Jude drags me over to two easels in the corner of the back row; every  terjemahan - Jude drags me over to two easels in the corner of the back row; every  Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Jude drags me over to two easels in

Jude drags me over to two easels in the corner of the back row; every easel in the front two rows is taken. I set my box down and look around, realizing for the first time that we’re the youngest students in the room—and that Jude is the only guy. Most of the rest of the spots are occupied by middle-aged women, rings glittering on their fingers, hair sprayed into place, wearing spotless aprons over their tailored slacks and blouses. They look like women my mom would be friends with.
Jude leans over and whispers, “What do you bet these cougars are hot for teacher? I know I am.”
“Shut up.” I bow my head as Caleb reaches the front of the room, knowing Jude is right but refusing to acknowledge that I’m feeling the same way. This was the last thing I expected or wanted out of this evening. I came here to reclaim myself, not to focus on someone else … but I’m having trouble keeping my eyes off Caleb.
“Hey, everyone, welcome,” he says. “This is the first meeting of our twelve-class session, and I’m glad to see you guys.” He nods at a few of the women, and I wonder if they’ve taken the class before. “We’ll be focusing on basic technique with acrylics, including color-blending, basic washes and watercolor effects, layering, and texturing. We’re going to start with paper for the next several weeks, and then we’ll do some work on canvas. For those of you who have your own supplies—” His eyes rest on me for a moment, and his eyebrow arches. “—you might want to pick up some glazing medium and flow improver, or feel free to use what we have here. And for those of you who don’t have supplies, you can find brushes and sample paints over there, along with paper. My only request is that you wash the brushes thoroughly at the end of class so that I don’t get in trouble.” His grin is easy and mischievous, and I find myself smiling with him even though I’m not sure why.
After Caleb tells us that we’ll spend today discussing and experimenting with composition, the other students get supplies out of their art boxes while a few, including Jude, head over to grab brushes and paints from the shelves. I sit on the cold cement floor and skim my fingers over my dented toolbox. I’ve had it since high school. My dad let me have his old one to put all my supplies in … and I haven’t opened it in what feels like a lifetime. It used to hold my entire imagination. It used to be the way I could free whatever was inside me. But all of that got twisted up somehow, and it became another symbol of how trapped I was. With a deep breath, I flick the latch and open the lid. My eyes sting as I look down at my brushes and half-used tubes of paint, acrylics and oils, gesso, pencils, varnish, frozen and waiting for me to return.
A hand closes over my shoulder and my head jerks up. “You okay?” Jude asks, and in his worried expression I see his memories, of me showing up at his door that horrible night, of all the months after when I was too miserable to get up off the couch.
“Yeah, sure,” I say with a rasp in my voice. To my horror, I notice Caleb watching me. But as soon as our eyes meet, he looks away and starts to address the class, drawing attention to the front of the room. I slowly climb onto my stool as he instructs everyone how much paint to put on the palette and talks about the qualities of acrylic paints. I’d rather be using my oils, but I’m just getting back into this, so I sit and listen and drift a little, enjoying the sound of Caleb’s deep voice.
The class time flies by, and an hour later, we’re packing up, washing our brushes and tossing our papers in the recycling bins. There’s a cluster of women around Caleb, touching his arm and laughing with trilling voices at almost everything he says. He doesn’t look like he minds the attention. I take Jude’s hand and tug him into the hallway, toward the staircase. “I want to take a peek at the studios,” I tell him.
“Are we allowed to go up there?”
I shrug. “Why wouldn’t we be? It’s not private space, and art is meant to be looked at.” When I first moved here last year to start a graduate program in counseling, I fantasized about renting one of the spaces here, and came to look at it a time or two, but then I got wrapped up in my relationship with Alex and the plan went by the wayside along with everything else.
The space at the top of the stairs is cavernous, and I shiver at the cool air—all the windows are open to let out the fumes. I have to wonder how they handle it when the wind turns frigid and the snow falls. We’re in Michigan, after all, right by the lake. Winter is no joke here. It’s the beginning of September, and the evenings are already cool enough to call for long sleeves.
The center of the huge room is cluttered with tables of supplies, half-stretched canvases and tools, broken palette knives and palettes, wire and glue and canvas stretchers. There’s a kiln near the back windows. Large stalls line the edges of the room, each one about ten by ten feet, each one a different world.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Yudas menyeret saya ke kedua pensil, dll di sudut barisan belakang; kuda-kuda setiap dalam dua baris depan diambil. Saya mengatur kotak saya turun dan melihat sekitar, menyadari untuk pertama kalinya bahwa kami tidak pelajar dalam kamar — dan bahwa Yudas adalah satu-satunya cowok. Sebagian besar tempat diduduki oleh wanita setengah baya, cincin yang berkilauan di jari-jari mereka, rambut disemprotkan ke tempat, mengenakan celemek bersih mereka disesuaikan celana dan blus. Mereka tampak seperti wanita ibuku akan menjadi teman dengan.Yudas bersandar atas dan berbisik, "Apa Apakah Anda bertaruh cougars ini panas untuk guru? Aku tahu aku.""Shut up." Saya menundukkan kepala saya seperti Kaleb mencapai bagian depan Ruangan, mengetahui Yudas benar tetapi menolak untuk mengakui bahwa saya merasa cara yang sama. Ini adalah hal terakhir yang saya diharapkan atau inginkan malam ini. Saya datang ke sini untuk merebut kembali diriku sendiri, untuk tidak berfokus pada orang lain... tapi saya mengalami kesulitan menjaga mata saya off Kaleb.“Hey, everyone, welcome,” he says. “This is the first meeting of our twelve-class session, and I’m glad to see you guys.” He nods at a few of the women, and I wonder if they’ve taken the class before. “We’ll be focusing on basic technique with acrylics, including color-blending, basic washes and watercolor effects, layering, and texturing. We’re going to start with paper for the next several weeks, and then we’ll do some work on canvas. For those of you who have your own supplies—” His eyes rest on me for a moment, and his eyebrow arches. “—you might want to pick up some glazing medium and flow improver, or feel free to use what we have here. And for those of you who don’t have supplies, you can find brushes and sample paints over there, along with paper. My only request is that you wash the brushes thoroughly at the end of class so that I don’t get in trouble.” His grin is easy and mischievous, and I find myself smiling with him even though I’m not sure why.After Caleb tells us that we’ll spend today discussing and experimenting with composition, the other students get supplies out of their art boxes while a few, including Jude, head over to grab brushes and paints from the shelves. I sit on the cold cement floor and skim my fingers over my dented toolbox. I’ve had it since high school. My dad let me have his old one to put all my supplies in … and I haven’t opened it in what feels like a lifetime. It used to hold my entire imagination. It used to be the way I could free whatever was inside me. But all of that got twisted up somehow, and it became another symbol of how trapped I was. With a deep breath, I flick the latch and open the lid. My eyes sting as I look down at my brushes and half-used tubes of paint, acrylics and oils, gesso, pencils, varnish, frozen and waiting for me to return.A hand closes over my shoulder and my head jerks up. “You okay?” Jude asks, and in his worried expression I see his memories, of me showing up at his door that horrible night, of all the months after when I was too miserable to get up off the couch.“Yeah, sure,” I say with a rasp in my voice. To my horror, I notice Caleb watching me. But as soon as our eyes meet, he looks away and starts to address the class, drawing attention to the front of the room. I slowly climb onto my stool as he instructs everyone how much paint to put on the palette and talks about the qualities of acrylic paints. I’d rather be using my oils, but I’m just getting back into this, so I sit and listen and drift a little, enjoying the sound of Caleb’s deep voice.The class time flies by, and an hour later, we’re packing up, washing our brushes and tossing our papers in the recycling bins. There’s a cluster of women around Caleb, touching his arm and laughing with trilling voices at almost everything he says. He doesn’t look like he minds the attention. I take Jude’s hand and tug him into the hallway, toward the staircase. “I want to take a peek at the studios,” I tell him.“Are we allowed to go up there?”I shrug. “Why wouldn’t we be? It’s not private space, and art is meant to be looked at.” When I first moved here last year to start a graduate program in counseling, I fantasized about renting one of the spaces here, and came to look at it a time or two, but then I got wrapped up in my relationship with Alex and the plan went by the wayside along with everything else.The space at the top of the stairs is cavernous, and I shiver at the cool air—all the windows are open to let out the fumes. I have to wonder how they handle it when the wind turns frigid and the snow falls. We’re in Michigan, after all, right by the lake. Winter is no joke here. It’s the beginning of September, and the evenings are already cool enough to call for long sleeves.The center of the huge room is cluttered with tables of supplies, half-stretched canvases and tools, broken palette knives and palettes, wire and glue and canvas stretchers. There’s a kiln near the back windows. Large stalls line the edges of the room, each one about ten by ten feet, each one a different world.
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Jude menyeret saya ke dua pensil, dll di sudut barisan belakang; setiap kuda-kuda di depan dua baris diambil. Aku mengatur kotak saya turun dan melihat-lihat, menyadari untuk pertama kalinya bahwa kita adalah siswa termuda di ruang-dan bahwa Yudas adalah satu-satunya pria. Sebagian besar sisa tempat yang diduduki oleh wanita paruh baya, cincin berkilauan di jari-jari mereka, rambut disemprotkan ke tempat, memakai celemek bersih lebih celana panjang mereka disesuaikan dan blus. Mereka terlihat seperti perempuan ibuku akan berteman dengan.
Jude membungkuk dan berbisik, "Apa yang Anda bertaruh Cougars ini panas untuk guru? Saya tahu saya.
"" Diam. "Saya menundukkan kepala saya sebagai Caleb mencapai bagian depan ruangan, mengetahui Jude benar tetapi menolak untuk mengakui bahwa aku merasakan hal yang sama. Ini adalah hal terakhir yang saya harapkan atau ingin keluar malam ini. Saya datang ke sini untuk merebut kembali diri saya, untuk tidak fokus pada orang lain ... tapi aku mengalami kesulitan menjaga mata saya dari Kaleb.
"Hei, semua orang, selamat datang," katanya. "Ini adalah pertemuan pertama dari sesi dua belas kelas kami, dan saya senang melihat kalian." Dia mengangguk pada beberapa wanita, dan saya bertanya-tanya apakah mereka telah mengambil kelas sebelumnya. "Kami akan fokus pada teknik dasar dengan akrilik, termasuk warna-blending, mencuci dasar dan efek cat air, layering, dan texturing. Kita akan mulai dengan kertas untuk beberapa minggu ke depan, dan kemudian kita akan melakukan beberapa pekerjaan di atas kanvas. Bagi Anda yang memiliki supplies- Anda sendiri "mata sisa-Nya pada saya untuk beberapa saat, dan lengkungan alis. "-Anda Mungkin ingin mengambil beberapa media kaca dan mengalir perbaiki, atau merasa bebas untuk menggunakan apa yang kita miliki di sini. Dan bagi Anda yang tidak memiliki persediaan, Anda dapat menemukan kuas dan cat sampel di sana, bersama dengan kertas. Permintaan saya hanya adalah bahwa Anda mencuci kuas secara menyeluruh pada akhir kelas sehingga saya tidak mendapat masalah. "Senyumnya mudah dan nakal, dan saya menemukan diri saya tersenyum dengan dia meskipun saya tidak yakin mengapa.
Setelah Caleb memberitahu kita bahwa kita akan menghabiskan hari membahas dan bereksperimen dengan komposisi, siswa lain mendapatkan pasokan dari kotak seni mereka sementara beberapa, termasuk Jude, kepala untuk mengambil kuas dan cat dari rak. Aku duduk di lantai semen dingin dan skim jari saya lebih toolbox penyok saya. Aku sudah sejak SMA. Ayah saya membiarkan saya memiliki satu tuanya untuk menempatkan semua persediaan saya di ... dan saya tidak membukanya dalam apa yang terasa seperti seumur hidup. Ini digunakan untuk menyimpan seluruh imajinasi saya. Ini digunakan untuk menjadi cara saya bisa membebaskan apa pun dalam diriku. Tapi semua itu mendapat memutar entah bagaimana, dan itu menjadi simbol lain bagaimana terperangkap saya. Dengan napas dalam-dalam, aku mengibaskan kait dan membuka tutupnya. Mataku menyengat saat aku melihat ke bawah pada kuas dan tabung setengah digunakan cat, akrilik dan minyak, gesso, pensil, pernis, beku dan menunggu saya untuk kembali.
Sebuah tangan menutup bahu dan kepala saya tersentak. "Kamu baik-baik saja?" Jude bertanya, dan ekspresi khawatir, aku melihat kenangan, saya muncul di pintu malam itu mengerikan, dari semua bulan setelah ketika aku terlalu menyedihkan untuk bangun dari sofa.
"Ya, tentu , "kataku dengan parutan dalam suaraku. Ngeri saya, saya melihat Caleb menonton saya. Tapi begitu mata kita bertemu, dia terlihat jauh dan mulai untuk mengatasi kelas, menarik perhatian ke depan ruangan. Saya perlahan-lahan naik ke bangku saya sebagai ia memerintahkan semua orang berapa banyak cat untuk menempatkan pada palet dan berbicara tentang kualitas cat akrilik. Saya lebih suka menggunakan minyak saya, tapi aku hanya mendapatkan kembali ke ini, jadi saya duduk dan mendengarkan dan melayang sedikit, menikmati suara yang dalam Caleb.
Waktu kelas berlalu, dan satu jam kemudian, kami re berkemas, mencuci kuas dan melemparkan kertas kami di tempat sampah daur ulang. Ada sekelompok wanita di seluruh Caleb, menyentuh lengannya dan tertawa dengan suara Trilling di hampir semua katanya. Dia tidak terlihat seperti dia pikiran perhatian. Aku mengambil tangan Jude dan menariknya dia ke lorong, menuju tangga. "Saya ingin mengambil mengintip di studio," kataku.
"Apakah kita diperbolehkan untuk pergi ke sana?"
Aku mengangkat bahu. "Mengapa tidak akan kita menjadi? Ini bukan ruang pribadi, dan seni dimaksudkan untuk melihat. "Ketika saya pertama kali pindah ke sini tahun lalu untuk memulai program pascasarjana dalam konseling, saya berkhayal tentang menyewa salah satu ruang di sini, dan datang untuk melihat itu waktu atau dua , tapi kemudian aku terbungkus dalam hubungan saya dengan Alex dan rencana pergi di pinggir jalan bersama dengan segala sesuatu yang lain.
Ruang di bagian atas tangga adalah gua, dan saya menggigil di udara dingin-semua jendela yang terbuka untuk membiarkan keluar asap. Aku harus bertanya-tanya bagaimana mereka mengatasinya ketika angin berubah dingin dan salju turun. Kami berada di Michigan, setelah semua, tepat di tepi danau. Musim dingin adalah lelucon di sini. Ini awal September, dan malam hari sudah cukup dingin untuk menyerukan lengan panjang.
Para tengah ruangan besar berantakan dengan tabel persediaan, kanvas setengah-membentang dan alat, pisau palet rusak dan palet, kawat dan lem dan kanvas usungan. Ada kiln dekat jendela belakang. Warung besar garis tepi ruangan, masing-masing sekitar sepuluh dengan sepuluh kaki, masing-masing dunia yang berbeda.
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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