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Process Skills Which Are Important inthe Process of Teaching and Studying ScienceThere are many process skills encompassed in theconduct of scientific inquiry. It is a complicated business,and it is not appropriate to teach all process skills at once orto teach all of them at all age levels of students.The concept of the spiral curriculum provides anappropriate guide for the teaching and studying of processskills in science. Appropriate selections of science processskills can be taught and studied in the early years of primaryschool. The young students can be given the opportunity toto observe, handle things and explore the environment. Thebasic learning which pupils achieve from these initialexperiences can be used as a basis for building a moreextensive understanding of science process skills in the lateryears of primary school and on into secondary school.Within Nigerian schools, one of the major deficiencieswhich sadly arises out of the teaching and studying ofscience is that students develop very limited understandingof scientific concepts. For example, they can write adefinition for osmosis, but not associate any meaning withInternational Journal of Educology, 2002, Vol 16, No 115the definition. They can say and write the words, “An acidis a proton donor,” but they attach no meaning to the words.For the teaching and studying of science to be ofsubstantial value, the students must be able to applyscientific concepts, procedures and attitudes to their widerlife. The value of learning science is greatly enhanced whenthe students are lead into an extensive understanding and apractical conception of how scientific concepts andprinciples apply to themselves personally, to their families,their communities and their nation. A restricted and narrowunderstanding of science without expertise in the associatedscientific skills is an understanding with very limited value.Lamentably, in Nigerian schools, sometimes the teacheris the major impediment to the process of developingscientific skills. Teachers sometimes simply lack expertisein the science process skills themselves because ofinadequate and inappropriate training. In their preparationto become professional school teachers, their guided studiesof science have been deficient. Also, their guided studies ofthe educology of science education, i.e. knowledge aboutthe teaching and studying of science, have been inadequate.Among the science process skills which should beengendered in the teaching and studying of science are thoseof measuring, observing, classifying, inferring, predicting,communicating, interpreting data, making operationaldefinitions, posing questions, hypothesizing, experimentingand formulating models. School teachers need to be expertin these processes, and they also need to be expert in theteaching of these processes.From range of process skills associated with scientificinquiry, some of the skills can be rated as being the verybasic ones. Students should be introduced to these skillsearly in their school experience because so much of theirInternational Journal of Educology, 2002, Vol 16, No 116success in subsequent guided studies requires a soundunderstanding and appropriate use of these skills. Thisbasic set includes the skills of observing, measuring,classifying, inferring and communicating.
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