100:00:03,031 --> 00:00:08,148Subtitle created by - Aorion -

100:00:03,031 --> 00:00:08,148Subti

00:00:03,031 --> 00:00:08,148
Subtitle created by - Aorion -
"Mission: Impossible - Rogue Nation (2015)"
^ (Run time : 01:59:25)

00:00:46,403 --> 00:00:49,004

00:01:15,647 --> 00:01:17,463
We're about to close.

00:01:17,488 --> 00:01:19,333
I won't be long.

00:01:19,358 --> 00:01:22,013
You looking for
anything in particular.

00:01:22,642 --> 00:01:25,170
Something rare.

00:01:28,502 --> 00:01:30,463
Let me guess.

00:01:31,808 --> 00:01:33,528

00:01:33,553 --> 00:01:34,553

00:01:34,578 --> 00:01:36,695
- Sax.
- Coltrain.

00:01:36,720 --> 00:01:38,891
- Piano.
- Monk.

00:01:38,916 --> 00:01:41,462
Shadow Wilson on the bass.

00:01:41,487 --> 00:01:44,248
Shadow Wilson played drums.

00:01:44,692 --> 00:01:47,340
Know why
they called him Shadow?

00:01:47,365 --> 00:01:50,043
Because he had a light touch.

00:01:50,701 --> 00:01:52,536
You're in luck.

00:01:53,977 --> 00:01:56,304
I've a first pressing.

00:02:04,375 --> 00:02:06,658
It really is you.

00:02:09,219 --> 00:02:11,359
I've heard stories.

00:02:11,591 --> 00:02:13,825
They can't all be true.

00:02:35,470 --> 00:02:37,252
Good even, Mr. Hunt.

00:02:37,277 --> 00:02:41,002
The weapons you recovered in Belarus
were confirmed to be VX nerve gas.

00:02:41,027 --> 00:02:43,750
Capable of devastating
a major city.

00:02:43,775 --> 00:02:45,621
The bodies of the air crew
were found less than

00:02:45,646 --> 00:02:48,538
24 hours after they
landed in Damascus.

00:02:48,563 --> 00:02:51,580
They were identified as
low level Chechen separatist.

00:02:51,605 --> 00:02:53,478
With neither the
access nor the ability

00:02:53,503 --> 00:02:56,616
to acquire the weapons
they were transporting.

00:02:56,641 --> 00:02:58,359
This would support your suspicion

00:02:58,384 --> 00:03:01,610
that a shadow organization is
committed to inciting revolution.

00:03:01,634 --> 00:03:05,819
by enabling acts of terror in
nations friendly to Western interests.

00:03:05,845 --> 00:03:08,822
IMF suspects this to be the
same shadow organization

00:03:08,847 --> 00:03:11,105
you have been tracking
for the last year

00:03:11,130 --> 00:03:13,493
Also known as the Syndicate.

00:03:13,518 --> 00:03:15,897
IMF would be right.

00:03:15,922 --> 00:03:18,171
Normally, you and your
team would be tasked

00:03:18,196 --> 00:03:21,162
with infiltrating and disrupting
this terrorist network,

00:03:21,187 --> 00:03:24,838
but we have taken steps to
ensure that this will not happen.

00:03:24,863 --> 00:03:27,522
Because, we, are the Syndicate,
Mr. Hunt.

00:03:27,547 --> 00:03:30,234
And now we know
who you are.

00:03:30,259 --> 00:03:32,559
Your mission, should you
choose to accept it,

00:03:32,584 --> 00:03:34,209
is to face your fate.

00:03:34,234 --> 00:03:38,391
Pursue us, you'll be caught.
Resist us, you'll be killed.

00:03:38,416 --> 00:03:42,565
And you precious Secretary will
disavow any knowledge of your actions.

00:03:42,590 --> 00:03:43,909
Good luck, Mr. Hunt.

00:03:43,934 --> 00:03:48,125
This message will self destruct
in 5 seconds.

00:04:37,748 --> 00:04:42,648
Mr. Chairman, the IMF's misadventures
date back to my earliest days in the CIA

00:04:42,687 --> 00:04:47,329
when the IMF broke into the CIA
to steal a list of cooperate operatives.

00:04:47,354 --> 00:04:50,340
- And now, more recently a Russian warhead.
- Disarmed Russian warhead.

00:04:50,365 --> 00:04:53,158
- A Russian nuclear warhead.
- Branded safe by Th IMF.

00:04:53,183 --> 00:04:56,574
Clipped the Transamerica Pyramid
before plunging into the San Francisco bay.

00:04:56,599 --> 00:04:58,113
Saving the western atmosphere.

00:04:58,138 --> 00:05:00,668
This made possible by IMF
agents who did willing

00:05:00,693 --> 00:05:03,804
provide the launch codes
to a known terrorist.

00:05:03,829 --> 00:05:06,675
Do I have that right, agent Brandt?

00:05:07,205 --> 00:05:11,390
I can neither confirm nor deny details of any
such operation without Secretary's approval.

00:05:11,424 --> 00:05:14,336
This was the same week after
IMF infiltrated the Kremlin.

00:05:14,361 --> 00:05:16,827
Here's the Kremlin before.

00:05:17,684 --> 00:05:20,323
And the Kremlin after.

00:05:22,198 --> 00:05:24,977
I can neither confirm nor
deny details of any operation...

00:05:25,002 --> 00:05:26,756
Without the Secretary's approval.
Yes, we know.

00:05:26,781 --> 00:05:29,279
In fact, until this panel
appoints a new Secretary,

00:05:29,304 --> 00:05:31,721
you really can't say much of anything,
can you, agent Brandt?

00:05:31,746 --> 00:05:33,285
I didn't write the rules, Mr. Hunley.

00:05:33,310 --> 00:05:36,028
Mr. Chairman, the so call
Impossible Missions Force

00:05:36,068 --> 00:05:39,508
is not just a rogue organization,
it is an outdated one.

00:05:39,534 --> 00:05:43,405
A throwback to an era without
transparency and without oversight.

00:05:43,430 --> 00:05:45,836
- Mr. Chairman.
- The time has come to dissolve the IMF.

00:05:45,861 --> 00:05:50,004
- Mr. Chairman.
- And transfer the salvageable assets to the CIA.

00:05:50,029 --> 00:05:53,327
Mr. Chairman, the IMF has operated
without oversight for 40 years.

00:05:53,352 --> 00:05:55,766
- Now, are its methods unorthodox?
- Mr. Chairman.

00:05:55,791 --> 00:05:58,951
Are it's results less than perfect?

00:05:58,990 --> 00:06:01,559
- But without the IMF, to be force...
- There'll be order and stability.

00:06:01,584 --> 00:06:03,747
Without the IMF...

00:06:04,898 --> 00:06:10,051
This panel recognizes the IMF's
contribution to global security.

00:06:10,076 --> 00:06:13,374
But the events laid out by
CIA director Hunley

00:06:13,403 --> 00:06:16,429
also show a pattern of
once and brinkmanship

00:06:16,454 --> 00:06:19,360
and a total disregard for protocol.

00:06:19,385 --> 00:06:20,606
From where I sit,

00:06:20,631 --> 00:06:24,600
you unorthodox methods are
indistinguishable from chance.

00:06:24,625 --> 00:06:27,704
And your results,
perfect or not,

00:06:27,729 --> 00:06:30,448
looked suspiciously like luck.

00:06:31,124 --> 00:06:36,250
I'm afraid today is the day
when the IMF's luck runs out.

00:08:15,181 --> 00:08:17,059
What are you doing here?

00:08:17,774 --> 00:08:19,119

00:08:21,851 --> 00:08:24,798
I said: "What are you doing here?"

00:08:32,055 --> 00:08:35,194
What does he see in you, I wonder.

00:08:35,523 --> 00:08:37,157
Who is he?

00:08:40,820 --> 00:08:43,545
I want to see what is done.

00:08:44,685 --> 00:08:47,011
Why don't you
take off the cuffs.

00:08:47,036 --> 00:08:49,183
And I'll show you.

00:08:49,208 --> 00:08:50,981

00:08:54,362 --> 00:08:56,331
You know who I am?

00:08:56,356 --> 00:08:58,430
Janik Vinter.

00:08:59,041 --> 00:09:02,447
They call you,
the bone doctor.

00:09:03,570 --> 00:09:05,639
The funny thing is.

00:09:05,664 --> 00:09:09,772
You're officially declared dead,
3 years ago.

00:09:09,797 --> 00:09:11,956
Nice shoes by the way.

00:09:13,442 --> 00:09:15,295
Not his.

00:09:15,505 --> 00:09:17,220

00:09:23,656 --> 00:09:26,222
We have instructions to talk,

00:09:26,247 --> 00:09:27,693
not to kill him.

00:09:27,718 --> 00:09:30,842
There are men who are
broken in different ways.

00:09:32,338 --> 00:09:34,362
This one's a fighter.

00:09:34,387 --> 00:09:36,986
He'll die,
Dari: -
Ke: -
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
100:00:03, 031--> 00:00:08, 148Subjudul yang dibuat oleh - Aorion-"Misi: mustahil - penipu bangsa (2015)" ^ (Jalankan waktu: 01:59:25)200:00:46, 403 00:00:49, 004-->LONDONINGGRIS300:01:15, 647--> 00:01:17, 463Kita akan menutup.400:01:17, 488--> 00:01:19, 333Saya tidak akan lama.500:01:19, 358--> 00:01:22, 013Anda mencariapa-apa pada khususnya.600:01:22, 642--> 00:01:25, 170Sesuatu yang langka.700:01:28, 502--> 00:01:30, 463Biar kutebak.800:01:31, 808--> 00:01:33, 528Klasik.900:01:33, 553--> 00:01:34, 553Jazz.1000:01:34, 578--> 00:01:36, 695-Saksofon.-Coltrain.1100:01:36, 720--> 00:01:38, 891-Piano.-Rahib.1200:01:38, 916--> 00:01:41, 462Bayangan Wilson pada bass.1300:01:41, 487--> 00:01:44, 248Bayangan Wilson memainkan drum.1400:01:44, 692--> 00:01:47, 340Tahu mengapamereka memanggilnya bayangan?1500:01:47, 365--> 00:01:50, 043Karena dia memiliki sentuhan ringan.1600:01:50, 701--> 00:01:52, 536Anda beruntung.1700:01:53, 977--> 00:01:56, 304Aku menekan pertama.1800:02:04, 375--> 00:02:06, 658Ini benar-benar adalah Anda.1900:02:09, 219--> 00:02:11, 359Aku pernah mendengar cerita.2000:02:11, 591--> 00:02:13, 825Mereka tidak semua mungkin benar.2100:02:35, 470--> 00:02:37, 252Baik bahkan, Mr Hunt.2200:02:37, 277--> 00:02:41, 002Senjata Anda pulih di Belarusdikonfirmasi menjadi VX saraf gas.2300:02:41, 027--> 00:02:43, 750Mampu menghancurkana major city.2400:02:43,775 --> 00:02:45,621The bodies of the air crewwere found less than2500:02:45,646 --> 00:02:48,53824 hours after theylanded in Damascus.2600:02:48,563 --> 00:02:51,580They were identified aslow level Chechen separatist.2700:02:51,605 --> 00:02:53,478With neither theaccess nor the ability2800:02:53,503 --> 00:02:56,616to acquire the weaponsthey were transporting.2900:02:56,641 --> 00:02:58,359This would support your suspicion3000:02:58,384 --> 00:03:01,610that a shadow organization iscommitted to inciting revolution.3100:03:01,634 --> 00:03:05,819by enabling acts of terror innations friendly to Western interests.3200:03:05,845 --> 00:03:08,822IMF suspects this to be thesame shadow organization3300:03:08,847 --> 00:03:11,105you have been trackingfor the last year3400:03:11,130 --> 00:03:13,493Also known as the Syndicate.3500:03:13,518 --> 00:03:15,897IMF would be right.3600:03:15,922 --> 00:03:18,171Normally, you and yourteam would be tasked3700:03:18,196 --> 00:03:21,162with infiltrating and disruptingthis terrorist network,3800:03:21,187 --> 00:03:24,838but we have taken steps toensure that this will not happen.3900:03:24,863 --> 00:03:27,522Because, we, are the Syndicate,Mr. Hunt.4000:03:27,547 --> 00:03:30,234And now we knowwho you are.4100:03:30,259 --> 00:03:32,559Your mission, should youchoose to accept it,4200:03:32,584 --> 00:03:34,209is to face your fate.4300:03:34,234 --> 00:03:38,391Pursue us, you'll be caught.Resist us, you'll be killed.4400:03:38,416 --> 00:03:42,565And you precious Secretary willdisavow any knowledge of your actions.4500:03:42,590 --> 00:03:43,909Good luck, Mr. Hunt.4600:03:43,934 --> 00:03:48,125This message will self destructin 5 seconds.4700:04:37,748 --> 00:04:42,648Mr. Chairman, the IMF's misadventures date back to my earliest days in the CIA4800:04:42,687 --> 00:04:47,329when the IMF broke into the CIAto steal a list of cooperate operatives.4900:04:47,354 --> 00:04:50,340- And now, more recently a Russian warhead.- Disarmed Russian warhead.5000:04:50,365 --> 00:04:53,158- A Russian nuclear warhead.- Branded safe by Th IMF.5100:04:53,183 --> 00:04:56,574Clipped the Transamerica Pyramidbefore plunging into the San Francisco bay.5200:04:56,599 --> 00:04:58,113Saving the western atmosphere.5300:04:58,138 --> 00:05:00,668This made possible by IMF agents who did willing5400:05:00,693 --> 00:05:03,804provide the launch codesto a known terrorist.5500:05:03,829 --> 00:05:06,675Do I have that right, agent Brandt?5600:05:07,205 --> 00:05:11,390I can neither confirm nor deny details of any such operation without Secretary's approval.5700:05:11,424 --> 00:05:14,336This was the same week afterIMF infiltrated the Kremlin.5800:05:14,361 --> 00:05:16,827Here's the Kremlin before.5900:05:17,684 --> 00:05:20,323And the Kremlin after.6000:05:22,198 --> 00:05:24,977I can neither confirm nor deny details of any operation...6100:05:25,002 --> 00:05:26,756Without the Secretary's approval.Yes, we know.6200:05:26,781 --> 00:05:29,279In fact, until this panelappoints a new Secretary,6300:05:29,304 --> 00:05:31,721you really can't say much of anything,can you, agent Brandt?6400:05:31,746 --> 00:05:33,285Well.I didn't write the rules, Mr. Hunley.6500:05:33,310 --> 00:05:36,028Mr. Chairman, the so callImpossible Missions Force6600:05:36,068 --> 00:05:39,508is not just a rogue organization,it is an outdated one.6700:05:39,534 --> 00:05:43,405A throwback to an era withouttransparency and without oversight.6800:05:43,430 --> 00:05:45,836- Mr. Chairman.- The time has come to dissolve the IMF.6900:05:45,861 --> 00:05:50,004- Mr. Chairman.- And transfer the salvageable assets to the CIA.7000:05:50,029 --> 00:05:53,327Mr. Chairman, the IMF has operatedwithout oversight for 40 years.7100:05:53,352 --> 00:05:55,766- Now, are its methods unorthodox? Yes.- Mr. Chairman.7200:05:55,791 --> 00:05:58,951Are it's results less than perfect?Absolutely.7300:05:58,990 --> 00:06:01,559- But without the IMF, to be force...- There'll be order and stability.7400:06:01,584 --> 00:06:03,747Without the IMF...7500:06:04,898 --> 00:06:10,051This panel recognizes the IMF'scontribution to global security.7600:06:10,076 --> 00:06:13,374But the events laid out byCIA director Hunley7700:06:13,403 --> 00:06:16,429also show a pattern of once and brinkmanship7800:06:16,454 --> 00:06:19,360and a total disregard for protocol.7900:06:19,385 --> 00:06:20,606From where I sit,8000:06:20,631 --> 00:06:24,600you unorthodox methods areindistinguishable from chance.8100:06:24,625 --> 00:06:27,704And your results,perfect or not,8200:06:27,729 --> 00:06:30,448looked suspiciously like luck.8300:06:31,124 --> 00:06:36,250I'm afraid today is the daywhen the IMF's luck runs out.8400:08:15,181 --> 00:08:17,059What are you doing here?8500:08:17,774 --> 00:08:19,119Huh?8600:08:21,851 --> 00:08:24,798I said: "What are you doing here?"8700:08:32,055 --> 00:08:35,194What does he see in you, I wonder.8800:08:35,523 --> 00:08:37,157Who is he?8900:08:40,820 --> 00:08:43,545I want to see what is done.9000:08:44,685 --> 00:08:47,011Why don't youtake off the cuffs.9100:08:47,036 --> 00:08:49,183And I'll show you.9200:08:49,208 --> 00:08:50,981Vinter.9300:08:54,362 --> 00:08:56,331You know who I am?9400:08:56,356 --> 00:08:58,430Janik Vinter.9500:08:59,041 --> 00:09:02,447They call you,the bone doctor.9600:09:03,570 --> 00:09:05,639The funny thing is.9700:09:05,664 --> 00:09:09,772You're officially declared dead,3 years ago.9800:09:09,797 --> 00:09:11,956Nice shoes by the way.9900:09:13,442 --> 00:09:15,295Not his.10000:09:15,505 --> 00:09:17,220Yours.10100:09:23,656 --> 00:09:26,222We have instructions to talk,10200:09:26,247 --> 00:09:27,693not to kill him.10300:09:27,718 --> 00:09:30,842There are men who arebroken in different ways.10400:09:32,338 --> 00:09:34,362This one's a fighter.10500:09:34,387 --> 00:09:36,986He'll die,before
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
00: 00: 03.031 -> 00: 00: 08.148
Subtitle diciptakan oleh - Aorion -
"Mission: Impossible - Rogue Nation (2015)"
^ (Run waktu: 01:59:25) 2 00: 00: 46.403 - > 00: 00: 49.004 LONDON ENGLAND 3 00: 01: 15.647 -> 00: 01: 17.463 Kami akan menutup. 4 00: 01: 17.488 -> 00: 01: 19.333 Saya tidak akan lama. 5 00: 01: 19.358 -> 00: 01: 22.013 Anda mencari sesuatu yang khusus. 6 00: 01: 22.642 -> 00: 01: 25.170 Sesuatu yang langka. 7 00: 01: 28.502 -> 00:01 : 30463 Biar kutebak. 8 00: 01: 31.808 -> 00: 01: 33.528 klasik. 9 00: 01: 33.553 -> 00: 01: 34.553 Jazz. 10 00: 01: 34.578 -> 00:01 : 36695 - Sax. - Coltrain. 11 00: 01: 36.720 -> 00: 01: 38.891 - Piano. - Monk. 12 00: 01: 38.916 -> 00: 01: 41.462 . Bayangan Wilson pada bass 13 00 : 01: 41.487 -> 00: 01: 44.248 Bayangan Wilson memainkan drum. 14 00: 01: 44.692 -> 00: 01: 47.340 Tahu mengapa mereka memanggilnya Bayangan? 15 00: 01: 47.365 -> 00:01 : 50043 Karena dia memiliki sentuhan ringan. 16 00: 01: 50.701 -> 00: 01: 52.536 Anda beruntung. 17 00: 01: 53.977 -> 00: 01: 56.304 Saya sudah menekan pertama. 18 00: 02: 04.375 -> 00: 02: 06.658 Ini benar-benar Anda. 19 00: 02: 09.219 -> 00: 11.359: 02 . cerita aku pernah mendengar 20 00: 02: 11.591 -> 00: 02: 13.825 Mereka tidak bisa semua menjadi kenyataan. 21 00: 02: 35.470 -> 00: 02: 37.252 Baik bahkan, Mr Hunt. 22 00: 02: 37.277 -> 00: 02: 41.002 Senjata Anda pulih di Belarus dikonfirmasi untuk menjadi gas saraf VX. 23 00: 02: 41.027 -> 00: 02: 43.750 Mampu menghancurkan sebuah kota besar. 24 00: 02: 43.775 -> 00: 02: 45.621 Mayat udara awak ditemukan kurang dari 25 00: 02: 45.646 -> 00: 02: 48.538 24 jam setelah mereka mendarat di Damaskus. 26 00: 02: 48.563 -> 00: 02: 51.580 Mereka diidentifikasi sebagai tingkat rendah separatis Chechnya. 27 00: 02: 51.605 -> 00: 02: 53.478 Dengan tidak dengan akses atau kemampuan 28 00: 02: 53.503 -> 00: 02: 56.616 untuk mendapatkan senjata mereka mengangkut. 29 00: 02: 56.641 - -> 00: 02: 58.359 ini akan mendukung kecurigaan Anda 30 00: 02: 58.384 -> 00: 03: 01.610 bahwa organisasi bayangan berkomitmen untuk menghasut revolusi. 31 00: 03: 01.634 -> 00: 03: 05.819 dengan memungkinkan aksi teror di negara-negara sahabat untuk kepentingan Barat. 32 00: 03: 05.845 -> 00: 03: 08.822 IMF tersangka ini menjadi organisasi bayangan yang sama 33 00: 03: 08.847 -> 00: 03: 11.105 Anda telah melacak untuk tahun lalu 34 00: 03: 11.130 -> 00: 03: 13.493 Juga dikenal sebagai Sindikasi. 35 00: 03: 13.518 -> 00: 03: 15.897 . IMF akan tepat 36 00:03 : 15922 -> 00: 03: 18.171 Biasanya, Anda dan tim akan bertugas 37 00: 03: 18.196 -> 00: 03: 21.162 dengan infiltrasi dan mengganggu jaringan teroris ini, 38 00: 03: 21.187 -> 00: 03: 24.838 tapi kami telah mengambil langkah-langkah untuk memastikan bahwa hal ini tidak akan terjadi. 39 00: 03: 24.863 -> 00: 03: 27.522 Karena, kita, adalah Syndicate, Mr. . Berburu 40 00: 03: 27.547 -> 00: 03: 30.234 Dan sekarang kita tahu siapa Anda. 41 00: 03: 30.259 -> 00: 03: 32.559 Misi Anda, sebaiknya Anda memilih untuk menerimanya, 42 00 : 03: 32.584 -> 00: 03: 34.209 adalah untuk menghadapi nasib Anda. 43 00: 03: 34.234 -> 00: 03: 38.391 Mengejar kami, Anda akan tertangkap. Resist kami, Anda akan dibunuh. 44 00: 03: 38.416 -> 00: 03: 42.565 Dan Anda berharga Sekretaris akan . mengingkari pengetahuan tentang tindakan Anda 45 00: 03: 42.590 -> 00: 03: 43.909 . Good luck, Mr. berburu 46 00: 03: 43.934 -> 00: 03: 48.125 Pesan ini akan merusak diri dalam 5 detik. 47 00: 04: 37.748 -> 00: 04: 42.648 Mr. Ketua, petualangan IMF tanggal kembali ke hari-hari saya yang paling awal di CIA 48 00: 04: 42.687 -> 00: 04: 47.329 ketika IMF masuk ke CIA . untuk mencuri daftar bekerjasama koperasi 49 00: 04: 47.354 - -> 00: 04: 50.340 - Dan sekarang, baru-baru hulu ledak Rusia. - Melucuti hulu ledak Rusia. 50 00: 04: 50.365 -> 00: 04: 53.158 . - Sebuah hulu ledak nuklir Rusia . - Branded aman dengan Th IMF 51 00: 04: 53.183 -> 00: 04: 56.574 terpotong Transamerica Pyramid sebelum terjun ke teluk San Francisco. 52 00: 04: 56.599 -> 00: 04: 58.113 Menyimpan suasana Barat. 53 00: 04: 58.138 -> 00: 05: 00.668 ini dimungkinkan oleh IMF agen yang melakukan bersedia 54 00: 05: 00.693 -> 00: 05: 03.804 memberikan kode peluncuran untuk teroris dikenal. 55 00: 05: 03.829 -> 00 : 05: 06.675 Apakah saya memiliki hak, agen Brandt? 56 00: 05: 07.205 -> 00: 05: 11.390 Saya tidak bisa mengkonfirmasi atau menyangkal rincian dari setiap operasi tersebut tanpa persetujuan Sekretaris. 57 00: 05: 11,424 - > 00: 05: 14.336 Ini adalah minggu yang sama setelah IMF menyusup Kremlin. 58 00: 05: 14.361 -> 00: 05: 16.827 Berikut Kremlin sebelumnya. 59 00: 05: 17.684 -> 00: 05: 20.323 dan Kremlin setelah. 60 00: 05: 22.198 -> 00: 05: 24.977 Saya tidak bisa mengkonfirmasi atau menyangkal rincian operasi apapun ... 61 00: 05: 25.002 -> 00: 05: 26.756 Tanpa persetujuan Sekretaris . Ya, kita tahu. 62 00: 05: 26.781 -> 00: 05: 29.279 Bahkan, sampai panel ini menunjuk Sekretaris baru, 63 00: 05: 29.304 -> 00: 05: 31.721 Anda benar-benar tidak bisa mengatakan apa-apa, bisa Anda, agen Brandt? 64 00: 05: 31.746 -> 00: 05: 33.285 Yah. Aku tidak menulis aturan, Mr. Hunley. 65 00: 05: 33.310 -> 00: 05: 36.028 Mr. Ketua, begitu panggilan Misi Mustahil Angkatan 66 00: 05: 36.068 -> 00: 05: 39.508 bukan hanya organisasi nakal, itu adalah salah satu usang. 67 00: 05: 39.534 -> 00: 05: 43.405 A throwback ke era tanpa transparansi dan tanpa pengawasan. 68 00: 05: 43.430 -> 00: 05: 45.836 - Bapak Ketua. - Waktunya telah tiba untuk membubarkan IMF. 69 00: 05: 45.861 -> 00: 05: 50.004 - Bapak Ketua. - Dan mentransfer aset diselamatkan dengan CIA. 70 00: 05: 50.029 -> 00: 05: 53.327 Mr. Ketua, IMF telah beroperasi tanpa pengawasan selama 40 tahun. 71 00: 05: 53.352 -> 00: 05: 55.766 - Sekarang, adalah metode yang tidak lazim? Ya. - Bapak Ketua. 72 00: 05: 55.791 -> 00: 05: 58.951 Apakah itu hasil kurang sempurna? Tentu saja. 73 00: 05: 58.990 -> 00: 06: 01.559 - Tapi tanpa IMF, menjadi kekuatan ... . - Akan ada ketertiban dan stabilitas 74 00: 06: 01.584 -> 00: 06: 03.747 Tanpa IMF ... 75 00: 06: 04.898 -> 00: 06: 10.051 panel ini mengakui IMF kontribusi terhadap keamanan global. 76 00: 06: 10.076 - -> 00: 06: 13.374 Tapi peristiwa ditetapkan oleh Direktur CIA Hunley 77 00: 06: 13.403 -> 00: 06: 16.429 juga menunjukkan pola sekali dan nyerempet bahaya 78 00: 06: 16.454 -> 00:06 : 19.360 dan total mengabaikan untuk protokol. 79 00: 06: 19.385 -> 00: 06: 20.606 Dari tempat aku duduk, 80 00: 06: 20.631 -> 00: 06: 24,600 Anda metode yang tidak lazim yang bisa dibedakan dari kesempatan. 81 00: 06: 24.625 -> 00: 06: 27.704 Dan hasil Anda, sempurna atau tidak, 82 00: 06: 27.729 -> 00: 06: 30.448 tampak curiga seperti keberuntungan. 83 00: 06: 31.124 -> 00: 06: 36.250 Aku takut hari ini adalah hari ketika keberuntungan IMF habis. 84 00: 08: 15.181 -> 00: 08: 17.059 Apa yang Anda lakukan di sini? 85 00: 08: 17.774 -> 00 : 08: 19.119 Huh? 86 00: 08: 21.851 -> 00: 08: 24.798 Saya berkata: "Apa yang kamu lakukan di sini?" 87 00: 08: 32.055 -> 00: 08: 35.194 Apa yang dia lihat di Anda, saya bertanya-tanya. 88 00: 08: 35.523 -> 00: 08: 37.157 Siapa dia? 89 00: 08: 40.820 -> 00: 08: 43.545 . Saya ingin melihat apa yang dilakukan 90 00:08: 44.685 -> 00: 08: 47.011 Mengapa Anda tidak melepas borgol. 91 00: 08: 47.036 -> 00: 08: 49.183 . Dan aku akan menunjukkan 92 00: 08: 49.208 -> 00 : 08: 50.981 Vinter. 93 00: 08: 54.362 -> 00: 08: 56.331 Anda tahu siapa aku? 94 00: 08: 56.356 -> 00: 08: 58.430 Janik Vinter. 95 00: 08: 59.041 - -> 00: 09: 02.447 Mereka menyebut Anda, dokter tulang. 96 00: 09: 03.570 -> 00: 09: 05.639 Lucunya. 97 00: 09: 05.664 -> 00: 09: 09.772 Anda ' kembali resmi dinyatakan meninggal, 3 tahun yang lalu. 98 00: 09: 09.797 -> 00: 09: 11.956 yang bagus sepatu dengan cara. 99 00: 09: 13.442 -> 00: 09: 15.295 . Tidak nya 100 00:09 : 15505 -> 00: 09: 17.220 Hormat. 101 00: 09: 23.656 -> 00: 09: 26.222 Kami memiliki instruksi untuk berbicara, 102 00: 09: 26.247 -> 00: 09: 27.693 tidak membunuhnya . 103 00: 09: 27.718 -> 00: 09: 30.842 Ada pria yang rusak dengan cara yang berbeda. 104 00: 09: 32.338 -> 00: 09: 34.362 . Ini yang seorang pejuang 105 00: 09: 34.387 -> 00: 09: 36.986 Dia akan mati, sebelum

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