Construction. The Stanadyne pump, shown in Figure 5-62 incorporates fo terjemahan - Construction. The Stanadyne pump, shown in Figure 5-62 incorporates fo Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Construction. The Stanadyne pump, s

Construction. The Stanadyne pump, shown in Figure 5-62 incorporates four pumping
plungers. The driveshaft engages the distributor rotor in the hydraulic head. The rotor
holds the four pumping plungers. The plungers are actuated simultaneously toward
each other by an internal cam ring through rollers and shoes located in slots at the end
of the rotor. The number of lobes normally equals the number of engine cylinders.
Figure5-62 -TheStanadyne DB4injectionpumpuses fouropposedplungers.
The transfer pump is also a positive displacement vane type. It is enclosed in the end
cap, which also houses the fuel inlet strainer and transfer pump pressure regulator. The
distributor rotor incorporates two charging ports and a single axial bore. One discharge
port serves all the outlet ports to the injection lines. The hydraulic head contains the
bore in which the rotor revolves, the metering valve bore, the charging ports, and the
head discharge fittings. The high pressure injection lines to the nozzles are fastened to
these discharge fittings.
Stanadyne pumps have their own mechanical governor. The centrifugal force of the
weights in their retainer is transmitted through a sleeve to the governor arm and to the
metering valve. The metering valve can be closed to shut off fuel by an independently
operated shut-off lever. The automatic speed advance is a hydraulic mechanism that
advances or retards the beginning of fuel delivery. This can respond to speed alone or
to a combination of speed and load changes.
Components. The aluminum alloy pump housing of an opposed plunger distributor
injection pump contains the driveshaft, distributor rotor, transfer pump blades, pumping
NAVEDTRA 14050A 5-65
plungers, internal cam ring,
hydraulic head, end plate,
adjusting plates, transfer pump,
pressure regulator assembly,
governor, automatic advance,
and metering valve.
Driveshaft. The driveshaft
connects to the engine drive
gear and is supported by a
bushing or ball bearing. It
supports the governor assembly
and drives the distributor rotor
and transfer pump. The transfer
pump consists of four linear
blades. It delivers fuel to the
metering valve located in the
hydraulic head at low pressure.
It also provides a fuel inlet to the
pump and contains a pressure
regulating valve that controls the
transfer pump pressure
throughout the speed range.
Hydraulic Head. The hydraulic
head is machined with bores
and passages that allow fuel to flow from the transfer pump to the metering valve, from
the metering valve to the charging ports, and from the discharging ports to the
discharging fittings. On the latest designs, hydraulic heads have been fitted with
individual delivery valves to maintain residual line pressure and eliminate secondary
Distributor Rotor. The distributor rotor is lapped fitted to the hydraulic head and the
governor weight retainer assembly is fastened to its drive end. The plungers are fitted to
the rotor and are pushed inward by the rollers and shoes to pump the diesel fuel. The
rollers fit into the shoes and contact the cam in a way similar to a cam follower, as
shown in Figure 5-63. Adjusting plates are mounted on the rotor and limit the outward
travel of the rollers and shoes to control the fuel delivery.
Cam Ring and Metering Valve. A circular cam ring surrounds the rotor base and is
located over the shoes and rollers. The number of internal cam lobes equals the
number of cylinders. The cam ring forces the plungers toward each other, which causes
the fuel to be pumped. It can also be rotated back and forth about the rotor to vary the
start of injection.
The metering valve contained in the hydraulic head regulates the volume of fuel
entering the rotor. A piston valve is used with hydraulic governors. This valve is springloaded
and controls the fuel according to the valve's axial position. When a mechanical
governor is used, the valve is a rotary type, with a slot cut in the periphery. The valve is
rotated by the governor arm to regulate fuel injection.
Automatic Advance and Governor. An automatic advance device is located I the
bottom of the pump. A hydraulic piston rotates the cam ring against the direction of
pump rotation via the cam advance stud. The cam advance stud threads into the cam
and connects it to the cam advance mechanism.
NAVEDTRA 14050A 5-66
The governor weight retainer may be permanently fixed, splined, or bolted to the rotor
drive end. Because the fuel metering mechanism can be affected by vibrations and
shocks, the retainer often uses a cushioning device to isolate engine vibration and
pulsation from the driveshaft. One end of the governor control arm rests against the
thrust sleeve, and the other end connects to the governor spring and to the metering
valve via a linkage hook. The control lever is connected to the shut-off lever and the
fulcrum lever is connected to the governor spring.
Pump Operation and Fuel Flow. The operating principles of an opposed plunger pump
can be understood more readily by following the fuel circuit during a complete pump
cycle. Figure 5-64 illustrates the fuel flow for a Stanadyne DB2 two-plunger distributor
pump. The fuel flow for the DB4 four-plunger pump is the same with the exception of the
charging of two additional plungers. As shown in the diagram, the transfer pump pulls
fuel from the fuel tank. The fuel passes through a water separator and secondary fuel
filter before reaching the transfer pump. Once through the transfer pump, some of the
fuel is bypassed to the transfer pump's suction side through the pressure regulator
distributor injection pump.
Fuel under pressure flows past the rotor retainers and into an annulus on the distributor
pump rotor. Some fuel flows through a connecting passage in the head to the automatic
advance mechanism. The remaining fuel moves into the charging passage. This fuel
flows around the annulus, through a connecting passage, and to the metering valve.
NAVEDTRA 14050A 5-67
The radial position of the metering valve regulates the fuel flow into the charging
annulus, which holds the charging ports.
Pressure Regulating Valve Operation. The pressure regulating valve is located in the
end plate and performs two important functions. When the injection pump is being
primed, fuel is forced into the inlet connection through the mesh filter. Fuel enters the
regulating sleeve located at the upper port, forcing the regulating piston downward and
compressing the priming spring. When the piston has moved down far enough to
uncover the lower port in the sleeve, the fuel flows directly into the hydraulic head. The
pump is now primed and ready for start-up.
When the engine is running, the pump rotates and fuel is pulled into the end plate by the
transfer pump. It passes through the mesh filter and is forced into the hydraulic head
and end plate. When the transfer pump builds pressure, it forces the piston upward
against the regulating spring (Figure 5-65, View A). When the correct pressure is
reached, the piston uncovers the regulating port. This bypasses a small amount of fuel
back to the inlet side of the transfer pump to maintain fuel pressure at the desired level,
(Figure 5-65, View B).
Transfer pump pressure can be adjusted in one of two ways. On some pumps, the
spring guide is replaced with one of a different size. This changes the fuel pressure by
altering the amount the regulating spring can be compressed. Other models are
equipped with an adjustment device that can be set using a special tool when the pump
is running on a test bench.
Charging Cycle. As the rotor revolves, the two inlet passages align with the charging
ports in the annulus. Fuel under pressure from the transfer pump and controlled by the
metering valve flows into the pumping chamber, forcing the plungers apart.
The plungers move outward a distance proportional to the amount of fuel required for
injection on the following stroke. If a small quantity of fuel is admitted into the pumping
chamber, the plungers move out a short distance. Maximum fuel delivery is limited by a
leaf spring or springs that contact the edge of the roller shoes.
During the charging phase of injection, the angled inlet passages in the rotor are in
alignment with the ports in the charging annulus. The rotor discharge port is not in
alignment with a head outlet, as shown in Figure 5-66. The rollers are also off of the
cam ring lobes.
Figure 5-65 - Pressure regulating valve operation.
NAVEDTRA 14050A 5-68
Discharging Cycle. As the rotor
continues to revolve, as shown
in Figure 5-67, the inlet
passages move out of alignment
with the charging ports. The
rotor discharge port opens to
one of the head outlets. The
rollers then contact the cam
lobes, and injection begins.
Further rotation of the motor
moves the rollers up the ramps,
pushing the plungers inward.
During this stroke, the fuel
trapped between the plungers
flows through the rotor's axial
passage and discharge port to
the injection line. Delivery to the
injection line continues until the
rollers move past the innermost
point on the cam lobe and begin
to move outward. The pressure
in the axial passage is then
reduced, allowing the nozzle to
close and ending injection.
Delivery Valve Operation. On
some distributor pumps,
individual delivery valves
(sometimes called pressure
valves) are installed in the
hydraulic head outlets for each
cylinder. In other pump models,
such as Stanadyne's, a single
delivery valve mounted in a bore
in the center of the distributor
rotor serves all injection lines.
The delivery valve or valves
keep the lines full of fuel so that
a full charge of fuel can be
injected at the next cycle for that
In addition, the delivery valve
rapidly decreases injection line
pressure to lower than nozzle
closing pressure. This allows the
nozzle to snap shut quickly
without nozzle dripping or
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Construction. The Stanadyne pump, shown in Figure 5-62 incorporates four pumpingplungers. The driveshaft engages the distributor rotor in the hydraulic head. The rotorholds the four pumping plungers. The plungers are actuated simultaneously towardeach other by an internal cam ring through rollers and shoes located in slots at the endof the rotor. The number of lobes normally equals the number of engine cylinders.Figure5-62 -TheStanadyne DB4injectionpumpuses fouropposedplungers.The transfer pump is also a positive displacement vane type. It is enclosed in the endcap, which also houses the fuel inlet strainer and transfer pump pressure regulator. Thedistributor rotor incorporates two charging ports and a single axial bore. One dischargeport serves all the outlet ports to the injection lines. The hydraulic head contains thebore in which the rotor revolves, the metering valve bore, the charging ports, and thehead discharge fittings. The high pressure injection lines to the nozzles are fastened tothese discharge fittings.Stanadyne pumps have their own mechanical governor. The centrifugal force of theweights in their retainer is transmitted through a sleeve to the governor arm and to themetering valve. The metering valve can be closed to shut off fuel by an independentlyoperated shut-off lever. The automatic speed advance is a hydraulic mechanism thatadvances or retards the beginning of fuel delivery. This can respond to speed alone orkombinasi dari perubahan kecepatan dan beban.Komponen. Paduan aluminium perumahan pompa pendorong menentang distributorpompa injeksi berisi driveshaft, distributor rotor, baling-baling pompa transfer, pompaNAVEDTRA 14050A 5-65plungers, cincin internal cam,hidrolik kepala, akhirnya piring,menyesuaikan piring, pompa transfer,tekanan regulator perakitan,Gubernur, otomatis kemajuan,dan katup metering.Driveshaft. Driveshaftmenghubungkan ke drive mesinGear dan didukung olehBushing atau bantalan bola. Itumendukung Gubernur Majelisdan drive distributor rotordan pompa transfer. TransferPompa terdiri dari empat linearpisau. Ini memberikan bahan bakar untukkatup metering terletak dihidrolik kepala pada tekanan rendah.Hotel ini juga menyediakan bahan bakar inlet untukpompa dan berisi tekananmengatur katup yang mengontroltekanan pompa transferseluruh rentang kecepatan.Hidrolik kepala. Hidrolikkepala mesin dengan membosankanFigure5-63-ExplodedviewofarotorassemblyshowingthecamrollersandSepatu.dan bagian-bagian yang memungkinkan bahan bakar untuk mengalir dari pompa transfer ke katup metering, darikatup metering untuk ports pengisian dan pemakaian Port untukpemakaian alat kelengkapan. Pada desain terbaru, hidrolik kepala telah dilengkapi denganindividu pengiriman katup memelihara sisa garis tekanan dan menghilangkan menengahinjeksi.Distributor Rotor. Distributor rotor adalah menghirup pas untuk kepala hidrolik danGubernur berat pengikut Majelis diikat ke ujungnya berkendara. Plungers dipasangrotor dan yang didorong ke dalam oleh rol dan sepatu untuk pompa bahan bakar diesel. Therol cocok ke dalam sepatu dan hubungi cam dalam cara serupa dengan cam follower, sebagaiditunjukkan dalam gambar 5-63. Menyesuaikan piring yang dipasang pada rotor dan membatasi lahiriahperjalanan rol dan sepatu untuk mengontrol pengiriman bahan bakar.Cam cincin dan katup Metering. Sebuah cincin melingkar cam mengelilingi dasar rotor dan adalahTerletak di atas sepatu dan rol. Jumlah internal cam lobes sama denganjumlah silinder. Cincin cam pasukan plungers terhadap satu sama lain, yang menyebabkanbahan bakar harus dipompa. Ini dapat juga diputar kembali dan sebagainya tentang rotor bervariasiStart injeksi.Katup metering yang terkandung dalam kepala hidrolik mengatur volume bahan bakarmemasuki rotor. Katup piston digunakan dengan Gubernur hidrolik. Katup ini adalah springloadeddan bahan bakar berdasarkan posisi aksial katup kontrol. Ketika mesinGubernur digunakan, katup adalah jenis rotary, dengan slot dipotong di pinggiran. Katupdiputar oleh Gubernur lengan untuk mengatur injeksi bahan bakar.Advance otomatis dan Gubernur. Terletak di perangkat otomatis muka sayaBagian bawah dari pompa. Sebuah piston hidrolik berputar cincin cam melawan arahPompa rotasi melalui cam muka stud. Cam maju stud benang ke camdan menghubungkan ke mekanisme muka cam.NAVEDTRA 14050A 5-66Gubernur berat pengikut mungkin permanen tetap, splined, atau keling untuk rotorakhir berkendara. Karena bahan bakar metering mekanisme dapat dipengaruhi oleh getaran danguncangan, pengikut sering menggunakan perangkat bantalan untuk mengisolasi mesin getaran dandenyut dari driveshaft. Salah satu ujung Gubernur kontrol lengan bersandar terhadapdorong lengan, dan ujung lainnya terhubung untuk musim semi Gubernur dan meteringkatup melalui hubungan hook. Tuas kontrol terhubung ke tuas menutup-off dantitik tumpu tuas terhubung ke musim semi Gubernur.Pengoperasian pompa dan aliran bahan bakar. Prinsip operasi pompa pendorong menentangdapat dipahami lebih mudah dengan mengikuti sirkuit bahan bakar selama pompa lengkapsiklus. Gambar 5-64 menggambarkan aliran bahan bakar untuk Stanadyne DB2 dua-plunger distributorpompa. Aliran bahan bakar pompa pendorong empat DB4 adalah sama dengan the pengecualian daripengisian dua plungers tambahan. Seperti ditunjukkan dalam diagram, pompa transfer menarikbahan bakar dari tangki bahan bakar. Bahan bakar melewati pemisah air dan bahan bakar sekundermenyaring sebelum mencapai pompa transfer. Sekali melalui pompa transfer, beberapabahan bakar dilewati ke sisi isap pompa transfer melalui regulator tekananMajelis.Figure5-64-FuelflowduringthepumpingcycleinaStanadyneDB2pompa injeksi distributor.Bahan bakar tekanan mengalir melewati pengikut rotor dan ke dalam anulus pada distributorpump rotor. Some fuel flows through a connecting passage in the head to the automaticadvance mechanism. The remaining fuel moves into the charging passage. This fuelflows around the annulus, through a connecting passage, and to the metering valve.NAVEDTRA 14050A 5-67The radial position of the metering valve regulates the fuel flow into the chargingannulus, which holds the charging ports.Pressure Regulating Valve Operation. The pressure regulating valve is located in theend plate and performs two important functions. When the injection pump is beingprimed, fuel is forced into the inlet connection through the mesh filter. Fuel enters theregulating sleeve located at the upper port, forcing the regulating piston downward andcompressing the priming spring. When the piston has moved down far enough touncover the lower port in the sleeve, the fuel flows directly into the hydraulic head. Thepump is now primed and ready for start-up.When the engine is running, the pump rotates and fuel is pulled into the end plate by thetransfer pump. It passes through the mesh filter and is forced into the hydraulic headand end plate. When the transfer pump builds pressure, it forces the piston upwardagainst the regulating spring (Figure 5-65, View A). When the correct pressure isreached, the piston uncovers the regulating port. This bypasses a small amount of fuelback to the inlet side of the transfer pump to maintain fuel pressure at the desired level,(Figure 5-65, View B).
Transfer pump pressure can be adjusted in one of two ways. On some pumps, the
spring guide is replaced with one of a different size. This changes the fuel pressure by
altering the amount the regulating spring can be compressed. Other models are
equipped with an adjustment device that can be set using a special tool when the pump
is running on a test bench.
Charging Cycle. As the rotor revolves, the two inlet passages align with the charging
ports in the annulus. Fuel under pressure from the transfer pump and controlled by the
metering valve flows into the pumping chamber, forcing the plungers apart.
The plungers move outward a distance proportional to the amount of fuel required for
injection on the following stroke. If a small quantity of fuel is admitted into the pumping
chamber, the plungers move out a short distance. Maximum fuel delivery is limited by a
leaf spring or springs that contact the edge of the roller shoes.
During the charging phase of injection, the angled inlet passages in the rotor are in
alignment with the ports in the charging annulus. The rotor discharge port is not in
alignment with a head outlet, as shown in Figure 5-66. The rollers are also off of the
cam ring lobes.
Figure 5-65 - Pressure regulating valve operation.
NAVEDTRA 14050A 5-68
Discharging Cycle. As the rotor
continues to revolve, as shown
in Figure 5-67, the inlet
passages move out of alignment
with the charging ports. The
rotor discharge port opens to
one of the head outlets. The
rollers then contact the cam
lobes, and injection begins.
Further rotation of the motor
moves the rollers up the ramps,
pushing the plungers inward.
During this stroke, the fuel
trapped between the plungers
flows through the rotor's axial
passage and discharge port to
the injection line. Delivery to the
injection line continues until the
rollers move past the innermost
point on the cam lobe and begin
to move outward. The pressure
in the axial passage is then
reduced, allowing the nozzle to
close and ending injection.
Delivery Valve Operation. On
some distributor pumps,
individual delivery valves
(sometimes called pressure
valves) are installed in the
hydraulic head outlets for each
cylinder. In other pump models,
such as Stanadyne's, a single
delivery valve mounted in a bore
in the center of the distributor
rotor serves all injection lines.
The delivery valve or valves
keep the lines full of fuel so that
a full charge of fuel can be
injected at the next cycle for that
In addition, the delivery valve
rapidly decreases injection line
pressure to lower than nozzle
closing pressure. This allows the
nozzle to snap shut quickly
without nozzle dripping or
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Konstruksi. The Stanadyne pompa, yang ditunjukkan pada Gambar 5-62 menggabungkan empat memompa
plunger. Driveshaft terlibat rotor distributor di kepala hidrolik. Rotor
memegang empat piston memompa. Piston yang digerakkan secara bersamaan ke arah
satu sama lain dengan sebuah cincin cam internal melalui rol dan sepatu yang terletak di slot pada akhir
rotor. Jumlah lobus biasanya sama dengan jumlah silinder mesin.
Figure5-62 -TheStanadyne DB4injectionpumpuses fouropposedplungers.
Pompa transfer juga jenis perpindahan baling-baling yang positif. Hal ini tertutup di akhir
topi, yang juga rumah bahan bakar inlet saringan dan pompa perpindahan regulator tekanan. The
distributor rotor menggabungkan dua port pengisian dan membosankan sumbu tunggal. Satu debit
pelabuhan melayani semua port outlet ke garis injeksi. Kepala hidrolik berisi
membosankan di mana rotor berputar, lubang katup metering, port pengisian, dan
alat kelengkapan kepala debit. Garis injeksi tekanan tinggi ke nozel diikat ke
fitting debit tersebut.
Stanadyne pompa memiliki gubernur mekanik mereka sendiri. Gaya sentrifugal dari
bobot di punggawa mereka ditularkan melalui lengan ke lengan gubernur dan ke
katup metering. Katup metering dapat ditutup untuk mematikan bahan bakar oleh independen
tuas shut-off dioperasikan. Kecepatan muka otomatis adalah mekanisme hidrolik yang
kemajuan atau menghambat awal pengiriman bahan bakar. Hal ini dapat menanggapi mempercepat sendiri atau
dengan kombinasi kecepatan dan beban perubahan.
Komponen. Paduan aluminium pompa perumahan dari plunger distributor menentang
pompa injeksi berisi driveshaft, distributor rotor, pisau pompa pemindahan, memompa
NAVEDTRA 14050A 5-65
piston, cincin internal yang cam,
kepala hidrolik, pelat ujung,
menyesuaikan piring, pompa perpindahan,
perakitan regulator tekanan ,
Gubernur, muka otomatis,
dan katup metering.
Driveshaft. Driveshaft yang
terhubung ke mesin penggerak
gigi dan didukung oleh
bushing atau bola bantalan. Ini
mendukung perakitan gubernur
dan drive rotor distributor
dan pompa transfer. Pengalihan
pompa terdiri dari empat linier
pisau. Ini memberikan bahan bakar ke
katup metering yang terletak di
pusat hidrolik pada tekanan rendah.
Ini juga menyediakan inlet bahan bakar untuk
pompa dan berisi tekanan
katup pengatur yang mengontrol
tekanan perpindahan pompa
di seluruh rentang kecepatan.
Kepala hidrolik. Hidrolik
head mesin dengan membosankan
dan ayat-ayat yang memungkinkan bahan bakar mengalir dari pompa transfer ke katup metering, dari
katup metering ke port pengisian, dan dari pelabuhan pemakaian ke
fitting pemakaian. Pada desain terbaru, kepala hidrolik telah dilengkapi dengan
katup pengiriman individu untuk mempertahankan tekanan residual line dan menghilangkan sekunder
Distributor Rotor. Distributor rotor tersusun dipasang ke kepala hidrolik dan
Gubernur punggawa berat perakitan diikat ke ujung drive. Piston dipasang ke
rotor dan didorong ke dalam oleh rol dan sepatu untuk memompa bahan bakar diesel. The
rol cocok dengan sepatu dan menghubungi cam dalam cara yang mirip dengan pengikut cam, seperti
yang ditunjukkan pada Gambar 5-63. Menyesuaikan piring yang dipasang pada rotor dan membatasi luar
perjalanan rol dan sepatu untuk mengontrol pengiriman bahan bakar.
Cam Ring dan Metering Valve. Sebuah cincin melingkar mengelilingi cam dasar rotor dan
terletak di atas sepatu dan rol. Jumlah lobus cam internal yang sama dengan
jumlah silinder. Cincin cam memaksa piston terhadap satu sama lain, yang menyebabkan
bahan bakar yang akan dipompa. Hal ini juga dapat diputar bolak-balik tentang rotor untuk memvariasikan
awal injeksi.
Katup metering yang terkandung dalam kepala hidrolik mengatur volume bahan bakar
yang masuk rotor. Sebuah katup piston digunakan dengan gubernur hidrolik. Katup ini springloaded
dan mengontrol bahan bakar sesuai dengan posisi aksial katup ini. Ketika mekanik
gubernur digunakan, katup adalah jenis rotary, dengan potongan slot pinggiran. Katup
diputar oleh lengan gubernur untuk mengatur injeksi bahan bakar.
Muka otomatis dan Gubernur. Perangkat muka otomatis terletak I
bawah pompa. Sebuah piston hidrolik berputar cincin cam melawan arah
rotasi pompa melalui pejantan cam muka. Cam muka benang pejantan ke cam
dan menghubungkan ke mekanisme cam muka.
NAVEDTRA 14050A 5-66
Gubernur berat punggawa dapat secara permanen tetap, splined, atau melesat ke rotor
akhir drive. Karena mekanisme metering bahan bakar dapat dipengaruhi oleh getaran dan
guncangan, punggawa sering menggunakan perangkat bantalan untuk mengisolasi getaran mesin dan
denyut dari driveshaft itu. Salah satu ujung lengan kontrol gubernur terletak terhadap
lengan dorong, dan ujung lainnya terhubung ke semi gubernur dan ke metering
valve melalui hook linkage. Kontrol tuas terhubung ke tuas menutup-off dan
tuas titik tumpu terhubung ke semi gubernur.
Pompa Operasi dan Aliran Bahan Bakar. Prinsip-prinsip operasi dari pompa plunger menentang
dapat dipahami lebih mudah dengan mengikuti rangkaian bahan bakar selama pompa lengkap
siklus. Gambar 5-64 menggambarkan aliran bahan bakar untuk Stanadyne DB2 dua-plunger distributor
pompa. Aliran bahan bakar untuk DB4 empat plunger pompa adalah sama dengan pengecualian dari
pengisian dua plunger tambahan. Seperti ditunjukkan dalam diagram, pompa perpindahan menarik
bahan bakar dari tangki bahan bakar. Bahan bakar melewati pemisah air dan bahan bakar sekunder
filter sebelum mencapai pompa transfer. Setelah melalui pompa transfer beberapa
bahan bakar dilewati untuk pompa perpindahan ini hisap sisi melalui regulator tekanan
pompa injeksi distributor.
Fuel bawah tekanan mengalir melewati pengikut rotor dan menjadi annulus pada distributor
rotor pompa . Beberapa bahan bakar mengalir melalui bagian yang menghubungkan di kepala dengan otomatis
mekanisme muka. Bahan bakar yang tersisa bergerak ke bagian pengisian. Bahan bakar ini
mengalir di sekitar anulus, melalui bagian yang menghubungkan, dan katup metering.
NAVEDTRA 14050A 5-67
Posisi radial dari katup metering mengatur aliran bahan bakar ke dalam pengisian
anulus, yang memegang port pengisian.
Tekanan Regulating Valve Operasi. The katup pengatur tekanan terletak di
ujung pelat dan melakukan dua fungsi penting. Ketika pompa injeksi sedang
prima, bahan bakar dipaksa ke dalam koneksi inlet melalui filter mesh. Bahan bakar memasuki
lengan mengatur terletak di pelabuhan atas, memaksa piston mengatur bawah dan
mengompresi musim semi priming. Ketika piston telah bergerak turun cukup jauh untuk
mengungkap pelabuhan rendah di lengan, bahan bakar mengalir langsung ke kepala hidrolik. The
pompa sekarang prima dan siap untuk start-up.
Ketika mesin sedang berjalan, berputar pompa dan bahan bakar ditarik ke ujung piring dengan
pompa transfer. Melewati filter mesh dan dipaksa ke dalam kepala hidrolik
dan akhir piring. Ketika pompa pemindahan membangun tekanan, memaksa piston ke atas
terhadap semi mengatur (Gambar 5-65, View A). Ketika tekanan yang benar
tercapai, piston mengungkap port mengatur. Ini melewati sejumlah kecil bahan bakar
kembali ke sisi inlet dari pompa transfer ke menjaga tekanan bahan bakar pada tingkat yang diinginkan,
(Gambar 5-65, View B).
Tekanan pompa transfer dapat disesuaikan dalam satu dari dua cara. Pada beberapa pompa,
panduan semi diganti dengan salah satu ukuran yang berbeda. Hal ini akan mengubah tekanan bahan bakar dengan
mengubah jumlah musim semi mengatur dapat dikompresi. Model-model lain yang
dilengkapi dengan perangkat penyesuaian yang dapat diatur menggunakan alat khusus ketika pompa
berjalan pada bangku uji.
Pengisian Cycle. Sebagai rotor berputar, dua bagian inlet menyelaraskan dengan pengisian
pelabuhan di anulus. Bahan bakar di bawah tekanan dari pompa pemindahan dan dikendalikan oleh
katup metering mengalir ke ruang pompa, memaksa piston terpisah.
The piston bergerak ke luar jarak sebanding dengan jumlah bahan bakar yang dibutuhkan untuk
injeksi pada stroke berikut. Jika sejumlah kecil bahan bakar mengakui ke memompa
ruang, piston bergerak keluar jarak pendek. Pengiriman bahan bakar maksimum dibatasi oleh
pegas daun atau mata air yang menghubungi tepi roller sepatu.
Selama fase pengisian injeksi, bagian-bagian inlet miring pada rotor berada dalam
keselarasan dengan port di anulus pengisian. Port rotor debit tidak dalam
keselarasan dengan outlet kepala, seperti yang ditunjukkan pada Gambar 5-66. Rol juga off dari
lobus cincin cam.
Gambar 5-65 - Tekanan mengatur operasi katup.
NAVEDTRA 14050A 5-68
Pengosongan Cycle. Sebagai rotor
terus berputar, seperti yang ditunjukkan
pada Gambar 5-67, inlet
bagian bergerak keluar dari keselarasan
dengan port pengisian. The
pelabuhan rotor debit terbuka untuk
salah satu outlet kepala. The
rol kemudian menghubungi cam
lobus, dan injeksi dimulai.
rotasi lanjut dari motor
bergerak rol up landai,
mendorong piston ke dalam.
Selama pukulan ini, bahan bakar
terjebak antara piston
mengalir melalui aksial rotor
bagian dan debit port
yang garis injeksi. Pengiriman ke
garis injeksi terus sampai
rol bergerak melewati terdalam
titik pada lobus cam dan mulai
bergerak ke luar. Tekanan
di bagian aksial kemudian
berkurang, sehingga nozzle untuk
menutup dan mengakhiri injeksi.
Pengiriman Valve Operasi. Pada
beberapa pompa distributor,
katup pengiriman individu
(kadang-kadang disebut tekanan
katup) yang dipasang di
gerai kepala hidrolik untuk setiap
silinder. Dalam model pompa lainnya,
seperti Stanadyne ini, satu
katup pengiriman dipasang di lubang
di tengah distributor
rotor melayani semua lini injeksi.
Katup pengiriman atau katup
menjaga garis penuh bahan bakar sehingga
muatan penuh bahan bakar dapat
disuntikkan pada siklus berikutnya untuk itu
Selain itu, katup pengiriman
cepat menurun sejalan injeksi
tekanan lebih rendah dari nozzle
tekanan penutupan. Hal ini memungkinkan
nozzle untuk snap menutup dengan cepat
tanpa nozzle menetes atau
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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