tasks. According to Baggerly and Parker, “child-centered group play th terjemahan - tasks. According to Baggerly and Parker, “child-centered group play th Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

tasks. According to Baggerly and Pa

tasks. According to Baggerly and Parker, “child-centered group play therapy is
an innovative strategy that fosters positive growth in African American boys’
racial cultural identity” (p. 394).
Applying the Person-Centered Approach
With Multicultural Populations
Rogers’s interests evolved from working with individuals, to groups, to communities,
and to world peace. During the last 15 years of his life, Rogers developed
a passion for addressing broader social issues, especially peace. He
sought ways to reduce psychological barriers that impinge on communication
between factions (see Kirschenbaum, 2009; Rogers, 1987c; Rogers & Malcolm,
In 1974, Rogers and some of his colleagues initiated a new form of personcentered
group known as the large community group. These groups, which began
at the Center for Studies of the Person in La Jolla, California, eventually
were offered in many communities and places around the world. These large
groups, whose size often reached 75 to 800 people, worked and lived together
for 2 to 3 weeks (Cain, 2002). Raskin (1986a) writes that these workshops were
designed to build community, to facilitate the members’ self-exploration, and
to resolve tensions between members representing diverse cultures. These
large community groups provided data for understanding how cross-cultural
and international differences can be resolved through the application of conditions
advocated by the person-centered approach. For more on large groups,
I recommend Lago and MacMillan (1999).
The person-centered approach, more than other models, has been applied
to bringing people of diverse cultures together for the purpose of developing
mutual understanding. One of Rogers’s hopes was that people from different
cultures would be able to listen to one another and fi nd the common ground
that unites them. In 1948 Rogers began developing a theory of reducing tension
among antagonistic groups, and he continued this work until his death in 1987.
Shortly before his death, Rogers conducted 4-day workshops with Soviet
psychologists, educators, and researchers. He maintained that these sessions
had demonstrated that the concerns expressed differed little from those felt
by a similar professional group in the United States. He found that a psychological
climate produced certain predictable results in the United States, Latin
America, European countries, and South Africa as well as Russia (Rogers,
As we’ve seen, the person-centered approach is grounded on the importance
of hearing the deeper messages that participants bring to a group. Empathy,
being present, and respecting the values of group participants are particularly
important attitudes and skills in groups with culturally diverse individuals.
These attitudes are not limited to any one cultural group but transcend culture.
Cain (2008, 2010) states that the core therapist conditions of empathy,
unconditional positive regard, and congruence are universal or near universal
and are likely to have a constructive impact on all clients. Thus, personcentered
therapy has much to offer a wide range of client populations. Cain
adds that although person-centered therapists are aware of diversity factors,
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
tugas-tugas. Menurut Baggerly dan Parker, "terapi kelompok anak bermain adalahstrategi inovatif yang menumbuhkan positif pertumbuhan di African American boys'identitas budaya rasial"(halaman 394).Menerapkan pendekatan yang berpusat pada orangDengan populasi multibudayaRogers kepentingan berevolusi dari bekerja dengan individu, kelompok, masyarakat,dan perdamaian dunia. Selama 15 tahun terakhir hidupnya, Rogers mengembangkangairah untuk menangani isu-isu sosial yang lebih luas, terutama perdamaian. Diamencari cara untuk mengurangi hambatan psikologis yang mencampuri komunikasiantara faksi (Lihat Kirschenbaum, 2009; Rogers, 1987c; Rogers & Malcolm,1987).Pada tahun 1974, Rogers dan beberapa rekan-rekannya memprakarsai bentuk baru personcenteredkelompok yang dikenal sebagai kelompok komunitas besar. Kelompok ini, yang dimulaidi pusat studi orang di La Jolla, California, akhirnyayang ditawarkan di banyak masyarakat dan tempat di seluruh dunia. Besarkelompok, yang ukurannya sering mencapai 75 sampai 800 orang, bekerja dan tinggal bersama-samaselama 2 sampai 3 minggu (kain, 2002). Raskin (1986a) menulis bahwa lokakarya ini adalahdirancang untuk membangun masyarakat, untuk memudahkan para anggota eksplorasi diri, danuntuk menyelesaikan ketegangan di antara anggota yang mewakili perbedaan budaya. Inikelompok-kelompok komunitas besar yang menyediakan data untuk memahami bagaimana Antarbudayadan perbedaan internasional dapat diselesaikan melalui penerapan kondisidianjurkan oleh pendekatan yang berpusat pada orang. Untuk lebih lanjut tentang kelompok-kelompok besar,Saya sarankan Lago dan MacMillan (1999).Pendekatan yang berpusat pada orang, lebih dari model-model lain, telah diterapkanuntuk membawa orang dari beragam budaya bersama-sama untuk mengembangkansaling pengertian. Salah satu harapan Rogers adalah bahwa orang-orang dari berbagaibudaya akan mampu mendengarkan satu sama lain dan menemukan kesamaanyang menyatukan mereka. Pada tahun 1948 Rogers mulai mengembangkan teori mengurangi keteganganantara kelompok-kelompok antagonis, dan ia melanjutkan pekerjaan ini sampai kematiannya pada tahun 1987.Tak lama sebelum kematiannya, Rogers dilakukan 4 hari lokakarya dengan Sovietpsikolog, pendidik, dan peneliti. Dia menyatakan bahwa sesi initelah menunjukkan bahwa kekhawatiran berbeda sedikit dari orang-orang yang merasaoleh sekelompok profesional yang serupa di Amerika Serikat. Ia menemukan bahwa psikologisiklim menghasilkan hasil tertentu dapat diprediksi di Amerika Serikat, LatinAmerica, negara-negara Eropa, dan Afrika Selatan serta Rusia (Rogers,1987A).Seperti yang kita lihat, pendekatan yang berpusat pada orang didasarkan pada pentingnyamendengar pesan yang lebih dalam yang membawa peserta ke grup. Empati,hadir, dan menghormati nilai-nilai grup peserta adalah terutamapenting sikap dan keterampilan dalam kelompok dengan para individu yang beragam secara budaya.Sikap ini tidak terbatas pada kelompok budaya satu tetapi melampaui budaya.Kain (2008, 2010) menyatakan bahwa kondisi terapis inti empati,hal positif tanpa syarat, dan harmoni yang universal atau dekat universaldan cenderung berdampak konstruktif di semua klien. Dengan demikian, personcenteredTerapi memiliki banyak untuk menawarkan berbagai macam klien populasi. Kainmenambahkan bahwa walaupun orang-berpusat terapis menyadari faktor keragaman,
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
tasks. According to Baggerly and Parker, “child-centered group play therapy is
an innovative strategy that fosters positive growth in African American boys’
racial cultural identity” (p. 394).
Applying the Person-Centered Approach
With Multicultural Populations
Rogers’s interests evolved from working with individuals, to groups, to communities,
and to world peace. During the last 15 years of his life, Rogers developed
a passion for addressing broader social issues, especially peace. He
sought ways to reduce psychological barriers that impinge on communication
between factions (see Kirschenbaum, 2009; Rogers, 1987c; Rogers & Malcolm,
In 1974, Rogers and some of his colleagues initiated a new form of personcentered
group known as the large community group. These groups, which began
at the Center for Studies of the Person in La Jolla, California, eventually
were offered in many communities and places around the world. These large
groups, whose size often reached 75 to 800 people, worked and lived together
for 2 to 3 weeks (Cain, 2002). Raskin (1986a) writes that these workshops were
designed to build community, to facilitate the members’ self-exploration, and
to resolve tensions between members representing diverse cultures. These
large community groups provided data for understanding how cross-cultural
and international differences can be resolved through the application of conditions
advocated by the person-centered approach. For more on large groups,
I recommend Lago and MacMillan (1999).
The person-centered approach, more than other models, has been applied
to bringing people of diverse cultures together for the purpose of developing
mutual understanding. One of Rogers’s hopes was that people from different
cultures would be able to listen to one another and fi nd the common ground
that unites them. In 1948 Rogers began developing a theory of reducing tension
among antagonistic groups, and he continued this work until his death in 1987.
Shortly before his death, Rogers conducted 4-day workshops with Soviet
psychologists, educators, and researchers. He maintained that these sessions
had demonstrated that the concerns expressed differed little from those felt
by a similar professional group in the United States. He found that a psychological
climate produced certain predictable results in the United States, Latin
America, European countries, and South Africa as well as Russia (Rogers,
As we’ve seen, the person-centered approach is grounded on the importance
of hearing the deeper messages that participants bring to a group. Empathy,
being present, and respecting the values of group participants are particularly
important attitudes and skills in groups with culturally diverse individuals.
These attitudes are not limited to any one cultural group but transcend culture.
Cain (2008, 2010) states that the core therapist conditions of empathy,
unconditional positive regard, and congruence are universal or near universal
and are likely to have a constructive impact on all clients. Thus, personcentered
therapy has much to offer a wide range of client populations. Cain
adds that although person-centered therapists are aware of diversity factors,
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