Shortly after dawn on most weekday mornings, a strange ritual takes pl terjemahan - Shortly after dawn on most weekday mornings, a strange ritual takes pl Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Shortly after dawn on most weekday

Shortly after dawn on most weekday mornings, a strange ritual takes place in
Washington, D.C. Two dozen select men and women leave their homes, grab their newspapers,
and rush off to spend part of the day under virtual house arrest. Yes, house
arrest—as in incarceration. Precisely where they go to be confined can vary day to day.
It could be in a dilapidated government building one morning and a high-tech office
complex the next. Regardless of the location, what occurs in all these places is always
the same. They enter a strict, prison-like setting where contact with the outside world
is cut off.
One Friday morning, this same group climbs a long set of steps to the side entrance
of a sleek, white-stone building on 3rd Avenue and C Street in the heart of the nation’s
capital. Armed guards greet them at the entrance for a security check; from this point on,
everyone has to wear their ID tags at all times. The visitors proceed across a lobby and
down a quiet, narrow corridor, eventually stopping in front of a locked, heavy wooden
door. A government official awaits them and quickly opens the door to reveal a drab, windowless,
L-shaped room 40 feet long and some 10 feet across. It is empty except for two
dozen plain-looking orange and chrome chairs, each resting alongside a row of narrow
cubicle-like desks. A digital clock high on the wall breaks time down to seconds. It is
7:30:15 a.m., and already 12 people have found their way into the “lock-up” room. More
are expected within the next 15 minutes. All who enter dutifully sign their names on a
special sheet.
Despite its austere appearance, there is an atmosphere of calm in the room, at least
for now. Some visitors talk excitedly about the previous night’s televised basketball game.
Others are either chatting on cell phones or checking their BlackBerrys for messages. A
few keep to themselves by catching up on the morning paper or downing a quick muffin
and coffee. Everyone in the room, however, makes a point of always knowing the time,
with some people eyeing the digital clock so frequently that their actions may be mistaken
for nervous tics.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Shortly after dawn on most weekday mornings, a strange ritual takes place inWashington, D.C. Two dozen select men and women leave their homes, grab their newspapers,and rush off to spend part of the day under virtual house arrest. Yes, housearrest—as in incarceration. Precisely where they go to be confined can vary day to day.It could be in a dilapidated government building one morning and a high-tech officecomplex the next. Regardless of the location, what occurs in all these places is alwaysthe same. They enter a strict, prison-like setting where contact with the outside worldis cut off.One Friday morning, this same group climbs a long set of steps to the side entranceof a sleek, white-stone building on 3rd Avenue and C Street in the heart of the nation’scapital. Armed guards greet them at the entrance for a security check; from this point on,everyone has to wear their ID tags at all times. The visitors proceed across a lobby anddown a quiet, narrow corridor, eventually stopping in front of a locked, heavy woodendoor. A government official awaits them and quickly opens the door to reveal a drab, windowless,L-shaped room 40 feet long and some 10 feet across. It is empty except for twodozen plain-looking orange and chrome chairs, each resting alongside a row of narrowcubicle-like desks. A digital clock high on the wall breaks time down to seconds. It is7:30:15 a.m., and already 12 people have found their way into the “lock-up” room. Moreare expected within the next 15 minutes. All who enter dutifully sign their names on aspecial sheet.Despite its austere appearance, there is an atmosphere of calm in the room, at leastfor now. Some visitors talk excitedly about the previous night’s televised basketball game.Others are either chatting on cell phones or checking their BlackBerrys for messages. Afew keep to themselves by catching up on the morning paper or downing a quick muffinand coffee. Everyone in the room, however, makes a point of always knowing the time,with some people eyeing the digital clock so frequently that their actions may be mistakenfor nervous tics.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Tak lama setelah fajar pada pagi hari yang paling hari kerja, ritual aneh terjadi di
Washington, DC Dua lusin pilih laki-laki dan perempuan meninggalkan rumah mereka, mengambil surat kabar mereka,
dan buru-buru untuk menghabiskan bagian dari hari di bawah tahanan rumah virtual. Ya, rumah
tahanan-seperti dalam penahanan. Tepat di mana mereka pergi ke terbatas dapat bervariasi dari hari ke hari.
Itu bisa dalam pemerintahan bobrok membangun suatu pagi dan kantor berteknologi tinggi
kompleks berikutnya. Terlepas dari lokasi, apa yang terjadi di semua tempat-tempat ini selalu
sama. Mereka memasukkan ketat, penjara-seperti pengaturan di mana kontak dengan dunia luar
Satu Jumat pagi, kelompok yang sama ini naik satu set panjang langkah untuk pintu samping
dari ramping, bangunan putih-batu di 3rd Avenue dan C Jalan di jantung bangsa
modal. Penjaga bersenjata menyambut mereka di pintu masuk untuk pemeriksaan keamanan; dari titik ini,
setiap orang harus memakai tag ID mereka setiap saat. Para pengunjung melanjutkan di lobi dan
menyusuri tenang, koridor sempit, akhirnya berhenti di depan terkunci, kayu yang berat
sebelah. Seorang pejabat pemerintah menanti mereka dan dengan cepat membuka pintu untuk mengungkapkan menjemukan, jendela,
kamar berbentuk L 40 kaki panjang dan sekitar 10 kaki. Hal ini kosong kecuali untuk dua
lusin jeruk dan chrome kursi tampak biasa, masing-masing beristirahat bersama deretan sempit
meja bilik-seperti. Jam digital tinggi di dinding istirahat waktu ke detik. Hal ini
07:30:15, dan sudah 12 orang telah menemukan cara mereka ke dalam "mengunci-up" kamar. Lebih
diharapkan dalam 15 menit berikutnya. Semua yang masuk patuh menandatangani nama mereka pada
lembaran khusus.
Meskipun penampilan angker, ada suasana tenang di dalam ruangan, setidaknya
untuk saat ini. Beberapa pengunjung berbicara penuh semangat tentang malam sebelumnya pertandingan basket di televisi.
Yang lain baik mengobrol di ponsel atau memeriksa BlackBerry mereka pesan. Sebuah
beberapa menjaga diri mereka sendiri dengan penangkapan di koran pagi atau menenggak muffin cepat
dan kopi. Semua orang di dalam ruangan, namun, membuat titik selalu mengetahui waktu,
dengan beberapa orang melirik jam digital begitu sering bahwa tindakan mereka dapat keliru
untuk tics saraf.
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