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Hi mimi,Thank You for being part of the team thatensures that ACX pays, week after week!Every business needs new customers eachmonth to stay healthy, and ACX is no exception.ACX uses its affiliates (that's you, also) toattract new customers - and we reward you well.So please feel free to experience everythingyou can about being an ACX Affiliate athttp://marketing.adclickxpress.isHere's an important Marketing Tip:Advertise your business at places that bring you results.One of the most frequently asked questions in marketing is,"Where do I advertise my business online?"It's also a difficult one, because every website you arethinking of advertising on will tell you the same thing:"Look no further - we offer the best advertising resultsyou will find anywhere!"So how do you find out which places are bringing youvisitors to your website, and which places are notworth the time and money?One widely used method is to "Find experts who aresincerely willing to provide you with this information".This includes websites which actually "test" advertisingservices and report on the results to their members.Search for "best places to advertise" in your favoritebrowser (for example, Firefox) - that will get you started.That being said, there are many so-called experts onlinewho claim to have found the best places to advertiseeffectively, but are they sincerely interested in helpingyou? Or are they just interested in filling their own pocketswhen you buy advertising at these "fantastic" resources...A further way to refine whether or not an advertising resourceis worth your time or money is to simply try it out - many sitesoffer a free membership or special introductory offers whichcan save you a lot of money initially.Note that you should ALWAYS track your success by using anad tracking system when using the above method - this tellsyou how many visitors the advertising resource you are testingactually sent to your web site.Find more information about using ad tracking systems athttp://www.adclickxpress.is/members/make-money-sharing/tell-us-how/start-now-marketing/ad-tracking-toolsAnd what do you do when the advertising resource youtested worked well? Spend more time and moneyadvertising there, of course!And what do you do when no one visited your web site asa result of your efforts at this so-called great advertisingresource you found on the Internet? Do NOT spend anymoretime or money there!Got the idea?Finally, track the results of each place you advertised in agreat big spreadsheet, so you'll have access to the goodplaces quickly for next time - maybe like this example:http://marketing.adclickxpress.is/index.php/category/public/advertising-managementLook for more valuable information at the Ad Click XpressMarketing Website athttp://marketing.adclickxpress.isWe always try to provide you with the most important tipswe can, to assist you in being successful in promoting youron-line business - please feel free to provide us with yoursuggestions as to how we can improve something in yourElite Marketing Group Experience.Feel free to contact us anytime through the help desk,by choosing "Elite Marketing Group".http://www.adclickxpress.is/home/help/open-new-ticketTo Your Success!Ad Click Xpress Marketing Team-----------------------------------------This email was sent to: nenkchimie@gmail.comAs part of your Ad Click Xpress Experience,you have been automatically included as amember of the Elite Marketing Group.If you choose NOT to assist ACX is stayinghealthy by attracting new customers, andno longer receive these valuable E-mails,log in to Ad Click Xpress athttp://www.adclickxpress.is/loginand click on "My Account", then "My Profile" to opt outof the Elite Marketing Group.
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