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Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
major motivation for the establishment of Social Security was to provide ameans of income support for this unfortunate generation of the elderly.The basic operation of the program is straightforward. Workers pay a tax ontheir earnings, and the money from this tax is deposited into a trust fund thatis invested in government bonds. Checks written on this trust fund are paid tothose who enroll in the Social Security program, which is open to most peopleover age 62. Checks are paid until the recipient dies, and, if there is a survivingspouse, he or she receives a payment until his or her own death.Program DetailsThere are a variety of details on how the Social Security program operates inpractice. Descriptions of some of the most important details follow. Note thatall numbers and eligibility requirements described in this section reflect theSocial Security program in place in 2009.How Is Social Security Financed? Almost all workers in the United Statespay the Federal Insurance Contributions Act (FICA) tax on their earnings. Thistax is currently 6.2%. In addition, their employers (or the workers themselves, ifthey are self -employed) pay a 6.2% tax on these same earnings, for a total taxburden of 12.4%. This tax is levied only on the first $102,000 of earnings.5major motivation for the establishment of Social Security was to provide ameans of income support for this unfortunate generation of the elderly.The basic operation of the program is straightforward. Workers pay a tax ontheir earnings, and the money from this tax is deposited into a trust fund thatis invested in government bonds. Checks written on this trust fund are paid tothose who enroll in the Social Security program, which is open to most peopleover age 62. Checks are paid until the recipient dies, and, if there is a survivingspouse, he or she receives a payment until his or her own death.Program DetailsThere are a variety of details on how the Social Security program operates inpractice. Descriptions of some of the most important details follow. Note thatall numbers and eligibility requirements described in this section reflect theSocial Security program in place in 2009.How Is Social Security Financed? Almost all workers in the United Statespay the Federal Insurance Contributions Act (FICA) tax on their earnings. Thistax is currently 6.2%. In addition, their employers (or the workers themselves, ifthey are self -employed) pay a 6.2% tax on these same earnings, for a total taxburden of 12.4%. This tax is levied only on the first $102,000 of earnings.5Who Is Eligible to Receive Social Security? To be eligible to collect SocialSecurity benefits, a person must have worked and paid this payroll tax for 40 quartersover their lifetime (the equivalent of 10 years), and must be age 62 or older.How Are Social Security Benefits Calculated? When eligible, the SocialKeamanan pemohon menerima pembayaran anuitas, pembayaran yang berlangsung sampaikematian Penerima. Jumlah pembayaran anuitas ini adalah fungsi dari Penerimarata-rata pendapatan seumur hidup, dimana setiap bulan penghasilan diekspresikan dalamDollar hari ini oleh memompa nilai mereka untuk kenaikan tingkat upah sejakpenghasilan terjadi. Secara khusus, pemerintah rata-rata penghasilan seseorang atas35 orang tertinggi penghasilan tahun. Jika seseorang telah bekerja untuk kurang dari 35 tahun,mengatakan selama 30 tahun, formula hanya memperlakukan mereka hilang tahun sebagai tahun penghasilan nol,Jadi keuntungan akan didasarkan pada rata-rata 30 tahun pendapatan dan limatahun dari nol. Jika seseorang telah bekerja selama lebih dari 35 tahun, penghasilan terendahtahun yang dilempar keluar ketika komputasi rata-rata. Rata-rata 35 tahun ini nyatapenghasilan bulanan disebut pendapatan bulanan rata-rata diindeks, atau AIME.Mengapa memilih 35 tahun?Pilihan jangka waktu rata-rata 35 tahun oleh jaminan sosial mencerminkan perdagangan-dari dua pertimbangan. Pertama, individu seharusnya tidak dihukum selama bertahun-tahunBagian - waktu pendapatan pekerjaan atau sangat rendah. Jika Anda lulus dan mendapatkan besar
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