n essence, creative drama is dramatic activities which have the experi terjemahan - n essence, creative drama is dramatic activities which have the experi Melayu Bagaimana mengatakan

n essence, creative drama is dramat

n essence, creative drama is dramatic
activities which hav
e the experience of
the participants as the goal. This differs fr
om theatre classes in which preparation
for a performance is the objective. Creative drama is usually reserved for children
four to nine years old - ages or st
ages of development when participants can
benefit from dramatic experie
nce if there is no pressure to perform. Creative
drama can include dr
amatic play, story enactment, im
agination journeys, theatre
games, music, and dance. "Let's pretend"
is the norm in creative drama class,
not just a child's game. Because the
emphasis in creative
drama is process
rather than product, teachers
have the freedom to take as much time as needed
with their classes. When a student in a cr
eative drama class prefers to watch
instead of participate, because of shyness
or fear, a teacher can allow it. The
teacher can become a participant and let t
he children lead the activities rather
than being guided through them
. Creative drama can hel
p children learn about
emotions, problem solving, and rela
ting to other people. Through their
experiences with drama, students dev
elop their imaginations and their
confidence. One of the most special things
about creative drama
is that there are
no "wrong" answers - through pretending, animals can talk, kids can travel to
outer space or the jungle,
and the sky can be green while the grass is blue.
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Hasil (Melayu) 1: [Salinan]
n essence, creative drama is dramatic activities which have the experience of the participants as the goal. This differs from theatre classes in which preparation for a performance is the objective. Creative drama is usually reserved for children four to nine years old - ages or stages of development when participants can benefit from dramatic experience if there is no pressure to perform. Creative drama can include dramatic play, story enactment, imagination journeys, theatre games, music, and dance. "Let's pretend" is the norm in creative drama class, not just a child's game. Because the emphasis in creative drama is process rather than product, teachers have the freedom to take as much time as needed with their classes. When a student in a creative drama class prefers to watch instead of participate, because of shyness or fear, a teacher can allow it. The teacher can become a participant and let the children lead the activities rather than being guided through them. Creative drama can help children learn about emotions, problem solving, and relating to other people. Through their experiences with drama, students develop their imaginations and their confidence. One of the most special things about creative drama is that there are no "wrong" answers - through pretending, animals can talk, kids can travel to outer space or the jungle, and the sky can be green while the grass is blue.
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Hasil (Melayu) 2:[Salinan]
n dasarnya, drama kreatif adalah dramatik
aktiviti-aktiviti yang hav
e pengalaman
peserta sebagai matlamat. Ini berbeza fr
kelas teater om di mana persediaan
untuk persembahan adalah objektif. Drama kreatif biasanya dikhaskan untuk kanak-kanak
berusia empat hingga sembilan tahun - umur atau st
umur pembangunan apabila peserta boleh
mendapat manfaat daripada dramatik experie
nce jika tidak ada tekanan untuk melaksanakan. Creative
drama boleh termasuk dr
Amatic bermain, cerita enakmen, im
perjalanan agination, teater
permainan, muzik, dan tarian. "Mari kita berpura-pura"
adalah perkara biasa di dalam kelas drama kreatif,
permainan bukan sahaja kanak-kanak. Oleh kerana
penekanan dalam kreatif
drama adalah proses
dan bukan produk, guru
mempunyai kebebasan untuk mengambil seberapa banyak masa yang diperlukan
dengan kelas mereka. Apabila seorang pelajar di sebuah cr
kelas drama eative lebih suka menonton
dan bukannya mengambil bahagian, kerana malu
atau takut, guru boleh membenarkan ia. The
guru boleh menjadi peserta dan biarkan t
dia kanak-kanak membawa aktiviti-aktiviti dan bukan
daripada orang yang mendapat hidayah melalui mereka
. Drama kreatif boleh hel
p kanak-kanak belajar mengenai
emosi, penyelesaian masalah, dan rela
ting kepada orang lain. Melalui mereka
pengalaman dengan drama, pelajar Dev
Elop imaginasi mereka dan mereka
yakin. Salah satu perkara yang paling istimewa
mengenai drama kreatif
adalah bahawa terdapat
tidak "salah" jawapan - melalui berpura-pura, haiwan boleh bercakap, kanak-kanak boleh melakukan perjalanan ke
luar angkasa atau hutan,
dan langit boleh menjadi hijau manakala rumput biru.
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