The armed forces place, the can­dle in meet­ing hall is shin­ing, I li terjemahan - The armed forces place, the can­dle in meet­ing hall is shin­ing, I li Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

The armed forces place, the can­dle

The armed forces place, the can­dle in meet­ing hall is shin­ing, I lifted the cur­tain to walk, dis­cov­ered Han Yuan, Xiao Li, Song Fu­jiang and other group of mil­i­tary of­fi­cers also.
In South Ko­rean deep pool is hold­ing Wang Qi, said with a smile ex­cit­edly: „This is the trea­sure that Locker Great be­stows! Wang Qi, this is the glory of king, has not thought that our palace guards will ob­tain this great honor un­ex­pect­edly!”
Xiao Li looks to me, he is not only a brave of­fi­cer, is a re­source­ful gen­eral, must be short of a fierce­ness com­pared with the South Ko­rean deep pool, are many a wis­dom, showed a faint smile say­ing: „Com­mands, hasn't your majesty pressed you?”
I shake the head smile: „No, how can?”
„Your majesty he” Xiao Li low­ers the sound, said: „Hasn't made you give loy­alty to him?”
I am star­tled slightly: „How do you know?”
Smil­ing of Xiao Li pon­ders: „Does the tech­nique of king so, like this have the se­nior gen­eral of out­stand­ing abil­ity and grand vi­sion like the Sir gen­er­ally, the king can not make you give loy­alty to it? Com­mands the Sir, you have com­plied”
I shake the head.
„Why?” Xiao Li is stunned: „You did not fear that brings in fatal dis­as­ter?”
I smile: „Fears any­thing, I al­ways liked being used to freely, did not like being prob­a­ble to be dead set on to whom, only if were the woman who liked, said again that I not com­pletely was the per­son of this world, with­out that many im­ped­ing, there­fore did not care about that many, the mat­ter that I want to do trained to be pos­si­ble the palace guard fully ver­ti­cally and hor­i­zon­tally the world mighty army, other was unim­por­tant.”
Xiao Li nods: „End will fol­low the Sir surely, tena­cious!”
„Good! Today the palace guard buckle did many peo­ple, have the new sup­ple­ment?”
Xiao Li looked at out­side the tent, in the vi­sion is pass­ing a chill in the air, said: „The palace guard pre­sent es­tab­lish­ment of is about the ap­pear­ance of 1 W per­son, after the dragon grave fights, your majesty then from flame Long Jun­tuan, the leg­endary Em­peror Yu reg­i­ment re­spec­tively took away 5000 peo­ple of sub­stan­tial palace guards, mak­ing us of­fi­cially the reg­u­lar reg­i­ment that the 2 W per­son es­tab­lishes, but this also means that our palace guards will have 50% will of the peo­ple not in the Sir your here.”
My heart some­what can­not help but ag­i­tated, said: „Why does not make me re­cruit sol­diers, this clearly keeps in bal­ance us with these peo­ple”
The South Ko­rean deep pool said: „Gen­eral should not be angry, is angry also no helps, we can only walk one step to look at one.”
My ac­tu­ally mo­ment calm, gen­tly a nod: „Um.”
At pre­sent ex­plodes the vot­ing num­ber of week to sat­isfy to erupt 2 chap­ters , to con­tinue to re­fuel ~~
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
The armed forces place, the can­dle in meet­ing hall is shin­ing, I lifted the cur­tain to walk, dis­cov­ered Han Yuan, Xiao Li, Song Fu­jiang and other group of mil­i­tary of­fi­cers also.In South Ko­rean deep pool is hold­ing Wang Qi, said with a smile ex­cit­edly: „This is the trea­sure that Locker Great be­stows! Wang Qi, this is the glory of king, has not thought that our palace guards will ob­tain this great honor un­ex­pect­edly!”Xiao Li looks to me, he is not only a brave of­fi­cer, is a re­source­ful gen­eral, must be short of a fierce­ness com­pared with the South Ko­rean deep pool, are many a wis­dom, showed a faint smile say­ing: „Com­mands, hasn't your majesty pressed you?”I shake the head smile: „No, how can?”„Your majesty he” Xiao Li low­ers the sound, said: „Hasn't made you give loy­alty to him?”I am star­tled slightly: „How do you know?”Smil­ing of Xiao Li pon­ders: „Does the tech­nique of king so, like this have the se­nior gen­eral of out­stand­ing abil­ity and grand vi­sion like the Sir gen­er­ally, the king can not make you give loy­alty to it? Com­mands the Sir, you have com­plied”I shake the head.„Why?” Xiao Li is stunned: „You did not fear that brings in fatal dis­as­ter?”I smile: „Fears any­thing, I al­ways liked being used to freely, did not like being prob­a­ble to be dead set on to whom, only if were the woman who liked, said again that I not com­pletely was the per­son of this world, with­out that many im­ped­ing, there­fore did not care about that many, the mat­ter that I want to do trained to be pos­si­ble the palace guard fully ver­ti­cally and hor­i­zon­tally the world mighty army, other was unim­por­tant.”Xiao Li nods: „End will fol­low the Sir surely, tena­cious!”„Good! Today the palace guard buckle did many peo­ple, have the new sup­ple­ment?”„Has.”Xiao Li looked at out­side the tent, in the vi­sion is pass­ing a chill in the air, said: „The palace guard pre­sent es­tab­lish­ment of is about the ap­pear­ance of 1 W per­son, after the dragon grave fights, your majesty then from flame Long Jun­tuan, the leg­endary Em­peror Yu reg­i­ment re­spec­tively took away 5000 peo­ple of sub­stan­tial palace guards, mak­ing us of­fi­cially the reg­u­lar reg­i­ment that the 2 W per­son es­tab­lishes, but this also means that our palace guards will have 50% will of the peo­ple not in the Sir your here.”My heart some­what can­not help but ag­i­tated, said: „Why does not make me re­cruit sol­diers, this clearly keeps in bal­ance us with these peo­ple”The South Ko­rean deep pool said: „Gen­eral should not be angry, is angry also no helps, we can only walk one step to look at one.”My ac­tu­ally mo­ment calm, gen­tly a nod: „Um.”At pre­sent ex­plodes the vot­ing num­ber of week to sat­isfy to erupt 2 chap­ters , to con­tinue to re­fuel ~~
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Tempat angkatan bersenjata, lilin di aula pertemuan bersinar, aku mengangkat tirai untuk berjalan, menemukan Han Yuan, Xiao Li, Lagu Fujiang dan kelompok lain dari perwira militer juga.
Di dalam kolam Korea Selatan memegang Wang Qi, mengatakan dengan tersenyum penuh semangat: "ini adalah harta yang melimpahkan Locker besar! Wang Qi, ini adalah kemuliaan raja, tidak berpikir bahwa penjaga istana kami akan mendapatkan kehormatan besar ini tiba-tiba! "
Xiao Li tampak bagi saya, dia bukan hanya seorang perwira pemberani, adalah umum akal, harus singkat dari keganasan suatu dibandingkan dengan kolam renang dalam Korea Selatan, banyak kebijaksanaan, menunjukkan senyum samar mengatakan: "? Perintah, belum Mulia menekan Anda"
saya mengguncang senyum kepala: "? tidak, bagaimana bisa"
"yang Mulia dia" Xiao Li menurunkan suara, mengatakan: "Apakah tidak membuat Anda memberikan loyalitas kepadanya?"
saya terkejut sedikit: "? Bagaimana Anda tahu"
Tersenyum dari Xiao Li merenungkan: "Apakah teknik raja jadi, seperti ini memiliki senior umum kemampuan luar biasa dan visi besar seperti Sir umumnya, raja tidak bisa membuat Anda memberikan loyalitas untuk itu? Perintah Sir, Anda telah memenuhi "
Aku menggelengkan kepala.
" Mengapa "Xiao Li tertegun:"? Kau tidak takut yang membawa bencana fatal "?
Aku tersenyum:" Ketakutan apa-apa, saya selalu menyukai digunakan untuk bebas, melakukan tidak seperti yang mungkin menjadi mati set pada kepada siapa, hanya jika adalah wanita yang menyukai, mengatakan lagi bahwa saya tidak sepenuhnya adalah orang dari dunia ini, tanpa banyak penghambat, karena itu tidak peduli bahwa banyak, hal ini yang saya . ingin untuk melakukan dilatih menjadi mungkin pengawal istana secara vertikal dan horizontal tentara perkasa dunia, lainnya tidak penting "
Xiao Li mengangguk:" End akan mengikuti Sir pasti, ulet "!
" Baik! ? Hari ini pengawal istana gesper tidak banyak orang, memiliki suplemen baru "
". Memiliki "
Xiao Li melihat di luar tenda, dalam visi lewat dingin di udara, berkata:" Penjaga Istana Pembentukan sekarang adalah tentang penampilan 1 W orang, setelah naga perkelahian kubur, yang Mulia kemudian dari api panjang Juntuan, legendaris Kaisar Yu resimen masing-masing mengambil 5000 orang dari penjaga istana yang besar, membuat kita resmi resimen biasa bahwa 2 W orang menetapkan, tapi ini juga berarti bahwa penjaga istana kami akan memiliki 50% kehendak rakyat tidak di Sir Anda di sini ".
hati saya agak tidak bisa tidak gelisah, mengatakan:" Mengapa tidak membuat saya merekrut tentara, ini jelas membuat keseimbangan kita dengan orang-orang ini "
kolam renang yang mendalam Korea Selatan mengatakan:" General tidak boleh marah, marah juga tidak membantu, kita hanya bisa berjalan satu langkah untuk melihat salah satu ".
saya benar-benar saat yang tenang, lembut mengangguk:". Um "
saat ini meledak tersebut voting jumlah minggu untuk memenuhi meletus 2 bab, untuk terus mengisi bahan bakar ~~
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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