Consumer segmentationFactor scores were employed in a Two Step Cluster terjemahan - Consumer segmentationFactor scores were employed in a Two Step Cluster Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Consumer segmentationFactor scores

Consumer segmentation

Factor scores were employed in a Two Step Cluster Analysis that revealed three segments of consumers (Table II [Figure omitted. See Article Image.]). Based on the factors characterising each segment, the first one was labelled "Tomato-loyals", characterised by the factor "Eating habbits" which is represented by the statement "I do not eat other vegetables as salad". The second one was labelled "Sensorialists", described by the factor "Organoleptic characteristics", as its members tend to select vegetables based on their organoleptic characteristics. Finally, the third segment was labelled "Health-conscious", characterised by the factor "Nutritional value", as its members tend to select which vegetables they will eat based on nutritional value.

Socioeconomic and demographic characteristics of segments

With regard to age, statistically significant differences were found between "Tomato-loyals" and "Health-conscious. The former segment has a youngest profile base, with 62.1 per cent of consumers being between 18 and 35 years old, while the latter has an oldest profile base with 64 per cent being older than 36 years (Table III [Figure omitted. See Article Image.]).

Differences in marital status were found statistically significant, as "Tomato-loyals" differ from the remaining segments. Most "Tomato-loyals" are single, while most consumers of the two other segments are married (Table III [Figure omitted. See Article Image.]). Regarding household income (before tax), significant differences were found between "Health-conscious" and the other segments as "Health-conscious" have a higher household income and differ significantly compared to the other segments especially when there is a presence of a working mother in the household (Table III [Figure omitted. See Article Image.]). However, no significant differences were found regarding gender, education, and the presence of children in the family.

Purchasing behaviour of tomato consumers

"Tomato-loyals" select fresh tomatoes based on the following order of importance: price, tomatoes being in season or not, and country of origin. "Sensorialists" select fresh tomatoes based on another order though: country of origin, price and whether tomatoes are in season or not. The three most important purchasing criteria for "Health Conscious" are: country of origin, buying tomatoes in season, and the region of origin (within Greece). Statistically significant differences were found between "Tomato-loyals" and "Sensorialists" in relation to the importance of buying tomatoes in season (or not), with "Sensorialists" displaying a higher degree of interest towards this criterion. "Tomato-loyals" and "Health-conscious" differ significantly regarding the criteria of purchasing tomatoes in season (or not), country of origin, the region of origin of tomatoes produced in Greece, and whether they are organic or not, whilst "Health-conscious" displayed higher means for all criteria.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Segmentasi konsumenNilai faktor yang bekerja di dua langkah analisa Cluster yang mengungkapkan tiga segmen konsumen (tabel II [angka dihilangkan. Lihat artikel gambar.]). Berdasarkan faktor-faktor yang characterising setiap segmen, yang pertama adalah berlabel "Tomat-loyals", dicirikan oleh faktor yang "Makan habbits" yang diwakili oleh pernyataan "saya tidak makan sayuran lainnya sebagai salad". Yang kedua adalah berlabel "Sensorialists", dijelaskan oleh faktor "Karakteristik organoleptik", karena para anggotanya cenderung memilih sayuran yang berdasarkan karakteristik organoleptik mereka. Akhirnya, segmen ketiga adalah berlabel "Sadar kesehatan", dicirikan oleh faktor "Nilai gizi", karena para anggotanya cenderung memilih sayuran yang mereka akan makan berdasarkan nilai gizi.Karakteristik sosial ekonomi dan demografi segmenBerkaitan dengan usia, perbedaan signifikan secara statistik yang ditemukan antara "Tomat-loyals" dan "sadar kesehatan. Segmen mantan memiliki profil termuda dasar, dengan 62,1 persen konsumen menjadi antara 18 dan 35 tahun, sedangkan yang terakhir memiliki profil yang tertua dasar dengan 64 persen menjadi lebih tua dari 36 tahun (tabel III [angka dihilangkan. Lihat artikel gambar.]).Perbedaan dalam status perkawinan yang ditemukan secara statistik signifikan, sebagai "Tomat-loyals" berbeda dari segmen yang tersisa. Kebanyakan "tomat-loyals" singel, sementara sebagian besar konsumen dua segmen lain menikah (tabel III [angka dihilangkan. Lihat artikel gambar.]). Mengenai pendapatan rumah tangga (sebelum pajak), perbedaan yang signifikan ditemukan antara "Sadar kesehatan" dan yang lain segmen sebagai "Sadar kesehatan" memiliki pendapatan rumah tangga lebih tinggi dan berbeda secara signifikan dibandingkan dengan segmen lain terutama ketika ada kehadiran seorang ibu yang bekerja dalam rumah tangga (tabel III [angka dihilangkan. Lihat artikel gambar.]). Namun, ada perbedaan signifikan ditemukan mengenai jenis kelamin, pendidikan, dan kehadiran anak-anak dalam keluarga.Pembelian perilaku konsumen tomat"Tomato-loyals" select fresh tomatoes based on the following order of importance: price, tomatoes being in season or not, and country of origin. "Sensorialists" select fresh tomatoes based on another order though: country of origin, price and whether tomatoes are in season or not. The three most important purchasing criteria for "Health Conscious" are: country of origin, buying tomatoes in season, and the region of origin (within Greece). Statistically significant differences were found between "Tomato-loyals" and "Sensorialists" in relation to the importance of buying tomatoes in season (or not), with "Sensorialists" displaying a higher degree of interest towards this criterion. "Tomato-loyals" and "Health-conscious" differ significantly regarding the criteria of purchasing tomatoes in season (or not), country of origin, the region of origin of tomatoes produced in Greece, and whether they are organic or not, whilst "Health-conscious" displayed higher means for all criteria.
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