"Regarding Teuku Raja Tampok mentioned in the political report, an irreconcilableopponent of us who had sought 20 years ago, just received news that a vague, and yet it is certainthat he and his wife still adventuring in paya-paya Seuneuam it's very difficult to be penetrated by residents fed Seuneuam (No. Mailrapport. 130/29)A brief excerpt of the Governor of Aceh Goedhart report on political circumstances inAceh in 1928 above reminds us that since 1908 Teuku Raja Tampok has emerged as rebelfighters from Aceh (Muslims) are sufficiently taken into account by the colonial government,especially in the conquest of the area on the West Coast of Aceh Seunagan. Emerging TeukuRaja Tampok itself as one of the true leaders of the resistance can not be separated with thedrama of the conquest of the region in general and Seunagan Meulaboh in particular since theend of the 19th century.Leader of popular resistance in the face of Dutch Seunagan initially in the hands of Teuku Keumangan. He was accompanied by the son of the leading scholars in the area, Habib Nagan, is
Teungku Padang Si Ali alias Sayid Yasin and his nephew
Teungku Putik alias SaidAbdur Rani. In the years 1902-1904 a pretty exciting battle took place between entities MarsoseDivision 2 led Mathes and Campioni and headquartered in Pulo Ie (later Jeuram) with theguerrillas concerned (Muslims), which caused many casualties. Campioni captain himself waskilled in a battle, but the Dutch troops were well-organized neatly with weapons and logisticalsupport are either too strong to be defeated by guerrillas. Realizing such case in January 1905Teuku Keumangan down peace with the Dutch (Du Cro, 1943: 62-63). Eleven years later he wasappointed as zelfbestuurders Seunagan replacing his brother, Teuku Johan.Decline Teuku Keumangan influenced the volume resistance, but it does not mean theresistance to be stopped. The problem Teungku Padang Si ali and Teungku Putik still continuingguerrilla warfare. In the resistance against the army led by Lieutenant Marsose HJ Schmidt andCaptain Baretta, they were assisted by some of the leading warriors such as Teuku Raja Tampok,Teuku Kapa, Teuku Itam. The knight was composed of the brave men, tactician, and skilled inusing the saber.An insurgency by militants was quite troublesome Marsose troops who have built a bivouac (dormitory) in Jeuram and Lam Ie in addition to the other two in Meulaboh and KualaBhe. The problem of the fighters that are masters of the natural surroundings, in additionaccording to the Dutch themselves (Du Cro, 1943
and Goedhart, 1927), they are invaders berkelewang very
dangerous backed by the conviction that fall in battle
against infidels is amartyr.Whatever opposition that they do in fact neatly organized Dutch forces were not able toget rid of them Seunagan country. In fact, a number of their knights, including Teuku Usman,son Teungku. Putik, himself died in battle and some others wounded or captured. On the
initiative of Teuku Keumangan, Teungku Putik and ± 40 of his followers in October 1910 fellreconciled. In January 1911 Teungku Padang Si Ali, father of Habib Muda, also mimic the samesteps. The knight who fell that there continues to mingle with the community again, as TeungkuPadang Si Ali and others by several considerations were relegated to
areas outside Acehincluding Teungku Putik Their own which in 1918 was exiled to Banyumas, Central Java.Establishment Teungku Putikl and Teungku Padang Si Ali to reconcile apparently notfollowed by Teuku Raja Tampok.
problem he suffered severe enough traumas to the crueltreatment committed by Dutch Marsose soldiers on his parents Teuku Datuk Mat Sareh.
Whensoldiers demolish their base resistance in Alu Bata, Tadu Above, some time ago, his father Teuku Datuk Mat Sareh who was lying in the hut was burned by Dutch soldiers until charredalong with the loom. At the time of his father who had witnessed the corpse to ashes, he alsovowed to continue to fight to the death against the Netherlands last.3Bound by that oath, then Teuku Raja Tampok and his wife Cut Caya, upstream originSeunagan continue guerrilla jungle to jungle from one another or from one swamp to swamp theother in Tadu Alas, Seuneunam and upstream Krueng Tripa. In addition, a different commander,the Pang Karim-like Teuku Raja Tampok-guerrilla action in the Tripa area. This is their mostfeared guerrilla leader and sought after by the Dutch as one of the quotes that have beenmentioned above.Less known exactly how many followers Teuku Raja Tampok during the guerrilla fromthe jungle to the forest. According to Dutch intelligence sources herd Teuku Raja Tampok in theyears 1926-1931 about 12 people. The followers come from people who are not satisfied withinthe village who desire to
channel that dissatisfaction through sabil war against
kafir.4In an atmosphere of guerrilla warfare Teuku Raja
Tampok implement harsh rules for hisfollowers to void distress. The insurgents are required to use the black outfit. Men and women towear pants for easy movement in
case of gunfire. They intersect
babah keumurah
pants (belowthe knee) and round neck dress, while
also wearing black headbands. The headband canalso be used as a fabric blankets and containers carrying goods of daily needs.Military operations and patrols were carried out by soldiers Marsose based at Lam Ie andJeuram only can reduce followers Teuku Raja Tampok through gunfire, but was unable tocapture or kill Teuku Raja Tampok own. Consequently, Teuku Raja Tampok escape from the pursuit of the Netherlands until the end of the Dutch
colonial period in Aceh. The Dutch failureactually increase the reputation of Teuku Raja Tampok in the eyes of common people in thecountry Seunagan myths propagated through word of mouth that it has immune science, scienceureh (knowledge of appropriate times to act in order to survive) and peurabon (can disappear instantly or transformed into other creatures).In addition to mastery of the environment and the ability to adapt to nature, secretsurvival Teuku Raja Tampok also located on kinship networks that take place between himself and the local community. When he was in the upstream Krueng Tripa,
Uyam and KhatibBismi respective village heads and village
priests Baroh end, Mukim Blang Tripa, whereancestral Teuku Raja Tampok came and buried, according Teuku Raja Tadu, has been dealing insecret with Teuku Raja Tampok in their dens. Through a network of relationships that he couldobtain supplies of salt or cloth which is sorely needed. Cut Keumala fact that his daughter haslong be abandoned in the village along with 4 grandchildren Teuku Usman, Teuku Banta, Teuku
Raja Tadu, and Teuku Raja Kuala can reunite with Teuku.Raja Tampok at the end of the colonial period through the network at the top (Interview with Teuku Raja Tadu 1995).Local commander seems to be indifferent to the Teuku Raja Tampok all avoid disturbingresidents. It is
therefore understandable given Teuku Keumangan
1916-1929 Seunagancommander who was later replaced by Teuku Ben is a former employer Teuku Raja Tampok.While Teuku Raja Baday aka adventures Beungga, zelbestuurder Seuneunam before July 30,1929, according to the governor
commander Goedhart is weak and can not be trusted
(Mailrapport 835x/28). In the past the guerrilla struggle there is also a conflict of interest between the Teuku Raja
Tampok with most rural communities. Conflict of interest if
it can not be reconciled again resolved through acts of terror as well as the murder of Teungku M. Yatim,
rural Alue Kuyun Tripa, by Pang Perlak in partnership with 2 local residents in early1926. Some time later Teuku Raja Batak,
Tripa Atas, killing anyway followers TeukuRaja Tampok, the latter reacted immediately reply. On 15/16 July 1926 Ben Lui and Pang Perlak kill Teuku Raja Batak. Zelfbestuurders Seunagan Teuku Keumangan events that befall let it passyou by subordinates (No. Mailrapport. 221x/28 and 835x/28). Not long after
Tripa Atasreplaced by Teuku Raja Gombak.In the past that's guerrilla Teuku Raja Tampok obtain a son named Teuku Keumanganheralds, but more popular Teuku Raja Ubit (small or youngest). Less exact year of his birth isunknown, but estimated to be around 1935. Teuku Raja Ubit itself is not born from the womb of Cut Caya. According to a source is a beautiful mother / widow of A. Rahman, followers TeukuRaja Tampok who was arrested and exiled to Java by the Dutch. When hideout Teuku RajaTampok in Blang Tadu besieged soldier Marsose,
Teuku Raja Tampok and Cut Caya alongTeuku Raja Ubit young can escape upstream to Blang Tripa. Beautiful fall while under siege.
Since then Teuku Raja Ubit and Cut Caya nurtured by the state to move where (Interview ZainalAbidin, 1995).Coinciding with guerrilla actions performed by Teuku Raja Tampok country Seunaganunderwent a change as a result of colonization, modernization and change of generations. Since1928, six major companies to open 10 oil palm and
rubber that their area of hundreds of thousands of acres,
while the workers or employees brought in from outside
(Nota VanToelichting ...). Bivouac and plantation establishment resulted in the emergence of markets andAlue Bilie Jeuram inhabited by minority immigrants and
locals. Along with the colonialgovernment to build communication facilities and also social facilities in both places. All of theabove resulted in Seunagan social structure gets more complex thanks to the emergence of newsocial groups in society. In the city itself Jeuram and Bili Alue emerging class of merchants, bothderived from the Chinese and the people of Aceh are successful in that place like Nyak AnaHamzah. In addition, there are also well
educated young people who acquire general and
education, such as M. J. Efendi and Tgk. Yunus Zakaria, 1906-1996. Group of youngtraders and intelligence, as well as immigran
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
STRUGGLE TEUKU RAJA TAMPOK IN SEUNAGAN (Nagan Raya)AGAINST NETHERLANDSByIsa Sulaiman and Agus Budi Wibowo"Regarding Teuku Raja Tampok mentioned in the political report, an irreconcilableopponent of us who had sought 20 years ago, just received news that a vague, and yet it is certainthat he and his wife still adventuring in paya-paya Seuneuam it's very difficult to be penetrated by residents fed Seuneuam (No. Mailrapport. 130/29)A brief excerpt of the Governor of Aceh Goedhart report on political circumstances inAceh in 1928 above reminds us that since 1908 Teuku Raja Tampok has emerged as rebelfighters from Aceh (Muslims) are sufficiently taken into account by the colonial government,especially in the conquest of the area on the West Coast of Aceh Seunagan. Emerging TeukuRaja Tampok itself as one of the true leaders of the resistance can not be separated with thedrama of the conquest of the region in general and Seunagan Meulaboh in particular since theend of the 19th century.Leader of popular resistance in the face of Dutch Seunagan initially in the hands of Teuku Keumangan. He was accompanied by the son of the leading scholars in the area, Habib Nagan, isTeungku Padang Si Ali alias Sayid Yasin and his nephewTeungku Putik alias SaidAbdur Rani. In the years 1902-1904 a pretty exciting battle took place between entities MarsoseDivision 2 led Mathes and Campioni and headquartered in Pulo Ie (later Jeuram) with theguerrillas concerned (Muslims), which caused many casualties. Campioni captain himself waskilled in a battle, but the Dutch troops were well-organized neatly with weapons and logisticalsupport are either too strong to be defeated by guerrillas. Realizing such case in January 1905Teuku Keumangan down peace with the Dutch (Du Cro, 1943: 62-63). Eleven years later he wasappointed as zelfbestuurders Seunagan replacing his brother, Teuku Johan.Decline Teuku Keumangan influenced the volume resistance, but it does not mean theresistance to be stopped. The problem Teungku Padang Si ali and Teungku Putik still continuingguerrilla warfare. In the resistance against the army led by Lieutenant Marsose HJ Schmidt andCaptain Baretta, they were assisted by some of the leading warriors such as Teuku Raja Tampok,Teuku Kapa, Teuku Itam. The knight was composed of the brave men, tactician, and skilled inusing the saber.An insurgency by militants was quite troublesome Marsose troops who have built a bivouac (dormitory) in Jeuram and Lam Ie in addition to the other two in Meulaboh and KualaBhe. The problem of the fighters that are masters of the natural surroundings, in additionaccording to the Dutch themselves (Du Cro, 1943dan Goedhart, 1927), mereka adalah berkelewang penyerbu sangatberbahaya didukung oleh keyakinan yang jatuh dalam pertempuranterhadap orang-orang kafir adalah amartyr. Oposisi apa pun yang mereka lakukan sebenarnya rapi diselenggarakan pasukan Belanda yang tidak dapat toget menyingkirkan mereka Seunagan negara. Pada kenyataannya, sejumlah ksatria mereka, termasuk Teuku Usman, anak Teungku. Putik, dirinya tewas dalam pertempuran dan beberapa orang lain terluka atau ditangkap. Padainisiatif Teuku Keumangan, Teungku Putik dan ± 40 pengikutnya pada Oktober 1910 fellreconciled. Di Januari 1911 Teungku Padang Si Ali, ayah dari Habib Muda, juga meniru samesteps. Knight yang jatuh yang tidak berlanjut untuk berbaur dengan masyarakat lagi, sebagai TeungkuPadang Si Ali dan orang lain dengan beberapa pertimbangan diasingkan kedaerah luar Acehincluding Teungku Putik mereka sendiri yang pada 1918 diasingkan ke Banyumas, Pusat Java.Establishment Teungku Putikl dan Teungku Padang Si Ali untuk mendamaikan rupanya notfollowed oleh Teuku Raja Tampok.1masalah ia mengalami trauma cukup parah crueltreatment yang dilakukan oleh tentara Belanda Marsose nya orangtua Teuku Datuk Mat Sareh.2Whensoldiers demolish their base resistance in Alu Bata, Tadu Above, some time ago, his father Teuku Datuk Mat Sareh who was lying in the hut was burned by Dutch soldiers until charredalong with the loom. At the time of his father who had witnessed the corpse to ashes, he alsovowed to continue to fight to the death against the Netherlands last.3Bound by that oath, then Teuku Raja Tampok and his wife Cut Caya, upstream originSeunagan continue guerrilla jungle to jungle from one another or from one swamp to swamp theother in Tadu Alas, Seuneunam and upstream Krueng Tripa. In addition, a different commander,the Pang Karim-like Teuku Raja Tampok-guerrilla action in the Tripa area. This is their mostfeared guerrilla leader and sought after by the Dutch as one of the quotes that have beenmentioned above.Less known exactly how many followers Teuku Raja Tampok during the guerrilla fromthe jungle to the forest. According to Dutch intelligence sources herd Teuku Raja Tampok in theyears 1926-1931 about 12 people. The followers come from people who are not satisfied withinthe village who desire tochannel that dissatisfaction through sabil war againstkafir.4In an atmosphere of guerrilla warfare Teuku RajaTampok implement harsh rules for hisfollowers to void distress. The insurgents are required to use the black outfit. Men and women towear pants for easy movement incase of gunfire. They intersectbabah keumurahpants (belowthe knee) and round neck dress, whilelelakualso wearing black headbands. The headband canalso be used as a fabric blankets and containers carrying goods of daily needs.Military operations and patrols were carried out by soldiers Marsose based at Lam Ie andJeuram only can reduce followers Teuku Raja Tampok through gunfire, but was unable tocapture or kill Teuku Raja Tampok own. Consequently, Teuku Raja Tampok escape from the pursuit of the Netherlands until the end of the Dutchcolonial period in Aceh. The Dutch failureactually increase the reputation of Teuku Raja Tampok in the eyes of common people in thecountry Seunagan myths propagated through word of mouth that it has immune science, scienceureh (knowledge of appropriate times to act in order to survive) and peurabon (can disappear instantly or transformed into other creatures).In addition to mastery of the environment and the ability to adapt to nature, secretsurvival Teuku Raja Tampok also located on kinship networks that take place between himself and the local community. When he was in the upstream Krueng Tripa,keuchikUyam and KhatibBismi respective village heads and villagepriests Baroh end, Mukim Blang Tripa, whereancestral Teuku Raja Tampok came and buried, according Teuku Raja Tadu, has been dealing insecret with Teuku Raja Tampok in their dens. Through a network of relationships that he couldobtain supplies of salt or cloth which is sorely needed. Cut Keumala fact that his daughter haslong be abandoned in the village along with 4 grandchildren Teuku Usman, Teuku Banta, TeukuRaja Tadu, and Teuku Raja Kuala can reunite with Teuku.Raja Tampok at the end of the colonial period through the network at the top (Interview with Teuku Raja Tadu 1995).Local commander seems to be indifferent to the Teuku Raja Tampok all avoid disturbingresidents. It is
therefore understandable given Teuku Keumangan
1916-1929 Seunagancommander who was later replaced by Teuku Ben is a former employer Teuku Raja Tampok.While Teuku Raja Baday aka adventures Beungga, zelbestuurder Seuneunam before July 30,1929, according to the governor
commander Goedhart is weak and can not be trusted
(Mailrapport 835x/28). In the past the guerrilla struggle there is also a conflict of interest between the Teuku Raja
Tampok with most rural communities. Conflict of interest if
it can not be reconciled again resolved through acts of terror as well as the murder of Teungku M. Yatim,
rural Alue Kuyun Tripa, by Pang Perlak in partnership with 2 local residents in early1926. Some time later Teuku Raja Batak,
Tripa Atas, killing anyway followers TeukuRaja Tampok, the latter reacted immediately reply. On 15/16 July 1926 Ben Lui and Pang Perlak kill Teuku Raja Batak. Zelfbestuurders Seunagan Teuku Keumangan events that befall let it passyou by subordinates (No. Mailrapport. 221x/28 and 835x/28). Not long after
Tripa Atasreplaced by Teuku Raja Gombak.In the past that's guerrilla Teuku Raja Tampok obtain a son named Teuku Keumanganheralds, but more popular Teuku Raja Ubit (small or youngest). Less exact year of his birth isunknown, but estimated to be around 1935. Teuku Raja Ubit itself is not born from the womb of Cut Caya. According to a source is a beautiful mother / widow of A. Rahman, followers TeukuRaja Tampok who was arrested and exiled to Java by the Dutch. When hideout Teuku RajaTampok in Blang Tadu besieged soldier Marsose,
Teuku Raja Tampok and Cut Caya alongTeuku Raja Ubit young can escape upstream to Blang Tripa. Beautiful fall while under siege.
Since then Teuku Raja Ubit and Cut Caya nurtured by the state to move where (Interview ZainalAbidin, 1995).Coinciding with guerrilla actions performed by Teuku Raja Tampok country Seunaganunderwent a change as a result of colonization, modernization and change of generations. Since1928, six major companies to open 10 oil palm and
rubber that their area of hundreds of thousands of acres,
while the workers or employees brought in from outside
(Nota VanToelichting ...). Bivouac and plantation establishment resulted in the emergence of markets andAlue Bilie Jeuram inhabited by minority immigrants and
locals. Along with the colonialgovernment to build communication facilities and also social facilities in both places. All of theabove resulted in Seunagan social structure gets more complex thanks to the emergence of newsocial groups in society. In the city itself Jeuram and Bili Alue emerging class of merchants, bothderived from the Chinese and the people of Aceh are successful in that place like Nyak AnaHamzah. In addition, there are also well
educated young people who acquire general and
education, such as M. J. Efendi and Tgk. Yunus Zakaria, 1906-1996. Group of youngtraders and intelligence, as well as immigran
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
PERJUANGAN TEUKU RAJA tampok DI Seunagan (Nagan Raya) TERHADAP NETHERLANDSByIsa Sulaiman dan Agus Budi Wibowo
"Mengenai Teuku Raja tampok disebutkan dalam laporan politik, irreconcilableopponent dari kita yang mencari 20 tahun yang lalu, baru saja menerima kabar bahwa samar-samar, namun itu adalah certainthat ia dan istrinya masih bertualang di paya-paya Seuneuam itu sangat sulit ditembus oleh penduduk makan Seuneuam (No. Mailrapport. 130/29) Sebuah kutipan singkat dari Gubernur Aceh Goedhart laporan situasi politik inAceh pada tahun 1928 di atas mengingatkan kita bahwa sejak 1908 Teuku Raja tampok telah muncul sebagai rebelfighters dari Aceh (Muslim) yang cukup diperhitungkan oleh pemerintah kolonial, terutama dalam penaklukan wilayah di Pantai Barat Aceh Seunagan. Berkembang TeukuRaja tampok dirinya sebagai salah satu pemimpin sejati perlawanan tidak dapat dipisahkan dengan thedrama dari penaklukan wilayah pada umumnya dan Seunagan Meulaboh khususnya sejak theend dari century.Leader 19 perlawanan populer dalam menghadapi Belanda Seunagan awalnya di tangan Teuku Keumangan. Dia didampingi oleh putra ulama terkemuka di daerah, Habib Nagan, adalah
Teungku Padang Si Ali alias Sayid Yasin dan nya keponakan
Teungku Putik alias SaidAbdur Rani. Pada tahun-tahun 1902-1904 pertempuran cukup menarik terjadi antara entitas MarsoseDivision 2 dipimpin Mathes dan Campioni dan berkantor pusat di Pulo Ie (kemudian Jeuram) dengan theguerrillas bersangkutan (Muslim), yang menyebabkan banyak korban. Campioni kapten sendiri waskilled dalam pertempuran, tapi pasukan Belanda yang terorganisir rapi dengan senjata dan logisticalsupport yang terlalu kuat untuk dikalahkan oleh gerilyawan. Menyadari hal tersebut pada bulan Januari 1905Teuku Keumangan turun perdamaian dengan Belanda (Du Cro, 1943: 62-63). Sebelas tahun kemudian ia wasappointed sebagai zelfbestuurder Seunagan menggantikan saudaranya, Teuku Johan.Decline Teuku Keumangan dipengaruhi perlawanan volume, tapi itu tidak berarti theresistance harus dihentikan. Masalah Teungku Padang Si ali dan Teungku Putik masih continuingguerrilla peperangan. Dalam perlawanan terhadap pasukan yang dipimpin oleh Letnan Marsose HJ Schmidt andCaptain Baretta, mereka dibantu oleh beberapa prajurit terkemuka seperti Teuku Raja tampok, Teuku Kapa, ​​Teuku Itam. Ksatria itu terdiri dari orang-orang berani, taktik, dan terampil inusing yang saber.An pemberontakan oleh militan itu pasukan Marsose cukup merepotkan yang telah membangun bivak (asrama) di Jeuram dan Lam Ie di samping dua lainnya di Meulaboh dan KualaBhe. Masalah para pejuang yang adalah tuan dari alam sekitarnya, di additionaccording ke Belanda sendiri (Du Cro 1943
dan Goedhart, 1927), mereka penjajah berkelewang sangat
berbahaya didukung oleh keyakinan yang jatuh dalam pertempuran
melawan orang-orang kafir adalah amartyr.Whatever oposisi yang mereka lakukan sebenarnya disusun rapi pasukan Belanda tidak bisa toget menyingkirkan mereka negara Seunagan. Bahkan, sejumlah ksatria mereka, termasuk Teuku Usman, putra Teungku. Putik, dirinya tewas dalam pertempuran dan beberapa lainnya luka-luka atau ditangkap. Pada
inisiatif Teuku Keumangan, Teungku Putik dan ± 40 pengikutnya di Oktober 1910 fellreconciled. Dalam Januari 1911 Teungku Padang Si Ali, ayah dari Habib Muda, juga meniru samesteps. Ksatria yang jatuh bahwa ada terus berbaur dengan masyarakat lagi, seperti TeungkuPadang Si Ali dan orang lain dengan beberapa pertimbangan diasingkan ke
daerah luar Acehincluding Teungku Putik mereka sendiri yang pada tahun 1918 diasingkan ke Banyumas, Central Java.Establishment Teungku Putikl dan Teungku Padang Si Ali untuk mendamaikan tampaknya notfollowed oleh Teuku Raja tampok.
masalah yang dideritanya cukup parah trauma dengan crueltreatment dilakukan oleh tentara Belanda Marsose di orang tuanya Teuku Datuk Mat Sareh.
Whensoldiers menghancurkan perlawanan basis mereka di Alu Bata, Tadu atas, beberapa waktu lalu , ayahnya Teuku Datuk Mat Sareh yang sedang berbaring di pondok dibakar oleh tentara Belanda sampai charredalong dengan alat tenun. Pada saat ayahnya yang menyaksikan mayat menjadi abu, dia alsovowed untuk terus berjuang sampai mati melawan Belanda last.3Bound sumpah itu, maka Teuku Raja tampok dan istrinya Cut Caya, originSeunagan hulu terus gerilya hutan ke hutan dari satu sama lain atau dari satu rawa rawa theother di Tadu Alas, Seuneunam dan hulu Krueng Tripa. Selain itu, seorang komandan yang berbeda, Pang Karim seperti Teuku Raja tindakan tampok-gerilya di daerah Tripa. Ini adalah pemimpin gerilya mostfeared dan dicari oleh Belanda sebagai salah satu kutipan yang telah beenmentioned above.Less diketahui persis berapa banyak pengikut Teuku Raja tampok selama gerilya dari dana hutan ke hutan. Menurut sumber-sumber intelijen Belanda kawanan Teuku Raja tampok di theyears 1926-1931 sekitar 12 orang. Para pengikut berasal dari orang-orang yang tidak puas withinthe desa yang ingin
menyalurkan ketidakpuasan melalui perang sabil melawan
kafir.4In suasana perang gerilya Teuku Raja
tampok menerapkan aturan yang keras untuk hisfollowers untuk membatalkan kesusahan. Para pemberontak yang diperlukan untuk menggunakan pakaian hitam. Pria dan wanita towear celana untuk gerakan mudah di
kasus tembakan. Mereka berpotongan
babah keumurah
celana (belowthe lutut) dan gaun leher bulat, sementara
juga memakai ikat kepala hitam. Ikat kepala canalso digunakan sebagai selimut kain dan kontainer yang membawa barang-barang dari operasi needs.Military harian dan patroli dilakukan oleh tentara Marsose berbasis di Lam Ie andJeuram hanya dapat mengurangi pengikut Teuku Raja tampok melalui tembakan, tapi tocapture mampu atau membunuh Teuku Raja tampok sendiri. Akibatnya, Teuku Raja tampok melarikan diri dari kejaran Belanda sampai akhir Belanda
masa kolonial di Aceh. Belanda failureactually meningkatkan reputasi Teuku Raja tampok di mata masyarakat umum di thecountry mitos Seunagan disebarkan dari mulut ke mulut bahwa ia memiliki ilmu kebal, scienceureh (pengetahuan saat yang tepat untuk bertindak untuk bertahan hidup) dan peurabon (bisa hilang seketika atau berubah menjadi makhluk lain) .Selain penguasaan lingkungan dan kemampuan untuk beradaptasi dengan alam, secretsurvival Teuku Raja tampok juga terletak pada jaringan kekerabatan yang terjadi antara dirinya dan masyarakat setempat. Ketika ia berada di hulu Krueng Tripa,
Uyam dan KhatibBismi masing kepala desa dan desa
imam Baroh akhir, Mukim Blang Tripa, whereancestral Teuku Raja tampok datang dan dikuburkan, menurut Teuku Raja Tadu, telah berurusan insecret dengan Teuku Raja tampok di sarang mereka . Melalui jaringan hubungan yang ia couldobtain pasokan garam atau kain yang sangat dibutuhkan. Potong Keumala fakta bahwa haslong putrinya ditinggalkan di desa bersama dengan 4 cucu Teuku Usman, Teuku Banta, Teuku
Raja Tadu, dan Teuku Raja Kuala dapat bersatu kembali dengan Teuku.Raja tampok pada akhir masa kolonial melalui jaringan di atas (Wawancara dengan Teuku Raja Tadu 1995) Komandan Setempat tampaknya acuh tak acuh terhadap Teuku Raja tampok semua menghindari disturbingresidents. Hal ini
karena dimengerti mengingat Teuku Keumangan
1916-1929 Seunagancommander yang kemudian digantikan oleh Teuku Ben adalah mantan majikan Teuku Raja Tampok.While Teuku Raja Baday alias petualangan Beungga, zelbestuurder Seuneunam sebelum Juli 30,1929, menurut gubernur
komandan Goedhart lemah dan tidak bisa dipercaya
(Mailrapport 835x / 28). Di masa lalu perjuangan gerilya juga ada konflik kepentingan antara Teuku Raja
tampok dengan masyarakat pedesaan yang paling. Konflik kepentingan jika
itu tidak dapat didamaikan lagi diselesaikan melalui aksi teror serta pembunuhan Teungku M. Yatim,
​​pedesaan Alue Kuyun Tripa, oleh Pang Perlak dalam kemitraan dengan 2 warga setempat di early1926. Beberapa waktu kemudian Teuku Raja Batak,
​​Tripa Atas, membunuh pula pengikut TeukuRaja tampok, yang terakhir bereaksi segera menjawab. Pada 15/16 Juli 1926 Ben Lui dan Pang Perlak membunuh Teuku Raja Batak. Peristiwa zelfbestuurder Seunagan Teuku Keumangan yang menimpa biarkan passyou oleh bawahan (No. Mailrapport. 221x / 28 dan 835x / 28). Tidak lama setelah
Tripa Atasreplaced oleh Teuku Raja Gombak.In masa lalu itu gerilya Teuku Raja tampok mendapatkan seorang putra bernama Teuku Keumanganheralds, tetapi lebih populer Teuku Raja Ubit (kecil atau bungsu). Tahun yang tepat Kurang dari isunknown kelahirannya, namun diperkirakan sekitar 1935. Teuku Raja Ubit sendiri tidak lahir dari rahim Cut Caya. Menurut sebuah sumber adalah ibu / janda cantik A. Rahman, pengikut TeukuRaja tampok yang ditangkap dan diasingkan ke Jawa oleh Belanda. Ketika persembunyian Teuku RajaTampok di Blang Tadu dikepung tentara Marsose,
Teuku Raja tampok dan Cut Caya alongTeuku Raja Ubit muda dapat melarikan diri hulu ke Blang Tripa. Indah jatuh saat dikepung.
Sejak itu Teuku Raja Ubit dan Cut Caya dipelihara oleh negara berpindah-pindah tempat (Wawancara ZainalAbidin, 1995) .Coinciding dengan aksi-aksi gerilya yang dilakukan oleh Teuku Raja tampok negara Seunaganunderwent perubahan sebagai akibat dari kolonisasi, modernisasi dan perubahan generasi. Since1928, enam perusahaan besar untuk membuka 10 kelapa sawit dan
karet yang daerah mereka dari ratusan ribu hektar,
sedangkan pekerja atau karyawan didatangkan dari luar
(Nota VanToelichting ...). Bivak dan pengembangan perkebunan mengakibatkan munculnya pasar Andalue Bilie Jeuram dihuni oleh imigran minoritas dan
penduduk setempat. Seiring dengan colonialgovernment untuk membangun fasilitas komunikasi dan juga fasilitas sosial di kedua tempat. Semua theabove mengakibatkan Seunagan struktur sosial mendapat berkat yang lebih kompleks dengan munculnya kelompok newsocial dalam masyarakat. Di kota itu sendiri Jeuram dan Alue Bili kelas muncul dari pedagang, bothderived dari Cina dan masyarakat Aceh yang sukses di tempat seperti Nyak AnaHamzah. Selain itu, ada juga juga
orang-orang muda terdidik yang memperoleh umum dan
pendidikan, seperti MJ Efendi dan Tgk. Yunus Zakaria, 1906-1996. Kelompok youngtraders dan kecerdasan, serta immigran
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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