Hasil (
Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
"Aku akan eat pussy yang cantik Anda," Dia berkata sambil menggeram mulutnya mencium rendah sepanjang nya perut dan paha yang kira-kira terjepit apart.Menjilat pertama lidah nya datar atas celah telah dia terus-menerus memancar dari tempat tidur, "Lucian!""Jangan bergerak."Ia berjuang untuk tetap masih. Mulutnya hangat mencium dan menggelitik lipatan nya. Udara sejuk memukul lipatan Nya sebagai jarinya tebal menyebar terbuka nya. Dia menunggu dia untuk melakukan sesuatu, tetapi tidak datang."Lucian?""Dia tepat," ia berbisik hormat. "Anda memiliki vagina indah, Evelyn."Kehangatan menyebar dari pipi untuk payudara, dan kemudian ia mencium tempat sangat sensitif dan ditinju nya diikat di ranjang satin ketika ia berteriak. Ini adalah serangan sensual. Basah stroke menyerang di lipatan Nya sebagai jari terus dia membentangkan lebar. Paha dibuka sebagai bahunya melaju lebih sulit antara lutut. Dia meluncur ke tempat tidur dan ia mencengkeram pinggul, memegang dia di tempat seperti dia terus membawanya kesenangan paling intens dia pernah membayangkan.Tekanan yang dibangun dan lebar jarinya membentang padanya. Dia tampaknya mencapai sesuatu. Ia tidak dorong dalam dirinya. Sebaliknya, ia ditekan mendalam dan diterapkan tekanan seperti mulutnya lekat yang paling sensitif spot dan dia mengisap tanpa henti.Pramuka berteriak seperti kacang-kacangan cepat mengambil alih tubuhnya dan memiliki bantalan nya turun. Ia suckled keras dan ditekan ke dalam perutnya dengan telapak tangannya sebagai kelembaban membanjiri atas lipatan nya. Klimaks memuncak dan memudar."Lagi," Dia berkata sambil menggeram dan mulai mengemudi jarinya ke dalam dirinya. Dia tidak bisa menerimanya. Dia mulai perjuangan, perlu untuk melepaskan diri dari serangan kesenangan."Menjadi masih," ia memerintahkan, memegang turun nya.Memaksa dirinya untuk taat, klimaks intens lain memegang nya. Dia terengah-engah, mulut terbuka seperti binatang di panas. Tubuhnya mengguncang dan keringat dipoles kulitnya. Nya jari-jari kaki menunjuk sebagai lutut menyusun.Ketika ia masih tidak berhenti, dia memohon. "Lucian, tolong, aku tidak bisa mengambil lagi.""Anda dapat dan Anda akan."Jari-jarinya berputar gairah Nya, mengumpulkan dan membuat jalan licin yang berlari di bawah lipatan nya. Jari-jarinya ditekan mana mulutnya telah mengisap dia untuk klimaks dan tanpa henti diulur sepanjang sangat darinya bundle of saraf.Tubuhnya naik di atas miliknya sebagai kedua tangan yang bekerja antara kakinya. "Lihatlah saya," ia memerintahkan dan membuka matanya. Dia bulu mata terbang seperti ia berjuang untuk melihatnya. "Merasa saya, Evelyn. Merasa senang saya membawa Anda."Jari-jari dipompa ke saluran sebagai tangannya cepat disikat atas dagingnya. Ia dihapus jarinya dan membawa mereka ke mulutnya. Dia menyaksikan dia menjilat di bukti nya gairah dan mengerang. Matanya bosan ke dalam dirinya sambil mengisap satu jari deep.Pikirannya tampaknya telah mabuk, alkohol mungkin terbakar oleh orgasme. Meskipun ia masih agak lamban, dia tampak terjebak lebih dalam kabut seksual daripada satu mabuk.He stared down at her, his dark, hooded eyes softening and a peculiar expression taking over his face.“What?” she whispered.His head shook slowly, fingers tracing whirls over her flat belly. “What am I going to do with you, sweet Evelyn? You have me in knots. Half the time I want to shake you and half the time I want . . .”When he didn’t finish, she asked, “Want to what?”He continued to shake his head. The urgent way he handled her when they first arrived had transcended into something new and unfamiliar. Intimate. Oddly, she didn’t shy from the quiet intimacy. The alcohol must have weakened her boundaries. They seemed cocooned in a whispered secret outsiders would never understand.Her fingers touched his wrist and he stilled. Dragging the backs of her nails slowly over his arm, he watched her curiously. “You make me break my rules, Lucian,” she quietly confessed.His hand caught hers, lacing their fingers together. He gazed down at her in a way no man ever had. It was as if he actually saw her. She felt exposed, but for some reason it wasn’t as frightening. He eased her fears of closeness and she had no idea how he managed it.“You make me break my rules too, Evelyn. You tempt me more than any woman should.”Her body sank into the plush mattress as he leaned over her and kissed her softly. Lips pulled at hers as his tongue slowly seduced her mouth into a gentle serenade. As she reached for his shoulders, he carefully extricated himself from her hold and pressed her hands over her head into the feather pillows.“Let me,” was all he said as his mouth slid to her jaw and worked in tiny kisses to her pulse.The moment was slow and sultry, languid molasses minutes dripping through time. Every caress had her twisting and moaning softly. When his mouth reached her breasts, his touch was nothing like it had been. His lips closed over her flesh tenderly, reverently, and all those tiny frayed edges of her being knit back together, tightening, blanketing her in a sense of security she only felt when with him.Long fingers curved around her hips as he kissed her tummy. Dipping his head, his nose traced along her ribs, and soft hair tickled the underside of her breasts. She was trembling. He managed to unhinge some fundamental part of her control and introduce her to the exquisite liberation that came with surrender.As his mouth journeyed from her breasts to her hips, down to her knees, and teased at her sex, she embraced the indescribable sensation of just letting go. He took her away from it all, the noise, the worry, the struggle. He presented an escape she never realized could exist in this manner of intimacy. This was definitely more than a business agreement.He brought her to climax more times than she could count. The tides had changed and there was something to be said for the gentle way he handled her. He was still intense and dominant, but reverent as well. Every touch solidified their bond, a bond she’d normally fear, but her mind was too lost to the pleasure to protest.They fell asleep holding each other, waking here and there within the dark hours of the night when Lucian soothed her back to sleep with more tender caresses.
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