How­ever, for the ad­mis­sion ticket of doing right by ob­serv­ing pla terjemahan - How­ever, for the ad­mis­sion ticket of doing right by ob­serv­ing pla Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

How­ever, for the ad­mis­sion ticke

How­ever, for the ad­mis­sion ticket of doing right by ob­serv­ing player on the scene, must gain some at­tack in­te­grals, there­fore con­tin­ued to fire off fol­low­ing two, 2 V 2 con­tin­ued to sweep away, rolls the war also by 2 : 0 to de­feat the Prague Team, total score 10 : 1 has de­feated our match.
Goes out of the com­pe­ti­tion room, on out­side large screen was reap­pear­ing the list of four-na­tion tour­na­ment
Q Sword team VS Fang Geque team
Jian Feng Han team VS Xiao Yao Zi Zai team
Final Chi­nese con­test area final cham­pion will pro­duce in these four teams, first 3 will ob­tain hero's the qual­i­fy­ing of wing world final, this was too pre­cious, is a huge great honor, can win hero's wing gold cup not to be unim­por­tant, can at­tend the global final, this ex­plained al­ready very NX.
How­ever, flies to get on the stage to an­nounce, mid­day feast Cooldown, after the fol­low­ing 4 most splen­did com­pe­ti­tions will keep 2 : 00 pm , car­ries on again, makes these 4 the team of Lien Chan se­ries of suc­cesses ob­tain cer­tain rest Cooldown, every­body was also tired.
Breaks up, on player chan­nel, a troop per­son takes the back­pack to go to the hotel room.
Li Mu touches the nose, said: „It seems like, our types one round the team, is mixes the air­plane ticket and five-star hotel lives, thinks that is re­ally a lit­tle sad”
Song Han said: „Is, but Wang Jian this fel­low is dif­fer­ent, it is said that he also mixes to a girl­friend”
Wang Jian is awk­ward: „Did not have”
In this time, dis­tant place hall, a girl is wear­ing the red coat to stand there, es­pe­cially hot has been blow­ing the whistling to us, raises the arm to say with a smile: „Xiao Yao Zi Zai, gen­eral Wang Jian!”
I looked at the past, last night was bind­ing the beau­ti­ful woman of small tutu in that the pool club saw, the star mark in game.
Lin Wan Er is stunned: „Pig head, how does that girl know you?”
I trace the back of the head: „I en­tered the four-na­tion tour­na­ment, sev­eral peo­ple have not known Xiao Yao Zi Zai, more­over Wan Er should not be jeal­ous, she was Wang Jian Kan­shang per­son”
„, Had un­der­stood” she cracks into a chuckle: „Wang Jian, the vi­sion is good”
Wang Jian Gengjia was awk­ward.
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
How­ever, for the ad­mis­sion ticket of doing right by ob­serv­ing player on the scene, must gain some at­tack in­te­grals, there­fore con­tin­ued to fire off fol­low­ing two, 2 V 2 con­tin­ued to sweep away, rolls the war also by 2 : 0 to de­feat the Prague Team, total score 10 : 1 has de­feated our match.Goes out of the com­pe­ti­tion room, on out­side large screen was reap­pear­ing the list of four-na­tion tour­na­mentQ Sword team VS Fang Geque teamJian Feng Han team VS Xiao Yao Zi Zai teamFinal Chi­nese con­test area final cham­pion will pro­duce in these four teams, first 3 will ob­tain hero's the qual­i­fy­ing of wing world final, this was too pre­cious, is a huge great honor, can win hero's wing gold cup not to be unim­por­tant, can at­tend the global final, this ex­plained al­ready very NX.How­ever, flies to get on the stage to an­nounce, mid­day feast Cooldown, after the fol­low­ing 4 most splen­did com­pe­ti­tions will keep 2 : 00 pm , car­ries on again, makes these 4 the team of Lien Chan se­ries of suc­cesses ob­tain cer­tain rest Cooldown, every­body was also tired.Breaks up, on player chan­nel, a troop per­son takes the back­pack to go to the hotel room.Li Mu touches the nose, said: „It seems like, our types one round the team, is mixes the air­plane ticket and five-star hotel lives, thinks that is re­ally a lit­tle sad”Song Han said: „Is, but Wang Jian this fel­low is dif­fer­ent, it is said that he also mixes to a girl­friend”Wang Jian is awk­ward: „Did not have”In this time, dis­tant place hall, a girl is wear­ing the red coat to stand there, es­pe­cially hot has been blow­ing the whistling to us, raises the arm to say with a smile: „Xiao Yao Zi Zai, gen­eral Wang Jian!”I looked at the past, last night was bind­ing the beau­ti­ful woman of small tutu in that the pool club saw, the star mark in game.Lin Wan Er is stunned: „Pig head, how does that girl know you?”I trace the back of the head: „I en­tered the four-na­tion tour­na­ment, sev­eral peo­ple have not known Xiao Yao Zi Zai, more­over Wan Er should not be jeal­ous, she was Wang Jian Kan­shang per­son”„, Had un­der­stood” she cracks into a chuckle: „Wang Jian, the vi­sion is good”Wang Jian Gengjia was awk­ward.
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 2:[Salinan]
Namun, untuk tiket masuk dari melakukan hal yang benar dengan mengamati pemain di tempat kejadian, harus mendapatkan beberapa integral serangan, karena itu terus menembakkan dua berikut, 2 V 2 terus menyapu, gulungan perang juga oleh 2: 0 untuk mengalahkan Praha tim, skor total 10: 1 telah mengalahkan pertandingan kami.
Goes keluar dari ruang kompetisi, di layar besar di luar itu muncul kembali daftar empat negara turnamen
tim Q Sword tim VS Fang Geque
tim Jian Feng Han tim VS Xiao Yao Zi Zai
Akhir daerah kontes Cina juara akhir akan menghasilkan empat tim ini, pertama 3 akan mendapatkan pahlawan kualifikasi dari akhir dunia sayap, ini terlalu berharga, adalah kehormatan besar besar, bisa menang sayap cangkir emas pahlawan tidak menjadi penting, dapat menghadiri global akhir, ini menjelaskan sudah sangat NX.
Namun, lalat untuk mendapatkan di panggung untuk mengumumkan, tengah hari raya Pendinginan, setelah mengikuti 4 kompetisi paling indah akan tetap 2: 12:00, membawa lagi, membuat 4 ini tim dari seri Lien Chan . keberhasilan memperoleh Cooldown sisanya tertentu, semua orang juga lelah
. Breaks up, pada saluran pemain, orang pasukan mengambil ransel untuk pergi ke kamar hotel
Li Mu menyentuh hidung, mengatakan: "sepertinya, jenis kami satu putaran tim, adalah mencampur tiket pesawat dan lima bintang kehidupan Hotel, berpikir yang benar-benar agak sedih "
Lagu Han mengatakan:" Apakah, tapi Wang Jian orang ini berbeda, dikatakan bahwa ia juga mencampur ke pacar "
Wang Jian canggung: "tidak punya"
saat ini, jauh tempat aula, seorang gadis mengenakan mantel merah berdiri di sana, terutama panas telah meniup bersiul kepada kami, menimbulkan lengan untuk mengatakan dengan tersenyum: "Xiao Yao Zi ! Zai, umum Wang Jian "
saya melihat masa lalu, tadi malam telah mengikat wanita cantik dari tutu kecil di bahwa klub kolam renang melihat, tanda bintang dalam permainan.
Lin Wan Er tertegun:" kepala Babi, bagaimana gadis itu tahu Anda "?
aku melacak belakang kepala:" aku memasuki turnamen empat negara, beberapa orang tidak dikenal Xiao Yao Zi Zai, apalagi Wan Er tidak harus cemburu, ia Wang Jian Kanshang orang "
", Seandainya dipahami "dia retak menjadi tertawa:" Wang Jian, visi yang baik "
Wang Jian Gengjia canggung.
Sedang diterjemahkan, harap tunggu..
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