Wiped the tea very small milk-white bosom, said self-con­fi­dently: „T terjemahan - Wiped the tea very small milk-white bosom, said self-con­fi­dently: „T Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Wiped the tea very small milk-white

Wiped the tea very small milk-white bosom, said self-con­fi­dently: „This no­bil­ity, my Zha Guo, this name had not been reg­is­tered, more­over from men's cloth­ing brand Z. Droid of Italy, we use this brand, with the in­ter­na­tional stan­dard, then the com­posed de­sign of Wan Er and Dong Cheng as far as pos­si­ble uses the el­e­ments of some Ital­ian men's cloth­ing, makes the in­ter­na­tional Fan's men's cloth­ing, this had the op­por­tu­nity doing this brand in a big way.”
Lin Wan Er nods joy­fully: „Um!”
Wipes the tea to look to me: „Does Boss, you think?”
„Com­pared with the small wolf and old K their rea­son­able, looked to wipe the tea in any case is the girl of study­ing.”
The fox was not con­vinced said: „I have also stud­ied.”
Dong Cheng month: „You are not a girl.”
Fox: „”
There­fore, the rapid take brand as­signs, I di­rectly wip­ing the tea have trans­ferred ac­counts 2500 W with the cell phone bank, as fund that I in­fuse, when wiped the tea and Song Han they to make money from the game to con­tinue to pour into again, this was quite good, every­body made to­gether this brand, more­over we were [Zhan Long] this team, co­op­er­ated in­ti­mately.
After cargo top car­riage, we de­pend upon our human spirit to come the strength to go against this brand again, this no­bil­ity men's cloth­ing, was doomed to be­come the brand that over 20 gen­tle­men fa­vored. Ac­tu­ally main must make money, we can­not play play for a life­time, the es­pe­cially small wolf, wipes the tea they, now they are dur­ing ages 20-25 -year-old, by the re­ac­tion rate and tac­ti­cal change abil­ity is golden Cooldown, now they can haunch a stretch of world in the game, but the later re­ac­tion ca­pac­ity de­gen­er­ates, that dif­fi­cultly said that there­fore the later need makes money with the in­tel­li­gence quo­tient, but is not the speed.
I do not need to worry that ac­tu­ally own fu­ture, a strength of Yang Yanji pow­er­house will be any coun­try will re­gard as im­por­tant, so long as I will want, the gov­ern­ment def­i­nitely will pro­vide the fund to me, be­cause my func­tion was too big, when will erase breeds to think of the human main­tains is qui­etly, will not de­stroy too many com­modi­ties, will not cre­ate to the so­ci­ety too in a big way af­fects, this will be my value.
In the fu­ture, as my prac­tice is get­ting deeper and deeper, per­haps a per­son can be equal to an army, this does not ex­ag­ger­ate ab­solutely, more­over is army that can catch off guard.
After the brand has de­cided that every­body's heart has also de­cided that today Song Han, Ran Min, fox is ob­vi­ously happy, with I rounds propos­ing a toast, has drunk nearly 9 o'clock the time, has been drunk does not know one were sur­named any­thing, the table has chocked up the empty jar, more­over was the white liquors, today has re­ally spelled, I was 70% am drunk, the head was dizzy, sup­ported the fra­grant shoul­der of Wan Er to go down­stairs.
Wipes the tea and face froth two MM to de­liver them to go back, down­stairs have a busi­ness au­to­mo­bile.
But our gen­er­a­tions har­nessed also came, was an uncle, must open my A4 to de­liver us to go back.
„Yo, drank was older?” This uncle North­east ac­cent: „Does this young fel­low sit to front?”
Wan Er said: „No, he sits the back row, drank too.”
„That line, care­ful.”
Wan Er boards first, then Dong Cheng holds me to board, in the turn­ing out back row place sat three peo­ple, Dong Cheng has sat down next to me, draws in the ve­hi­cle door, said: „Dri­ver, dri­ves!”
For har­ness­ing the uncle en­vied envy to hate at that time, after looks in the mir­ror to visit us, fi­nally my head is murky, a left hand hugs Wan Er, the right hand is ac­tu­ally hold­ing in the arms the fra­grant shoul­der of Dong Cheng, the Dong Cheng month es­ti­mate in dark crisp.
By the chair, I ex­hales the one breath leisurely, sud­denly said the sen­tence: „The se­cret mur­derer who Dong Cheng, Wang Zecheng truly kills Har­rai, this time
Dari: -
Ke: -
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Wiped the tea very small milk-white bosom, said self-con­fi­dently: „This no­bil­ity, my Zha Guo, this name had not been reg­is­tered, more­over from men's cloth­ing brand Z. Droid of Italy, we use this brand, with the in­ter­na­tional stan­dard, then the com­posed de­sign of Wan Er and Dong Cheng as far as pos­si­ble uses the el­e­ments of some Ital­ian men's cloth­ing, makes the in­ter­na­tional Fan's men's cloth­ing, this had the op­por­tu­nity doing this brand in a big way.”Lin Wan Er nods joy­fully: „Um!”Wipes the tea to look to me: „Does Boss, you think?”„Com­pared with the small wolf and old K their rea­son­able, looked to wipe the tea in any case is the girl of study­ing.”The fox was not con­vinced said: „I have also stud­ied.”Dong Cheng month: „You are not a girl.”Fox: „”There­fore, the rapid take brand as­signs, I di­rectly wip­ing the tea have trans­ferred ac­counts 2500 W with the cell phone bank, as fund that I in­fuse, when wiped the tea and Song Han they to make money from the game to con­tinue to pour into again, this was quite good, every­body made to­gether this brand, more­over we were [Zhan Long] this team, co­op­er­ated in­ti­mately.After cargo top car­riage, we de­pend upon our human spirit to come the strength to go against this brand again, this no­bil­ity men's cloth­ing, was doomed to be­come the brand that over 20 gen­tle­men fa­vored. Ac­tu­ally main must make money, we can­not play play for a life­time, the es­pe­cially small wolf, wipes the tea they, now they are dur­ing ages 20-25 -year-old, by the re­ac­tion rate and tac­ti­cal change abil­ity is golden Cooldown, now they can haunch a stretch of world in the game, but the later re­ac­tion ca­pac­ity de­gen­er­ates, that dif­fi­cultly said that there­fore the later need makes money with the in­tel­li­gence quo­tient, but is not the speed.I do not need to worry that ac­tu­ally own fu­ture, a strength of Yang Yanji pow­er­house will be any coun­try will re­gard as im­por­tant, so long as I will want, the gov­ern­ment def­i­nitely will pro­vide the fund to me, be­cause my func­tion was too big, when will erase breeds to think of the human main­tains is qui­etly, will not de­stroy too many com­modi­ties, will not cre­ate to the so­ci­ety too in a big way af­fects, this will be my value.In the fu­ture, as my prac­tice is get­ting deeper and deeper, per­haps a per­son can be equal to an army, this does not ex­ag­ger­ate ab­solutely, more­over is army that can catch off guard.After the brand has de­cided that every­body's heart has also de­cided that today Song Han, Ran Min, fox is ob­vi­ously happy, with I rounds propos­ing a toast, has drunk nearly 9 o'clock the time, has been drunk does not know one were sur­named any­thing, the table has chocked up the empty jar, more­over was the white liquors, today has re­ally spelled, I was 70% am drunk, the head was dizzy, sup­ported the fra­grant shoul­der of Wan Er to go down­stairs.Wipes the tea and face froth two MM to de­liver them to go back, down­stairs have a busi­ness au­to­mo­bile.
But our gen­er­a­tions har­nessed also came, was an uncle, must open my A4 to de­liver us to go back.
„Yo, drank was older?” This uncle North­east ac­cent: „Does this young fel­low sit to front?”
Wan Er said: „No, he sits the back row, drank too.”
„That line, care­ful.”
Wan Er boards first, then Dong Cheng holds me to board, in the turn­ing out back row place sat three peo­ple, Dong Cheng has sat down next to me, draws in the ve­hi­cle door, said: „Dri­ver, dri­ves!”
For har­ness­ing the uncle en­vied envy to hate at that time, after looks in the mir­ror to visit us, fi­nally my head is murky, a left hand hugs Wan Er, the right hand is ac­tu­ally hold­ing in the arms the fra­grant shoul­der of Dong Cheng, the Dong Cheng month es­ti­mate in dark crisp.
By the chair, I ex­hales the one breath leisurely, sud­denly said the sen­tence: „The se­cret mur­derer who Dong Cheng, Wang Zecheng truly kills Har­rai, this time
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Menyeka teh sangat kecil dada susu putih, kata penuh percaya diri: "bangsawan ini, saya Zha Guo, nama ini belum terdaftar, apalagi dari merek pakaian pria Z. Droid dari Italia, kami menggunakan merek ini, dengan standar internasional , maka desain tersusun dari Wan Er dan Dong Cheng sejauh mungkin menggunakan unsur-unsur pakaian beberapa pria Italia ini, membuat pakaian pria Fan internasional, ini memiliki kesempatan melakukan merek ini di jalan besar ".
Lin Wan Er mengangguk gembira: "! Um"
Wipes teh untuk melihat ke saya: "? Apakah Boss, Anda berpikir"
. "Dibandingkan dengan serigala kecil dan K tua wajar mereka, tampak menyeka teh dalam hal apapun adalah gadis belajar"
rubah itu tidak yakin mengatakan: "saya juga telah mempelajari."
Dong Cheng bulan: "Anda tidak seorang gadis."
Fox: ""
Oleh karena itu, pihak yang ditunjuk mengambil merek yang cepat, saya langsung menyeka teh telah ditransfer rekening 2500 W dengan bank ponsel , sebagai dana yang saya infus, ketika menyeka teh dan Song Han mereka untuk membuat uang dari permainan untuk terus menuangkan ke lagi, ini cukup baik, semua orang membuat bersama-sama merek ini, apalagi kami [Zhan panjang] tim ini, bekerja sama intim.
Setelah kargo atas kereta, kita bergantung pada semangat manusia untuk datang kekuatan untuk melawan merek ini lagi, pakaian bangsawan ini pria, ditakdirkan untuk menjadi merek yang lebih dari 20 pria disukai. Sebenarnya utama harus membuat uang, kita tidak bisa main main untuk seumur hidup, serigala terutama kecil, tisu teh mereka, sekarang mereka selama usia 20-25 -tahun-tua, dengan laju reaksi dan kemampuan perubahan taktis adalah Cooldown emas, sekarang mereka dapat haunch hamparan dunia dalam permainan, tapi berdegenerasi kapasitas reaksi kemudian, bahwa difficultly mengatakan bahwa oleh karena itu perlu kemudian membuat uang dengan intelligence quotient, tetapi tidak kecepatan.
saya tidak perlu khawatir bahwa masa depan benar-benar sendiri, kekuatan dari yang Yanji pembangkit tenaga listrik akan negara manapun akan menganggap penting, asalkan saya akan ingin, pemerintah pasti akan memberikan dana kepada saya, karena fungsi saya terlalu besar, ketika akan menghapus keturunan memikirkan manusia mempertahankan adalah diam-diam, tidak akan merusak terlalu banyak komoditas, tidak akan membuat masyarakat juga di jalan besar mempengaruhi, ini akan menjadi nilai saya.
di masa depan, sebagai praktek saya semakin lebih dalam dan lebih dalam, mungkin seseorang bisa sama dengan tentara , ini tidak membesar-besarkan benar-benar, apalagi adalah tentara yang dapat menangkap lengah.
Setelah merek telah memutuskan bahwa hati setiap orang juga telah memutuskan bahwa hari ini Lagu Han, Ran Min, fox jelas senang, dengan I putaran mengusulkan bersulang, telah mabuk hampir pukul 9 waktu, telah mabuk tidak tahu salah satu yang apa-apa bermarga, meja telah chocked naik jar kosong, apalagi adalah minuman keras putih, hari ini benar-benar telah dieja, saya 70% am mabuk, kepala pusing, didukung bahu harum Wan Er untuk turun.
Wipes teh dan wajah buih dua MM untuk membebaskan mereka untuk kembali, lantai bawah memiliki mobil bisnis.
Tapi generasi kita dimanfaatkan juga datang, adalah paman, harus membuka A4 saya untuk memberikan kami untuk kembali.
"Yo, meminum lebih tua?" paman Northeast aksen ini: "? Apakah anak muda ini duduk untuk depan"
kata Wan Er: "Tidak, dia duduk barisan belakang, minum juga."
"garis itu, hati-hati. "
papan Wan Er pertama, kemudian Dong Cheng memegang saya untuk naik, di mematikan tempat barisan belakang duduk tiga orang, Dong Cheng telah duduk di sampingku, menarik di pintu kendaraan, mengatakan:" driver, drive "!
untuk memanfaatkan paman iri iri membenci saat itu, setelah penampilan di cermin untuk mengunjungi kami, akhirnya kepala saya adalah keruh, sebuah pelukan tangan kiri Wan Er, tangan kanan benar-benar memegang di lengan bahu harum Dong Cheng, Dong . Cheng bulan estimasi di renyah gelap
By kursi, saya hembuskan satu nafas santai, tiba-tiba berkata kalimat: "pembunuh rahasia yang Dong Cheng, Wang Zecheng benar-benar membunuh Harrai, kali ini
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Bahasa lainnya
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