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Bahasa Indonesia) 1:
II. METHODOLOGY This study is a qualitative research, this such research is used to observe natural condition in which researcher(s) is its key instrument. This research emphasizes more on meaning than generalizing [15]. A case study is used in this research approach. A case study is an empirical inquiry that investigates a contemporary phenomenon within its real life content, especially when the boundaries between phenomenon and content are not clearly evident [16]. By case study, this study will describe more detailed how Blogger Village can emerge in Magelang and the extent to which blogger community is able to operate this internet business.This research uses primary and secondary data sources, primary data was obtained from field observation and interview with informants like founder of Blogger Village and chief of Blogger Village, local agencies at Municipality of Magelang such as: Agency of Transportation, Communication and Informatics at Municipality of Magelang, Agency for Planning and Development, and Agency for Research, Development, and Statistics. This research was sequently done in three months, February-March-April 2015 year. In 1st month, we compiled data from field and literatures briefly, 2nd month we visited to “Blogger Village” to interview informants and observe field, and the last month we analysed field data and compiled them with literatures.Penelitian ini menggunakan framework yang dikembangkan oleh Ramirez [2] untuk menganalisis ICT di wilayah pedesaan dan terpencil. Model alamat keterkaitan di empat besar dimensi: kebijakan dan peraturan, pengembangan organisasi, komunitas dan infrastruktur. GAMBAR 1. Model pengembangan TIK pedesaan dan terpencilSumber: Ramirez (2001)Kebijakan dimensiDimensi model kebijakan berfokus pada menentukan kebijakan dan peraturan yang tersedia, jangkauan dan orientasi, dan proses dengan mana mereka menjalani adaptasi atau penyesuaian. Elemen pertama ini Alamat program insentif kebijakan sebagai "blok bangunan" untuk merangsang masyarakat tingkat organisasi jaringan elektronik. Yang kedua membahas dampak dan pengaruh dari pengalaman dengan organisasi-organisasi lokal pada evolusi program insentif kebijakan. Elemens dua pelengkap: pertama membahas dampak dari kebijakan-kebijakan di bidang pengalaman dan kedua alamat reaksi dari pengalaman Lapangan kebijakan proses pembuatan.Organisasi dimensiThe organizational dimension is analyzed four complementary elements that address major treasures of these community “electronic networking organizations”: a) the internal coherence of the community electronic network organizations; b) the extent to which these group can be described as learning organizations; c) how these organizations learn to adapt and change, with particular attention to the personal attributes of their managers (or champion) and to how they seek to transfer their experience; and d) the range of services they offer. Community dimensionThis dimension is addressed through two elements: (a) identification of examples of new “spaces and places for innovation”, ranging from the community electronic networking organizations themselves to the electronic bulletin boards they have created for their users and (b) the sector-and project-specific initiatives that communities pursue. Technology and Infrastructure dimension Technology and infrastructure dimension is truly a contextual one more than an analytical one. This dimension consist of three elements of infrastructure: a) bandwidth, b) application, and c) hardware.
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