But Frey has not felt bet­ter ob­vi­ously, he fought the soul frag­men terjemahan - But Frey has not felt bet­ter ob­vi­ously, he fought the soul frag­men Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

But Frey has not felt bet­ter ob­vi

But Frey has not felt bet­ter ob­vi­ously, he fought the soul frag­ment the soul to fuse with last Xiang Yu, this feel­ing looked like from his each pore and blood ves­sel the soul find­ing time gen­er­ally, the daunt­less man was bun­dled by the Jin­long mus­cle there, can only bear this pain, gained ground to be mis­er­ably howl­ing, made the guard camp sol­dier who the dis­tant place re­turned alive by luck dumb­founded: „Was mar­shal mar­shal killed quickly? Damn, this crowd of Tian Ling Em­pire scoundrel, Frost this beau­ti­ful devil, sim­ply scoundrel”
The voice has not fallen, air­borne one group of roar­ing flame fall, is a spit­ting rest of pro­ces­sion of lanterns, will say in­stan­ta­neously the per­son of Frost ma­li­cious re­marks spit­ting.
Ac­tu­ally in so­ci­ety's mat­ter is this, law of the jun­gle, if Frey needs the soul frag­ment, but the strength com­pared with us, is I who that per­haps suf­fered hard­ship, when should get rid got rid, when fac­ing pow­er­ful enemy cul­ti­vated the be­hav­ior not to need to be stodgy, oth­er­wise was spir­it­less, more­over fi­nally cher­ished ha­tred cer­tainly was a spir­it­less side.
In Frey's mis­er­able howl­ing sound, the dis­tant place bat­tle drum sound is thun­der­ous, Xia Huo­jun the heavy cav­alry and long unit of armed sol­diers had over­run, which how­ever the heavy cav­alry is the match of big dragon, the blue radish leads the dra­goon to launch the at­tack, dragon rests burn red the cav­alry sol­dier mail-ar­mor and hel­met in ground, under the low al­ti­tude div­ing flight, Long Zhao rips the frag­ment with horse the heavy cav­alry reck­lessly, even some big dragon di­rect give to swal­low down the half warhorse, eats food in the at­tack while con­ve­nient.
The big dragon, the book is demon dragon, not hav­ing the jus­tice may say, per­haps, they are more like one type dom­i­nate the wild an­i­mals above all species, there­fore does not need to look at sa­credly the big dragon, they will eat the human.
Again shortly af­ter­ward, was the NPC army, the dis­tant place also pre­sented the form of player in­ces­santly, one of them we were the un­der­stand­ing, the demon moun­tain, 199 lev­els of knights, Level was the same to me, but equip­ment should be in­fe­rior to me, after all I wear non- rank armor cov­er­alls of one set of two star mag­i­cal in­stru­ments now, Shan Tiao the words, the demon moun­tain am not my match.
„Was one's turn us to get up, pro­tected Frost!” Lin Wan Er from the sky rides Lit­tle Bai to say with a smile.
Ar­gy­rosaurus Lit­tle Bai as if also to cater to the words of beau­ti­ful woman mas­ter, dives di­rectly, a dragon rest falls when the crowd of ham­mer of trade union player god of thun­der, Lin Wan Er is urged that the sil­ver dragon con­tin­ued to drop, was about 10 yards at­tack range im­me­di­ately the dag­ger wields, has cre­ated the air/Qi glow lethal­ity, con­sec­u­tively for three times at­tacked, the edges of var­i­ous god heavy cav­alry of one -and-a-half crowds of blood as­sas­si­nat­ing, this time Lin Wan Er have not needed to weigh with the as­sas­sin, armor of god made her skin Ar­mour de­fen­sive power turn time, the de­fen­sive power was not in­fe­rior in the top rides the war is a player, in ad­di­tion the as­sas­sin was in sole pos­ses­sion. At­tacks fast and bro­ken against abil­ity, this at­tack out­put ab­solutely is not a lid.
„Mas­sacres Cang Tong!”
One crowd rides the war is the player spheres, day­break, im­pe­r­ial carte and tierce and other skills at­tacks by the sword air/Qi, Lin Wan Er sud­denly holds up the tap­ping um­brella, „whish” one rides under the dragon ef­fect, the iron um­brella turned into a giant round shield to keep off in Lit­tle Bai front, counter-bal­anced the in­nu­mer­able in­juries, the peo­ple of demon moun­tain has been shocked, this which any as­sas­sin, com­pletely was the close com­bat in­vin­ci­ble dragon knight!
Does not wait for them to awaken, „brush­ing” sil­ver cre
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
But Frey has not felt bet­ter ob­vi­ously, he fought the soul frag­ment the soul to fuse with last Xiang Yu, this feel­ing looked like from his each pore and blood ves­sel the soul find­ing time gen­er­ally, the daunt­less man was bun­dled by the Jin­long mus­cle there, can only bear this pain, gained ground to be mis­er­ably howl­ing, made the guard camp sol­dier who the dis­tant place re­turned alive by luck dumb­founded: „Was mar­shal mar­shal killed quickly? Damn, this crowd of Tian Ling Em­pire scoundrel, Frost this beau­ti­ful devil, sim­ply scoundrel”The voice has not fallen, air­borne one group of roar­ing flame fall, is a spit­ting rest of pro­ces­sion of lanterns, will say in­stan­ta­neously the per­son of Frost ma­li­cious re­marks spit­ting.Ac­tu­ally in so­ci­ety's mat­ter is this, law of the jun­gle, if Frey needs the soul frag­ment, but the strength com­pared with us, is I who that per­haps suf­fered hard­ship, when should get rid got rid, when fac­ing pow­er­ful enemy cul­ti­vated the be­hav­ior not to need to be stodgy, oth­er­wise was spir­it­less, more­over fi­nally cher­ished ha­tred cer­tainly was a spir­it­less side.In Frey's mis­er­able howl­ing sound, the dis­tant place bat­tle drum sound is thun­der­ous, Xia Huo­jun the heavy cav­alry and long unit of armed sol­diers had over­run, which how­ever the heavy cav­alry is the match of big dragon, the blue radish leads the dra­goon to launch the at­tack, dragon rests burn red the cav­alry sol­dier mail-ar­mor and hel­met in ground, under the low al­ti­tude div­ing flight, Long Zhao rips the frag­ment with horse the heavy cav­alry reck­lessly, even some big dragon di­rect give to swal­low down the half warhorse, eats food in the at­tack while con­ve­nient.The big dragon, the book is demon dragon, not hav­ing the jus­tice may say, per­haps, they are more like one type dom­i­nate the wild an­i­mals above all species, there­fore does not need to look at sa­credly the big dragon, they will eat the human.Again shortly af­ter­ward, was the NPC army, the dis­tant place also pre­sented the form of player in­ces­santly, one of them we were the un­der­stand­ing, the demon moun­tain, 199 lev­els of knights, Level was the same to me, but equip­ment should be in­fe­rior to me, after all I wear non- rank armor cov­er­alls of one set of two star mag­i­cal in­stru­ments now, Shan Tiao the words, the demon moun­tain am not my match.„Was one's turn us to get up, pro­tected Frost!” Lin Wan Er from the sky rides Lit­tle Bai to say with a smile.„Roar!”
Ar­gy­rosaurus Lit­tle Bai as if also to cater to the words of beau­ti­ful woman mas­ter, dives di­rectly, a dragon rest falls when the crowd of ham­mer of trade union player god of thun­der, Lin Wan Er is urged that the sil­ver dragon con­tin­ued to drop, was about 10 yards at­tack range im­me­di­ately the dag­ger wields, has cre­ated the air/Qi glow lethal­ity, con­sec­u­tively for three times at­tacked, the edges of var­i­ous god heavy cav­alry of one -and-a-half crowds of blood as­sas­si­nat­ing, this time Lin Wan Er have not needed to weigh with the as­sas­sin, armor of god made her skin Ar­mour de­fen­sive power turn time, the de­fen­sive power was not in­fe­rior in the top rides the war is a player, in ad­di­tion the as­sas­sin was in sole pos­ses­sion. At­tacks fast and bro­ken against abil­ity, this at­tack out­put ab­solutely is not a lid.
„Mas­sacres Cang Tong!”
One crowd rides the war is the player spheres, day­break, im­pe­r­ial carte and tierce and other skills at­tacks by the sword air/Qi, Lin Wan Er sud­denly holds up the tap­ping um­brella, „whish” one rides under the dragon ef­fect, the iron um­brella turned into a giant round shield to keep off in Lit­tle Bai front, counter-bal­anced the in­nu­mer­able in­juries, the peo­ple of demon moun­tain has been shocked, this which any as­sas­sin, com­pletely was the close com­bat in­vin­ci­ble dragon knight!
Does not wait for them to awaken, „brush­ing” sil­ver cre
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Tapi Frey belum merasa lebih baik jelas, ia berjuang jiwa fragmen jiwa menyatu dengan lalu Xiang Yu, perasaan ini tampak seperti dari-Nya setiap kapal pori dan darah jiwa menemukan waktu umumnya, pria gigih dibundel dengan otot Jinlong sana, hanya bisa menahan rasa sakit ini, menguat untuk total melolong, membuat tentara penjaga kamp yang tempat yang jauh kembali hidup dengan keberuntungan tercengang: "Apakah marshal marshal tewas cepat? Sial, kerumunan ini Tian Ling Empire bajingan, Frost iblis yang indah ini, hanya bajingan "
Suara itu tidak jatuh, udara satu kelompok menderu api jatuh, adalah sisa meludah prosesi lentera, akan mengatakan seketika orang dari Frost komentar berbahaya meludah.
​​Sebenarnya dalam hal masyarakat adalah ini, hukum rimba, jika Frey perlu fragmen jiwa, namun kekuatan dibandingkan dengan kami, adalah aku yang yang kesulitan mungkin menderita, ketika harus menyingkirkan menyingkirkan, ketika menghadapi musuh yang kuat dibudidayakan perilaku tidak perlu kolot, sebaliknya adalah spiritless, apalagi akhirnya dihargai kebencian pasti sisi bergairah.
dalam suara melolong menyedihkan Frey, tempat yang jauh pertempuran gendang suara gemuruh, Xia Huojun kavaleri berat dan satuan panjang tentara bersenjata telah dibanjiri, yang namun kavaleri berat adalah pertandingan naga besar, lobak biru mengarah dragoon untuk meluncurkan serangan, sisanya naga membakar merah kavaleri tentara surat-armor dan helm di tanah, di bawah penerbangan ketinggian rendah menyelam, panjang Zhao robekan fragmen dengan kuda kavaleri berat sembarangan, bahkan beberapa besar naga memberi langsung menelan turun setengah kuda perang, makan makanan dalam serangan sementara nyaman.
naga besar, buku ini naga setan, tidak memiliki keadilan mungkin mengatakan, mungkin, mereka lebih seperti satu jenis mendominasi binatang liar di atas semua spesies, karena itu tidak perlu melihat sacredly naga besar, mereka akan makan manusia.
sekali lagi tak lama kemudian, itu tentara NPC, tempat yang jauh juga disajikan bentuk pemain terus-menerus, salah satu dari mereka kami pemahaman, gunung setan, 199 tingkat ksatria, tingkat adalah sama dengan saya, tetapi peralatan harus kalah dengan saya, setelah semua saya pakai peringkat non baju zirah dari satu set dua instrumen magis bintang sekarang, shan Tiao kata-kata, gunung setan saya tidak cocok saya.
"Apakah seseorang mengubah kita untuk bangun, dilindungi Frost!" Lin Wan Er dari langit naik sedikit Bai mengatakan dengan senyum.
Argyrosaurus kecil Bai seakan juga untuk memenuhi kata-kata master wanita cantik, menyelam langsung, istirahat naga jatuh ketika kerumunan palu pemain serikat buruh dewa guntur, Lin Wan Er didesak bahwa naga perak terus turun, sekitar 10 kilometer jangkauan serangan segera belati wields, telah menciptakan udara / Qi cahaya mematikan, berturut-turut selama tiga kali diserang, tepi berbagai dewa kavaleri berat satu -dan-a-setengah kerumunan Membunuh darah, saat ini Lin Wan Er belum diperlukan untuk menimbang dengan pembunuh, armor dewa membuatnya Armour kulit waktu defensif daya gilirannya, kekuatan pertahanan itu tidak kalah di atas wahana perang adalah pemain, selain pembunuh itu dalam kepemilikan tunggal. Serangan cepat dan rusak terhadap kemampuan, keluaran serangan ini benar-benar tidak tutup.
"Pembantaian Cang Tong!"
Satu orang naik perang adalah bola player, fajar, carte kekaisaran dan Tierce dan serangan keterampilan lainnya dengan pedang udara / Qi, Lin wan Er tiba-tiba memegang payung penyadapan, "whish" salah satu wahana di bawah pengaruh naga, payung besi berubah menjadi perisai bulat raksasa untuk menjaga off di Little Bai depan, kontra-seimbang luka yang tak terhitung banyaknya, orang-orang dari setan gunung telah kaget, ini yang setiap pembunuh, benar-benar merupakan pertempuran jarak dekat tak terkalahkan dragon knight!
tidak menunggu mereka untuk membangunkan, "menyikat" CRE perak
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