Duke Zhong of east­ern seat cen­ter has stood all of a sud­den, the co terjemahan - Duke Zhong of east­ern seat cen­ter has stood all of a sud­den, the co Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Duke Zhong of east­ern seat cen­ter

Duke Zhong of east­ern seat cen­ter has stood all of a sud­den, the com­plex­ion be­cause of shock­ing be­comes twists ex­tremely. Does not hes­i­tate to start the tech­nique of taboo re­gard­ing Yuan Que King, in his heart ap­proves of ac­tu­ally. Be­cause of as the Duke Zhong palace young prince, Yuan Que King, if de­feats, is equal to the rout of en­tire Duke Zhong palace, if can start the blood­line to ban the tech­nique to frus­trate the Yun Che thor­ough crush, al­though the weak three months of side ef­fects are se­ri­ous, but at least must com­pared with con­se­quence good many of being de­feated.
Yuan Que King that the Pro­found Strength vi­o­lent walks ac­tu­ally not the Yun Che crush, this has made him rest­less, but at this time, Yun Che strength aura ac­tu­ally sud­denly large scale rises sud­denly, makes his star­tled at the scene has al­most not spouted the blood.
Strength aura that sud­denly rises sud­denly heads on, mak­ing hot tem­pered the Yuan Que King breath stag­nate, spear po­ten­tial along with it one slow. Vig­or­ously to strike fac­ing Yuan Que King this, Yun Che no longer con­ser­v­a­tively re­sists, wel­comed di­rectly sud­denly, „Falling Moon Sink­ing Star ” pounded down ma­li­ciously.
The strength bom­bard­ment from Yun Che, was more tyran­ni­cal than it a mo­ment ago too much were too many, the Pro­found Strength storm that the Yuan Que King dual pis­tols curl up en­coun­ters ten thou­sand zhang (3.33 m) rough sea waves on such as thou­sand feet mighty waves, was sup­pressed and swal­lowed by the flash, tyran­ni­cal to the huge strength bom­bard­ment how let­ting him can­not be­lieve in his dual pis­tols, ar­rives at his body again.
In the bang sound, his both arms com­pletely passed out loudly all of a sud­den, the whole per­son's in rem­nant leaf on such as storm, has flown up­side down by far, pounds ma­li­ciously in the palace top of Demon Em­peror main hall, shiv­ers and ball along with fierce of en­tire main hall falls ma­li­ciously in the place, caused that the main hall trem­bles once more.
How­ever be­cause also he was pounded to the upper air, but does not fly hor­i­zon­tally, when body stag­na­tion, has not ac­tu­ally left the Arena range.
Yuan Que King is hold­ing the dual pis­tols, dis­tressed in­com­pa­ra­ble stand­ing up from the crushed stone, the whole body vi­tal­ity has seethed with ex­cite­ment likely the gen­eral con­fu­sion, grasps the both hands tigers mouth of spear com­pletely to crack, the blood drip­pings, under for­mi­da­ble guard Pro­found Strength, this sword he has not re­ceived the too heavy wound, the faith that but he creakied, had been routed di­rectly most prob­a­bly.
„Pur­ga­tory” under con­di­tion, Yun Che must con­tinue to bear the huge con­sump­tion and load, nat­u­rally can­not waste, even if the time of half rest, Yuan Que King just stood up, he then rapidly rushed, a sword pounds down.
The Yuan Que King whole body blue vein bal­loon­ing wants to crack, in the eye pupil glit­ters sud­denly the crazy omi­nous light, each piece of dragon scale large scale raises, the wind leaves the alarmed blood splash
„This king wants you dead!!”
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Duke Zhong Timur kursi pusat telah berdiri semua dari sudden, kulit karena mengejutkan liku menjadi sangat. Tidak ragu-ragu untuk memulai teknik tabu mengenai Yuan Que raja, hatinya menyetujui sebenarnya. Karena sebagai Adipati Zhong Istana Pangeran muda, Yuan Que raja, jika mengalahkan, sama dengan kekalahan dari seluruh Duke Zhong palace, jika dapat mulai garis untuk melarang teknik untuk menggagalkan Yun Che menyeluruh menghancurkan, meskipun tiga bulan lemah efek samping serius, tetapi setidaknya harus dibandingkan dengan konsekuensi yang baik banyak dikalahkan.Yuan Que raja bahwa kekuatan mendalam kekerasan berjalan benar-benar tidak menghancurkan Yun Che, ini telah membuatnya gelisah, tetapi saat ini, Yun Che kekuatan aura skala benar-benar tiba-tiba besar naik tiba-tiba, membuat nya terkejut pada adegan hampir tidak memiliki disemburkan darah.Aura kekuatan yang tiba-tiba naik tiba-tiba kepala, membuat panas marah raja Que Yuan napas stagnan, tombak potensi bersama dengan itu satu lambat. Keras untuk menyerang menghadapi Yuan Que raja ini, Yun Che tidak lagi konservatif menolak, menyambut langsung tiba-tiba, "Jatuh tenggelam bintang bulan" ditumbuk turun jahat.Bang!!The strength bom­bard­ment from Yun Che, was more tyran­ni­cal than it a mo­ment ago too much were too many, the Pro­found Strength storm that the Yuan Que King dual pis­tols curl up en­coun­ters ten thou­sand zhang (3.33 m) rough sea waves on such as thou­sand feet mighty waves, was sup­pressed and swal­lowed by the flash, tyran­ni­cal to the huge strength bom­bard­ment how let­ting him can­not be­lieve in his dual pis­tols, ar­rives at his body again.In the bang sound, his both arms com­pletely passed out loudly all of a sud­den, the whole per­son's in rem­nant leaf on such as storm, has flown up­side down by far, pounds ma­li­ciously in the palace top of Demon Em­peror main hall, shiv­ers and ball along with fierce of en­tire main hall falls ma­li­ciously in the place, caused that the main hall trem­bles once more.How­ever be­cause also he was pounded to the upper air, but does not fly hor­i­zon­tally, when body stag­na­tion, has not ac­tu­ally left the Arena range.Yuan Que King is hold­ing the dual pis­tols, dis­tressed in­com­pa­ra­ble stand­ing up from the crushed stone, the whole body vi­tal­ity has seethed with ex­cite­ment likely the gen­eral con­fu­sion, grasps the both hands tigers mouth of spear com­pletely to crack, the blood drip­pings, under for­mi­da­ble guard Pro­found Strength, this sword he has not re­ceived the too heavy wound, the faith that but he creakied, had been routed di­rectly most prob­a­bly."Purgatory" di bawah kondisi, Yun Che harus terus menanggung besar konsumsi dan beban, tentu tidak bisa buang, bahkan jika waktu setengah istirahat, Yuan Que raja hanya berdiri, ia kemudian dengan cepat bergegas, Pound pedang turun.Vena seluruh tubuh biru Yuan Que raja balon ingin retak, di mata murid gemerlap tiba-tiba cahaya menyenangkan gila, setiap bagian dari Naga skala skala besar menimbulkan, angin daun percikan darah khawatir"Raja ini ingin Anda mati!"
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