Determine ObjectivesWe now come to the event (see Figure 6-1) that has terjemahan - Determine ObjectivesWe now come to the event (see Figure 6-1) that has Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Determine ObjectivesWe now come to

Determine Objectives
We now come to the event (see Figure 6-1) that has caused more controversy and conflict than any other aspect of designing training programs. Before 1960, learning programs used objectives but with a wide range of flexibility. There was the work of Bloom et al. [1] which constituted a significant attempt to clarify the area of leaming objectives. Then, in the early 19605, we felt the impact of Skinner and those who followed his approach to objectives [2]. Their insistence was on "specific behavioral objectives," and no deviation was allowed.
Over the years, the inevitable mellowing and cross-fertilization has taken place. There is no question about the need for objectives, but there is also no one form or method that satisfies the requirements of all people and all programs.
By the end of this event, the Designer will be able:
To identify the elements that must be considered in determining objectives for the program and for the individual learning experiences.
To list the specific program obiectives and learning objectives related to the design under consideration.
Before proceeding further we need a brief discussion of tenns. Some have endeavored to distinguish between terms such as program and course. In the past, I have been among them. I must concede that there is so little agreement that it would be counterproductive to attempt it in this book. Generally a course is con - sidered a single learning experience which stands by itself, with a determined beginning and end. A program is usually a series of courses.
This definition may suffice for colleges and universities, but it cannot be directly applied to the HRD field. Indeed, it is questionable if that distinction would be helpful. Therefore, as we proceed with the CEM, the term program will be used to identify the leaming experience being designed. Whether it will consist of more than one leaming experience cannot be determined until a later event of the CEM.
For this event, two areas must be explored and decisions must be made. The first regards the overall program and how it relates to solving the previously identified problem. lt can be said that the general objective is to have a program that will solve the problem. More specifically, the second area and decision relates to the specific learning experiences. That is the point at which the objectives will move to the more specific.
An objective is the statement of what is to be accomplished by an activity. We could engage in lengthy polemics conceming objectives, goals, and purposes and some have done this. Perhaps, at times, it is important to make the distinction. Of more value to the Designer isthe understanding of what an objective is, how it is developed, and how it can be used.
A training program does not start with objectives. Before we can explore objectives, it is necessary to have successfully completed the previous events of the CEM. At the end of the previous event, we were able to develop a list of needs. These were not objectives, but our objectives arise from the needs identified during the previous event.
Objectives are only words put together by people. As such, they are subject to the usual misinterpretations that arise in any human communication. it has been said that meaning is in people, not in words. We'try to get agreement on what we mean by reducing our thoughts to words (as I am doing in this book). If you and I could dialogue together on each phase of these events, I am sure we would have less trouble in communicating. We have not yet reached that stage of technology for general use, therefore we still rely on books like this one. As our technology increases, it is not unlikely that "readers" will be able to interact directly with "authors." Meanwhile let us deal within the present limitations.
Some contend that the process of developing objectives can be more significant than the end result the written objectives. To "Determine Objectives" we go through a proceses involving people and data. l_t is not a straight line process but an evolving one, with many twists and turns. The Designer should not be put in the position of having to write the objectives, and then have to try to defend them. "Determine Objectives" should not be viewed as an adversary proceeding.
it is deceptively easy for the Designer to take the needs identified in the previous event and then write objectives. These become the Designer's objectives and not necessarily those of the organization or the leamer. At some point, the Designer must take the available data and actually write some objectives to test out understanding and seek agreement. This should not be done too early in this event, for pushing to premature closure can produce hostility which may block effective agreement on objectives.
When considering objectives, the Designer looks ahead in the CEM and recognizes that theform and content of the written objectives will dramatically influence whatever follows. Specific behavioral objectives are helpful in evaluation, but can wreak havoc with curriculum or instructional strategies. Objectives written in specific behavioral terms do not generally allow for the serendipity and spontaneity that some people require in a learning situation.
Decisions about the form of the written objectives must reflect a variety of factors, including theleamer, the organization, the material to be teamed. and the extent of the perfonnance change being sought. Underlying all of these is the value system and concepts of the Designer, as influenced by all those factors. There are many teaming theories, and we will be looking at some of them in the next event. Even here, however, the Designer must have some idea of the learning theory that might be most appropriate.
A major use of objectives is in evaluation. indeed. the more specific the objectives, the easier to evaluate the learning and performance. The objectives should be written with evaluation in mind. The Designer must conjecture, “How will we be able to determine if that objective has been reached?” We will not have to actually face this decision until the “Conduct Training" element of the CEM, but it must be considered at this point.
To develop program objectives, the Designer starts with the needs identified in the previous event. The first step is to organize these needs into a priority listing.
The development a listing of the needs, according to priorities, starts with agreement on what is a priority. There are many ways to look upon such a categorization, and the Designer must know the neeck of the individual and the organization in order to establish categories of priorities.
lt is unlikely that all the needs that have been previously identified can be satisfied in any one program. This does not mean that the needs are not valid, but that there are constraints that limit the possibility of meeting all the needs. However, all the previously identified needs are valid if the prior event was successfully completed, but since not all the needs can be satisfied, priorities become essential.
One way of listing priorities is by time The whole design process started with an organizational problem for which HRD could be a response. How soon must that problem be solved? lf it is in manufacturing and the process is producing detective output, time is of the essence. Unless the production line can be closed down, every item produced could be defective. it is important to provide then , ecessary training as soon as possible so as to decrease or eliminate rejects.
Another priority listing might consider the use of resources. What would it take, in the way of company resources, to provide the training program? We have already discussed the cost-benefit aspect. Here we are concerned with when the resources can be made available? Each organization has its own cycle of cash flow, for example, and the need for cash for training could determine the priority classification.
Availability of personnel could influence the priority classification. if the proposed program is for salespeople, and they are out in the field, certain of the needs might have to be delayed until those people are available.
Within any given organization, other items determine priorities. The Designer must determine these before devoting too much time to needs that could have a low priority. Rather than attempt to present specific classifications, let us generally explore other factors that could influence or detennine priorities.
The question might arise as to how often a specific performance, related to a need, is required. It could be a need, but one where the performance is demonstrated only rarely, or will not be required at all until some future time.
The possible learners could also become a priority consideration. We have pointed out the problem of availability. There is also a factor of sensitivity. if there is a vote for a union on the horizon, this could be the wrong time to provide some kinds of training or education. lf the company is issuing statements to the public and the press about its deteriorating market position, that could influence which needs are best met at this time.
Factors outside the organization also influence priorities. if the organization is under attack from consumer groups, government agencies, or competitors, the range of needs that can be satisfied would be different from a situation where there is no such attack. Previously l have emphasized that the Designer must know the direction of movement of the organization to keep the training and education relevant. The Designer must also be aware of those external forces that could cause a shift in priorities of needs.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Determine ObjectivesWe now come to the event (see Figure 6-1) that has caused more controversy and conflict than any other aspect of designing training programs. Before 1960, learning programs used objectives but with a wide range of flexibility. There was the work of Bloom et al. [1] which constituted a significant attempt to clarify the area of leaming objectives. Then, in the early 19605, we felt the impact of Skinner and those who followed his approach to objectives [2]. Their insistence was on "specific behavioral objectives," and no deviation was allowed.Over the years, the inevitable mellowing and cross-fertilization has taken place. There is no question about the need for objectives, but there is also no one form or method that satisfies the requirements of all people and all programs.By the end of this event, the Designer will be able:To identify the elements that must be considered in determining objectives for the program and for the individual learning experiences.To list the specific program obiectives and learning objectives related to the design under consideration.Before proceeding further we need a brief discussion of tenns. Some have endeavored to distinguish between terms such as program and course. In the past, I have been among them. I must concede that there is so little agreement that it would be counterproductive to attempt it in this book. Generally a course is con - sidered a single learning experience which stands by itself, with a determined beginning and end. A program is usually a series of courses.This definition may suffice for colleges and universities, but it cannot be directly applied to the HRD field. Indeed, it is questionable if that distinction would be helpful. Therefore, as we proceed with the CEM, the term program will be used to identify the leaming experience being designed. Whether it will consist of more than one leaming experience cannot be determined until a later event of the CEM. For this event, two areas must be explored and decisions must be made. The first regards the overall program and how it relates to solving the previously identified problem. lt can be said that the general objective is to have a program that will solve the problem. More specifically, the second area and decision relates to the specific learning experiences. That is the point at which the objectives will move to the more specific.WHAT ARE OBJECTIVES?An objective is the statement of what is to be accomplished by an activity. We could engage in lengthy polemics conceming objectives, goals, and purposes and some have done this. Perhaps, at times, it is important to make the distinction. Of more value to the Designer isthe understanding of what an objective is, how it is developed, and how it can be used.A training program does not start with objectives. Before we can explore objectives, it is necessary to have successfully completed the previous events of the CEM. At the end of the previous event, we were able to develop a list of needs. These were not objectives, but our objectives arise from the needs identified during the previous event.Objectives are only words put together by people. As such, they are subject to the usual misinterpretations that arise in any human communication. it has been said that meaning is in people, not in words. We'try to get agreement on what we mean by reducing our thoughts to words (as I am doing in this book). If you and I could dialogue together on each phase of these events, I am sure we would have less trouble in communicating. We have not yet reached that stage of technology for general use, therefore we still rely on books like this one. As our technology increases, it is not unlikely that "readers" will be able to interact directly with "authors." Meanwhile let us deal within the present limitations.Some contend that the process of developing objectives can be more significant than the end result the written objectives. To "Determine Objectives" we go through a proceses involving people and data. l_t is not a straight line process but an evolving one, with many twists and turns. The Designer should not be put in the position of having to write the objectives, and then have to try to defend them. "Determine Objectives" should not be viewed as an adversary is deceptively easy for the Designer to take the needs identified in the previous event and then write objectives. These become the Designer's objectives and not necessarily those of the organization or the leamer. At some point, the Designer must take the available data and actually write some objectives to test out understanding and seek agreement. This should not be done too early in this event, for pushing to premature closure can produce hostility which may block effective agreement on objectives.When considering objectives, the Designer looks ahead in the CEM and recognizes that theform and content of the written objectives will dramatically influence whatever follows. Specific behavioral objectives are helpful in evaluation, but can wreak havoc with curriculum or instructional strategies. Objectives written in specific behavioral terms do not generally allow for the serendipity and spontaneity that some people require in a learning situation.Decisions about the form of the written objectives must reflect a variety of factors, including theleamer, the organization, the material to be teamed. and the extent of the perfonnance change being sought. Underlying all of these is the value system and concepts of the Designer, as influenced by all those factors. There are many teaming theories, and we will be looking at some of them in the next event. Even here, however, the Designer must have some idea of the learning theory that might be most appropriate.A major use of objectives is in evaluation. indeed. the more specific the objectives, the easier to evaluate the learning and performance. The objectives should be written with evaluation in mind. The Designer must conjecture, “How will we be able to determine if that objective has been reached?” We will not have to actually face this decision until the “Conduct Training" element of the CEM, but it must be considered at this point.DEVELOP PROGRAM OBJECTIVESTo develop program objectives, the Designer starts with the needs identified in the previous event. The first step is to organize these needs into a priority listing.PrioritiesThe development a listing of the needs, according to priorities, starts with agreement on what is a priority. There are many ways to look upon such a categorization, and the Designer must know the neeck of the individual and the organization in order to establish categories of is unlikely that all the needs that have been previously identified can be satisfied in any one program. This does not mean that the needs are not valid, but that there are constraints that limit the possibility of meeting all the needs. However, all the previously identified needs are valid if the prior event was successfully completed, but since not all the needs can be satisfied, priorities become essential.One way of listing priorities is by time The whole design process started with an organizational problem for which HRD could be a response. How soon must that problem be solved? lf it is in manufacturing and the process is producing detective output, time is of the essence. Unless the production line can be closed down, every item produced could be defective. it is important to provide then , ecessary training as soon as possible so as to decrease or eliminate rejects.Another priority listing might consider the use of resources. What would it take, in the way of company resources, to provide the training program? We have already discussed the cost-benefit aspect. Here we are concerned with when the resources can be made available? Each organization has its own cycle of cash flow, for example, and the need for cash for training could determine the priority classification.Availability of personnel could influence the priority classification. if the proposed program is for salespeople, and they are out in the field, certain of the needs might have to be delayed until those people are available.Within any given organization, other items determine priorities. The Designer must determine these before devoting too much time to needs that could have a low priority. Rather than attempt to present specific classifications, let us generally explore other factors that could influence or detennine priorities.The question might arise as to how often a specific performance, related to a need, is required. It could be a need, but one where the performance is demonstrated only rarely, or will not be required at all until some future time.The possible learners could also become a priority consideration. We have pointed out the problem of availability. There is also a factor of sensitivity. if there is a vote for a union on the horizon, this could be the wrong time to provide some kinds of training or education. lf the company is issuing statements to the public and the press about its deteriorating market position, that could influence which needs are best met at this time.Factors outside the organization also influence priorities. if the organization is under attack from consumer groups, government agencies, or competitors, the range of needs that can be satisfied would be different from a situation where there is no such attack. Previously l have emphasized that the Designer must know the direction of movement of the organization to keep the training and education relevant. The Designer must also be aware of those external forces that could cause a shift in priorities of needs.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Tentukan Tujuan
Kita sekarang datang ke acara (lihat Gambar 6-1) yang telah menyebabkan kontroversi dan konflik daripada aspek lain dari merancang program pelatihan. Sebelum tahun 1960, program pembelajaran yang digunakan tujuan tetapi dengan berbagai fleksibilitas. Ada karya Bloom et al. [1] yang merupakan upaya yang signifikan untuk memperjelas daerah tujuan Leaming. Kemudian, pada awal 19.605, kami merasakan dampak dari Skinner dan mereka yang mengikuti pendekatan untuk tujuan [2]. Desakan mereka pada "tujuan perilaku tertentu," dan tidak ada penyimpangan diizinkan.
Selama bertahun-tahun, para pelunakan tak terelakkan dan fertilisasi silang telah terjadi. Tidak ada pertanyaan tentang perlunya tujuan, tetapi juga tidak ada satu bentuk atau metode yang memenuhi persyaratan dari semua orang dan semua program.
Pada akhir acara ini, Designer akan dapat:
Untuk mengidentifikasi unsur-unsur yang harus dipertimbangkan dalam menentukan tujuan untuk program dan untuk pengalaman belajar individu.
Untuk daftar khusus obiectives Program dan tujuan pembelajaran yang berkaitan dengan desain yang sedang dipertimbangkan.
Sebelum melangkah lebih jauh kita perlu diskusi singkat Tenns. Beberapa telah berusaha untuk membedakan antara istilah-istilah seperti Program dan kursus. Di masa lalu, saya telah di antara mereka. Saya harus mengakui bahwa ada begitu sedikit kesepakatan bahwa akan kontraproduktif untuk mencoba dalam buku ini. Umumnya kursus adalah con - sidered pengalaman belajar tunggal yang berdiri dengan sendirinya, dengan awal dan akhir ditentukan. Suatu program biasanya serangkaian kursus.
Definisi ini mungkin cukup untuk perguruan tinggi dan universitas, tetapi tidak dapat langsung diterapkan pada bidang HRD. Memang, patut dipertanyakan jika perbedaan itu akan sangat membantu. Oleh karena itu, kita lanjutkan dengan CEM, program jangka akan digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi pengalaman Leaming sedang dirancang. Apakah itu akan terdiri dari lebih dari satu pengalaman Leaming tidak dapat ditentukan sampai acara selanjutnya dari CEM.
Untuk acara ini, dua daerah harus dieksplorasi dan keputusan harus dibuat. Yang pertama menganggap program secara keseluruhan dan bagaimana kaitannya dengan pemecahan masalah yang diidentifikasi sebelumnya. lt dapat dikatakan bahwa tujuan umum adalah untuk memiliki program yang akan memecahkan masalah. Lebih khusus lagi, daerah kedua dan keputusan berkaitan dengan pengalaman belajar yang spesifik. Itu adalah titik di mana tujuan akan pindah ke yang lebih spesifik.
Tujuan adalah pernyataan tentang apa yang harus dicapai oleh suatu kegiatan. Kita bisa terlibat dalam polemik conceming tujuan panjang, tujuan, dan tujuan dan beberapa telah melakukan ini. Mungkin, di kali, adalah penting untuk membuat perbedaan. Dari nilai lebih untuk Designer isthe pemahaman tentang apa tujuan adalah, bagaimana dikembangkan, dan bagaimana hal itu dapat digunakan.
Sebuah program pelatihan tidak dimulai dengan tujuan. Sebelum kita dapat menjelajahi tujuan, maka perlu telah berhasil menyelesaikan peristiwa sebelumnya CEM. Pada akhir acara sebelumnya, kami mampu mengembangkan daftar kebutuhan. Ini bukan tujuan, namun tujuan kami muncul dari kebutuhan yang teridentifikasi selama acara sebelumnya.
Tujuan hanya kata-kata disatukan oleh orang-orang. Dengan demikian, mereka tunduk pada salah tafsir biasa yang muncul dalam setiap komunikasi manusia. telah dikatakan bahwa makna pada orang, bukan kata-kata. We'try untuk mendapatkan kesepakatan tentang apa yang kita maksud dengan mengurangi pikiran kita kata-kata (seperti yang saya lakukan dalam buku ini). Jika Anda dan saya bisa berdialog bersama-sama pada setiap tahapan peristiwa ini, saya yakin kami akan memiliki lebih sedikit kesulitan dalam berkomunikasi. Kami belum mencapai tahap teknologi untuk penggunaan umum, oleh karena itu kita masih mengandalkan buku seperti ini. Seiring dengan peningkatan teknologi kami, itu tidak mungkin bahwa "pembaca" akan dapat berinteraksi secara langsung dengan "penulis." Sementara itu mari kita berurusan dalam keterbatasan ini.
Beberapa berpendapat bahwa proses tujuan pengembangan dapat lebih penting daripada hasil akhir tujuan tertulis. Untuk "Tentukan Tujuan" kita pergi melalui proceses melibatkan orang dan data. l_t bukanlah proses garis lurus tetapi berkembang satu, dengan banyak liku-liku. Designer tidak boleh dimasukkan ke dalam posisi harus menulis tujuan, dan kemudian harus mencoba untuk membela mereka. "Tentukan Tujuan" tidak harus dilihat sebagai musuh melanjutkan.
itu seolah-olah mudah untuk Designer untuk mengambil kebutuhan yang teridentifikasi dalam acara sebelumnya dan kemudian menulis tujuan. Ini menjadi tujuan Designer dan belum tentu orang-orang dari organisasi atau leamer tersebut. Pada titik tertentu, Designer harus mengambil data yang tersedia dan benar-benar menulis beberapa tujuan untuk menguji pemahaman dan mencari kesepakatan. Hal ini tidak boleh dilakukan terlalu dini dalam acara ini, untuk mendorong penutupan dini dapat menghasilkan permusuhan yang dapat menghalangi kesepakatan efektif pada tujuan.
Ketika mempertimbangkan tujuan, Designer terlihat unggul di CEM dan mengakui bahwa theform dan isi tujuan tertulis akan secara dramatis dalam pengaruh fl apapun berikut. Tujuan perilaku tertentu sangat membantu dalam evaluasi, tetapi dapat mendatangkan malapetaka dengan kurikulum atau strategi pembelajaran. Tujuan ditulis dalam istilah perilaku tertentu umumnya tidak memungkinkan untuk serendipity dan spontanitas bahwa beberapa orang membutuhkan dalam situasi belajar.
Keputusan tentang bentuk tujuan tertulis harus mencerminkan berbagai faktor, termasuk theleamer, organisasi, materi yang akan bekerja sama . dan sejauh mana perubahan diperoleh kinerja yang dicari. Yang mendasari semua ini adalah sistem nilai dan konsep Designer, seperti dipengaruhi oleh faktor-faktor tersebut. Ada banyak teori teaming, dan kami akan melihat beberapa dari mereka di acara berikutnya. Bahkan di sini, bagaimanapun, Designer harus memiliki beberapa ide dari teori pembelajaran yang mungkin paling tepat.
Sebuah penggunaan utama dari tujuan dalam evaluasi. memang. yang lebih spesifik tujuan, semakin mudah untuk mengevaluasi pembelajaran dan kinerja. Tujuan harus ditulis dengan evaluasi dalam pikiran. Designer harus menerka, "Bagaimana kita akan dapat menentukan apakah tujuan itu telah tercapai?" Kita tidak akan harus benar-benar menghadapi keputusan ini sampai "Perilaku Pelatihan" elemen CEM, tetapi harus dipertimbangkan pada saat ini.
Untuk mengembangkan tujuan program, Designer dimulai dengan kebutuhan yang teridentifikasi dalam acara sebelumnya. Langkah pertama adalah untuk mengatur kebutuhan ini menjadi daftar prioritas.
pembangunan daftar kebutuhan, sesuai dengan prioritas, dimulai dengan kesepakatan apa prioritas. Ada banyak cara untuk memandang kategorisasi seperti itu, dan Designer harus mengetahui neeck individu dan organisasi dalam rangka membangun kategori prioritas.
lt tidak mungkin bahwa semua kebutuhan yang sebelumnya telah diidentifikasi dapat puas dalam setiap program satu. Ini tidak berarti bahwa kebutuhan yang tidak sah, tetapi ada kendala yang membatasi kemungkinan memenuhi semua kebutuhan. Namun, semua kebutuhan yang sebelumnya diidentifikasi berlaku jika acara sebelumnya berhasil diselesaikan, tapi karena tidak semua kebutuhan dapat dipenuhi, prioritas menjadi penting.
Salah satu cara untuk daftar prioritas adalah pada saat proses desain keseluruhan dimulai dengan masalah organisasi yang HRD bisa menjadi jawaban. Seberapa cepat harus masalah yang harus diselesaikan? Jika itu adalah di bidang manufaktur dan proses yang menghasilkan output detektif, waktu adalah esensi. Kecuali jalur produksi dapat ditutup, setiap item yang dihasilkan bisa rusak. penting untuk memberikan itu, pelatihan ecessary sesegera mungkin sehingga mengurangi atau menghilangkan menolak.
daftar prioritas lain mungkin mempertimbangkan penggunaan sumber daya. Apa yang harus dilakukan, dengan cara sumber daya perusahaan, untuk memberikan program pelatihan? Kita telah membahas aspek biaya-manfaat. Di sini kita prihatin dengan ketika sumber daya dapat dibuat tersedia? Setiap organisasi memiliki siklus tersendiri arus kas, misalnya, dan kebutuhan uang tunai untuk pelatihan bisa menentukan prioritas klasifikasi.
Ketersediaan tenaga dapat mempengaruhi klasifikasi prioritas. jika program yang diusulkan adalah untuk tenaga penjualan, dan mereka di lapangan, beberapa kebutuhan mungkin harus ditunda sampai orang-orang yang tersedia.
Dalam setiap organisasi tertentu, barang-barang lainnya menentukan prioritas. Designer harus menentukan ini sebelum mencurahkan terlalu banyak waktu untuk kebutuhan yang bisa memiliki prioritas rendah. Daripada mencoba untuk menyajikan klasifikasi tertentu, mari kita umumnya mengeksplorasi faktor-faktor lain yang dapat mempengaruhi atau prioritas detennine.
Pertanyaannya mungkin timbul bagaimana sering kinerja tertentu, terkait dengan kebutuhan, diperlukan. Ini bisa menjadi kebutuhan, tapi satu di mana kinerja yang ditunjukkan jarang, atau tidak akan diperlukan sama sekali sampai beberapa waktu mendatang.
Kemungkinan peserta didik juga bisa menjadi pertimbangan prioritas. Kami telah menunjukkan masalah ketersediaan. Ada juga faktor sensitivitas. jika ada suara untuk sebuah serikat di cakrawala, ini bisa menjadi waktu yang salah untuk menyediakan beberapa jenis pelatihan atau pendidikan. Jika perusahaan tersebut mengeluarkan pernyataan kepada publik dan pers tentang posisi pasar memburuk, yang dapat mempengaruhi yang membutuhkan paling baik dipenuhi saat ini.
Faktor luar organisasi juga mempengaruhi prioritas. jika organisasi berada di bawah serangan dari kelompok konsumen, instansi pemerintah, atau pesaing, berbagai kebutuhan yang dapat dipenuhi akan berbeda dari situasi di mana tidak ada serangan seperti itu. Sebelumnya l telah menekankan bahwa Designer harus mengetahui arah gerakan organisasi untuk menjaga pelatihan dan pendidikan yang relevan. Designer juga harus menyadari kekuatan-kekuatan eksternal yang dapat menyebabkan pergeseran prioritas kebutuhan.
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