They discuss how a strategy is the pattern or plan that integrates an  terjemahan - They discuss how a strategy is the pattern or plan that integrates an  Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

They discuss how a strategy is the

They discuss how a strategy is the pattern or plan that integrates an organisation's major goals, policies and action sequences into a cohesive whole (Mintzberg and Quinn, 1998: 3) (Box 3.3).
Second, strategy is defined as a pattern. It is argued that defining strategy as a plan is not sufficient; there is also a need for a definition that encompasses the resulting behaviour. Thus, strategy is proposed as a pattern, 'specifically a pattern in a stream of actions' (Mintzberg and Quinn, 1998: 11). The definition of strategy whether as plan or pattern can be quite independent of each other: plans may go unrealised, while patterns may appear without preconception. They argue that:
If we label the first definition 'intended' strategy and the second 'realized' strategy, then we can distinguish deliberate strategies, where intentions that existed previously were realized, from 'emergent' strategies, where patterns developed in the absence of intentions, or despite them which went 'unrealised'.
(1998: 15)
The third definition is that strategy is a position. By this definition, strategv becomes the mediating force or match between the organisation and its external and internal environment. Strategy as a position looks outside the organisation, seeking to locate the organisation in the external environment and place it in a concrete position (Mintzberg and Quinn, 1998).
The fourth definition is strategy as a perspective, which looks inside of the organisation. Strategy in this respect is to the organisation what personality7 is to the individual (Mintzberg, et al. 1995). The definition of strategy as perspective, suggests that strategy is a concept. In this case, strategy is a perspective shared by the members of an organisation through their intentions and/or by their actions (Mintzberg and Quinn, 1998). Strategy as both position and perspective can be compatible with strategy as plan and/or pattern. But in reality, the relationships between these different definitions can be more involved than that.
Segal-Horn (1998) discusses strategy as an area of management that is concerned with the general direction and long term policy of the business as distinct from short term tactics and day-to-day operations. Hence, the strategy-

Box 3.3 Strategy as a plan that guides small business
In 1999 Express Inc., a distributor of the parts for home appliances, needed to retrench, having lost a targe sum of money on one venture and having neglected its core business. Victor Adams, Express Inc.'-s Managing Director, with the help of a management consultant and his own management team, put together a comprehensive plan designed to turn strategies into action. The plan was distinctive in that it was constructed for use as a management tool to be followed during the year rather than being placed on a shelf and forgotten. Each department had a summary of the plan that laid out its activities by calendar periods. Victor and the management team hold monthly meetings to monitor progress, and they update the plan annually. The plan as a sales strategy was credited with helping the business to double its 2000 sales in the plan's first year.

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Mereka membahas bagaimana strategi adalah pola atau rencana yang terintegrasi sasaran utama organisasi, kebijakan, dan urutan tindakan ke dalam keseluruhan kohesif (Mintzberg dan Quinn, 1998:3) (kotak 3,3).Kedua, strategi didefinisikan sebagai pola. Hal ini berpendapat bahwa strategi yang mendefinisikan sebagai sebuah rencana tidak cukup; Ada juga kebutuhan untuk definisi yang meliputi perilaku dihasilkan. Dengan demikian, strategi diusulkan sebagai pola, 'khusus pola aliran tindakan' (Mintzberg dan Quinn, 1998:11). Definisi strategi Apakah sebagai rencana atau pola dapat cukup independen satu sama lain: rencana mungkin pergi unrealised, sementara pola mungkin muncul tanpa prasangka. Mereka berpendapat bahwa:Jika kami label strategi 'dimaksud' definisi pertama dan kedua 'menyadari' strategi, maka kita dapat membedakan strategi yang disengaja, mana niat yang ada sebelumnya menyadari, dari strategi 'langsung', mana pola dikembangkan dalam ketiadaan niat, atau meskipun mereka yang pergi 'unrealised'.(1998: 15)Definisi ketiga adalah strategi yang posisi. Dengan definisi ini, strategv menjadi menengahi memaksa atau sesuai antara organisasi dan lingkungan eksternal dan internal. Strategi sebagai posisi terlihat di luar organisasi, berusaha untuk menemukan organisasi dalam lingkungan eksternal dan menempatkannya dalam posisi beton (Mintzberg dan Quinn, 1998).Definisi keempat adalah strategi sebagai perspektif, yang tampak dalam organisasi. Strategi dalam hal ini adalah organisasi personality7 apa yang individu (Mintzberg, et al. 1995). Definisi strategi sebagai perspektif, menunjukkan bahwa strategi adalah sebuah konsep. Dalam kasus ini, strategi adalah perspektif bersama oleh anggota organisasi melalui niat mereka dan/atau dengan tindakan mereka (Mintzberg dan Quinn, 1998). Strategi sebagai posisi dan perspektif dapat kompatibel dengan strategi sebagai rencana dan/atau pola. Tetapi kenyataannya, hubungan antara definisi yang berbeda ini dapat lebih terlibat daripada itu.Segal-tanduk (1998) membahas strategi sebagai wilayah manajemen yang berkaitan dengan arah Umum dan jangka panjang kebijakan bisnis yang berbeda dengan taktik jangka pendek dan operasi harian. Oleh karena itu, strategi -3.3 kotak strategi sebagai rencana yang memandu usaha kecilIn 1999 Express Inc., a distributor of the parts for home appliances, needed to retrench, having lost a targe sum of money on one venture and having neglected its core business. Victor Adams, Express Inc.'-s Managing Director, with the help of a management consultant and his own management team, put together a comprehensive plan designed to turn strategies into action. The plan was distinctive in that it was constructed for use as a management tool to be followed during the year rather than being placed on a shelf and forgotten. Each department had a summary of the plan that laid out its activities by calendar periods. Victor and the management team hold monthly meetings to monitor progress, and they update the plan annually. The plan as a sales strategy was credited with helping the business to double its 2000 sales in the plan's first year.
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