Always striving to innovate, Lauzon introduces the world’s first smart terjemahan - Always striving to innovate, Lauzon introduces the world’s first smart Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

Always striving to innovate, Lauzon

Always striving to innovate, Lauzon introduces the world’s first smart hardwood floor. Pure Genius, Lauzon’s latest exclusive innovation, improves indoor air quality of your home without compromising the quality and appearance of your hardwood flooring.
PURE GENIUS is a natural purifying agent made of titanium dioxide (TiO2) integrated into Lauzon’s TITANIUM floor finish. Activated by natural or artificial light, it breaks down toxic contaminants on contact and transforms them into harmless molecules. Its constant and consistent action is so effective that over time, it makes indoor air up to 85% cleaner.
What does PURE GENIUS do?
– Pure Genius cleans the air of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs), contributing to a healthier home environment.
– Pure Genius removes odour-causing airborne compounds making your house smell clean and fresh.
– Pure Genius eliminates bacteria and micro-organisms from your floors, making for a healthier living.
– Pure Genius renders the surface of your floor hydrophilic, making your floor look cleaner.
Why is indoor air quality so important?
Because we spend so much of our time indoors (up to 90% according to Building Efficiency / Green Building) it is important that indoor air be free of harmful toxins. The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) found levels of about a dozen common organic pollutants to be 5 to 10 times higher inside homes than outside, regardless of whether the homes were located in rural or highly industrial areas. Most of these pollutants enter homes unsuspectingly through certain furniture varnishes, paint strippers and inexpensive flooring products. However, hardwood floors treated with the PURE GENIUS technology can help you to remove these pollutants as well as other toxins that may be present from any number of common household sources such as pressed wood (in your cabinets), exhaust fumes from a connecting garage, paint, adhesives and varnishes, tobacco smoke, smoke from fireplaces and even smoke from wood-burning stoves.
What about fresh air from outside?
Pure Genius will never replace the natural benefits of getting fresh air into your home. However, there may be times of the year when the weather would impede you from letting fresh air in on a regular basis. There are also many dwellings and residential buildings that suffer from sick building syndrome (or that are exposed to a bad indoor climate) that could greatly benefit from the Pure Genius patented technology.
How is having a floor with PURE GENIUS like having 3 trees in my home?
All plants including trees, have the ability to absorb and break down harmful airborne toxins such as NOx (Nitrous oxides coming from car exhausts) and formaldehyde. Third party scientific studies have demonstrated that under normal lighting conditions, 10,000 square feet of hardwood flooring with PURE GENIUS has the equivalent purifying effect of 22 deciduous trees! This translates to 1 full-grown mature tree for every 454 square feet of hardwood flooring. This means that an average house (measuring 1,377 square feet) will benefit from the air purifying capabilities of 3 mature trees.
Lauzon flooring Pure Genius hardwood flooring
Lauzon flooring Pure Genius hardwood flooring
How long does it take for PURE GENIUS to start working? And how long will it last?
Under normal lighting conditions (either artificial or sunlight), it takes approximately 30 to 60 days for hardwood floors with PURE GENIUS to degrade contaminants and establish an air purification equilibrium in your home. Hardwood floors enhanced with PURE GENIUS effectively purify the air for as long as the surface finish lasts.
What if the finish is scratched?
Small scratches will not affect the overall effect of Pure Genius because the action will only be diminished in proportion to the area where the coating is affected, which will most likely be less than a fraction of a percent. Hardwood floors enhanced with PURE GENIUS effectively purify the air for as long as the surface finish lasts. Sanding, on-site refinishing, or staining will nullify the air purifying effects; however, normal usage and wear and tear will only slightly affect the process, leaving it efficient for as long as the original floor surface is intact.
Do PURE GENIUS hardwood products carry a warranty?
Because every living environment is unique, Lauzon Flooring cannot guarantee the air purifying effect and impact that their PURE GENIUS hardwood flooring will have in your house. The efficiency of the PURE GENIUS technology will depend on the amount of light, air circulation and the quantity and concentration of contaminants that are present in any given household. PURE GENIUS requires lighting to work optimally, so the more the floor is covered with objects, the less surface area there is to work on air purification. Conversely, the more surface area covered with PURE GENIUS hardwood products, the more air it will clean in your home. So be creative! dare to use hardwood products enhanced with PURE GENIUS beyond your floors. Use it to create an interesting accent wall, a cozy ceiling, or simply incorporate it into a DIY project such as a book shelf or a contemporary headboard.
What about cleaning?
Always use hardwood flooring rated cleaning products and follow the manufacturer’s instructions. Also, avoid waxing or washing your hardwood floors with soapy or oily products. If you have already washed your floors inadequately, an oily residue will be formed on the surface. While this will slow down the Pure Genius process, rest assured that it will come back to its full capacity once that residue has been removed.
What products are available with PURE GENIUS?
There are two new Lauzon hardwood series Organik and Authentik that come standard with the PURE GENIUS technology. A substantial selection of products in the Designer and Ambiance hardwood collections are also available with PURE GENIUS as an option.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Always striving to innovate, Lauzon introduces the world’s first smart hardwood floor. Pure Genius, Lauzon’s latest exclusive innovation, improves indoor air quality of your home without compromising the quality and appearance of your hardwood flooring. What is PURE GENIUS?PURE GENIUS is a natural purifying agent made of titanium dioxide (TiO2) integrated into Lauzon’s TITANIUM floor finish. Activated by natural or artificial light, it breaks down toxic contaminants on contact and transforms them into harmless molecules. Its constant and consistent action is so effective that over time, it makes indoor air up to 85% cleaner.What does PURE GENIUS do?– Pure Genius cleans the air of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs), contributing to a healthier home environment.– Pure Genius removes odour-causing airborne compounds making your house smell clean and fresh.– Pure Genius eliminates bacteria and micro-organisms from your floors, making for a healthier living.– Pure Genius renders the surface of your floor hydrophilic, making your floor look cleaner.Why is indoor air quality so important?Because we spend so much of our time indoors (up to 90% according to Building Efficiency / Green Building) it is important that indoor air be free of harmful toxins. The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) found levels of about a dozen common organic pollutants to be 5 to 10 times higher inside homes than outside, regardless of whether the homes were located in rural or highly industrial areas. Most of these pollutants enter homes unsuspectingly through certain furniture varnishes, paint strippers and inexpensive flooring products. However, hardwood floors treated with the PURE GENIUS technology can help you to remove these pollutants as well as other toxins that may be present from any number of common household sources such as pressed wood (in your cabinets), exhaust fumes from a connecting garage, paint, adhesives and varnishes, tobacco smoke, smoke from fireplaces and even smoke from wood-burning stoves.What about fresh air from outside?Pure Genius will never replace the natural benefits of getting fresh air into your home. However, there may be times of the year when the weather would impede you from letting fresh air in on a regular basis. There are also many dwellings and residential buildings that suffer from sick building syndrome (or that are exposed to a bad indoor climate) that could greatly benefit from the Pure Genius patented technology.How is having a floor with PURE GENIUS like having 3 trees in my home?All plants including trees, have the ability to absorb and break down harmful airborne toxins such as NOx (Nitrous oxides coming from car exhausts) and formaldehyde. Third party scientific studies have demonstrated that under normal lighting conditions, 10,000 square feet of hardwood flooring with PURE GENIUS has the equivalent purifying effect of 22 deciduous trees! This translates to 1 full-grown mature tree for every 454 square feet of hardwood flooring. This means that an average house (measuring 1,377 square feet) will benefit from the air purifying capabilities of 3 mature trees.Lauzon flooring Pure Genius hardwood flooringLauzon flooring Pure Genius hardwood flooringHow long does it take for PURE GENIUS to start working? And how long will it last?Under normal lighting conditions (either artificial or sunlight), it takes approximately 30 to 60 days for hardwood floors with PURE GENIUS to degrade contaminants and establish an air purification equilibrium in your home. Hardwood floors enhanced with PURE GENIUS effectively purify the air for as long as the surface finish lasts.What if the finish is scratched?Small scratches will not affect the overall effect of Pure Genius because the action will only be diminished in proportion to the area where the coating is affected, which will most likely be less than a fraction of a percent. Hardwood floors enhanced with PURE GENIUS effectively purify the air for as long as the surface finish lasts. Sanding, on-site refinishing, or staining will nullify the air purifying effects; however, normal usage and wear and tear will only slightly affect the process, leaving it efficient for as long as the original floor surface is intact.Do PURE GENIUS hardwood products carry a warranty?Because every living environment is unique, Lauzon Flooring cannot guarantee the air purifying effect and impact that their PURE GENIUS hardwood flooring will have in your house. The efficiency of the PURE GENIUS technology will depend on the amount of light, air circulation and the quantity and concentration of contaminants that are present in any given household. PURE GENIUS requires lighting to work optimally, so the more the floor is covered with objects, the less surface area there is to work on air purification. Conversely, the more surface area covered with PURE GENIUS hardwood products, the more air it will clean in your home. So be creative! dare to use hardwood products enhanced with PURE GENIUS beyond your floors. Use it to create an interesting accent wall, a cozy ceiling, or simply incorporate it into a DIY project such as a book shelf or a contemporary headboard. What about cleaning?
Always use hardwood flooring rated cleaning products and follow the manufacturer’s instructions. Also, avoid waxing or washing your hardwood floors with soapy or oily products. If you have already washed your floors inadequately, an oily residue will be formed on the surface. While this will slow down the Pure Genius process, rest assured that it will come back to its full capacity once that residue has been removed.
What products are available with PURE GENIUS?
There are two new Lauzon hardwood series Organik and Authentik that come standard with the PURE GENIUS technology. A substantial selection of products in the Designer and Ambiance hardwood collections are also available with PURE GENIUS as an option.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Selalu berusaha untuk berinovasi, Lauzon memperkenalkan lantai kayu pintar pertama di dunia. Genius murni, inovasi eksklusif terbaru Lauzon ini, meningkatkan kualitas udara dalam ruangan rumah Anda tanpa mengorbankan kualitas dan penampilan lantai kayu keras Anda.
GENIUS PURE adalah agen memurnikan alami yang terbuat dari titanium dioksida (TiO2) yang terintegrasi ke lantai TITANIUM Lauzon ini finish. Diaktifkan oleh cahaya alami atau buatan, itu rusak kontaminan beracun pada kontak dan mengubahnya menjadi molekul berbahaya. Tindakan konstan dan konsisten sangat efektif bahwa dari waktu ke waktu, itu membuat udara dalam ruangan hingga 85% lebih bersih.
Apa GENIUS PURE lakukan?
- Genius Murni membersihkan udara dari Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC), memberikan kontribusi untuk lingkungan rumah sehat.
- Genius murni menghilangkan senyawa udara penyebab bau membuat rumah Anda bau bersih dan segar.
- Genius Murni menghilangkan bakteri dan mikro-organisme dari lantai Anda, membuat hidup lebih sehat.
- Genius murni membuat permukaan lantai Anda hidrofilik, membuat lantai Anda terlihat cleaner.
Mengapa kualitas udara dalam ruangan sangat penting?
Karena kita menghabiskan begitu banyak waktu kita di dalam ruangan (hingga 90% sesuai untuk Membangun Efisiensi / Green Building) adalah penting bahwa udara dalam ruangan bebas dari racun berbahaya. Amerika Serikat Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) menemukan tingkat sekitar selusin polutan organik yang umum menjadi 5 sampai 10 kali lebih tinggi di dalam rumah daripada di luar, terlepas dari apakah rumah yang terletak di daerah pedesaan atau industri maju. Sebagian besar polutan tersebut memasuki rumah tanpa curiga melalui pernis furnitur tertentu, penari telanjang cat dan produk lantai murah. Namun, lantai kayu diperlakukan dengan teknologi GENIUS PURE dapat membantu Anda untuk menghilangkan polutan ini serta racun lainnya yang mungkin ada dari sejumlah sumber rumah tangga biasa seperti kayu ditekan (di lemari Anda), asap knalpot dari sebuah garasi yang menghubungkan, cat, perekat dan pernis, asap tembakau, asap dari perapian dan bahkan merokok dari kayu-tungku pembakaran.
Bagaimana udara segar dari luar?
Genius Murni tidak akan menggantikan manfaat alami untuk mendapatkan udara segar ke rumah Anda. Namun, mungkin ada kali tahun ketika cuaca akan menghambat Anda dari membiarkan udara segar di secara teratur. Ada juga banyak tempat tinggal dan bangunan tempat tinggal yang menderita sindrom gedung sakit (atau yang terkena iklim dalam ruangan yang buruk) yang sangat bisa mendapatkan keuntungan dari teknologi Genius Murni dipatenkan.
Bagaimana memiliki lantai dengan GENIUS PURE seperti memiliki 3 pohon di saya rumah?
Semua tanaman termasuk pohon, memiliki kemampuan untuk menyerap dan memecah racun udara berbahaya seperti NOx (Nitrous oksida yang berasal dari knalpot mobil) dan formaldehid. Studi ilmiah pihak ketiga telah menunjukkan bahwa dalam kondisi pencahayaan normal, 10.000 kaki persegi lantai kayu keras dengan GENIUS PURE memiliki efek memurnikan setara 22 pohon gugur! Ini berarti untuk 1 pohon dewasa penuh tumbuh untuk setiap 454 kaki persegi lantai kayu keras. Ini berarti bahwa rumah rata-rata (mengukur 1.377 kaki persegi) akan mendapatkan keuntungan dari kemampuan pemurni udara dari 3 pohon dewasa.
Lauzon lantai lantai kayu Genius Murni
lantai Lauzon lantai kayu Genius Murni
Berapa lama waktu yang diperlukan untuk GENIUS PURE untuk mulai bekerja? Dan berapa lama akan bertahan?
Dalam kondisi pencahayaan normal (baik buatan atau sinar matahari), dibutuhkan waktu sekitar 30 sampai 60 hari untuk lantai kayu keras dengan GENIUS PURE menurunkan kontaminan dan membangun keseimbangan pemurnian udara di rumah Anda. Lantai kayu ditingkatkan dengan GENIUS PURE efektif memurnikan udara selama permukaan akhir berlangsung.
Bagaimana jika finish tergores?
Goresan kecil tidak akan mempengaruhi efek keseluruhan Genius Murni karena tindakan hanya akan berkurang secara proporsional ke daerah mana lapisan dipengaruhi, yang kemungkinan besar akan kurang dari sepersekian persen. Lantai kayu ditingkatkan dengan GENIUS PURE efektif memurnikan udara selama permukaan akhir berlangsung. Pengamplasan, di tempat refinishing, atau pewarnaan akan membatalkan efek pemurni udara; Namun, penggunaan normal dan keausan akan hanya sedikit mempengaruhi proses, meninggalkannya efisien selama permukaan lantai asli utuh.
Apakah produk kayu GENIUS PURE membawa garansi?
Karena setiap lingkungan hidup yang unik, Lauzon Flooring tidak dapat menjamin efek pemurni udara dan dampak yang lantai kayu GENIUS PURE mereka akan memiliki di rumah Anda. Efisiensi dari teknologi GENIUS PURE akan tergantung pada jumlah cahaya, sirkulasi udara dan kuantitas dan konsentrasi kontaminan yang hadir dalam setiap rumah tangga diberikan. GENIUS PURE membutuhkan pencahayaan untuk bekerja secara optimal, sehingga lebih lantai ditutupi dengan benda-benda, daerah kurang permukaan yang ada untuk bekerja pada pemurnian udara. Sebaliknya, luas permukaan yang lebih tertutup dengan produk GENIUS kayu PURE, semakin udara itu akan membersihkan di rumah Anda. Jadi menjadi kreatif! berani untuk menggunakan produk kayu ditingkatkan dengan PURE GENIUS luar lantai Anda. Menggunakannya untuk membuat dinding aksen yang menarik, langit-langit yang nyaman, atau hanya memasukkan ke dalam proyek DIY seperti rak buku atau kepala kontemporer.
Bagaimana membersihkan?
Selalu menggunakan lantai kayu dinilai produk pembersih dan ikuti instruksi dari pabriknya. Selain itu, hindari waxing atau mencuci lantai kayu Anda dengan sabun atau produk berminyak. Jika Anda telah dicuci lantai Anda tidak cukup, residu berminyak akan terbentuk di permukaan. Sementara ini akan memperlambat proses Genius Murni, yakinlah bahwa itu akan kembali ke kapasitas penuh setelah residu yang telah dihapus.
Produk apa saja yang tersedia dengan GENIUS PURE?
Ada dua seri kayu Lauzon baru Organik dan Authentik yang datang standar dengan teknologi GENIUS PURE. Sebuah pilihan besar produk dalam Designer dan Ambiance kayu koleksi juga tersedia dengan GENIUS MURNI sebagai pilihan.
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