowned. “Are you okay?”

Tiffany stared at her for a few seconds before nodding.

“Why are you so quiet then?”

She ignored the question as she left the kitchen to get her phone from her room. She dialed a number and waited for the other line to answer.

“Juhyun, I might be coming late for work today. Please inform the others.”

She waited for the younger girl to respond before thanking the girl and ending the call. She sighed and put down her phone. She went to the kitchen again and saw Taeyeon sitting on one of the dining chairs, waiting for her.

Taeyeon looked up when she heard footsteps. “Are you really okay?” She stood up and walked closer to her girlfriend. She had an idea of what was bothering the girl but wanted to hear it from her.

“Taeyeon, do you mind coming with me somewhere today?”

“Huh? Of course I don’t mind. Where do you need to go?”

Tiffany looked down. “S-somewhere.”

Taeyeon was curious. “O-okay. What time do we leave?”

“After breakfast.”

“Okay then.”

Tiffany nodded as she sat down and started eating quietly.


The car ride was silent. Nothing but the soft humming of the engine could be heard. A few minutes into it and Taeyeon became fidgety as she couldn’t contain the deafening silence. She looked out the window and noticed the familiar rode they were taking.

She glanced at Tiffany and saw the girl concentrating on the road.

Minutes later, Tiffany stopped the car in front of a flower shop.

“Stay here.”

She obediently did what the girl said and watched Tiffany step off the car and into the shop. Tiffany came back a while after with flowers in hand.

Tiffany put the flowers in the backseat and continued to drive.

Huh? Why here again? The car entered the cemetery gates. Tiffany parked the car soon after and both of them stepped out of the car.

Taeyeon helped Tiffany get the flowers from the backseat and silently followed her to her aunt’s grave. She handed her the flowers and looked on as Tiffany placed them neatly against the gravestone.

Tiffany stood beside her and both of the quietly stared at the grave.

“Do you want to know how she died?” Tiffany asked after a brief silence, still staring at the grave.

“H-how?” Taeyeon’s voice was meek. She had always wanted to know, truthfully, because it seemed to bother both Tiffany and Mr. Hwang a lot.

There was a brief silence before Tiffany spoke. “I killed her.”

Taeyeon’s breath hitched as she turned her head to look at Tiffany’s profile. “W-what?”

Tiffany closed her eyes. “I killed her, Taeyeon. I-I killed my aunt.” Tears spilled through her closed eyelids as she tried to hold back a sob.

Taeyeon forced her stiff body to move towards Tiffany and hug her. She rubbed her back and let the girl’s tears soak her shirt.

Tiffany finally let out a sob. “I killed her.” Tiffany gripped the back of Taeyeon’s shirt tightly.

The older girl was still shocked at the confession but urged herself to stay calm and collected for the younger one’s sake. “Tell me what happened.”

They spent the next few minutes with Tiffany telling Taeyeon what happened in the past and the older girl calmly listening while holding onto her hand.

When Tiffany was done, Taeyeon let out a breath she didn’t know she was holding and pulled her in a tight embrace. “Shh. It wasn’t your fault, Tiffany. You didn’t kill her.”

Tiffany’s sobs grew louder. “I shouldn’t have let my uncle go with me that day, Taeyeon-ah. If he had stayed with her then she would’ve been alive ‘til now.”

Taeyeon said nothing as she held onto her tighter.

Dari: -
Ke: -
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
She stepped out of her room and went to the kitchen to find Taeyeon in front of the stove, quietly cooking breakfast. She smiled to herself and wanted nothing but run to hug the girl but managed to stop herself. She clenched her fists. Sensing another presence inside the room, Taeyeon turned around and smiled at Tiffany. “Hey, good morning.” Tiffany returned the greeting, albeit weakly. “Morning.” Taeyeon frowned. “Are you okay?” Tiffany stared at her for a few seconds before nodding. “Why are you so quiet then?” She ignored the question as she left the kitchen to get her phone from her room. She dialed a number and waited for the other line to answer. “Juhyun, I might be coming late for work today. Please inform the others.” She waited for the younger girl to respond before thanking the girl and ending the call. She sighed and put down her phone. She went to the kitchen again and saw Taeyeon sitting on one of the dining chairs, waiting for her. Taeyeon looked up when she heard footsteps. “Are you really okay?” She stood up and walked closer to her girlfriend. She had an idea of what was bothering the girl but wanted to hear it from her. “Taeyeon, do you mind coming with me somewhere today?” “Huh? Of course I don’t mind. Where do you need to go?” Tiffany looked down. “S-somewhere.” Taeyeon was curious. “O-okay. What time do we leave?” “After breakfast.”
“Okay then.”

Tiffany nodded as she sat down and started eating quietly.


The car ride was silent. Nothing but the soft humming of the engine could be heard. A few minutes into it and Taeyeon became fidgety as she couldn’t contain the deafening silence. She looked out the window and noticed the familiar rode they were taking.

She glanced at Tiffany and saw the girl concentrating on the road.

Minutes later, Tiffany stopped the car in front of a flower shop.

“Stay here.”

She obediently did what the girl said and watched Tiffany step off the car and into the shop. Tiffany came back a while after with flowers in hand.

Tiffany put the flowers in the backseat and continued to drive.

Huh? Why here again? The car entered the cemetery gates. Tiffany parked the car soon after and both of them stepped out of the car.

Taeyeon helped Tiffany get the flowers from the backseat and silently followed her to her aunt’s grave. She handed her the flowers and looked on as Tiffany placed them neatly against the gravestone.

Tiffany stood beside her and both of the quietly stared at the grave.

“Do you want to know how she died?” Tiffany asked after a brief silence, still staring at the grave.

“H-how?” Taeyeon’s voice was meek. She had always wanted to know, truthfully, because it seemed to bother both Tiffany and Mr. Hwang a lot.

There was a brief silence before Tiffany spoke. “I killed her.”

Taeyeon’s breath hitched as she turned her head to look at Tiffany’s profile. “W-what?”

Tiffany closed her eyes. “I killed her, Taeyeon. I-I killed my aunt.” Tears spilled through her closed eyelids as she tried to hold back a sob.

Taeyeon forced her stiff body to move towards Tiffany and hug her. She rubbed her back and let the girl’s tears soak her shirt.

Tiffany finally let out a sob. “I killed her.” Tiffany gripped the back of Taeyeon’s shirt tightly.

The older girl was still shocked at the confession but urged herself to stay calm and collected for the younger one’s sake. “Tell me what happened.”

They spent the next few minutes with Tiffany telling Taeyeon what happened in the past and the older girl calmly listening while holding onto her hand.

When Tiffany was done, Taeyeon let out a breath she didn’t know she was holding and pulled her in a tight embrace. “Shh. It wasn’t your fault, Tiffany. You didn’t kill her.”

Tiffany’s sobs grew louder. “I shouldn’t have let my uncle go with me that day, Taeyeon-ah. If he had stayed with her then she would’ve been alive ‘til now.”

Taeyeon said nothing as she held onto her tighter.

Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Dia melangkah keluar dari kamarnya dan pergi ke dapur untuk menemukan Taeyeon di depan kompor, diam-diam memasak sarapan. Dia tersenyum sendiri dan ingin apa-apa selain menjalankan memeluk gadis itu tapi berhasil menghentikan dirinya. Dia mengepalkan tinjunya. Merasakan kehadiran lain di dalam ruangan, Taeyeon berbalik dan tersenyum pada Tiffany. "Hei, selamat pagi." Tiffany kembali salam, meskipun lemah. "Pagi." Taeyeon mengerutkan kening. "Apakah kau baik-baik saja?" Tiffany menatapnya selama beberapa detik sebelum mengangguk. "Mengapa kau begitu tenang kemudian?" Dia mengabaikan pertanyaan itu saat ia meninggalkan dapur untuk mendapatkan telepon dari kamarnya. Dia memutar sebuah nomor dan menunggu jalur lain untuk menjawab. "Juhyun, saya mungkin akan datang terlambat untuk bekerja hari ini. Silahkan menginformasikan yang lain. "Dia menunggu gadis muda untuk merespon sebelum berterima kasih kepada gadis itu dan mengakhiri panggilan. Dia menghela napas dan meletakkan telepon. Dia pergi ke dapur lagi dan melihat Taeyeon duduk di salah satu kursi makan, menunggunya. Taeyeon mendongak saat mendengar langkah kaki. "Apakah Anda benar-benar baik-baik saja?" Dia berdiri dan berjalan mendekati pacarnya. Dia punya ide tentang apa yang mengganggu gadis itu tapi ingin mendengarnya dari dia. "Taeyeon, kau keberatan ikut denganku di suatu tempat hari ini?" "Hah? Tentu saja aku tidak keberatan. Di mana Anda harus pergi? "Tiffany menunduk. "S-tempat." Taeyeon penasaran. "O-oke. Jam berapa kita berangkat? "" Setelah sarapan. "" Oke kemudian. "Tiffany mengangguk sambil duduk dan mulai makan dengan tenang. --- Perjalanan mobil diam. Tidak ada tapi bersenandung lembut mesin bisa didengar. Beberapa menit ke dalamnya dan Taeyeon menjadi gelisah karena dia tidak bisa menahan keheningan memekakkan telinga. Dia melihat keluar jendela dan melihat berkuda akrab mereka mengambil. Dia melirik Tiffany dan melihat gadis berkonsentrasi di jalan. Beberapa menit kemudian, Tiffany menghentikan mobil di depan sebuah toko bunga. "Tinggal di sini." Dia patuh melakukan apa gadis mengatakan dan melihat Tiffany langkah dari mobil dan masuk ke toko. Tiffany kembali beberapa saat setelah dengan bunga di tangan. Tiffany menempatkan bunga di kursi belakang dan terus mengemudi. Hah? Mengapa di sini lagi? Mobil memasuki gerbang pemakaman. Tiffany memarkir mobil segera setelah dan keduanya melangkah keluar dari mobil. Taeyeon membantu Tiffany mendapatkan bunga dari kursi belakang dan diam-diam mengikutinya ke makam bibinya. Dia menyerahkan bunga dan tampak sebagai Tiffany ditempatkan dengan rapi terhadap batu nisan. Tiffany berdiri di sampingnya dan kedua diam-diam menatap kubur. "Apakah Anda ingin tahu bagaimana dia meninggal?" Tiffany bertanya setelah keheningan singkat, masih menatap kubur. "H-bagaimana?" suara Taeyeon adalah lemah lembut. Dia selalu ingin tahu, jujur, karena tampaknya mengganggu kedua Tiffany dan Mr Hwang banyak. Ada keheningan singkat sebelum Tiffany berbicara. "Aku membunuhnya." Napas Taeyeon memasang saat ia menoleh untuk melihat profil Tiffany. "A-apa?" Tiffany menutup matanya. "Aku membunuhnya, Taeyeon. II membunuh bibi saya. "Air mata tumpah melalui kelopak mata tertutup saat ia mencoba menahan isakan. Taeyeon memaksa tubuh kaku untuk bergerak ke arah Tiffany dan memeluknya. Dia mengusap punggungnya dan membiarkan air mata gadis itu merendam bajunya. Tiffany akhirnya membiarkan keluar isakan. "Aku membunuhnya." Tiffany mencengkeram bagian belakang kemeja Taeyeon erat. Gadis yang lebih tua masih terkejut pengakuan tetapi mendesak dirinya untuk tetap tenang dan dikumpulkan demi muda seseorang. "Ceritakan apa yang terjadi." Mereka menghabiskan beberapa menit berikutnya dengan Tiffany mengatakan Taeyeon apa yang terjadi di masa lalu dan gadis yang lebih tua dengan tenang mendengarkan sambil memegang tangannya. Ketika Tiffany dilakukan, Taeyeon menghela napas dia tidak tahu dia memegang dan menariknya dalam pelukan erat. "Shh. Itu bukan kesalahan Anda, Tiffany. Anda tidak membunuhnya. "Isak Tiffany tumbuh lebih keras. "Saya seharusnya tidak membiarkan paman saya pergi dengan saya hari itu, Taeyeon-ah. Jika ia tinggal dengan dia maka dia akan sudah hidup 'til sekarang. "Kata Taeyeon tidak saat dia memegang lebih erat." Ta

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