It is not my intention to criticize the creative work ofpost-1970s ant terjemahan - It is not my intention to criticize the creative work ofpost-1970s ant Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

It is not my intention to criticize

It is not my intention to criticize the creative work of
post-1970s anthropologists, many of whom have produced
valuable studies and introduced useful critical perspective
into the debates over how to study and represent
the peoples and cultures of the world. What I will do, however,
is criticize the negative and extremely careless way
in which the older anthropology has been represented in
leading works and by leading figures of the new anthropology.
I shall attempt to demonstrate the extent to which
these inaccurate representations have become the conventional
wisdom and have thus affected the education of
graduate students and the future of our Elelid.

I will argue that the time has come to begin a reconsideration
of the current conventional wisdom regarding the
history and nature of anthropology, a view that has become
hegemonic in today's discourse. In effect I will be
calling for us to begin the "spiral" process that George
Marcus and Michael Fischer ( 1986: 10) speak of: "Rather
than mere repetition [in intellectual history], there is a cumulative
growth in knowledge, through the creative rediscovery
of older and persistent questions in response to
keenly experienced moments of dissatisfaction with the
state of a discipline's practice tied to perceptions of unprecedented
changes in the world." I believe it is both necessary
and timely to attempt such a creative rediscovery,
in this case a rediscovery of our ancestors and of their approaches to these old and persistent problems.

In this attempt to open up a reconsideration, I intend to
present and discuss three widely accepted criticisms of
pre- 1970s anthropology that have become part of the standard representation of our past. These claims, I shall argue, are highly questionable and relatively easily falsified by a look at the actual history of the field. If it should be objected
that the counter examples I give were not typical,although
I believe that to a considerable extent they were, I would respond that no one approach was ever typical that pluralism was always the rule. One problem with the current critique of anthropology is the failure to recognize the normal, everyday extent of the variety within the field. There is a common tendency to funnel all of our past through a quick reference to (but only a reference, not an examination of) the work of several famous anthropologists Radcliffe-Brown, Malinowski, Benedict, Levi-Strauss, and Geertz and to pretend that these selected famous individuals represent the field. But the failure to consider both the range of variation and the ideas and works of a broad sample of professional anthropologists results in a serious distortion of our intellectual history. (In fact, most of the work of American anthropologists
is ignored and its history is elided with the tacit
assumption that the representation of British anthropology can stand for American anthropology as well.) To a great extent the critics have done unto anthropology what vthey claim anthropology does unto Others: essentialize,totalize, stereotype, "otherize".
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
It is not my intention to criticize the creative work ofpost-1970s anthropologists, many of whom have producedvaluable studies and introduced useful critical perspectiveinto the debates over how to study and representthe peoples and cultures of the world. What I will do, however,is criticize the negative and extremely careless wayin which the older anthropology has been represented inleading works and by leading figures of the new anthropology.I shall attempt to demonstrate the extent to whichthese inaccurate representations have become the conventionalwisdom and have thus affected the education ofgraduate students and the future of our Elelid.I will argue that the time has come to begin a reconsiderationof the current conventional wisdom regarding thehistory and nature of anthropology, a view that has becomehegemonic in today's discourse. In effect I will becalling for us to begin the "spiral" process that GeorgeMarcus and Michael Fischer ( 1986: 10) speak of: "Ratherthan mere repetition [in intellectual history], there is a cumulativegrowth in knowledge, through the creative rediscoveryof older and persistent questions in response tokeenly experienced moments of dissatisfaction with thestate of a discipline's practice tied to perceptions of unprecedentedchanges in the world." I believe it is both necessaryand timely to attempt such a creative rediscovery,in this case a rediscovery of our ancestors and of their approaches to these old and persistent problems.In this attempt to open up a reconsideration, I intend topresent and discuss three widely accepted criticisms ofpre- 1970s anthropology that have become part of the standard representation of our past. These claims, I shall argue, are highly questionable and relatively easily falsified by a look at the actual history of the field. If it should be objectedthat the counter examples I give were not typical,althoughI believe that to a considerable extent they were, I would respond that no one approach was ever typical that pluralism was always the rule. One problem with the current critique of anthropology is the failure to recognize the normal, everyday extent of the variety within the field. There is a common tendency to funnel all of our past through a quick reference to (but only a reference, not an examination of) the work of several famous anthropologists Radcliffe-Brown, Malinowski, Benedict, Levi-Strauss, and Geertz and to pretend that these selected famous individuals represent the field. But the failure to consider both the range of variation and the ideas and works of a broad sample of professional anthropologists results in a serious distortion of our intellectual history. (In fact, most of the work of American anthropologistsis ignored and its history is elided with the tacitassumption that the representation of British anthropology can stand for American anthropology as well.) To a great extent the critics have done unto anthropology what vthey claim anthropology does unto Others: essentialize,totalize, stereotype, "otherize".
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Bukanlah maksud saya untuk mengkritik karya kreatif
pasca-1970 antropolog, banyak di antaranya telah menghasilkan
penelitian yang berharga dan memperkenalkan perspektif kritis yang berguna
ke dalam perdebatan bagaimana mempelajari dan mewakili
masyarakat dan budaya di dunia. Apa yang akan saya lakukan, bagaimanapun,
adalah mengkritik cara yang negatif dan sangat ceroboh
di mana antropologi yang lebih tua telah terwakili dalam
karya-karya terkemuka dan oleh tokoh-tokoh dari antropologi baru terkemuka.
Saya akan mencoba untuk menunjukkan sejauh mana
ini representasi akurat telah menjadi konvensional
kebijaksanaan dan dengan demikian mempengaruhi pendidikan
mahasiswa pascasarjana dan masa depan Elelid kami. Saya akan berpendapat bahwa sudah tiba saatnya untuk memulai peninjauan kembali dari kebijaksanaan konvensional saat ini mengenai sejarah dan alam antropologi, pandangan yang telah menjadi hegemonik dalam wacana hari ini. Akibatnya saya akan meminta kita untuk memulai "spiral" proses yang George Marcus dan Michael Fischer (1986: 10) berbicara tentang: "Alih- dari sekadar pengulangan [dalam sejarah intelektual], ada kumulatif pertumbuhan pengetahuan, melalui penemuan kembali kreatif pertanyaan yang lebih tua dan gigih dalam menanggapi tajam mengalami saat-saat ketidakpuasan dengan keadaan praktek disiplin terkait dengan persepsi belum pernah terjadi sebelumnya perubahan di dunia. " Saya percaya itu adalah baik perlu dan tepat waktu untuk mencoba seperti penemuan kembali kreatif, dalam hal ini penemuan kembali nenek moyang kita dan pendekatan mereka untuk masalah-masalah lama dan terus-menerus. Dalam upaya ini untuk membuka peninjauan kembali, saya berniat untuk mempresentasikan dan mendiskusikan tiga diterima secara luas kritik dari pra 1970-an antropologi yang telah menjadi bagian dari representasi standar masa lalu kita. Klaim ini, saya akan menyatakan, sangat dipertanyakan dan relatif mudah dipalsukan dengan melihat sejarah yang sebenarnya dari lapangan. Jika harus keberatan bahwa contoh meja saya berikan tidak khas, meskipun saya percaya bahwa hingga batas tertentu mereka, saya akan menjawab bahwa tidak ada satu pendekatan yang pernah khas bahwa pluralisme selalu aturan. Salah satu masalah dengan kritik saat antropologi adalah kegagalan untuk mengenali normal, tingkat sehari-hari varietas dalam lapangan. Ada kecenderungan umum untuk menyalurkan semua masa lalu kita melalui referensi cepat ke (tapi hanya referensi, bukan pemeriksaan) karya beberapa antropolog terkenal Radcliffe-Brown, Malinowski, Benediktus, Levi-Strauss, dan Geertz dan berpura-pura bahwa orang-orang terkenal yang dipilih mewakili lapangan. Tapi kegagalan untuk mempertimbangkan baik berbagai variasi dan ide-ide dan karya sampel luas antropolog profesional menghasilkan distorsi yang serius dari sejarah intelektual kita. (Pada kenyataannya, sebagian besar karya antropolog Amerika diabaikan dan sejarahnya yang elided dengan diam-diam asumsi bahwa representasi antropologi Inggris bisa berdiri untuk antropologi Amerika juga.) Untuk sebagian besar kritikus telah melakukan kepada antropologi apa klaim vthey antropologi tidak kepada Lainnya: essentialize, menjumlahkan, stereotip, "otherize".

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